Please enter the search related information in the fields below. Partial information works, e.g. "SP-21" in the "tdoc" field lists all TSG SA documents from 2021. Regular expressions mostly work in all fields (e.g. "2[34].501" in the "Spec" field lists all documents related to 23.501 and 24.501. Capitalization is disregarded, i.e. "3GPP" gives the same results as "3gpp".

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tdoc Title Type / Revs Source Spec / CR S/WID Release Meeting Status Links
CP-203239 Invitation to IEGs to re-engage in Step 4 evaluation of the “ETSI (TC DECT) and DECT Forum Proponent” and of the “Nufront Proponent” candidate technology submissions for IMT-2020 under the ‘Way Forward’ Option 2 exceptional basis IMT-2020 process extension LS in

source LS: 5D_TD_201r1_Invite

LS To: 5G Infrastructure Association; ATIS WTSC IMT-2020 Evaluation Group; ChEG Chinese Evaluation Group; Canadian Evaluation Group; Wireless World Research Forum; Telecom Centres of Excellence, India; The Fifth Generation Mobile Communications Promotion Forum, Japan; TTA 5G Technology Evaluation Special Project Group; Trans-Pacific Evaluation Group; ETSI Evaluation Group; 5G India Forum; Africa Evaluation Group; Beijing National Research Center for Information Science and Technology (Bnrist EG); Chinese Industry and Research Alliance of Telecommunications (CIRAT)

ITU Working Party 5D CP-90-e

AI: 4.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]

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