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UID Acronym Name Rel Groups % WI-tdoc Rapporteur links
1050110FS_6G_REQStudy on 6G Use Cases and Service Requirements Rel-20S125%SP-241391Xiaonan Shi, China Mobile[JSN]
1030044FS_EnergyServ_Ph2Study on Energy Efficiency as Service Criteria Phase 2 Rel-20S1100%SP-240494Laurent-WalterGoix, Nokia [JSN]
1070051EnergyServ_Ph2-REQStage 1 for Energy Efficiency as Service Criteria Phase 2 Rel-20S10%SP-250271Laurent-Walter Goix, Nokia [JSN]
1050034FS_SEAL_Ph4Study on Service Enabler Architecture Layer (SEAL) Phase 4Rel-19S640%SP-241375Yang, Yanmei, Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd. [JSN]
1070025FS_MCLOG_Ph2Logging and recording of mission critical services, Phase 2 Rel-20S60%SP-250185Vialen, Jukka, Airbus [JSN]
1070024FS_MCDISC_Ph2Discreet listening and monitoring of mission critical services, Phase 2 Rel-20S60%SP-250184Vialen, Jukka, Airbus [JSN]
1070026FS_XRM_Ph3_APPApplication enabler for XR Services Phase 3 Rel-20S60%SP-250186Zheng, Shaowen, CMCC [JSN]
1070029FS_AIML_App_Ph2Application enablement for AI/ML service Phase 2 Rel-20S60%SP-250189Pateromichelakis, Emmanouil (Manos), [JSN]
1070030MultiHop-MCStage 2 for Mission Critical Services for UE-to-UE and UE-to-Network over multi-hop relay Rel-20S60%SP-250190Lipford, Mark, FirstNet Authority, [JSN]
1070032enhMC_Ph2-MCStage 2 for Enhanced Mission Critical Services Architecture Phase 2 Rel-20S60%SP-250192Negalaguli, Harish, Motorola Solutions, [JSN]
1070033Metaverse_Ph2-APPStage 2 for application enablement for mobile metaverse services Phase 2 Rel-20S60%SP-250193Arunprasath Ramamoorthy [JSN]
1070031FRMCS_Ph6-MCStage 2 for Railways specific Enhancements to Mission Critical Services Phase 6 Rel-20S60%SP-250191Oettl, Martin, Nokia, [JSN]
1070053ALPR-REQStage 1 for Ambient listening enhancements including pause and resume in MCS Rel-20S1100%SP-250275S. (Ram) Ramanan [JSN]
1050109LegacyRG_5GLANLegacy Residential Gateway Supporting 5G LAN-type Service Rel-20S1100%SP-241151Yuying Zhang, China Telecom [JSN]
1020060EnergyServEnergy Efficiency as Service Criteria Rel-1977%SP-230520Xiaonan Shi, CMCC [JSN]
960019FS_EnergyServ Study on Energy Efficiency as service criteria Rel-19S1100%SP-230235Xiaonan Shi, CMCC [JSN]
1000033EnergyServ Stage 1 of Energy Efficiency as Service Criteria Rel-19S1100%SP-230520Xiaonan Shi, CMCC [JSN]
1020021FS_Energy_OAM_Ph3 Study on energy efficiency and energy saving aspects of 5G networks and services Rel-19S5100%SP-241568Jean-Michel Cornily (Huawei)[JSN]
1060007Energy_OAM_Ph3 Energy efficiency and energy saving aspects of 5G networks and services Rel-19S520%SP-241940Jean-Michel Cornily (Huawei)[JSN]
1050044AIML_AppApplication enablement for AI/ML services Rel-1938%SP-241008Pateromichelakis, Emmanouil (Manos), [JSN]
1040075AIML_App Stage 2 of Application enablement for AI/ML services Rel-19S6100%SP-241008Pateromichelakis, Emmanouil (Manos), [JSN]
1050024AIML_App CT aspects of Application enablement for AI/ML services Rel-1925%CP-243310Atarius, Roozbeh (Lenovo)[JSN]
1050045AIML_App CT1 aspects of Application enablement for AI/ML services Rel-19C130%CP-243310Atarius, Roozbeh (Lenovo)[JSN]
1050046AIML_App CT3 aspects of Application enablement for AI/ML services Rel-19C320%CP-243310Atarius, Roozbeh (Lenovo)[JSN]
1010005FS_AIMLAPPStudy on application layer support for AI/ML services Rel-19S6100%SP-231182Pateromichelakis, Emmanouil (Manos) [JSN]
1030031FS_Ambient_IoT_SecStudy on Security Aspect of Ambient IoT Services in 5G Rel-19S375%SP-240506Marcus Wong, [JSN]
1070022Ambient_IoT-SECSecurity Aspects of Ambient IoT Services in 5G Rel-19S30%SP-250077[JSN]
1020053FS_5GSAT_Ph3_App Study on application enablement for Satellite access enabled 5G Services Rel-19S6100%SP-240296Basavaraj (Basu) Pattan, Samsung [JSN]
1020056MetaverseLocalized Mobile Metaverse Services Rel-1970%SP-230509Guttman, Erik, Samsung [JSN]
950005FS_Metaverse Study on Localized Mobile Metaverse Services Rel-19S1100%SP-220353Guttman, Erik, Samsung [JSN]
1000028Metaverse Stage 1 of Localized Mobile Metaverse Services Rel-19S1100%SP-230509Guttman, Erik, Samsung [JSN]
1040076Metaverse_App Application enablement for mobile metaverse services Rel-19S6100%SP-241390Shah, Sapan, Samsung [JSN]
1020052FS_Metaverse_App Study on application enablement for Localized Mobile Metaverse Services Rel-19S6100%SP-231806Shah, Sapan, Samsung [JSN]
1030039FS_Metaverse_Sec Study on security aspects of 5G Mobile Metaverse services Rel-19S379%SP-240508Rohini Rajendran, [JSN]
1050025Metaverse_App CT aspects of Application enablement for mobile metaverse services Rel-1925%CP-243309Vijay Sangameshwara, Samsung[JSN]
1050060Metaverse_App CT1 aspects of Application enablement for mobile metaverse services Rel-19C125%CP-243309Vijay Sangameshwara, Samsung[JSN]
1050061Metaverse_App CT3 aspects of Application enablement for mobile metaverse services Rel-19C325%CP-243309Vijay Sangameshwara, Samsung[JSN]
1060060Metaverse_Sec Security aspects of 5G Mobile Metaverse services Rel-19S30%SP-241775Rohini Rajendran, [JSN]
990052XRMobility Supporting UE Mobility for XR Services Rel-19S1100%SP-230233Xiaonan Shi, ChinaMobile [JSN]
1010032FS_XRM_Ph2 Study on Extended Reality and Media service (XRM) Phase 2 Rel-19S2100%SP-231671Primary Rapporteur: Devaki Chandramouli (Nokia) [JSN]
1040032XRM_Ph2 Extended Reality and Media service (XRM) Phase 2 Rel-19S2100%SP-241385Georgios Gkellas (Nokia), [JSN]
1060027XRM_Ph2 CT aspects of Extended Reality and Media service (XRM) Phase 2 Rel-1953%CP-243075Ravindran, Parthasarathi, Nokia[JSN]
1060035XRM_Ph2 CT1 aspects of Extended Reality and Media service (XRM) Phase 2 Rel-19C180%CP-243075Ravindran, Parthasarathi, Nokia[JSN]
1060036XRM_Ph2 CT3 aspects of Extended Reality and Media service (XRM) Phase 2 Rel-19C330%CP-243075Ravindran, Parthasarathi, Nokia[JSN]
1060037XRM_Ph2 CT4 aspects of Extended Reality and Media service (XRM) Phase 2 Rel-19C450%CP-243075Ravindran, Parthasarathi, Nokia[JSN]
1020051FS_XRApp Study on Application enabler for XR Services Rel-19S6100%SP-2315739Zheng, Shaowen, CMCC [JSN]
1040074XRM_Ph2_App Application enablement for XRM Services Phase 2 Rel-19S6100%SP-241207Zheng, Shaowen, CMCC [JSN]
1060024XRM_Ph2_App CT aspects of Application enablement for XRM Services Phase 2 Rel-1915%CP-243072Zhenning, Huang, China Mobile[JSN]
1060038XRM_Ph2_App CT1 aspects of Application enablement for XRM Services Phase 2 Rel-19C10%CP-243072Zhenning, Huang, China Mobile[JSN]
1060039XRM_Ph2_App CT3 aspects of Application enablement for XRM Services Phase 2 Rel-19C330%CP-243072Zhenning, Huang, China Mobile[JSN]
1030046Roaming Value-Added Services Rel-1996%[JSN]
960015FS_RVAS Study on roaming value added services Rel-19S1100%SP-220442Peter Bleckert, Ericsson [JSN]
990051RVAS Roaming Value-Added Services Rel-19S1100%SP-230231Peter Bleckert, Ericsson [JSN]
1030013TEI19_RVAS Architecture support of roaming value-added services Rel-19S2100%SP-240119Qian Chen, Ericsson, [JSN]
1050002TEI19_RVAS CT aspects of Architecture support of roaming value-added services Rel-1995%CP-242022Frank Yong, Yang, Ericsson[JSN]
1050087TEI19_RVAS CT3 aspects of Architecture support of roaming value-added services Rel-19C390%CP-242022Frank Yong, Yang, Ericsson[JSN]
1050088TEI19_RVAS CT4 aspects of Architecture support of roaming value-added services Rel-19C499%CP-242022Frank Yong, Yang, Ericsson[JSN]
1050113ATIAS_Ph2Terminal Audio quality performance and Test methods for Immersive Audio Services, Phase 2 Rel-19S425%SP-241314Jan Reimes, HEAD acoustics GmbH, [JSN]
1040022FS_ARSpatialStudy on Spatial Computing for AR Services Rel-19S445%SP-240927Hamza, Ahmed, InterDigital Canada [JSN]
1040021IVAS_Codec_Ph2EVS Codec Extension for Immersive Voice and Audio Services, Phase 2 Rel-19S435%SP-241000Su, Huan-yu, Huawei Technologies Co Ltd., [JSN]
1040020FS_HapticsMediaStudy on Haptics in 5G Media Services Rel-19S4100%SP-241121Gaƫlle Martin-Cocher, InterDigital [JSN]
1060009MExpoEnhanced OAM for management service exposure to external consumers through CAPIF Rel-19S515%SP-241942Winnie Nakimuli (Nokia) [JSN]
1050126NR_mmWave_protectmmWave in NR: UE spurious emissions and EESS (Earth Exploration Satellite Service) protection Rel-1980%RP-242611China Unicom [JSN]
1051126NR_mmWave_protect-Core Core part: mmWave in NR: UE spurious emissions and EESS (Earth Exploration Satellite Service) protection Rel-19R480%RP-242611China Unicom [JSN]
1052126NR_mmWave_protect-Perf Perf. part: mmWave in NR: UE spurious emissions and EESS (Earth Exploration Satellite Service) protection Rel-19R480%RP-242611China Unicom [JSN]
1070044TEI19_ADAESRel-19 Application Data Analytics Enablement Service Rel-190%SP-241695Yue, Jing, Ericsson [JSN]
1060068TEI19_ADAES Stage 2 of Rel-19 Application Data Analytics Enablement Service Rel-19S60%SP-241695Yue, Jing, Ericsson [JSN]
1070004TEI19_ADAES CT aspects of Rel-19 Application Data Analytics Enablement Service Rel-19C30%CP-250074Pastushok, Igor, Ericsson[JSN]
1070045TEI19_ADAES CT3 aspects of Rel-19 Application Data Analytics Enablement Service Rel-19C30%CP-250074Pastushok, Igor, Ericsson[JSN]
1070046TEI19_MVOSNSMSISDN verification operation support to Nnef_UEId Service Rel-1986%SP-241498Rohit Abhishek (AT&T) [JSN]
1060028TEI19_MVOSNS Stage 2 of MSISDN verification operation support to Nnef_UEId Service Rel-19S20%SP-241498Rohit Abhishek (AT&T) [JSN]
1070007TEI19_MVOSNS CT aspects of MSISDN verification operation support to Nnef_UEId Service Rel-19C390%CP-250077Shahram Mohajeri, AT&T[JSN]
1070047TEI19_MVOSNS CT3 aspects of MSISDN verification operation support to Nnef_UEId Service Rel-19C390%CP-250077Shahram Mohajeri, AT&T[JSN]
1070041TEI19_SliceSelNetwork Controlled Network Slice Selection Rel-1954%SP-241502Saito, Koji, KDDI [JSN]
1060030TEI19_SliceSel Stage 2 of Network Controlled Network Slice Selection Rel-19S20%SP-241502Saito, Koji, KDDI [JSN]
1070003TEI19_SliceSel CT aspects of Network Controlled Network Slice Selection Rel-19C355%CP-250073Xiaojian Yan, ZTE[JSN]
1070042TEI19_SliceSel CT3 aspects of Network Controlled Network Slice Selection Rel-19C330%CP-250073Xiaojian Yan, ZTE[JSN]
1070043TEI19_SliceSel CT4 aspects of Network Controlled Network Slice Selection Rel-19C480%CP-250073Xiaojian Yan, ZTE[JSN]
1050122LCS_NAVIC_L1_SPS_NR_LTEIntroduction of A-GNSS support for NavIC (Navigation with Indian Constellation) L1 SPS (Standard Positioning Service) in NR & LTE Rel-1941%RP-243247Reliance Jio [JSN]
1051122LCS_NAVIC_L1_SPS_NR_LTE-Core Core part: Introduction of A-GNSS support for NavIC (Navigation with Indian Constellation) L1 SPS (Standard Positioning Service) in NR & LTE Rel-19R280%RP-243247Reliance Jio [JSN]
1052122LCS_NAVIC_L1_SPS_NR_LTE-Perf Perf. part: Introduction of A-GNSS support for NavIC (Navigation with Indian Constellation) L1 SPS (Standard Positioning Service) in NR & LTE Rel-19R40%RP-243247Reliance Jio [JSN]
1040071FS_Generic_IOPSStudy on MC services support on IOPS mode of operation for 5G Rel-19S6100%SP-241017FirstNet, Mark Lipford [JSN]
1050036Generic_IOPSMC services for generic support on IOPS mode of operationRel-19S6100%SP-241382FirstNet, Mark Lipford [JSN]
1050066NG_RTC_Ph2System architecture for Next Generation Real time Communication services Phase 2 Rel-1953%SP-240985Yi Jiang, China Mobile [JSN]
1010030FS_NG_RTC_Ph2 Study on system architecture for next generation real time communication services phase 2 Rel-19S2100%SP-231196Yi Jiang (China Mobile) [JSN]
1040016FS_NG_RTC_Ph2_CH Study on Charging aspects of next generation real time communication services phase 2 Rel-19S5100%SP-240982Chen Ai, China Mobile [JSN]
1040026NG_RTC_Ph2 Stage 2 of System architecture for Next Generation Real time Communication services Phase 2 Rel-19S298%SP-241384Yi Jiang, China Mobile [JSN]
1050022NG_RTC_Ph2 CT aspects of System architecture for Next Generation Real time Communication services Phase 2 Rel-19C137%CP-242250Chen Xu, China Mobile[JSN]
1050067NG_RTC_Ph2 CT1 aspects of System architecture for Next Generation Real time Communication services Phase 2 Rel-19C140%CP-242250Chen Xu, China Mobile[JSN]
1050068NG_RTC_Ph2 CT3 aspects of System architecture for Next Generation Real time Communication services Phase 2 Rel-19C350%CP-242250Chen Xu, China Mobile[JSN]
1050069NG_RTC_Ph2 CT4 aspects of System architecture for Next Generation Real time Communication services Phase 2 Rel-19C460%CP-242250Chen Xu, China Mobile[JSN]
1050070NG_RTC_Ph2 CT6 aspects of System architecture for Next Generation Real time Communication services Phase 2 Rel-19C60%CP-242250Chen Xu, China Mobile[JSN]
1070016NG_RTC_Ph2_CH Charging aspects of next generation real time communication services phase 2 Rel-19S50%SP-250119[JSN]
1010022EdgeOpNeedsEdge Computing Considering the Operational Needs of Service Hosting Environment Rel-19S1100%SP-231037Yuying Zhang, China Telecom [JSN]
10501155G_ProSe_Ph3Proximity-based Services in 5GS Phase 3 Rel-19S174%SP-231037Hugh Shieh (AT&T) [JSN]
1020066FS_5G_ProSe_Ph3 Study on Proximity-based Services in 5GS Phase 3 Rel-19S2100%SP-231798Hugh Shieh (AT&T) [JSN]
10400305G_ProSe_Ph3 Proximity-based Services in 5GS Phase 3 Rel-19S2100%SP-240988Nassima Toumi (KPN N.V.)[JSN]
10500235G_ProSe_Ph3 CT aspects of Proximity-based Services in 5GS Phase 3 Rel-19C157%CP-243266Zhao, Xiaoxue (CATT)[JSN]
10500385G_ProSe_Ph3 CT1 aspects of Proximity-based Services in 5GS Phase 3 Rel-19C170%CP-243266Zhao, Xiaoxue (CATT)[JSN]
10501165G_ProSe_Ph3 CT3 aspects of Proximity-based Services in 5GS Phase 3 Rel-19C380%CP-243266Zhao, Xiaoxue (CATT)[JSN]
10500395G_ProSe_Ph3 CT4 aspects of Proximity-based Services in 5GS Phase 3 Rel-19C480%CP-243266Zhao, Xiaoxue (CATT)[JSN]
10500405G_ProSe_Ph3 CT6 aspects of Proximity-based Services in 5GS Phase 3 Rel-19C60%CP-243266Zhao, Xiaoxue (CATT)[JSN]
10600575G_ProSe_Sec_Ph3 Security Aspects of Proximity Based Services in 5GS Phase 3 Rel-19S395%SP-241956Primary Rapporteur: Ao Lei (Huawei) [JSN]
1030034FS_5G_ProSe_Ph3_SECStudy on Security Aspects of Enhancement for Proximity Based Services in 5GS Phase 3 Rel-19S3100%SP-240513Lei, Ao (Huawei) [JSN]
1050093UIA_ARCIdentifying non-3GPP Devices Connecting behind a UE or 5G-RGRel-19S275%SP-240971Michael Starsinic, Interdigital[JSN]
1040085UIA_ARC Stage 2 of Identifying non-3GPP Devices Connecting behind a UE or 5G-RGRel-19S2100%SP-240971Michael Starsinic, Interdigital[JSN]
1050009UIA_ARC CT aspects of Identifying non-3GPP Devices Connecting behind a UE or 5G-RGRel-19C465%CP-242029Sethi, Anuj, InterDigital[JSN]
1050094UIA_ARC CT1 aspects of Identifying non-3GPP Devices Connecting behind a UE or 5G-RGRel-19C130%CP-242029Sethi, Anuj, InterDigital[JSN]
1050095UIA_ARC CT3 aspects of Identifying non-3GPP Devices Connecting behind a UE or 5G-RGRel-19C375%CP-242029Sethi, Anuj, InterDigital[JSN]
1050096UIA_ARC CT4 aspects of Identifying non-3GPP Devices Connecting behind a UE or 5G-RGRel-19C490%CP-242029Sethi, Anuj, InterDigital[JSN]
1000038FRMCS_Ph5 Stage 2 of Railways specific Enhancements to Mission Critical Services Rel-19S6100%SP-230780Oettl, Martin, Nokia, [JSN]
1050018FRMCS_Ph5 CT aspects of Railways specific Enhancements to Mission Critical Services Rel-19C120%CP-242102Won, Sung Hwan, Nokia[JSN]
1050103FRMCS_Ph5 CT1 aspects of Railways specific Enhancements to Mission Critical Services Rel-19C120%CP-242102Won, Sung Hwan, Nokia[JSN]
850044FS_RAILSSStudy on Supporting of Railway Smart Station Services Rel-19S1100%SP-190838Han, Andrew Min-gyu, Hansung University [JSN]
960020FS_SOBOTStudy on Network of Service Robots with Ambient Intelligence Rel-19S1100%SP-220447LEE, Ki-Dong, LG Electronics [JSN]
990049IMSDCDataOffPS Data Off for IMS Data Channel Service Rel-19S1100%SP-230227Yue Hu, China Mobile [JSN]
970043DTT4MBSInterworking of Non-3GPP Digital Terrestrial Broadcast Networks with 5GS Multicast Broadcast Services Rel-19S1100%SP-220941Saha, Anindya, Saankhya Labs [JSN]
1040083MPS4msgMPS for Messaging services Rel-1992%SP-220939Singh, Ray, Peraton Labs [JSN]
970042MPS4msg (stage 1 of) MPS for Messaging services Rel-19S1100%SP-220939Singh, Ray, Peraton Labs [JSN]
1040029MPS4msg (stage 2 of) MPS for IMS Messaging and SMS services Rel-19S2100%SP-240987Robert Streijl (Peraton Labs), [JSN]
1010031FS_MPS4msg Study on MPS for IMS Messaging and SMS services Rel-19S2100%SP-231197Robert Streijl (Peraton Labs) [JSN]
1050007MPS4msg CT aspects of MPS for IMS Messaging and SMS services Rel-19C490%CP-243047Monnes, Peter (Peraton Labs)[JSN]
1050063MPS4msg CT1 aspects of MPS for IMS Messaging and SMS services Rel-19C190%CP-243047Monnes, Peter (Peraton Labs)[JSN]
1050064MPS4msg CT3 aspects of MPS for IMS Messaging and SMS services Rel-19C390%CP-243047Monnes, Peter (Peraton Labs)[JSN]
1050065MPS4msg CT4 aspects of MPS for IMS Messaging and SMS services Rel-19C490%CP-243047Monnes, Peter (Peraton Labs)[JSN]
1050104MINT_Ph2Minimization of Service Interruption During Core Network Failure Phase 2 Rel-19S192%SP-220992Yinglin Chen, China Telecom [JSN]
970041MINT_Ph2 Stage 2 of Minimization of Service Interruption During Core Network Failure Phase 2 Rel-19S1100%SP-220992Yinglin Chen, China Telecom [JSN]
980008FS_DaCEDStudy on Diverse audio Capturing system for End-user Devices Rel-19S4100%SP-221330Wang Bin, Xiaomi [JSN]
1000034FS_eMMTelAPPStudy on Service aspects for supporting the eMMTel service Rel-19S6100%SP-230779Liu, Yue, China Mobile [JSN]
1050053eLSAPPEnhanced application layer support for location services Rel-19S685%SP-241005Liping Wu, CATT [JSN]
1000035FS_eLSAPP Study on enhanced application layer support for location services Rel-19S6100%SP-230778Liping Wu, CATT [JSN]
1040072eLSAPP Stage 2 of Enhanced application layer support for location services Rel-19S6100%SP-241005Liping Wu, CATT [JSN]
1050015eLSAPP CT aspects of Enhanced application layer support for location services Rel-19C373%CP-242064Wang, Baixiao (CATT)[JSN]
1050054eLSAPP CT1 aspects of Enhanced application layer support for location services Rel-19C160%CP-242064Wang, Baixiao (CATT)[JSN]
1050055eLSAPP CT3 aspects of Enhanced application layer support for location services Rel-19C385%CP-242064Wang, Baixiao (CATT)[JSN]
1000036MCShACSharing of administrative configuration between interconnected MC service systems [JSN]
10600515GMARCH_Ph35GMSG Service phase 3 Rel-19S675%SP-230781Liu, Yue, China Mobile, [JSN]
10000375GMARCH_Ph3 5GMSG Service phase 3 Rel-19S6100%SP-230781Liu, Yue, China Mobile, [JSN]
10600195GMARCH_Ph3 CT aspects for enabling MSGin5G Service phase 3Rel-19C123%CP-243258Liu, Yue, China Mobile[JSN]
10600525GMARCH_Ph3 CT1 aspects for enabling MSGin5G Service phase 3Rel-19C130%CP-243258Liu, Yue, China Mobile[JSN]
10600535GMARCH_Ph3 CT3 aspects for enabling MSGin5G Service phase 3Rel-19C315%CP-243258Liu, Yue, China Mobile[JSN]
10300305GMARCH_SEC_Ph3 Security aspects for MSGin5G Service Phase 3 Rel-19S3100%SP-240516Xiaoting Huang, [JSN]
1010011SCAS_5G_SMSF5G Security Assurance Specification (SCAS) for the Short Message Service Function (SMSF) Rel-19S3100%SP-231158Manjesh K. Hanawal, IIT Bombay[JSN]
1020038FS_NG_RTC_SEC_Ph2Study on the security support for the Next Generation Real Time Communication services phase 2 Rel-19S380%SP-240233Vlasios Tsiatsis [JSN]
1060063NG_RTC_SEC_Ph2Security support for the Next Generation Real Time Communication services Phase 2 Rel-19S30%SP-241778Vlasios Tsiatsis, Ericsson [JSN]
1060066ACME_SBAAutomatic Certificate Management Environment (ACME) for the Service Based Architecture (SBA) Rel-19S355%SP-241960Charles Eckel (Cisco)[JSN]
1060006SBMA_Ph3Service Based Management Architecture enhancement phase 3 Rel-19S540%SP-241939Kai Zhang (Huawei)[JSN]
1020008FS_IDMS_MN_Ph3Study on intent driven management services for mobile network phase 3 Rel-19S5100%SP-231737Ruiyue Xu (Huawei) [JSN]
1060013IDMS_MN_Ph3Intent driven management services for mobile network phase 3 Rel-19S565%SP-241946Ruiyue Xu (Huawei)[JSN]
1020011FS_SBMA_Ph3Study on Service Based Management Architecture enhancement phase 3 Rel-19S5100%SP-241569Kai Zhang (Huawei) [JSN]
1000019FS_AVATARStudy of Avatars in Real-Time Communication Services Rel-19S4100%SP-230544Bouazizi, Imed, Qualcomm Incorporated [JSN]
1040001SBIProtoc19Service Based Interface Protocol Improvements Release 19Rel-1945%CP-241021Wang Rong, China Mobile[JSN]
1040050SBIProtoc19 CT3 aspects of Service Based Interface Protocol Improvements Release 19Rel-19C360%CP-241021Wang Rong, China Mobile[JSN]
1040051SBIProtoc19 CT4 aspects of Service Based Interface Protocol Improvements Release 19Rel-19C430%CP-241021Wang Rong, China Mobile[JSN]
1040041MCProtoc19Protocol enhancements for Mission Critical ServicesRel-1930%CP-241283Magnus TrƤnk, Ericsson[JSN]
1040064MCProtoc19 CT1 aspects of Protocol enhancements for Mission Critical ServicesRel-19C130%CP-241283Magnus TrƤnk, Ericsson[JSN]
1040065MCProtoc19 CT3 aspects of Protocol enhancements for Mission Critical ServicesRel-19C360%CP-241283Magnus TrƤnk, Ericsson[JSN]
1040066MCProtoc19 CT4 aspects of Protocol enhancements for Mission Critical ServicesRel-19C40%CP-241283Magnus TrƤnk, Ericsson[JSN]
970080NR_redcap_enhEnhanced support of reduced capability NR devices Rel-1885%RP-233637Ericsson [JSN]
970180NR_redcap_enh-Core Core part: Enhanced support of reduced capability NR devices Rel-18R1100%RP-233637Johan BERGMAN, Ericsson[JSN]
970280NR_redcap_enh-Perf Perf. part: Enhanced support of reduced capability NR devices Rel-18R1100%RP-233637Johan BERGMAN, Ericsson[JSN]
1030062NR_redcap_enh_plus_CT1-UEConTest UE Conformance - Enhanced support of reduced capability NR devices plus CT1 aspects Rel-18R564%RP-242487China Unicom [JSN]
910040RangingRanging-based Service and sidelink positioning Rel-18100%SP-210212Xiaowei jiang, Xiaomi [JSN]
940069FS_Ranging_SL Study on Ranging based services and sidelink positioning Rel-18S2100%SP-211647Shen, Sherry (Yang), Xiaomi, [JSN]
980015Ranging_SL Stage 2 of Ranging_SLRel-18S2100%SP-230106Shen, Sherry (Yang), Xiaomi [JSN]
960036FS_Ranging_SL_Sec Study on Security Aspects of Ranging Based Services and Sidelink Positioning Rel-18S3100%SP-220534Wei Lu, Xiaomi, [JSN]
9801115G_eLCS_Ph35GC LoCation Services - Phase 3 Rel-18100%SP-220811Ming Ai, CATT [JSN]
940058FS_eLCS_Ph3 Study on Enhancement to the 5GC LoCation Services-Phase 3 Rel-18S2100%SP-220069Ming Ai, CATT [JSN]
9700215G_eLCS_Ph3 (stage 2 of) 5GC LoCation Services - Phase 3 Rel-18S2100%SP-230093Ming Ai, CATT [JSN]
10700195G_eLCS_Ph3_CHCharging aspects of 5GC LoCation Services Rel-19S50%SP-250125[JSN]
950048FS_5G_ProSe_Ph2Study on Proximity based Services Phase 2 Rel-18S2100%SP-211653Deng, Qiang, CATT [JSN]
940077FS_5G_ProSe_Ph2 Study on Stage 2 for Proximity based Services Phase 2 Rel-18S2100%SP-211653Deng, Qiang, CATT [JSN]
950024FS_5G_ProSe_Ph2 Study on Security Aspects of Proximity Based Services Phase 2 Rel-18S3100%SP-220202Wei Zhou, CATT [JSN]
9801125G_ProSe_Ph2Proximity-based Services in 5GS Phase 2 Rel-18100%SP-220806Deng Qiang, CATT [JSN]
9700165G_ProSe_Ph2 (stage 2 of) Proximity-based Services in 5GS Phase 2 Rel-18S2100%SP-230097Deng Qiang, CATT [JSN]
9900455G_ProSe_Ph2 Security Aspects of Proximity-based Services in 5GS Phase 2 Rel-18S3100%SP-230158Wei Zhou, CATT [JSN]
9901085GFLS5G-enabled fused location service capability exposure Rel-18100%SP-221234Liping Wu, CATT [JSN]
920015FS_5GFLS Study on 5G-enabled fused location service capability exposure Rel-18S6100%SP-220097Zhang, Ling, CATT [JSN]
930023EXPOSEService exposure interfaces for industry Rel-18S1100%SP-211056Joachim W. Walewski [JSN]
980131SEAL_Ph3Service Enabler Architecture Layer for Verticals Phase 3Rel-18100%SP-211518Basavaraj (Basu) Pattan, Samsung [JSN]
940040FS_NSOEUStudy on Network and Service Operations for Energy Utilities Rel-18S5100%SP-211622Erik Guttman , Samsung [JSN]
970054MCOver5MBSMission Critical Services over 5MBS Rel-18100%SP-210958Wendler, Ingo, UIC [JSN]
930016MCOver5MBS Stage 2 of Mission Critical Services over 5MBS Rel-18S6100%SP-210958Wendler, Ingo, UIC [JSN]
970033MCOver5MBS CT1 aspects of Mission Critical Services over 5MBSRel-18C1100%CP-222175Chen, Ying, TD Tech Ltd.[JSN]
970055MCOver5GProSeMission Critical Services over 5GProSe Rel-18100%SP-211517Yanmei YANG, Huawei [JSN]
940023MCOver5GProSe Stage 2 of Mission Critical Services over 5GProSe Rel-18S6100%SP-211517Yanmei YANG, Huawei [JSN]
970034MCOver5GProSe CT1 aspects of Mission Critical Services over 5GProSeRel-18C1100%CP-233210Mengdi Ji, Huawei[JSN]
930026SACI_MCSSharing administrative configuration between interconnected MCX Service systems Rel-18S1100%SP-211059Toobe, Jens, BDBOS [JSN]
930025AHGCAd hoc Group Communication support in Mission Critical Services Rel-18S1100%SP-211058Erik.Guttman, Samsung [JSN]
850043FS_SACI_MCSStudy on sharing administrative configuration between interconnected MCX Service systems Rel-18S1100%SP-190837Toobe, Jens, BDBOS[JSN]
940020FS_MCShACStudy on sharing of administrative configuration between interconnected MC service systems Rel-18S6100%SP-211514Azem, Dania, BDBOS [JSN]
800023FS_MCOver5GSStudy on Mission Critical services support over 5G SystemRel-18S6100%SP-200837Verweij, Kees, The Police of the Netherlands[JSN]
960037FS_AIML Study on Security and Privacy of AI/ML-based Services and Applications in 5G Rel-18S3100%SP-220687Marcus Wong, OPPO [JSN]
940071FS_AIMLsys Study on 5G System Support for AI/ML-based Services Rel-18S2100%SP-220071Alla Goldner, Oppo[JSN]
980019AIMLsys (Stage 2 for AIML) System Support for AI/ML-based ServicesRel-18S2100%SP-231278Alla Goldner, Oppo[JSN]
940099NR_MBS_enhEnhancements of NR Multicast and Broadcast ServicesRel-1868%RP-232993CATT[JSN]
940199NR_MBS_enh-Core Core part: Enhancements of NR Multicast and Broadcast ServicesRel-18R2100%RP-232993Rui Zhou, CATT[JSN]
1060077NR_MBS_enh_5MBS_Ph2-UEConTest UE Conformance - Enhancements of NR Multicast and Broadcast Services including CT aspects Rel-18R55%RP-243116CATT [JSN]
9899995MBS_Ph25G multicast-broadcast services Phase 2Rel-18100%SP-221131Meng Li, Huawei, Huawei [JSN]
940067FS_5MBS_Ph2 Study on architectural enhancements for 5G multicast-broadcast services Phase 2 Rel-18S2100%SP-220072Meng Li, Huawei [JSN]
9800135MBS_Ph2 (Stage 2 of 5MBS_Ph2) Architectural enhancements for 5G multicast-broadcast services Phase 2Rel-18S2100%SP-230099Meng Li, Huawei, Huawei [JSN]
10000055MBS_Ph2 Security Enhancements for 5G Multicast-Broadcast Services Phase 2 Rel-18S3100%SP-230559Longhua Guo, Huawei Technologies [JSN]
960041FS_5MBS_SEC_Ph2 Study on security enhancements for 5G multicast-broadcast services Phase 2 Rel-18S3100%SP-220539Longhua Guo, Huawei Technologies [JSN]
910095FS_NR_Slice_TestStudy on 5G NR UE full stack testing for Network Slicing Rel-18R5100%RP-211976Dan SONG, Yu SHI, CMCC, CU[JSN]
910026FS_NSCEStudy on network slice management capability exposure Rel-18S5100%SP-220350Xiaobo Yu, Alibaba Group [JSN]
910038EASNSEnhanced Access to and Support of Network Slice Rel-18100%SP-210210Chun, SungDuck, LG Electronics Inc. [JSN]
1000023PLMNsel_NS Stopped ā€“ CT1 aspects of Slice-based PLMN Selection Rel-18C1100%CP-232165Shuang Liang, ZTE [JSN]
1000044PLMNsel_NS Stopped ā€“ CT4 aspects of Slice-based PLMN Selection Rel-18C4100%CP-232165Shuang Liang, ZTE [JSN]
1000045PLMNsel_NS Stopped ā€“ CT6 aspects of Slice-based PLMN Selection Rel-18C6100%CP-232165Shuang Liang, ZTE [JSN]
1030024eNS_Ph3_CH Network Slice Replacement charging Rel-18S5100%SP-240475Maryse Gardella, MATRIXX Software, [JSN]
950039FS_NETSLICE_IDMSStudy on intent-driven management for network slicing Rel-18S5100%SP-220278Jan Groenendijk , Ericsson [JSN]
990030IDMS_MN_ph2Intent driven Management Service for Mobile Network phase 2 Rel-18S5100%SP-230180Xu Ruiyue, Huawei [JSN]
910022FS_NSCALEStudy on Network Slice Capability Exposure for Application Layer Enablement Rel-18S6100%SP-211509Zheng, Shaowen, CMCC [JSN]
1020049NSCALENetwork Slice Capability Exposure for Application Layer Enablement Rel-18100%SP-220470Zheng, Shaowen, CMCC [JSN]
960013NSCALE (Stage 2 of NSCALE) Network Slice Capability Exposure for Application Layer EnablementRel-18S6100%SP-220470Zheng, Shaowen, CMCC [JSN]
960005FS_NS_Slice-USIMStudy on new UICC application for network slice-specific authentication and authorization (NSSAA)Rel-18C6100%CP-221186COLLET, HervƩ, Thales [JSN]
900023FS_NETSLICE_CH_Ph2Study on Charging Aspects for Network Slicing Phase 2 Rel-18S5100%SP-201082Matrixx, Gerald Gƶrmer [JSN]
980025NETSLICE_CH_Ph2Charging Aspects of Network Slicing Phase 2 Rel-18S5100%SP-231448Gerald Gƶrmer, MATRIXX Software [JSN]
1000002eNS_UICCEnhancement of Network Slicing UICC application for network slice-specific authentication and authorization Rel-18C6100%CP-231351COLLET, HervƩ, Thales [JSN]
990110XRMArchitecture Enhancements for XR (Extended Reality) and media serviceRel-18100%SP-221326Dan WANG, China Mobile[JSN]
940068FS_XRM Study on architecture enhancement for XR and media services Rel-18S2100%SP-220705Dan Wang, China Mobile [JSN]
980016XRM (Stage 2 for XRM) Architecture Enhancements for XR (Extended Reality) and media serviceRel-18S2100%SP-230092Dan WANG, China Mobile[JSN]
960042IBACSIMS-based AR Conversational Services Rel-18S4100%SP-230165Gunkel, Simon, KPN N.V. [JSN]
830005ATIASTerminal Audio quality performance and Test methods for Immersive Audio ServicesRel-18S4100%SP-190040StƩphane Ragot, Orange[JSN]
1030047IVAS_CodecEVS Codec Extension for Immersive Voice and Audio ServicesRel-18100%SP-220608Bin Wang, Huawei Technologies Co Ltd[JSN]
770024IVAS_Codec EVS Codec Extension for Immersive Voice and Audio ServicesRel-18S4100%SP-220608Bin Wang, Huawei Technologies Co Ltd[JSN]
960045SR_MSESplit Rendering Media Service Enabler Rel-18S4100%SP-231291Bouazizi, Imed, Qualcomm Incorporated [JSN]
960050FS_Audio_5GSTARStudy on Audio Aspects for Glasses-type AR/MR Devices Rel-18S4100%SP-220617StƩphane Ragot, Orange [JSN]
930014FS_eV2XAPP2Study on enhancements to application layer support for V2X services; Phase 2 Rel-18S6100%SP-220466Niranth Amogh, Huawei Telecommunications India [JSN]
980125V2XAPP_Ph3Application layer support for V2X services; Phase 3Rel-18100%SP-220916Niranth Amogh, Huawei Telecommunications India [JSN]
1000043TEI18_MBS4V2XMBS support for V2X services Rel-18100%SP-220793LaeYoung Kim (LG Electronics), [JSN]
970003TEI18_MBS4V2X (Stage 2 of) MBS support for V2X services Rel-18S2100%SP-220793LaeYoung Kim (LG Electronics), [JSN]
1000022TEI18_MBS4V2X CT1 aspects of MBS support for V2X services Rel-18C1100%CP-231357Herrero Veron, Christian (Huawei) [JSN]
1010021TEI18_MBS4V2X CT6 aspects of MBS support for V2X services Rel-18C6100%CP-231357Herrero Veron, Christian (Huawei) [JSN]
920036eMMTELEvolution of IMS Multimedia Telephony Service Rel-1888%SP-210519Hu Yue, China Mobile[JSN]
850042FS_MMTELin5G Study on evolution of IMS multimedia telephony service Rel-18S1100%SP-190836Yan Di, China Mobile[JSN]
920029eMMTEL Stage 1 of Evolution of IMS Multimedia Telephony Service Rel-18S1100%SP-210519Hu Yue, China Mobile[JSN]
940066FS_NG_RTC Study on system architecture for next generation real time communication services Rel-18S2100%SP-220288Yi Jiang [JSN]
970014NG_RTC System architecture for Next Generation Real time Communication services Rel-18S2100%SP-230098Yi Jiang, China Mobile [JSN]
960032FS_NG_RTC_SEC Study on security support for Next Generation Real Time Communication services Rel-18S3100%SP-220530Fei, Li, Huawei [JSN]
990038NG_RTC_SEC Security support for Next Generation Real Time Communication services Rel-18S3100%SP-230151Fei, Li, Huawei [JSN]
930027TACMMTactile and multi-modality communication services Rel-18100%SP-211053Xiaonan Shi, CMCC [JSN]
980123FS_EDGE_Ph2Edge Computing Phase 2Rel-18100%Patrice HƩdƩ, Huawei Technologies [JSN]
950049FS_EDGE_Ph2 Study on Edge Computing phase 2Rel-18S2100%SP-220070Patrice HƩdƩ, Huawei Technologies [JSN]
940059FS_EDGE_Ph2 Study on Stage 2 of Edge Computing phase 2Rel-18S2100%SP-220352Patrice HƩdƩ, Huawei Technologies [JSN]
970026EDGE_Ph2 (stage 2 of) Edge Computing Phase 2 Rel-18S2100%SP-230112Patrice HƩdƩ, Huawei Technologies [JSN]
920038PALS5G Networks Providing Access to Localized Services Rel-18100%SP-210522Lola Awoniyi-Oteri, qualcomm [JSN]
940010FS_5G_MSEStudy on 5G Media Service Enablers Rel-18S4100%SP-211338Thomas Stockhammer, Qualcomm Incorporated [JSN]
870013FS_XRTrafficTraffic Models and Quality Evaluation Methods for Media and XR Services in 5G Systems Rel-18S4100%SP-210043Thomas Stockhammer[JSN]
1000015PROMISE5G-Advanced media profiles for messaging services Rel-18S4100%SP-230542FrĆ©dĆ©ric Gabin (Dolby Laboratories Inc.) ā€“ [JSN]
1030040AKMA_DisableAKMA service disabling in roaming Rel-18S3100%SP-240246Khare, Saurabh [JSN]
990115ADAESApplication Data Analytics Enablement Service Rel-18100%SP-220913Pateromichelakis, Emmanouil (Manos) [JSN]
940019FS_ADAES Study on Application Data Analytics Enablement Service Rel-18S6100%SP-211513Pateromichelakis, Emmanouil (Manos) [JSN]
980115SFC5G System Enabler for Service Function Chaining Rel-18100%SP-220802Meghashree Dattatri Kedalagudde, Intel [JSN]
970012SFC Stage 2 of 5G System Enabler for Service Function Chaining Rel-18S2100%SP-230120Meghashree Dattatri Kedalagudde, Intel [JSN]
940052FS_SFC Study on System Enabler for Service Function Chaining Rel-18S2100%SP-220415Meghashree D Kedalagudde, Intel[JSN]
980117TEI18_MLRMultiple location report for MT-LR Immediate Location Request for regulatory services Rel-18100%SP-220795Joul, Christopher, T-Mobile USA [JSN]
9901165GMARCH_Ph2Message Service within the 5G system (MSGin5G) Phase 2Rel-18100%SP-220330Liu, Yue, China Mobile [JSN]
941008NR_QoE_enhEnhancement on NR QoE management and optimizations for diverse servicesRel-18100%RP-223488China Unicom[JSN]
941108NR_QoE_enh-Core Core part: Enhancement on NR QoE management and optimizations for diverse servicesRel-18R3100%RP-223488Pei Li, China Unicom[JSN]
940032FS_KQI_5GStudy on Key Quality Indicators (KQIs) for 5G service experience Rel-18S5100%SP-231432Man WANG, Huawei [JSN]
900028SFChainSupport for Service Function Chaining Rel-18S1100%SP-201040Ellen Liao; Intel [JSN]
960009MCProtoc18Protocol enhancements for Mission Critical Services Rel-18100%CP-232163AXELL, Jƶrgen, Ericsson[JSN]
960010MPSSupServMPS for Supplementary Services Rel-18C1100%CP-221271Peter Monnes, Peraton Labs[JSN]
990003eSMS_SBIEnhancements on Service-based support for SMS in 5GCRel-18C4100%CP-230025Liu, Liu, China Telecom[JSN]
1010026Roaming5GModified PRINS for roaming service providers in 5G Rel-18S1100%SP-231190Targali, Yousif, Verizon [JSN]
960039FS_UC3S_Ph2Study of Security aspects on User Consent for 3GPP Services Phase 2 Rel-18S3100%SP-220537Rong Wu, Huawei, [JSN]
1000004UC3S_SEC_Ph2Security aspects on User Consent for 3GPP services Phase 2 Rel-18S3100%SP-230557Rong Wu, Huawei Technologies, [JSN]
941003NR_IDC_enhIn-Device Co-existence (IDC) enhancements for NR and MR-DCRel-1864%RP-233485Xiaomi[JSN]
941103NR_IDC_enh-Core Core part: In-Device Co-existence (IDC) enhancements for NR and MR-DCRel-18R2100%RP-233485Yumin Wu, Xiaomi[JSN]
1040104NR_IDC_enh-UEConTest UE Conformance - In-Device Co-existence (IDC) enhancements for NR and MR-DC Rel-18R539%RP-241195CMCC [JSN]
960098NR_6GHz_add_bandsStopped - Introduction of additional 6GHz NR licensed bands Rel-18100%RP-222498Huawei [JSN]
960198NR_6GHz_add_bands-Core Stopped - Core part: Introduction of additional 6GHz NR licensed bands Rel-18R4100%RP-222498Liehai Liu, Dominique Everaere, Iwajlo Angelow, Fei Xue, Huawei, Ericsson, Nokia, ZTE Corporation[JSN]
960298NR_6GHz_add_bands-Perf Stopped - Perf. part: Introduction of additional 6GHz NR licensed bands Rel-18R4100%RP-222498Liehai Liu, Dominique Everaere, Iwajlo Angelow, Fei Xue, Huawei, Ericsson, Nokia, ZTE Corporation[JSN]
1000058NR_lic_bands_BW_R18-UEConTestUE Conformance - New Rel-18 NR licensed bands and extension of existing NR bands Rel-18R5100%RP-243089Yuxin Hao, Huawei Technologies. Co., Ltd.[JSN]
890040FS_NR_eff_BW_utilStudy on efficient utilization of licensed spectrum that is not aligned with existing NR channel bandwidths Rel-18R4100%RP-222618Esther Sienkiewicz, Ericsson[JSN]
1000011CHNSWOCharging enhancement for Network Slice based wholesale in roaming Rel-18S5100%SP-230625Maryse Gardella, MATRIXX Software, [JSN]
1000014NSOEUNetwork and Service Operations for Energy Utilities Rel-18S5100%SP-230632Erik Guttman , Samsung; [JSN]
960023MMS_CH_SBIMultimedia Messaging Service Charging using service-based interfaceRel-18S5100%SP-220689Tƶrnkvist, Robert, Ericsson AB [JSN]
890016FS_MNSACStudy on access control for management service Rel-17S5100%SP-200853Jing Ping, Nokia [JSN]
930010MSACAccess control for management service Rel-18S5100%SP-231711Clifton Fernandes, Nokia [JSN]
940033eNETSLICE_PRONetwork slice provisioning enhancement Rel-18S5100%SP-211434Deepanshu Gautam , Samsung [JSN]
910031FS_eSBMAStudy on Enhancement of service-based management architecture Rel-18S5100%SP-210136Lan Zou, Huawei [JSN]
990026eSBMAService based management architecture Rel-18S5100%SP-231443Zhang Kai, Huawei [JSN]
940038FS_DCSAStudy on Deterministic Communication Service Assurance Rel-18S5100%SP-240269, , [JSN]
940046FS_eIDMS_MNStudy on enhanced intent driven management services for mobile networks Rel-18S5100%SP-211450Xu Ruiyue, Huawei [JSN]
920020FS_NCHF_Ph2Study on Nchf charging services phase 2Rel-18S5100%SP-210390Tornkvist, Robert, Ericsson AB [JSN]
9800225G_eSBA_Ph2Security Aspects of the 5G Service Based Architecture Phase 2 Rel-18S3100%SP-221145Anja Jerichow, Nokia [JSN]
960052SBIProtoc18Service Based Interface Protocol Improvements Release 18 Rel-18100%CP-221083Wang Rong, China Mobile, [JSN]
800045FS_QUICStudy on IETF QUIC Transport for Service Based InterfacesRel-18C4100%CP-183245Qi Caixia, Huawei[JSN]
840045AVPRODAudio-Visual Service Production Rel-17100%SP-190304Wagdin, Ian, BBC [JSN]
840025FS_5GLAN_enhStopped - Study on enhancement of support for 5G LAN-type service Rel-17S2100%SP-190626Runze Zhou, Huawei [JSN]
900022FS_5GLAN_CHStudy on Charging Aspect of 5G LAN-type Services Rel-17S5100%SP-201081CHEN SHAN, Huawei [JSN]
9100525G_eLCS_ph2Enhancement to the 5GC LoCation Services-Phase 2 Rel-17100%SP-200082Ming Ai, CATT [JSN]
840047CMEDCommunication Service Requirements for Critical Medical Applications Rel-17100%SP-190306Lagrange, Mathieu, b<>com [JSN]
840035FS_eV2XAPPStudy on enhancements to application layer support for V2X services Rel-17S6100%SP-200110Niranth Amogh, Huawei Telecommunications India [JSN]
910075eV2XAPPEnhanced application layer support for V2X services Rel-17100%SP-200831Niranth Amogh, Huawei Telecommunications India [JSN]
910037eV2XARC_Ph2Support of advanced V2X services - Phase 2 Rel-17100%SP-210090LaeYoung Kim, LG Electronics [JSN]
850013FS_eV2XARC_Ph2 Study on V2X services ā€“ Phase 2 Rel-17S2100%SP-190631LaeYoung Kim, LG Electronics [JSN]
810055FS_enhMCLocStudy on location enhancements for mission critical services Rel-17S6100%SP-190725Dom Lazara, Motorola Solutions[JSN]
880006FS_5MBS_SECStudy on Security Aspects of Enhancements for 5G Multicast-Broadcast Services Rel-17S3100%SP-200351Longhua Guo, Huawei Technologies [JSN]
850035FS_MC5MBSStudy on Mission Critical services over 5G multicast-broadcast system Rel-17S6100%SP-190929Val Oprescu, AT&T [JSN]
9000385MBSMulticast-broadcast services in 5GRel-17100%SP-201106Meng Li, Huawei [JSN]
9200235MBS Security Aspects of Enhancements for 5G Multicast-Broadcast Services Rel-17S3100%SP-210420Longhua Guo, Huawei Technologies [JSN]
10000105MBS_CH Charging Aspects for SMF and MB-SMF to Support 5G Multicast-broadcast Services Rel-18S5100%SP-231712Dong, Jia, China Mobile, [JSN]
8500405MBS_eMCBroadcast / Multicast requirements supporting Mission Critical Services in 5G Rel-17S1100%SP-190942Toobe, Jens, BDBOS [JSN]
860048NR_MBSNR multicast and broadcast servicesRel-17R299%RP-220428Huawei[JSN]
860148NR_MBS-Core Core part: NR multicast and broadcast servicesRel-17R2100%RP-220428Huawei[JSN]
950061NR_MBS_5MBS_5MBUSA-UEConTest UE Conformance - NR Multicast and Broadcast Services including CT and SA aspects Rel-17R5100%RP-220423Ya Zhao, Huawei Technologies. Co., Ltd[JSN]
920051MCOver5GSMission Critical Services over 5GS Rel-17100%SP-200833Wendler, Ingo, UIC [JSN]
920012en5GPccSer17Enhancement of 5G PCC related services in Rel-17 Rel-17C3100%CP-211193Xiaoyun Zhou, Huawei [JSN]
950065eNS_Ph2-UEConTest UE Conformance - Enhancement of Network Slicing Phase 2 Rel-17R5100%RP-230289Danni Song, Xiaozhong Chen, CMCC, CATT[JSN]
911007NR_sliceEnhancement of RAN slicing for NR Rel-17R2100%RP-221377CMCC [JSN]
911107NR_slice-Core Core part: Enhancement of RAN slicing for NR Rel-17R2100%RP-221377Ningyu Chen, CMCC[JSN]
960078NR_slice-UEConTest UE Conformance - Enhancement of RAN slicing for NR Rel-17R5100%RP-223067Danni Song, CMCC[JSN]
960006NRslice CT1 aspects of enhancement of RAN Slicing for NR Rel-17C1100%C1-221266Chen Xu, China Mobile [JSN]
960069NRslice CT4 aspects on enhancement of RAN slicing for NRRel-17C4100%C1-221266Chen Xu, China Mobile [JSN]
860022FS_NSMENStudy on network slice management enhancement Rel-17S5100%SP-200766Brendan Hassett, Huawei Technologies Sweden AB, [JSN]
950038NETSLICE_DC_CHNetwork Slice charging based on 5G Data Connectivity Rel-17S5100%SP-220158MATRIXX Software, Gerald Gƶrmer [JSN]
840049MUSIMSupport for Multi-USIM Devices Rel-17100%SP-190309Liao, Ellen C, Intel [JSN]
900013MUSIM System enablers for Multi-USIM devices Rel-17S2100%SP-210091SaŔo Stojanovski, Intel [JSN]
910063MUSIM CT1 aspects of Enabling Multi-USIM Devices Rel-17C1100%CP-212102Thomas Luetzenkirchen, Intel[JSN]
910064MUSIM CT4 aspects of Enabling Multi-USIM Devices Rel-17C4100%CP-212102Thomas Luetzenkirchen, Intel[JSN]
900017FS_MUSIM_SEC Study on the security of the system enablers for devices having multiple Universal Subscriber Identity Modules (USIM) Rel-17S3100%SP-201018Abhijeet Kolekar, Intel Corporation [JSN]
860063LTE_NR_MUSIMSupport for Multi-SIM devices for LTE/NRRel-17100%RP-213679Vivo[JSN]
860163LTE_NR_MUSIM-Core Core part: Support for Multi-SIM devices for LTE/NRRel-17R2100%RP-213679Xiaodong Yang[JSN]
950060LTE_NR_MUSIM_plus_CT1-UEConTest UE Conformance - Multi-SIM devices for LTE/NR Rel-17R5100%RP-220127Jing Zhao, China telecom[JSN]
930030FS_5GMARCHSupport of the 5GMSG Service Rel-17100%SP-200835Liu, Yue, China Mobile [JSN]
840036FS_5GMARCH Study on support of the 5GMSG Service Rel-17S6100%SP-200835Liu, Yue, China Mobile [JSN]
890010FS_SEC_5GMSG Study on security aspects of the 5GMSG Service (St1 in Rel16)Rel-17S3100%SP-200878Xiaoting Huang, China Mobile [JSN]
9300055GMSG Security aspects of the 5GMSG Service Rel-17S3100%SP-210835Xiaoting Huang, China Mobile [JSN]
9300405GMARCHApplication Architecture for MSGin5G Service Rel-17100%SP-200832Liu, Yue, China Mobile [JSN]
8900265GMARCH Application Architecture for MSGin5G Service Rel-17S6100%SP-200832Liu, Yue, China Mobile [JSN]
9300045GMARCH CT aspects for enabling MSGin5G Service Rel-17ct100%CP-212106Liu, Yue, China Mobile [JSN]
9300415GMARCH CT1 aspects for enabling MSGin5G Service Rel-17C1100%CP-212106Liu, Yue, China Mobile [JSN]
9300425GMARCH CT3 aspects for enabling MSGin5G Service Rel-17C3100%CP-212106Liu, Yue, China Mobile [JSN]
930002ING_5GSIMS voice service support and network usability guarantee for UE s E-UTRA capability disabled scenario in SA 5GS Rel-17ct100%CP-212231Mingxue Li, China Telecom [JSN]
930031UC3SUser Consent for 3GPP services Rel-17100%SP-200885Rong Wu, Huawei Technologies [JSN]
890037FS_UC3S Study on User Consent for 3GPP services Rel-17S3100%SP-200885Rong Wu, Huawei Technologies [JSN]
930006UC3S_SEC Security aspects on User Consent for 3GPP services Rel-17S3100%SP-210836Rong Wu, Huawei Technologies [JSN]
911037RDSSIReliable Data Service Serialization Indication Rel-17100%SP-190446Starsinic, Michael, Convida Wireless LLC [JSN]
920049eSEALEnhanced Service Enabler Architecture Layer for Verticals Rel-17100%SP-200987Basavaraj (Basu) Pattan, Samsung [JSN]
9000305G_ProSeProximity based Services in 5GS Rel-17100%SP-200972TBD [JSN]
830033FS_5G_ProSe Study on System enhancement for Proximity based Services in 5GSRel-17S2100%SP-190443Qiang Deng, CATT[JSN]
9000075G_ProSe Stage 2 for Proximity based Services in 5GS Rel-17S2100%SP-201096Qiang Deng, CATT[JSN]
9100185G_ProSe CT aspects of proximity based services in 5GS Rel-17ct100%CP-212105Yong Jiang, CATT [JSN]
890018FS_5G_Prose_CH Study on charging aspects of Proximity-based Services in 5GSRel-17S5100%SP-200767Shu, Min, CATT [JSN]
9400285G_ProSe Charging aspects of Proximity-based Services in 5GS Rel-17S5100%SP-211429Shu, Min, CATT [JSN]
880005FS_5G_ProSe_Sec Study on Security Aspects of Enhancement for Proximity Based Services in 5GS Rel-17S3100%SP-200350Wei Zhou, CATT [JSN]
9300085G_ProSe Security Aspects of Proximity based Services in 5GSRel-17S3100%SP-211120Wei Zhou, CATT [JSN]
840046MPS2Multimedia Priority Service (MPS) Phase 2 Rel-17100%SP-190305Singh, Ray P; Perspecta Labs [JSN]
890001SMS_SBIService-based support for SMS in 5GC Rel-17100%CP-212023HAOUARI, Wafa, Orange [JSN]
840044NCISNetwork Controlled Interactive Service Rel-17100%SP-190303Ning YANG, oppo [JSN]
8400195G_AIS5G System Enhancement for Advanced Interactive Services Rel-17S2100%SP-190564Lei Yixue, Tencent [JSN]
880043MuDEMulti-Device and multi-identity Enhancements (MuDE) [JSN]
920055BEPoPBest Practice of Packet Forwarding Control Protocol (PFCP) Rel-17ct100%CP-212024Song Yue, China Mobile [JSN]
840038MCIOPSMC services support on IOPS mode of operation [JSN]
9200105MBUSA5G Multicast-Broadcast User Service Architecture and related 5GMS Extensions Rel-17S4100%SP-210376TAN, PENG, TELUS [JSN]
850038eCNAM_AnEnhanced Calling Name Service Analytics Interworking [JSN]
850045MINTSupport for Minimization of service InterruptionRel-17100%SP-190814SungDuck Chun; LG Electronics[JSN]
900004FS_MINT-CT Study on the CT aspects of Support for Minimization of service Interruption Rel-17C1100%CP-203232Sang Min Park, LG Electronics [JSN]
890013SCAS_5G_NSSAAF eSCAS_5G for Network Slice-Specific Authentication and Authorization Function (NSSAAF) Rel-17S3100%SP-200720Rong Wu, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. [JSN]
870019SCAS_5G_SECOP eSCAS_5G for Service Communication ProxyRel-17S3100%SP-200148Wei Lu, Nokia[JSN]
880020MCProtoc17Protocol enhancements for Mission Critical Services Rel-17C1100%CP-202193AXELL, Jƶrgen [JSN]
1050128MCProtoc17_enh3MCPTT_eMCData3_MCOver5GS-UEConTestUE Conformance - Protocol enhancements for Mission Critical Services (MCPTT, MCVideo, MCData) for Rel-17 Rel-17R523%RP-242768Ericsson [JSN]
920041TEI17_N3SLICE Support of different slices over different Non 3GPP access Rel-17100%SP-200456Laurent Thiebaut, Nokia [JSN]
870008TEI17_N3SLICE Stage 2 for TEI17_N3SLICERel-17S2100%SP-200456Laurent Thiebaut, Nokia [JSN]
930099TEI17_N3SLICE CT1 aspects of TEI17_N3SLICERel-17C1100%CP-211089LANDAIS, Bruno, Nokia [JSN]
920001TEI17_N3SLICE CT4 aspects of TEI17_N3SLICERel-17C4100%CP-211089LANDAIS, Bruno, Nokia [JSN]
880013SBIProtoc17Service Based Interface Protocol Improvements Release 17 Rel-17100%CP-211088Song Yue, China Mobile [JSN]
940004MuDTranMulti-device enhancements for device transfers Rel-17C1100%CP-220352Axell, Jƶrgen, Ericsson [JSN]
930032NSA_SBMAImproved support for NSA in the service-based management architecture Rel-17S5100%SP-211121Lan Zou, Huawei [JSN]
930009NSA_SBMA Improved support for NSA in the service-based management architecture Rel-17S5100%SP-210858Lan Zou, Huawei [JSN]
810027IDMS_MNIntent driven management service for mobile networkRel-17S5100%SP-180899Zou Lan, Huawei [JSN]
8200355GDMSDiscovery of management services in 5G Rel-17S5100%SP-200770Brendan Hassett, Huawei Technologies Sweden AB [JSN]
850028FS_eMDASStudy on enhancement of Management Data Analytics Service Rel-17S5100%SP-190930Yao, Yizhi, Intel [JSN]
940078eMDASEnhancements of Management Data Analytics Service Rel-17S5100%SP-210132Yao, Yizhi, Intel [JSN]
870024EMA5SLAEnhancement on Management Aspects of 5G Service-Level Agreement Rel-17S5100%SP-210860SHI, Xiaonan, CMCC [JSN]
860061FS_NR_QoEStudy on NR QoE (Quality of Experience) management and optimizations for diverse servicesRel-17R3100%RP-193256China Unicom[JSN]
911008NR_QoENR QoE magement and optimizations for diverse services Rel-17100%RP-211406China Unicom [JSN]
911108NR_QoE-Core Core part: NR QoE management and optimizations for diverse services Rel-17R3100%RP-211406Gen Cao[JSN]
970072NR_QoE-UEConTest UE Conformance - NR QoE management and optimizations for diverse services Rel-17R5100%RP-241754Bo J NSSON, Ericsson[JSN]
900062NR_redcapSupport of reduced capability NR devices Rel-17100%RP-220966Ericsson [JSN]
860035FS_NR_redcap Study on support of reduced capability NR devicesRel-17R1100%RP-220966Ericsson[JSN]
950066NR_redcap_plus_ARCH-UEConTest UE Conformance - Support of reduced capability NR devices Rel-17R5100%RP-240053Shiļ¼ŒYu, China Unicom[JSN]
930018ARCH_NR_REDCAP Architecture Enhancement for NR Reduced Capability Devices Rel-17S2100%SP-211100Aihua Li, China Mobile [JSN]
940027ARCH_NR_REDCAP Charging aspects of Architecture Enhancement for NR Reduced Capability Devices Rel-17S5100%SP-211428Dong, Jia, China Mobile [JSN]
890050NR_6GHzIntroduction of 6GHz NR licensed bands Rel-17R4100%RP-221504Huawei [JSN]
890150NR_6GHz-Core Core part: Introduction of 6GHz NR licensed bands Rel-17R4100%RP-221504Liehai Liu, Dominique Everaere, Iwajlo Angelow, Fei Xue, Huawei, Ericsson, Nokia, ZTE Corporation[JSN]
890250NR_6GHz-Perf Perf. part: Introduction of 6GHz NR licensed bands Rel-17R4100%RP-221504Liehai Liu, Dominique Everaere, Iwajlo Angelow, Fei Xue, Huawei, Ericsson, Nokia, ZTE Corporation[JSN]
920075NR_6GHz_unlic_fullIntroduction of operation in full unlicensed band 5925-7125MHz for NR Rel-17R443%RP-213683Apple [JSN]
920175NR_6GHz_unlic_full-Core Core part: Introduction of operation in full unlicensed band 5925-7125MHz for NR Rel-17R4100%RP-212683Alexander Sayenko[JSN]
920275NR_6GHz_unlic_full-Perf Perf. part: Introduction of operation in full unlicensed band 5925-7125MHz for NR Rel-17R40%RP-213683Apple [JSN]
890051NR_6GHz_unlic_EUIntroduction of lower 6GHz NR unlicensed operation for Europe Rel-17R4100%RP-213604Nokia [JSN]
890151NR_6GHz_unlic_EU-Core Core part: Introduction of lower 6GHz NR unlicensed operation for Europe Rel-17R4100%RP-213604Nokia [JSN]
890251NR_6GHz_unlic_EU-Perf Perf. part: Introduction of lower 6GHz NR unlicensed operation for Europe Rel-17R4100%RP-213604Nokia [JSN]
900055NR_lic_bands_BW_R17-UEConTestUE Conformance - New Rel-17 NR licensed bands and extension of existing NR bands Rel-17R5100%RP-223434Yuxin Hao, Huawei Technologies. Co., Ltd[JSN]
900020FS_eSBA_SECStudy on enhanced Security Aspects of the 5G Service Based Architecture Rel-17S3100%SP-201021Anja Jerichow, Nokia [JSN]
880011FS_5GSTARStudy on 5G Glass-type AR/MR Devices Rel-17S4100%SP-200399Hakju Ryan Lee [JSN]
860039FS_NR_sliceStudy on enhancement of RAN slicing for NRRel-17R2100%RP-201612CMCC[JSN]
830031FS_SB_SMSStopped - Study on service-based support for SMS in 5GCRel-17S2100%SP-190184George Foti [JSN]
820999-5GS Enhanced support of Vertical and LAN ServicesRel-16100%--[JSN]
800007cyberCAVService requirements for cyber-physical control applications in vertical domainsRel-16S1100%SP-180321Joachim W. Walewski (Siemens)[JSN]
830042Vertical_LAN5GS Enhanced support of Vertical and LAN ServicesRel-16100%SP-181120Devaki Chandramouli, Nokia[JSN]
800028FS_Vertical_LAN Study on 5GS Enhanced support of Vertical and LAN ServicesRel-16S2100%SP-180507Devaki Chandramouli, Nokia[JSN]
810038FS_Vertical_LAN_SEC Study on Security for 5GS Enhanced support of Vertical and LAN ServicesRel-16S3100%SP-180697Jerichow, Anja (Nokia) [JSN]
850048SEALService Enabler Architecture Layer for VerticalsRel-16100%SP-181141Basavaraj (Basu) Pattan, Samsung[JSN]
820067NR_unlicNR-based access to unlicensed spectrumRel-16R199%RP-201834Qualcomm[JSN]
750045FS_NR_unlic Study on NR-based access to unlicensed spectrumRel-16R1100%RP-181339Qualcomm[JSN]
820167NR_unlic-Core Core part: NR-based access to unlicensed spectrumRel-16R1100%RP-201834Qualcomm[JSN]
820267NR_unlic-Perf Perf. part: NR-based access to unlicensed spectrumRel-16R4100%RP-201834Qualcomm[JSN]
911003NR_unlic-UEConTest UE Conformance Test Aspects - NR-based access to unlicensed spectrum Rel-16R5100%RP-210708Vijay Balasubramanian, Qualcomm[JSN]
760040FS_MBMS_IoTStudy on MBMS User Services for IoTRel-16S4100%SP-170592Cedric thienot, Expway[JSN]
8100505GMSG5G message serviceRel-16S1100%SP-180772[JSN]
770004FS_5GMSG Study on 5G message service for MIoTRel-16S1100%SP-170704Zheng, Jianping, China Mobile[JSN]
810014MSGin5G Message Service Within the 5G System requirements Rel-16S1100%SP-180920Zheng, Jianping, China Mobile[JSN]
790002FS_V2XIMPStudy on Improvement of V2X Service Handling Rel-16S1100%SP-180247SungDuck Chun; LG Electronics[JSN]
820024V2XIMPImprovement of V2X service Handling Rel-16S1100%SP-181013SungDuck Chun; LG Electronics[JSN]
840074V2XAPPApplication layer support for V2X services Rel-16100%SP-180898Niranth Amogh, Huawei Telecommunications India[JSN]
840078eV2XARCArchitecture enhancements for 3GPP support of advanced V2X servicesRel-16100%SP-181121LaeYoung Kim, LG Electronics[JSN]
830023FS_eV2X_SecStudy on Security Aspects of 3GPP support for Advanced V2X Services Rel-16S3100%SP-190108Joonwoong Kim, LG Electronics[JSN]
8000135G_HYPOS5G positioning servicesRel-16S1100%SP-180329Ries, Lionel, ESA[JSN]
8301025G_eLCSEnhancement to the 5GC LoCation ServicesRel-16100%SP-181119Ming Ai, CATT[JSN]
780028FS_eLCS Study on Enhancement to the 5GC Location ServicesRel-16S2100%SP-180734Ming Ai, CATT[JSN]
810035FS_eLCS_Sec Study on Security of the enhancement to the 5GC location servicesRel-16S3100%SP-180694Wei Zhou, CATT[JSN]
790024FS_MCSAAStudy on MC services access aspects Rel-16S6100%SP-181135Joakim ƅkesson, Ericsson[JSN]
800024FS_MCLOGStudy into discreet listening and logging for mission critical servicesRel-16S6100%SP-181138Chater-Lea, David, Motorola Solutions[JSN]
810011MCProtoc16Protocol enhancements for Mission Critical ServicesRel-16C1100%CP-182110AXELL, Jƶrgen[JSN]
970077MCProtoc16_enh2MCPTT_eMCData2-ConTestConformance Test Aspects - Protocol enhancements for Mission Critical Services for Rel-16 (MCPTT, MCVideo, MCData) Rel-16R5100%RP-242148Jason Kahn, NIST[JSN]
800053MBMSAPI_MCSMBMS APIs for Mission Critical ServicesRel-16S6100%SP-180380Ling Zhang, TD Tech Ltd.[JSN]
760051FS_MBMSAPI_MC Study on MBMS APIs for MC ServicesRel-16S6100%SP-180237Ling Zhang, TD Tech Ltd[JSN]
800020MBMSAPI_MCS Stage 2 of MBMS APIs for MC ServicesRel-16S6100%SP-180380Ling Zhang, TD Tech Ltd.[JSN]
800032MCXSecMission Critical Services Security EnhancementsRel-16S3100%SP-180596Woodward, Tim, Motorola Solutions, Inc[JSN]
800011MARCOMMaritime Communication Services over 3GPP SystemRel-16S1100%SP-180594Hyounhee Koo, SyncTechno Inc[JSN]
730007FS_MARCOM Study on Maritime Communication Services over 3GPP systemRel-16S1100%SP-170453SyncTechno Inc., Hyounhee Koo[JSN]
800008eLSTREnhancement of LTE for Efficient delivery of Streaming ServiceRel-16S1100%SP-180322Xia, Xu, China Telecom[JSN]
8100405G_MEDIA_MTSI_extMedia Handling Extensions for 5G Conversational ServicesRel-16S4100%SP-180663Oyman, Ozgur, Company: Intel[JSN]
760041FS_5G_MEDIA_MTSI Study on Media Handling Aspects of Conversational Services in 5G SystemsRel-16S4100%SP-170336Oyman, Ozgur, Company: Intel[JSN]
8100025G_MEDIA_MTSI_ext Media Handling Extensions for 5G Conversational ServicesRel-16S4100%SP-190640Oyman, Ozgur, Company: Intel[JSN]
770031FS_EVS_FCNBEStudy on EVS Float Conformance Non Bit-ExactRel-16S4100%SP-170618Fabrice Plante, Intel[JSN]
820001EVS_FCNBEEVS Floating-point Conformance for Non Bit-Exact Rel-16S4100%SP-180983Fabrice, Plante, Intel [JSN]
810044MuDMulti-device and multi-identityRel-16100%SP-180315Peter Bleckert, Ericsson [JSN]
800004MuD Stage 1 of Multi-device and multi-identityRel-16S1100%SP-180315Peter Bleckert, Ericsson [JSN]
810010MuD CT aspects of Multi-device and multi-identityRel-16ct100%CP-200148Axell, Jƶrgen, Ericsson[JSN]
810045MuD CT1 aspects of Multi-device and multi-identityRel-16C1100%CP-200148Axell, Jƶrgen, Ericsson[JSN]
810046MuD CT3 aspects of Multi-device and multi-identityRel-16C3100%CP-200148Axell, Jƶrgen, Ericsson[JSN]
910099eNS-UEConTest UE Conformance Test Aspects - Enhancement of Network Slicing Rel-16R567%RP-211443CMCC [JSN]
8100315G_SLICE_ePAEnhancement of performance assurance for 5G networks including network slicingRel-16S5100%SP-190247Xiaowei Sun (China Mobile)[JSN]
8500555G_SLICE_ePA Overall aspects of 5G_SLICE_ePARel-16S5100%SP-190247Xiaowei Sun (China Mobile)[JSN]
8500295G_SLICE_ePA-KPI KPI reporting Rel-16S5100%SP-190881ZHU, Weihong, ZTE Corporation [JSN]
820029FS_NETSLICE_CHStudy on Charging Aspects of Network Slicing Rel-16S5100%SP-181065Chen Shan, Huawei[JSN]
760003PARLOSProvision of Access to Restricted Local Operator Services by Unauthenticated UEsRel-16100%SP-170449Covell, Betsy Nokia[JSN]
8100415G_SRVCCSingle radio voice continuity from 5GS to 3GRel-16100%SP-180737Chi Ren, China Unicom[JSN]
790010FS_5G-SRVCC Study for single radio voice continuity from 5GS to 3GRel-16S2100%SP-180239Chi Ren, China Unicom[JSN]
8100075G_SRVCC Single radio voice continuity from 5GS to 3GRel-16S2100%SP-180897Chi Ren, China Unicom[JSN]
8200085GS_UTRAN_SEC Security aspects of single radio voice continuity from 5GS to UTRAN Rel-16S3100%SP-190703Feng Gao, China Unicom [JSN]
820169SRVCC_NR_to_UMTS-Core Core part: Single Radio Voice Call Continuity from 5G to 3GRel-16R2100%RP-200151China Unicom[JSN]
830270SRVCC_NR_to_UMTS-Perf Perf. part: Single Radio Voice Call Continuity from 5G to 3GRel-16R4100%RP-200151China Unicom[JSN]
890046SRVCC_NR_to_UMTS-UEConTest UE Conformance Test Aspects - Single Radio Voice Call Continuity from 5G to 3G Rel-16R5100%RP-210400China Unicom [JSN]
800034FS_SBA_SecStudy on Security Aspects of the 5G Service Based ArchitectureRel-16S3100%SP-180598Hans Christian Rudolph, Deutsche Telekom AG[JSN]
8200455G_eSBAEnhancements to the Service-Based 5G System ArchitectureRel-16100%SP-181125[JSN]
790007FS_eSBA Study on Enhancements to the Service-Based 5G System ArchitectureRel-16S2100%SP-180231Tao Sun (China Mobile)[JSN]
880001RM_H263_MP4VRemoval of H.263 and MPEG-4 Visual from 3GPP ServicesRel-16S4100%SP-200400Thomas Stockhammer[JSN]
790003enIMSEnhancements to IMS for new real time communication servicesRel-16S1100%SP-180137China Mobile, Hui Cai [JSN]
820028en5GPccSerEnhancement of 5G PCC related services Rel-16C3100%CP-183246Xiaoyun Zhou, Huawei [JSN]
790001SMARTER_Ph2New Services and Markets Technology Enablers ā€“ Phase 2 Rel-16S1100%SP-180589Li, Alice, Vodafone[JSN]
7800555GVSC5G Voice Service Continuity Rel-16S1100%SP-171077Qun Wei, China Unicom[JSN]
770020SerInterService InteractivityRel-16S4100%SP-170796Lo, Charles, Qualcomm Incorporated[JSN]
800005MOBRTInter-RAT Mobility requirements for real time serviceRel-16S1100%SP-180592Yang Xu, Oppo[JSN]
820030OFSBI_CHNchf Online and Offline charging services Rel-16S5100%SP-181066Zhu Lei, Huawei[JSN]
820036TM_SBMATrace Management in the context of Services Based Management Architecture Rel-16S5100%SP-181073Andrianov, Anatoly, Nokia [JSN]
840002SBIProtoc16Service Based Interface Protocol Improvements Rel-16ct100%CP-191060Yue Song, China Mobile [JSN]
850003RTCPVerRTCP Verification for Real-Time Services Rel-16S4100%SP-190639Burman, Bo, Ericsson LM, [JSN]
8500255GS_NSPACHNetwork Slice Performance and Analytics Charging in 5G System Rel-16S5100%SP-190780Chen Shan, Huawei [JSN]
8500335GS_NSMCHNetwork Slice Management Charging in 5G System Rel-16S5100%SP-190788Gardella, Maryse, Nokia [JSN]
850034MA5SLAManagement Aspects of 5G Service-Level Agreement Rel-16S5100%SP-200185Hu, Yushuang, CMCC [JSN]
850001LOLCLoad and Overload Control of 5GC Service Based Interfaces Rel-16100%CP-200059Giorgi Gulbani (Huawei) [JSN]
800044FS_LOLC Study on Load and Overload Control of 5GC Service Based InterfacesRel-16C4100%CP-181195Sridhar Bhaskaran (Huawei)[JSN]
860001NUDSFNudsf Service Based Interface Rel-16C4100%CP-193270Askerup, Anders, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, [JSN]
840029FS_NUDSFStudy on Nudsf Service Based Interface Rel-16C4100%CP-191236Askerup, Anders, Hewlett Packard Enterprise [JSN]
860002NSORAFNsoraf Service Based Interface Rel-16C4100%CP-193017EL MOATAMID, Abdessamad, Orange [JSN]
860004eIMSVideoVideo enhancement of IMS CAT/CRS/announcement services Rel-16C1100%CP-193149Hongxia Hao, Huawei [JSN]
800029FS_NG_RTCStopped - Study on system architecture for next generation real time communication servicesRel-16S2100%SP-180508Yi Jiang [JSN]
790014FS_5G_UTRAN_SECStudy on security aspects of single radio voice continuity from 5G to UTRANRel-16S3100%SP-180209Feng Gao, China Unicom[JSN]
770003FS_enIMSStudy on enhancements to IMS for new real time communication servicesRel-16S1100%SP-170703China Mobile, Hui Cai [JSN]
800038FS_ONAPCINTStudy on integration of ONAP and 3GPP configuration management services for 5G networksRel-16S5100%SP-181075Li Gang, Ericsson[JSN]
810029FS_CSMANStudy on management aspects of communication servicesRel-16S5100%SP-180923Groenendijk, Jan, Ericsson[JSN]
810005FS_TyTracStudy on Typical Traffic Characteristics of Media ServicesRel-16S4100%SP-180666Thomas Stockhammer, Qualcomm Incorporated[JSN]
720005SMARTER (Stage 1 of 5G) New Services and Markets Technology EnablersRel-15S1100%SP-160364Li, Alice[JSN]
7700475GS_Ph1-CT Study on 5G System core network impact on services, network functions and capabilitiesRel-15C1100%CP-183243Herrero Veron, Christian (Huawei)[JSN]
7800145GS_Ph1-CT 5G System core network impact on services, network functions and capabilitiesRel-15C1100%CP-183243Herrero Veron, Christian (Huawei)[JSN]
7800345GS_Ph1-SBI_CH Service Based Interface for 5G ChargingRel-15S5100%SP-170951Chen, Shan, Huawei[JSN]
720003FS_eV2X Study on Enhancement of 3GPP support for V2X servicesRel-15S1100%SP-160370LG Electronics, SungDuck Chun[JSN]
750062LTE_eV2XEnhancements on LTE-based V2X ServicesRel-15R199%RP-171069Huawei[JSN]
700045FS_V2XLTE_ARCStudy on security aspects for LTE support of V2X servicesRel-15S3100%SP-150852Huawei, Marcus Wong[JSN]
780002MCOverRemoval of 'over LTE' limitation from Mission Critical SpecificationsRel-15S1100%SP-180354Kees Verweij ;The Police of the Netherlands[JSN]
750022eMCDataEnhancements to MC Data Functional architecture and information flowsRel-15100%SP-170462David Freeman, Home Office[JSN]
770010eMCData Stage 2 of eMCDataRel-15S6100%SP-170462David Freeman, Home Office[JSN]
750023MBMS_McservicesMBMS usage for MC communication services Rel-15S6100%SP-170686Magnus TrƤnk, Ericsson[JSN]
800043MBMS_Mcservices Stage 2 for MBMS_McservicesRel-15S6100%SP-170686Magnus TrƤnk, Ericsson[JSN]
800017MBMS_Mcservices Stage 3 for MBMS_McservicesRel-15C1100%CP-183105Axell, Jƶrgen, Ericsson[JSN]
770007MCProtoc15Protocol enhancements for Mission Critical ServicesRel-15C1100%CP-172145Jƶrgen Axell[JSN]
890042MCenhUEConTestUE Conformance Test Aspects - Enhancements for Mission Critical Services MCPTT, MCData and MCVideo Rel-15R5100%RP-212956KAHN, Jason, NIST (U.S. Department of Commerce)[JSN]
730050BEST_MTC_SecBattery Efficient Security for very low Throughput MTC DevicesRel-15S3100%SP-160569Evans, Tim, VODAFONE Group Plc.[JSN]
760020VoWLANComplementary Features for Voice services over WLANRel-15100%SP-170378[JSN]
720082FS_VoWLAN Study on Complementary Features for Voice services over WLANRel-15S2100%SP-160506Nokia (Nicolas Drevon[JSN]
7900215G_MTSI_CodecsMedia Handling Aspects of 5G Conversational ServicesRel-15S4100%SP-180650Oyman, Ozgur, Company: Intel[JSN]
780019REARRemote UE access via relay UERel-15100%SP-160511Huawei, Laurence Meriau[JSN]
710047REAR Stage 1 for REARRel-15S1100%SP-160511Huawei, Laurence Meriau[JSN]
770051FS_eVoLP Study on enhanced VoLTE performanceRel-15100%SP-160833Fabrice Plante, Intel[JSN]
710006USOSUnlicensed Spectrum Offloading SystemRel-15100%SP-160117Edward Hall, Qualcomm Incorporated[JSN]
740008FS_USOS Study on unlicensed spectrum offloading system enhancementsRel-15S2100%SP-160835Haris Zisimopoulos, Qualcomm Incorporated[JSN]
760066NETSLICEManagement and orchestration of 5G networks and network slicing Rel-15S5100%SP-180816Jan Groenendijk, Ericsson[JSN]
780056NETSLICE General aspects of NETSLICERel-15S5100%SP-180816Jan Groenendijk, Ericsson[JSN]
770033FS_NETSLICE_MGT_Sec Study on security aspect of 5G Network Slicing ProvisioningRel-15S3100%SP-170636SA3: Huawei [JSN]
760065NETSLICE-PRO_NS Provisioning of network slicing for 5G networks and servicesRel-15S5100%SP-180818Zhang Kai, Huawei[JSN]
780037NETSLICE-5GNRM Network Resource Model (NRM) for 5G networks and network slicingRel-15S5100%SP-180812Nokia (Jing Ping[JSN]
780038NETSLICE-ADPM5G Performance Assurance for 5G networks including network slicingRel-15S5100%SP-180814Yizhi Yao, Intel Corporation [JSN]
780039NETSLICE-MNFV5G Management and virtualization aspects of 5G networksRel-15S5100%SP-170958Joey Chou, Intel[JSN]
780040NETSLICE-5GTRACE 5G Trace managementRel-15S5100%SP-170959Nokia (Anatoly Andrianov[JSN]
810009NETSLICE-5GTRACE-CT CT aspects of 5G Trace management Rel-15ct100%CP-182051Landais, Bruno, Nokia[JSN]
810042NETSLICE-5GTRACE-CT CT3 aspects of 5G Trace management Rel-15C3100%CP-182051Landais, Bruno, Nokia[JSN]
810043NETSLICE-5GTRACE-CT CT4 aspects of 5G Trace management Rel-15C4100%CP-182051Landais, Bruno, Nokia[JSN]
780041NETSLICE-FS5G Fault Supervision for 5G networks and network slicingRel-15S5100%SP-180817Zhu Weihong, ZTE[JSN]
740011SANDServer and Network Assisted DASH for 3GPP Multimedia ServicesRel-15S4100%SP-170031Ozgur Oyman, Intel[JSN]
760012eCNAMEnhanced Calling Name ServiceRel-15100%SP-160548Hala Mowafy, Ericsson[JSN]
750015FS_15LIS Stopped - Study on R15 Lawful Interception ServiceRel-15S3LI100%SP-170040Gerry McQuaid, Vodafone[JSN]
760057eFMSS_CHCharging for enhancement to Flexible Mobile Service Steering (eFMSS) Rel-15S5100%SP-170482Long,Biao, China Telecom[JSN]
750065LTE_unlicEnhancements to LTE operation in unlicensed spectrumRel-15R199%RP-180402Nokia[JSN]
750165LTE_unlic-Core Core part: Enhancements to LTE operation in unlicensed spectrumRel-15R199%RP-180402Nokia[JSN]
750265LTE_unlic-Perf Perf. part: Enhancements to LTE operation in unlicensed spectrumRel-15R4100%RP-180402Nokia[JSN]
750070LTE_QMC_StreamingQuality of Experience (QoE) Measurement Collection for streaming services in E-UTRANRel-15R299%RP-170786China Unicom[JSN]
750170LTE_QMC_Streaming-Core Core part:Quality of Experience (QoE) Measurement Collection for streaming services in E-UTRANRel-15R299%RP-170956China Unicom[JSN]
790051LTE_QMC_Streaming-UEConTest UE Conformance Test Aspects - Quality of Experience (QoE) Measurement Collection for streaming services in E-UTRANRel-15R5100%RP-180215China Unicom[JSN]
770026FS_BASOPStudy on Update to fixed-point basic operatorsRel-15S4100%SP-170613Jelinek, Milan, VoiceAge Corporation[JSN]
710063FS_feD2D_IoT_relay_wearableStudy on further enhancements to LTE Device to Device (D2D), UE to network relays for IoT (Internet of Things) and wearablesRel-15R2100%RP-170295Qualcomm[JSN]
760042FS_FEC_MCSStudy on FEC for MC ServicesRel-15S4100%SP-170337Lambrou, John - Motorola Solutions [JSN]
720025FS_USE_3GPP_4_TVStudy on User Services Enhancements in 3GPP for TV ServicesRel-15S4100%SP-160273Thomas Stockhammer, Qualcomm Incorporated[JSN]
720047FS_NGNS_MOAStudy on Management and Orchestration Architecture of Next Generation Network and ServiceRel-15S5100%SP-160400Huawei Technologies, Zou Lan[JSN]
780061FS_UE_App_Data_Perf_CAStudy on UE Application Layer Data Throughput Performance Expansion for CARel-15R5100%RP-180203PCTEST Engineering Lab[JSN]
700028MCImp-MCCoRe Mission Critical Services Common Requirements Rel-14S1100%SP-150822Andrew Thiessen[JSN]
720055MCImp-MC_ARCH Common functional architecture to support mission critical servicesRel-14S6100%SP-160489Niranth Amogh, Huawei Telecommunications India[JSN]
720052MCImp-MCData Stage 2 for MCDataRel-14S6100%SP-160492David Freeman (UK Home Office)[JSN]
730047MCSec Security of the Mission Critical ServiceRel-14S3100%SP-160566Haigh, Peter, CESG[JSN]
790052MCImp-UEConTest UE Conformance Test Aspects - Mission Critical ImprovementsRel-14R5100%RP-180527NIST[JSN]
720030V2XLTELTE support for V2X servicesRel-14100%SP-150573[JSN]
690035V2XLTE Stage 1 for LTE support for V2X servicesRel-14S1100%SP-150573[JSN]
720011V2XARC Architecture enhancements for LTE support of V2X servicesRel-14S2100%SP-160317LG Electronics, LaeYoung Kim[JSN]
740009V2XLTE-Sec Security aspect of LTE support of V2X servicesRel-14S3100%SP-160955Huawei, Marcus Wong[JSN]
720090LTE_V2X RAN aspects of LTE-based V2X ServicesRel-14100%RP-161298LG Electronics[JSN]
720190LTE_V2X-Core Core part: LTE-based V2X ServicesRel-14R1100%RP-162519LG Electronics[JSN]
720290LTE_V2X-Perf Perf. part: LTE-based V2X ServicesRel-14R4100%RP-162519LG Electronics[JSN]
760086LTE_V2X-UEConTest UE Conformance Test Aspects - Support for LTE-based V2X ServicesRel-14R5100%RP-192556Huawei[JSN]
730026V2X-CT CT aspects of V2X ServicesRel-14ct100%CP-160584Taehun Kim[JSN]
730027V2X-CT CT1 aspects of V2X ServicesRel-14C1100%CP-160584Taehun Kim[JSN]
730028V2X-CT CT3 aspects of V2X ServicesRel-14C3100%CP-160584Taehun Kim[JSN]
730029V2X-CT CT4 aspects of V2X ServicesRel-14C4100%CP-160584Taehun Kim[JSN]
730030V2X-CT CT6 aspects of V2X ServicesRel-14C6100%CP-160584Taehun Kim[JSN]
700019FS_V2XLTE Study on LTE support for V2X servicesRel-14100%SP-150051Ki-Dong Lee (LG electronics)[JSN]
670009FS_V2XLTE_S1 Study on Stage 1 of LTE support for V2X servicesRel-14S1100%SP-150051Ki-Dong Lee (LG electronics)[JSN]
700050FS_V2XARC Study on Stage 2 of LTE support for V2X servicesRel-14S2100%SP-150852LG Electronics, LaeYoung Kim[JSN]
760072FS_V2XARC_S3 Study on Security of LTE support for V2X servicesRel-14S3100%SP-150852[JSN]
680058FS_LTE_V2X RAN1 Study on LTE-based V2X ServicesRel-14R1100%RP-161263LG Electronics[JSN]
700061LTE_SL_V2VSupport for V2V services based on LTE sidelinkRel-14100%RP-152293LG Electronics[JSN]
700161LTE_SL_V2V-Core Core part: Support for V2V services based on LTE sidelinkRel-14R1100%RP-161603LG Electronics[JSN]
700261LTE_SL_V2V-Perf Perf. part: Support for V2V services based on LTE sidelinkRel-14R4100%RP-161603LG Electronics[JSN]
730073LTE_SL_V2V-UEConTest UE Conformance Test Aspects - Support for V2V services based on LTE sidelinkRel-14R5100%RP-172358Huawei[JSN]
720019SEW2Phase 2 of the Support of Emergency services over WLANRel-14100%SP-160307Nicolas Drevon[JSN]
690033FS_SEW2 Study on Phase 2 of the Support of Emergency services over WLANRel-14S2100%SP-160173Laurent Thiebaut, Alcatel Lucent[JSN]
720018SEW2 Support of Emergency services over WLAN - phase 2Rel-14S2100%SP-160307Nicolas Drevon[JSN]
720074PWDIMSPassword based service activation for IMS Multimedia Telephony serviceRel-14100%SP-150041Peter Bleckert (Ericsson)[JSN]
700032EnTVEnhancement for TV serviceRel-14100%SP-150756Zhiming Li[JSN]
670010FS_EnTV Study on 3GPP Enhancement for TV Video serviceRel-14S1100%SP-150052Zhiming Li (Huawei)[JSN]
720015AE_enTV System Architecture Enhancements to eMBMS for TV Video ServiceRel-14100%SP-160730[JSN]
710046FS_AE_enTV Study on System Architecture Enhancements to eMBMS for TV Video ServiceRel-14S2100%SP-160225Miguel Griot, Qualcomm[JSN]
730058AE_enTV System Architecture Enhancements for TV serviceRel-14S2100%SP-160730Miguel Griot, Qualcomm[JSN]
730052AE_enTV-MI_MTV Mobile Network Interface for MBMS Delivery of Media and TV servicesRel-14S4100%SP-160731Thorsten Lohmar[JSN]
740060AE_enTV-S4 Codec aspects for eMBMS Delivery of Media and TV ServicesRel-14S4100%SP-160956Imed Bouazizi[JSN]
740049AE_enTV-CT Stage 3 of system architecture enhancements for TV service Rel-14ct100%CP-160816Catovic, Amer[JSN]
740050AE_enTV-CT CT1 aspects of system architecture enhancements for TV service Rel-14C1100%CP-160816Catovic, Amer[JSN]
740051AE_enTV-CT CT3 aspects of system architecture enhancements for TV service Rel-14C3100%CP-160816Catovic, Amer[JSN]
740052AE_enTV-CT CT4 aspects of system architecture enhancements for TV service Rel-14C4100%CP-160816Catovic, Amer[JSN]
740053AE_enTV-CT CT6 aspects of system architecture enhancements for TV service Rel-14C6100%CP-160816Catovic, Amer[JSN]
670003MPS_ModsMultimedia Priority Service ModificationsRel-14S1100%SP-150043Ray P. Singh (Applied Communications Science)[JSN]
670028FS_OAM_LSA Study on OAM support for Licensed Shared Access (LSA)Rel-14S5100%SP-150056Nokia Networks, Anatoly Andrianov[JSN]
720044OAM14-LSA OAM support for Licensed Shared Access (LSA)Rel-14S5100%SP-160397Nokia: Olaf Pollakowski[JSN]
720080PS_Data_OffPS Data Off ServicesRel-14100%SP-150823Orange, Bruno Tossou[JSN]
700033PS_Data_Off PS Data Off ServicesRel-14S1100%SP-150823Orange, Bruno Tossou[JSN]
720077eFMSSEnhancement to Flexible Mobile Service Steering Rel-14100%SP-160115China Mobile, Lu Lu[JSN]
710005eFMSS Stage 1 of Enhancement to Flexible Mobile Service Steering Rel-14S1100%SP-160115China Mobile, Lu Lu[JSN]
720078eFMSS Stage 2 of Enhancement to Flexible Mobile Service Steering Rel-14S2100%SP-160314ZTE, Tricci So[JSN]
720022SeDoCService Domain CentralizationRel-14S2100%SP-160675Chris Joul (T-Mobile USA)[JSN]
700040FS_SeDoC Study on Service Domain CentralizationRel-14S2100%SP-160306Chris Joul (T-Mobile USA)[JSN]
730044SeDoC Service Domain CentralizationRel-14S2100%SP-160675Chris Joul (T-Mobile USA)[JSN]
730078LTE_VoLTE_ViLTE_enh Voice and Video Enhancement for LTERel-14R2100%RP-161856CMCC[JSN]
730178LTE_VoLTE_ViLTE_enh-Core Core part: Voice and Video Enhancement for LTERel-14R2100%RP-161856CMCC[JSN]
760089LTE_VoLTE_ViLTE_enh-UEConTest UE Conformance Test Aspects ā€“Voice and Video Enhancement for LTERel-14R5100%RP-171385CATT[JSN]
720049CH14-ProSe Charging Aspects of Enhanced Proximity-based ServicesRel-14S5100%SP-160428Chen, Shan[JSN]
720095LTE_TDD_3550_CBRS_USCitizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) 3.5GHz band for LTE in the United StatesRel-14R4100%RP-161219Nokia[JSN]
720195LTE_TDD_3550_CBRS_US-Core Core part: Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) 3.5GHz band for LTE in the United StatesRel-14R4100%RP-162007Nokia[JSN]
720295LTE_TDD_3550_CBRS_US-Perf Perf. part: Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) 3.5GHz band for LTE in the United StatesRel-14R4100%RP-162007Nokia[JSN]
740069LTE_TDD_3550_CBRS_US-UEConTest UE Conformance Test Aspects ā€“ Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS) 3.5GHz Band for LTE in the United States (Band 48)Rel-14R5100%RP-162254Nokia[JSN]
730079UMTS_QMC_StreamingQuality of Experience (QoE) Measurement Collection for streaming services in UTRANRel-14R2100%RP-161917China Unicom[JSN]
660037FS_KQISE Study on KQIs for Service ExperienceRel-14S5100%SP-150676Li, Hui ([JSN]
730179UMTS_QMC_Streaming-Core Core part:Quality of Experience (QoE) Measurement Collection for streaming services in UTRANRel-14R2100%RP-161917China Unicom[JSN]
750055UMTS_QMC_Streaming-UEConTest UE Conformance Test Aspects -Quality of Experience (QoE) Measurement Collection for streaming services in UTRANRel-14R5100%RP-180559Huawei[JSN]
630018FS_UC_SPOOFStudy on service aspects for dealing with User Control over spoofed callsRel-14S1100%SP-140074Sprint[JSN]
640060FS_eULRSStudy on User Location Reporting Support enhancementsRel-14S1100%SP-140402China Unicom[JSN]
720085delFS_LTE_SON_eCOMPStopped - Study on SON for eCoMP for LTERel-14R3100%RP-161181Nokia[JSN]
710016FS_MBMS_MCservicesStudy on MBMS usage for mission critical communication servicesRel-14C1100%SP-160728Magnus TrƤnk, Ericsson LM[JSN]
710060FS_LTE_contextStudy on Context Aware Service Delivery in RAN for LTERel-14R3100%RP-160906CMCC[JSN]
660058FS_IS3Study on Interactivity Support for 3GPP-based Streaming and Download ServicesRel-14S4100%SP-140742Lo, Charles, Qualcomm [JSN]
720026FS_MCP_VStudy on MBMS usage and codecs for MCPTT call and MC Video ServiceRel-14S4100%SP-160274Zhiming Li, Huawei[JSN]
700022FS_SMARTERStudy on Stage 1 for New Services and Markets Technology EnablersRel-14S1100%SP-150142Adrian Neal (Vodafone)[JSN]
640042SRM_GCSE_LTEService Requirements Maintenance for Group Communication System Enablers for LTERel-13S1100%SP-140228Nokia Networks[JSN]
650018ECIPEnhanced Calling Information PresentationRel-13S1100%SP-140513China Mobile[JSN]
650019FMSSFlexible Mobile Service SteeringRel-13S1,S2100%SP-140638China Mobile[JSN]
650055FMSS-ST1 Stage 1 for Flexible Mobile Service SteeringRel-13S1100%SP-140638China Mobile[JSN]
660002FMSS-SA2TR Flexible Mobile Service Steering TR PhaseRel-13S2100%SP-140703Lu Lu, China Mobile[JSN]
660003FMSS-SA2 Flexible Mobile Service Steering - Stage 2Rel-13S2100%SP-140703Lu Lu, China Mobile[JSN]
690024FMSS-CT CT3 Aspect of Flexible Mobile Service SteeringRel-13C3100%CP-150799ZTE,Zhou Xiaoyun[JSN]
640040eProSeEnhancements to Proximity-based ServicesRel-13S1,S2,S3100%SP-140386Qualcomm[JSN]
640140eProSe-SA1 Stage 1 for Enhancements to Proximity-based ServicesRel-13S1100%SP-140386Qualcomm[JSN]
640041eProSe-Ext-SA2 Stage 2 for Enhancements to Proximity-based Services - ExtensionsRel-13S2100%SP-150028Qualcomm[JSN]
640141eProSe-Ext-SA2TR TR on Stage 2 for Enhancements to Proximity-based Services - ExtensionsRel-13S2100%SP-150028Qualcomm[JSN]
650023eProSe-Ext-SA3 Security for Enhancements to Proximity-based Services - ExtensionsRel-13S3100%SP-150028Qualcomm[JSN]
590035FS_ProSe_Sec Study on Security for Proximity-based ServicesRel-13S3100%SP-140629Qualcomm[JSN]
640045voE_UTRAN_PPDvoice over E-UTRAN Paging Policy DifferentiationRel-13S1,S2,C4,C1,C3100%SP-140394Alcatel-Lucent[JSN]
640145voE_UTRA-N_PPD-SA1 Stage 1 for voice over E-UTRAN Paging Policy DifferentiationRel-13S1100%SP-140394Alcatel-Lucent[JSN]
640245voE_UTRAN_PPD-SA2 Stage 2 for voice over E-UTRAN Paging Policy DifferentiationRel-13S2100%SP-140394Alcatel-Lucent[JSN]
650003voE_UTRAN_PPD-CT CT aspects of voice over E-UTRAN Paging Policy DifferentiationRel-13C4,C1,C3100%CP-140491Alcatel-Lucent[JSN]
650103voE_UTRAN_PPD-CT CT4 part of CT aspects of voice over E-UTRAN Paging Policy DifferentiationRel-13C4100%CP-140491Alcatel-Lucent[JSN]
650203voE_UTRAN_PPD-CT CT1 part of CT aspects of voice over E-UTRAN Paging Policy DifferentiationRel-13C1100%CP-140491Alcatel-Lucent[JSN]
650303voE_UTRAN_PPD-CT CT3 part of CT aspects of voice over E-UTRAN Paging Policy DifferentiationRel-13C3100%CP-140491Alcatel-Lucent[JSN]
640055FS_LISESTOPPED - Study on Lawful Interception Service EvolutionRel-13S3100%SP-140303Alcatel-Lucent[JSN]
650029HTML5HTML5 Presentation LayerRel-13S4100%SP-140484Samsung[JSN]
650030EVSoCSSupport of EVS in 3G Circuit-Switched networksRel-13S4,C4,C1,C3,R1,R2,R3100%SP-140485Qualcomm[JSN]
650032QOSE2EMTSIQoS End-to-end Multimedia Telephony Service for IMS (MTSI) extensions (Stage 3)Rel-13S4,C3,C1,C4100%SP-140601Ericsson[JSN]
650132QOSE2EMTSI SA4 part of QoS End-to-end Multimedia Telephony Service for IMS (MTSI) extensions (Stage 3)Rel-13S4100%SP-140601Ericsson[JSN]
640059iPLMN-PS-OCH Inter-PLMN PS domain online chargingRel-13S5100%SP-140324Alcatel-Lucent[JSN]
670025CHeISC Charging on enhancements for IMS Service ContinuityRel-13S5100%SP-150055Gerald Goermer[JSN]
660036INNB_IW (IETF) CT1 part of Interworking solution for Called IN number and original called IN number ISUP parametersRel-13C1-IETF100%CP-140928Orange[JSN]
640051eCSFBEnhanced CS Fallback (CSFB)Rel-13S2,S3100%SP-140579China Unicom[JSN]
660074LTE_eD2D_ProxEnhanced LTE Device to Device Proximity ServicesRel-13R2100%RP-142311Qualcomm[JSN]
660174LTE_eD2D_Prox-Core Core part: Enhanced LTE Device to Device Proximity ServicesRel-13R2,R1,R3100%RP-150441Qualcomm Incorporated, Shailesh Patil[JSN]
660274LTE_eD2D_Prox-Perf Perf. part: Enhanced LTE Device to Device Proximity ServicesRel-13R4100%RP-150441Qualcomm[JSN]
690008SEW1Support of Emergency services over WLAN ā€“ phase 1Rel-13S2100%SP-150253Laurent thiebaut[JSN]
680051SEW1 Stage 2 of Support of Emergency services over WLAN - phase 1Rel-13S2100%SP-150253Laurent thiebaut[JSN]
690009SEW1-CT CT aspects of Support of Emergency services over WLAN ā€“ phase 1Rel-13ct100%CP-150571Alcatel-Lucent, Jennifer Liu (CT1)[JSN]
690022SEW1-CT CT1 aspects of Support of Emergency services over WLAN ā€“ phase 1Rel-13C1100%CP-150571Alcatel-Lucent, Jennifer Liu (CT1)[JSN]
690025SEW1-CT CT3 aspects of Support of Emergency services over WLAN ā€“ phase 1Rel-13C3100%CP-150571Alcatel-Lucent, Jennifer Liu (CT1)[JSN]
690023SEW1-CT CT4 aspects of Support of Emergency services over WLAN ā€“ phase 1Rel-13C4100%CP-150571Alcatel-Lucent, Jennifer Liu (CT1)[JSN]
690036SEW1-CT CT6 aspects of Support of Emergency services over WLAN ā€“ phase 1Rel-13C6100%CP-150571Alcatel-Lucent, Jennifer Liu (CT1)[JSN]
680060LTE_LAALicensed-Assisted Access using LTERel-13R199%RP-151045Ericsson[JSN]
680160LTE_LAA-Core Core part: Licensed-Assisted Access using LTERel-13R1100%RP-151045Ericsson[JSN]
680260LTE_LAA-Perf Perf. part: Licensed-Assisted Access using LTERel-13R4100%RP-151045Ericsson[JSN]
700067LTE_LAA-UEConTest UE Conformance Test Aspects - Licensed-Assisted Access using LTERel-13R5100%RP-162376Motorola Mobility[JSN]
620063SRMMTCService Requirements Maintenance for Machine-Type Communications (MTC)Rel-13S1100%SP-130600KPN[JSN]
640049MONTEMonitoring EnhancementsRel-13S2,S3100%SP-140705Intel[JSN]
610030SEESService Exposure and Enablement SupportRel-13S1100%SP-130505KPN[JSN]
610130SEES TR on Stage 1 for Service Exposure and Enablement SupportRel-13S1100%SP-130505KPN[JSN]
610230SEES Stage 1 for Service Exposure and Enablement SupportRel-13S1100%SP-130505KPN[JSN]
640048AESEArchitecture Enhancements for Service capability ExposureRel-13S2,S3100%SP-140704Intel[JSN]
640148AESE TR for Architecture Enhancements for Service capability ExposureRel-13S2100%SP-140704Intel, Puneet Jain[JSN]
640248AESE Stage 2 for Architecture Enhancements for Service capability ExposureRel-13S2100%SP-140704Intel, Puneet Jain[JSN]
640348AESE TR on Security for Architecture Enhancements for Service capability ExposureRel-13S3100%SP-140704Samsung[JSN]
640448AESE Security for Architecture Enhancements for Service capability ExposureRel-13S3100%SP-140704Samsung[JSN]
680001AESE-CT CT aspects of Architecture Enhancements for Service capability ExposureRel-13C3100%CP-150576Yizhuang Wu, Huawei [JSN]
680023AESE-CT CT3 aspects of Architecture Enhancements for Service capability ExposureRel-13C3100%CP-150576Yizhuang Wu, Huawei. FCD+3, ES in 642[JSN]
680024AESE-CT CT4 aspects of Architecture Enhancements for Service capability ExposureRel-13C4100%CP-150576Yizhuang Wu, Huawei [JSN]
620012FS_uPoDStudy on Power saving for Machine-Type Communications (MTC) devicesRel-13G2,G1100%GP-131136China Mobile[JSN]
670036FS_BEST_MTC_SecStudy on Battery Efficient Security for very low Throughput Machine Type Communication DevicesRel-13S3100%SP-150171Barry, Aguibou, VODAFONE Group Plc[JSN]
570034FS_ACDCStudy on Application specific Congestion control for Data CommunicationRel-13S1100%SP-130415NTT DOCOMO[JSN]
610031FS_eICBDStudy on enhancements for Infrastructure based data Communication Between DevicesRel-13S1100%SP-130418KPN[JSN]
620069FS_FMSSStudy on Flexible Mobile Service SteeringRel-13S1100%SP-130597China Mobile[JSN]
620070FS_ECIPStudy on Enhanced Calling Information PresentationRel-13S1100%SP-130598China Mobile[JSN]
520035FS_UMONC_sasStudy on Usage Monitoring Enhancements for Service, Application and Subscriber GroupRel-13S2100%SP-140403China Telecom[JSN]
640016FS_LTE_AWS_EXTStudy on Advanced Wireless Services (AWS) - Extension band for LTERel-13R4100%RP-141037Qualcomm[JSN]
650016FS_LTE_LAAStudy on Licensed-Assisted Access using LTERel-13R1,R2,R4100%RP-141817Ericsson, Huawei[JSN]
660057FS_VE_3MSStudy on Video Enhancements in 3GPP Multimedia ServicesRel-13S4100%SP-140741Ye-Kui Wang, Qualcomm Incorporated[JSN]
670087FS_SEWStudy on Phase 1 of the Support of Emergency services over WLANRel-13S2100%SP-150251Laurent Thiebaut, Alcatel Lucent[JSN]
490030SIPTO_SCSIPTO Service Continuity of IP Data SessionRel-12S1100%SP-100589Vodafone[JSN]
490130SIPTO_SC-SA1 Stage 1 for SIPTO Service Continuity of IP Data SessionRel-12S1100%SP-100589Vodafone[JSN]
530043SMURFsService and Media Reachability for Users over Restrictive FirewallsRel-12S1100%SP-110653Vodafone[JSN]
530143SMURFs-SA1 Stage 1 for Service and Media Reachability for Users over Restrictive FirewallsRel-12S1100%SP-110653Vodafone[JSN]
550024IPXSNATAdvanced IP Interconnection of Services (IPXS) for national interconnectRel-12S1100%SP-120428KPN[JSN]
550124IPXSNAT-SA1 Stage 1 for Advanced IP Interconnection of Services (IPXS) for national interconnectRel-12S1100%SP-120428KPN[JSN]
560019ECTBExplicit Communication Transfer Blind (ECT Blind) service interactionsRel-12S1100%SP-120301Orange[JSN]
560119ECTB-SA1 Stage 1 for Explicit Communication Transfer Blind (ECT Blind) service interactionsRel-12S1100%SP-120301Orange[JSN]
580061LangInfoLanguage and Modality Information for communicationsRel-12S1100%SP-130108Orange[JSN]
590041ASACDeleted - Application and Service Access ControlRel-12S1100%SP-130124NTT DOCOMO[JSN]
590141ASAC-SA1del Deleted - Stage 1 for Application and Service Access ControlRel-12S1100%SP-130124NTT DOCOMO[JSN]
600047OPIIS-CT Stage 3 for Operator Policies for IP Interface SelectionRel-12C1100%CP-130215LG Electronics[JSN]
520029SMSMIShort Message Service (SMS) submit and delivery without MSISDN in IMSRel-12S2,C1,C4100%SP-120321Nokia Siemens Networks[JSN]
560020GCSE_LTEGroup Communication System Enablers for LTERel-12S1,S2,S3,C3,C4,R3,C1100%SP-140433Nokia Networks[JSN]
560021MTCe-SIMSE Stage 1 for Support for Interworking with M2M Service EnablementRel-12S1100%SP-120436KPN[JSN]
570030MTCe-SRM Stage 1 for Machine-Type and other mobile data applications Communications ā€“ Service Requirement MaintenanceRel-12S1100%SP-130105KPN[JSN]
560122MTCe-SDDTE BB1: Small Data and Device Triggering Enhancements (SDDTE)Rel-12S2,C4,C3100%SP-120450Intel[JSN]
560622MTCe-SDDTE TR on Stage 2 BB1: Small Data and Device Triggering EnhancementsRel-12S2100%SP-120450Intel[JSN]
562122MTCe-SDDTE Stage 2 for BB1: Small Data and Device Triggering EnhancementsRel-12S2100%SP-120450Intel[JSN]
630001MTCe-SDDTE-CT Stage 3 for BB1: Small Data and Device Triggering EnhancementsRel-12C4,C3100%CP-140489Huawei[JSN]
630101MTCe-SDDTE-CT CT4 part of Stage 3 for BB1: Small Data and Device Triggering EnhancementRel-12C4100%CP-140489Huawei[JSN]
630201MTCe-SDDTE-CT CT3 part of Stage 3 for BB1: Small Data and Device Triggering EnhancementRel-12C3100%CP-140489Huawei[JSN]
560025BusTIIMS Business Trunking for IP-PBX in Static Mode of OperationRel-12S2,S1,C1,C3100%SP-120862Deutsche Telekom[JSN]
580059ProSeProximity-based ServicesRel-12100%SP-140574Qualcomm[JSN]
580159ProSe-SA1 Stage 1 for Proximity-based ServicesRel-12S1100%SP-140574Qualcomm[JSN]
580259ProSe-SA2TR TR on Stage 2 for Proximity-based ServicesRel-12S2100%SP-140574Qualcomm[JSN]
580359ProSe-SA2 Stage 2 for Proximity-based ServicesRel-12S2100%SP-140574Qualcomm[JSN]
590036ProSe-SA3 Security for Proximity-based ServicesRel-12S3100%SP-140574Qualcomm[JSN]
651104ProSe (IETF) Security for Proximity-based Services (ietf-avtcore-srtp-aes-gcm)Rel-12S3-IETF100%SP-140574Atle Monrad[JSN]
640039ProSe-CH Charging Aspects of Proximity-based ServicesRel-12S5100%SP-140401Qualcomm[JSN]
640239ProSe-CH-SA5 Specification of Charging Aspects of Proximity-based ServicesRel-12S5100%SP-140401Qualcomm[JSN]
630006ProSe-CT CT aspects of Proximity-based Services (Stage 3)Rel-12100%CP-140290Qualcomm[JSN]
630106ProSe-CT CT1 part of CT aspects of Proximity-based ServicesRel-12C1100%CP-140290Qualcomm[JSN]
630206ProSe-CT CT3 part of CT aspects of Proximity-based ServicesRel-12C3100%CP-140290Qualcomm[JSN]
630306ProSe-CT CT4 part of CT aspects of Proximity-based ServicesRel-12C4100%CP-140290Qualcomm[JSN]
630406ProSe-CT CT6 part of CT aspects of Proximity-based ServicesRel-12C6100%CP-140290Qualcomm[JSN]
630030LTE_D2D_Prox LTE Device to Device Proximity ServicesRel-12100%RP-140955Qualcomm[JSN]
630130LTE_D2D_Prox-Core Core part: LTE Device to Device Proximity ServicesRel-12R1,R2,R4100%RP-142043Qualcomm[JSN]
630230LTE_D2D_Prox-Perf Perf. part: LTE Device to Device Proximity ServicesRel-12R4100%RP-142043Qualcomm[JSN]
670046LTE_D2D_Prox-UEConTest UE Conformance Test Aspects ā€“ LTE Device-to-Device Proximity ServicesRel-12R5100%RP-160382Qualcomm[JSN]
580062IMS_WebRTCWeb Real Time Communication access to IMSRel-12S1,S2,S3100%SP-130707China Mobile[JSN]
870070IMS_WebRTC-CT (IETF) Trickle ICE: Incremental Provisioning of Candidates for the Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE) Protocol (draft-ietf-ice-trickle)Rel-12C1-IETF100%[JSN]
870071IMS_WebRTC-CT (IETF) Trickle ICE: Incremental Provisioning of Candidates for the Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE) Protocol (draft-ietf-ice-trickle)Rel-12C1-IETF100%[JSN]
580064TURANTunneling of UE Services over Restrictive Access Networks (Stage 2/3)Rel-12S3,C1100%SP-130245Acme Packet[JSN]
580164TURAN-SA3 SA3 part of Tunneling of UE Services over Restrictive Access Networks (Stage 2/3)Rel-12S3100%SP-130245Acme Packet[JSN]
600050TURAN-CT CT aspects of Tunneling of UE Services over Restrictive Access Networks (Stage 3)Rel-12C1100%CP-130716Huawei[JSN]
470030EVS_codecCodec for Enhanced Voice ServicesRel-12S4,S1,C4,C1,C3100%SP-140151Huawei[JSN]
470031EVS_codec-SA1 Stage 1 for Codec for Enhanced Voice ServicesRel-12S1100%SP-140007Huawei[JSN]
470032EVS_codec-SA4 Stage 2/3 for Codec for Enhanced Voice ServicesRel-12S4100%SP-140151Huawei[JSN]
470132EVS_codec-SA4TR TR on Performance characterization of Codec for Enhanced Voice ServicesRel-12S4100%SP-140151Huawei[JSN]
650005EVS_codec-CT CT impacts of codec for Enhanced Voice ServicesRel-12C4,C1,C3100%CP-140800Nokia Networks[JSN]
650105EVS_codec-CT CT4 part of CT impacts of codec for Enhanced Voice ServicesRel-12C4100%CP-140800Nokia Networks[JSN]
650205EVS_codec-CT CT1 part of CT impacts of codec for Enhanced Voice ServicesRel-12C1100%CP-140800Nokia Networks[JSN]
650305EVS_codec-CT CT3 part of CT impacts of codec for Enhanced Voice ServicesRel-12C3100%CP-140800Nokia Networks[JSN]
670050EVS_codec-UEConTest UE Conformance Test Aspects - Codec for Enhanced Voice Services (EVS)Rel-12R5100%RP-150836Ericsson[JSN]
570033HEVCHigh Efficiency Video CodingRel-12S4,IETF100%SP-130569Qualcomm[JSN]
570133HEVC-SA4TR TR on Evaluation of High Efficiency Video Coding for 3GPP ServicesRel-12S4100%SP-130569Qualcomm[JSN]
570233HEVC-SA4 High Efficiency Video Coding in 3GPP services PSS, MBMS, DASH, MMS, MTSI, IMS Messaging and PresenceRel-12S4100%SP-130569Qualcomm[JSN]
580065M3DV_ExtMobile stereoscopic 3D services extensionsRel-12S4100%SP-120768Huawei[JSN]
580066IMS_SDEIMS-based Streaming and Download Delivery EnhancementsRel-12S4100%SP-120767Intel[JSN]
580067ART_LTEAcoustic Requirements and Test methods for IMS-based conversational speech services over LTERel-12S4100%SP-120769Qualcomm[JSN]
580167ART_LTE-NBWB Acoustic Requirements and Test methods for IMS-based conversational speech services over LTE - NarrowBand and WideBand aspectsRel-12S4100%SP-120771Sony Mobile Communications[JSN]
580267ART_LTE-UED Acoustic Requirements and Test methods for IMS-based conversational speech services over LTE - UE Delay aspectsRel-12S4100%SP-120770AT&T, Orange[JSN]
580367ART_LTE-SUPER Acoustic Requirements and Test methods for IMS-based conversational speech services over LTE - Super wideband and fullband aspectsRel-12S4100%SP-120772Sony Mobile Communications[JSN]
590044E2EMTSIEnd-to-End Multimedia Telephony Service for IMS (MTSI) extensionsRel-12S4100%SP-140600Ericsson[JSN]
670098E2EMTSI S4 aspects of End-to-End Multimedia Telephony Service for IMS (MTSI) extensionsRel-12S4100%SP-140600Ericsson[JSN]
600007E2EMTSI-CT CT aspects of End-to-End Multimedia Telephony Service for IMS (MTSI) extensionsRel-12C3,C1,C4100%CP-130397Ericsson[JSN]
600107E2EMTSI-CT CT3 part of CT aspects of End-to-End Multimedia Telephony Service for IMS (MTSI) extensionsRel-12C3100%CP-130397Ericsson[JSN]
600207E2EMTSI-CT CT1 part of CT aspects of End-to-End Multimedia Telephony Service for IMS (MTSI) extensionsRel-12C1100%CP-130397Ericsson[JSN]
600307E2EMTSI-CT CT4 part of CT aspects of End-to-End Multimedia Telephony Service for IMS (MTSI) extensionsRel-12C4100%CP-130397Ericsson[JSN]
640057VTRIVideo Telephony Robustness ImprovementsRel-12S4100%SP-140218Qualcomm[JSN]
580051SMS-SC-CH Short Message Service - Service Center (SMS-SC) Offline ChargingRel-12S5100%SP-140027Alcatel-Lucent[JSN]
610042CHARP Charging using an Alternative Roaming Provider (Stage 2/3)Rel-12S5100%SP-130428Ericsson[JSN]
620058CHICS Charging for IMS centralized service (ICS) control (Stage 2/3)Rel-12S5100%SP-130610NSN[JSN]
580012bSRVCCSingle Radio Voice Call Continuity (SRVCC) before ringing (Stage 3)Rel-12C1,C3,R5100%CP-130219NTT DOCOMO[JSN]
580112bSRVCC CT1 part of Single Radio Voice Call Continuity (SRVCC) before ringingRel-12C1100%CP-130219NTT DOCOMO[JSN]
600008bSRVCC CT3 part of Single Radio Voice Call Continuity (SRVCC) before ringingRel-12C3100%CP-130219NTT DOCOMO[JSN]
620017bSRVCC-UEConTest Test part: Single Radio Voice Call Continuity (SRVCC) before ringingRel-12R5100%RP-131919NTT DOCOMO[JSN]
580020IMS_SSFDDIM-SSF Application Server Service Data Descriptions (Stage 2/3)Rel-12C4,C1100%CP-120756Huawei[JSN]
580021IMS_SSFDD Stage 2 for IM-SSF Application Server Service Data DescriptionsRel-12C1100%CP-120756Huawei[JSN]
580022IMS_SSFDD Stage 3 for IM-SSF Application Server Service Data DescriptionsRel-12C4100%CP-120756Huawei[JSN]
590014eDRVCCDual Radio VCC enhancements (Stage 2/3)Rel-12C1,C3.S2100%CP-130091Ericsson[JSN]
600009SIS_CTCT aspects of Signalling of Image Size (Stage 2/3)Rel-12C4,C1,C3100%CP-130394Ericsson[JSN]
600010ICS_IWEIMS Centralized Services (ICS) InterWorking Enhancement in Mobile Switching Center Server (MSC-S)Rel-12C3100%CP-130352Orange[JSN]
630002ICEH248Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE, IETF RFC 5245) impacts on IMS H.248 profilesRel-12C4,C3100%CP-140266NSN[JSN]
630102ICEH248 CT4 part of ICE impacts on IMS H.248 profiles (Stage 2/3)Rel-12C4100%CP-140266NSN[JSN]
630202ICEH248 CT3 part of ICE impacts on IMS H.248 profiles (Stage 2)Rel-12C3100%CP-140266NSN[JSN]
640008USSD_MSUnstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) method selection (Stage 3)Rel-12C1100%CP-140450Ericsson[JSN]
650004USSI-NETNetwork Initiated USSD Simulation Services in IMSRel-12C1100%CP-140625AT&T[JSN]
530002RT_ERGSMIntroduction of ER-GSM band for GSM-RRel-12G1,C1,G3new100%GP-130889Kapsch Carriercom, Sierra Wireless[JSN]
590033MSRD_VAMOSMobile Station Receive Diversity (MSRD) for Voice Services over Adaptive Multi-user channels on One Slot (VAMOS)Rel-12G1,G2,C1,G3new100%GP-130849Nokia Networks, Microsoft[JSN]
590019LCS_BDSSupport for BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS) for UTRA and LTERel-12R2,R3,R4,R5100%RP-130416CATR[JSN]
570017LTE_WCS_bandLTE in the US Wireless Communications Service (WCS) Band 30Rel-12R4,R2,R5100%RP-130843AT&T[JSN]
570117LTE_WCS_band-Core Core part: LTE in the US Wireless Communications Service (WCS) Band 30Rel-12R4,R2100%RP-130843AT&T[JSN]
570217LTE_WCS_band-Perf Perf. Part: LTE in the US Wireless Communications Service (WCS) Band 30Rel-12R4100%RP-130843AT&T[JSN]
640002LTE_WCS_band-UEConTest Test Part: LTE in the US Wireless Communications Service (WCS) Band 30Rel-12R5100%RP-140643Ericsson[JSN]
470020FS_AMTCStudy on Alternatives to E.164 for Machine-Type CommunicationsRel-12S1100%SP-100198T-Mobile USA[JSN]
500035FS_CSNStudy on Continuity of Data Sessions to Local NetworksRel-12S1100%SP-100885NEC[JSN]
530044FS_ProSeStudy on Proximity-based ServicesRel-12S1100%SP-110638Qualcomm[JSN]
540027FS_UPCONStudy on User Plane Congestion managementRel-12S1100%SP-110819KDDI[JSN]
490034FS_IMS_P2P_CDSStudy on IMS based Peer-to-Peer Content Distribution Services (Stage 2)Rel-12S2,S1,S3100%SP-120622China Mobile[JSN]
490134FS_IMS_P2P_CDS SA1 part of Study on IMS based Peer-to-Peer Content Distribution Services (Stage 2)Rel-12S1100%SP-120622China Mobile[JSN]
490234FS_IMS_P2P_CDS SA2 part of Study on IMS based Peer-to-Peer Content Distribution Services (Stage 2)Rel-12S2100%SP-120622China Mobile[JSN]
570036FS_IMS_P2P_CDS SA3 part of Study on IMS based Peer-to-Peer Content Distribution Services (Stage 2)Rel-12S3100%SP-120622China Mobile[JSN]
560038FS_ABCStudy on Application Based ChargingRel-12S2100%SP-120271Allot[JSN]
530047FS_FireDeleted - Study on Firewall traversal (Stage 2)Rel-12S3100%SP-120849Acme Packet[JSN]
540033FS_IS_DASHStudy on Improved Support for Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP in 3GPPRel-12S4100%SP-140486Qualcomm[JSN]
610044FS_HTML5Study on HTML5 for a new presentation layer in 3GPP servicesRel-12S4100%SP-130357Samsung[JSN]
540032FS_OAM_SHAREStudy on OAM aspects of Network SharingRel-12S5100%SP-130044Alcatel-Lucent, Huawei[JSN]
620001FS_ISIM_CRStudy on Development of conformance requirements for the IP Multimedia Services Identity Module (ISIM) application support in MERel-12C6100%CP-130812Gemalto[JSN]
520001FS_eVAMOSStudy on Voice services over Adaptive Multi-user channels on One Slot (VAMOS) enhancementsRel-12GP,G2,G1100%GP-110991China Mobile, Huawei[JSN]
580038FS_LTE_D2D_ProxStudy on LTE Device-to-Device Proximity Services - Radio AspectsRel-12R1,R2,R3,R4100%RP-122009Qualcomm[JSN]
580049FS_UTRA_LTE_1980_2170_REG1Study on 2GHz FDD for UTRA and LTE in Region 1 (1980-2010MHz and 2170-2200MHz Bands)Rel-12R4100%RP-140505DISH Network[JSN]
470051IPXSAdvanced IP Interconnection of ServicesRel-11S1,S2,C1,C3100%SP-100876TelefĆ³nica[JSN]
470052IPXS Stage 1 for Advanced IP Interconnection of ServicesRel-11S1100%SP-100876TelefĆ³nica[JSN]
500025IPXS Stage 2 for Advanced IP Interconnection of ServicesRel-11S2100%SP-100876Ericsson[JSN]
530004IPXS Stage 3 for Advanced IP Interconnection of ServicesRel-11C1,C3100%CP-110646Ericsson[JSN]
530104IPXS CT1 part of Stage 3 for Advanced IP Interconnection of ServicesRel-11C1100%CP-110646Ericsson[JSN]
530204IPXS CT3 part of Stage 3 for Advanced IP Interconnection of ServicesRel-11C3100%CP-110646Ericsson[JSN]
520221SIMTC-Reach On-line device triggerRel-11S2100%SP-120848Intel[JSN]
560002SIMTC-PS_Only Stage 2/3 for SMS in MME architecture option and related PS-only service subscriptionRel-11C1,C4100%CP-120617Ericsson[JSN]
560102SIMTC-PS_Only CT1 part of Stage 2/3 for SMS in MME architecture option and related PS-only service subscriptionRel-11C1100%CP-120617Ericsson[JSN]
560202SIMTC-PS_Only CT4 part of Stage 2/3 for SMS in MME architecture option and related PS-only service subscriptionRel-11C4100%CP-120617Ericsson[JSN]
520122SIMTC-Sig Deleted - Effectively maintain connectivity for a large number of MTC Devices (TS 22.368, 7.1.1)Rel-11S2100%SP-120848Intel[JSN]
480031USSIUnstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) simulation service in IMSRel-11S1,C1,C3100%SP-100408Deutsche Telekom[JSN]
480131USSI Stage 1 for USSD simulation service in IMSRel-11S1100%SP-100408Deutsche Telekom[JSN]
520003USSI Stage 3 for USSD simulation service in IMSRel-11C1,C3100%CP-110534Deutsche Telekom[JSN]
520103USSI CT1 part of Stage 3 for USSD simulation service in IMSRel-11C1100%CP-110534Deutsche Telekom[JSN]
520203USSI CT3 part of Stage 3 for USSD simulation service in IMSRel-11C3100%CP-110534Deutsche Telekom[JSN]
490131QoS_SSL Stage 1 for QoS Control Based on Subscriber Spending LimitsRel-11S1100%SP-110519Vodafone[JSN]
490032OSCAROptimized Service Charging and Allocation of Resources in IMS whilst RoamingRel-11S1,S2100%SP-110347Vodafone[JSN]
490132OSCAR TR on Stage 2 aspects of Optimized Service Charging and Allocation of Resources in IMS whilst RoamingRel-11S2100%SP-110347Vodafone[JSN]
490232OSCAR Stage 1 for Optimized Service Charging and Allocation of Resources in IMS whilst RoamingRel-11S1100%SP-110347Vodafone[JSN]
490332OSCAR Deleted - Stage 2 for Optimized Service Charging and Allocation of Resources in IMS whilst RoamingRel-11S2100%SP-110347Vodafone[JSN]
500030NOVESNon Voice Emergency ServicesRel-11S1,S2100%SP-100884Qualcomm[JSN]
500130NOVES Stage 1 for Non Voice Emergency ServicesRel-11S1100%SP-100884Qualcomm[JSN]
530045NOVES-IMSESOM Stage 2 for Non Voice Emergency Services (Support of IMS Emergency Sessions with Other Media on UTRAN and E-UTRAN)Rel-11S2100%SP-110644Alcatel-Lucent[JSN]
510047VINESupport for 3GPP Voice Interworking with Enterprise IP-PBXRel-11S1,C1100%SP-110176Tatara Systems[JSN]
510147VINE Stage 1 for Support for 3GPP Voice Interworking with Enterprise IP-PBXRel-11S1100%SP-110176Tatara Systems[JSN]
530010VINE-CT1 Stage 2/3 for Support for 3GPP Voice Interworking with Enterprise IP-PBXRel-11C1100%CP-110641Alcatel-Lucent[JSN]
460126BBAI Stage 1 BB I: BBF interworking with home routed traffic for WLAN and H(e)NBRel-11S1100%SP-120539Ericsson[JSN]
480035eMPS_SRVCCSingle Radio Voice Call Continuity (SRVCC) aspect of enhancements for Multimedia Priority ServiceRel-11S2100%SP-110346NTT DoCoMo[JSN]
500032SAPPService Awareness and Privacy PoliciesRel-11S2,S1,C3100%SP-100882Allot[JSN]
500132SAPP Stage 1 for Service Awareness and Privacy PoliciesRel-11S1100%SP-100882Allot[JSN]
500232SAPP Stage 2 for Service Awareness and Privacy PoliciesRel-11S2100%SP-100882Allot[JSN]
510003SAPP-CT3 CT3 part of Service Awareness and Privacy PoliciesRel-11C3100%CP-110136Allot[JSN]
530001rSRVCCSingle Radio Voice Call Continuity from UTRAN/GERAN to E-UTRAN/HSPARel-11S2,C1,C3,C4,G2,R2,R3,R5100%SP-110475Orange[JSN]
530101rSRVCC Stage 2 for Single Radio Voice Call Continuity from UTRAN/GERAN to E-UTRAN/HSPARel-11S2100%SP-110475Orange[JSN]
530201rSRVCC-CT CT aspects for Single Radio Voice Call Continuity from UTRAN/GERAN to E-UTRAN/HSPA (Stage 3)Rel-11C1,C3,C4100%CP-110726Ericsson[JSN]
530301rSRVCC-CT CT1 part for Single Radio Voice Call Continuity from UTRAN/GERAN to E-UTRAN/HSPARel-11C1100%CP-110726Ericsson[JSN]
530401rSRVCC-CT CT3 part for Single Radio Voice Call Continuity from UTRAN/GERAN to E-UTRAN/HSPARel-11C3100%CP-110726Ericsson[JSN]
530501rSRVCC-CT CT4 part for Single Radio Voice Call Continuity from UTRAN/GERAN to E-UTRAN/HSPARel-11C4100%CP-110726Ericsson[JSN]
530601rSRVCC-GERAN GERAN aspects of Single Radio Voice Call Continuity from UTRAN/GERAN to E-UTRAN/HSPA (Stage 3)Rel-11G2100%GP-111290ZTE[JSN]
530701rSRVCC-RAN_UTRA UTRAN aspects of Single Radio Voice Call Continuity from UTRAN/GERAN to E-UTRAN/HSPARel-11R3,R2100%RP-111334Huawei[JSN]
530801rSRVCC-RAN_UTRA-Core Core part: UTRAN aspects of Single Radio Voice Call Continuity from UTRAN/GERAN to E-UTRAN/HSPARel-11R3,R2100%RP-111334Huawei[JSN]
640012rSRVCC-UEConTest Test part: Single Radio Voice Call Continuity from UTRAN/GERAN to E-UTRAN/HSPARel-11R5100%RP-141786Ericsson[JSN]
540029RAVELRoaming Architecture for Voice over IMS with Local BreakoutRel-11S2,S5,C1,C3100%SP-110885Deutsche Telekom[JSN]
540129RAVEL Stage 2 for Roaming Architecture for Voice over IMS with Local BreakoutRel-11S2100%SP-110885Deutsche Telekom[JSN]
540030RAVEL-CH Charging for Roaming Architecture for Voice over IMS with Local BreakoutRel-11S5100%SP-110886Nokia Siemens Networks[JSN]
550004RAVEL-CT CT aspects of Roaming Architecture for Voice over IMS with Local Breakout (Stage 3)Rel-11C1,C3100%CP-120088Deutsche Telekom[JSN]
550104RAVEL-CT CT1 part of CT aspects of Roaming Architecture for Voice over IMS with Local BreakoutRel-11C1100%CP-120088Deutsche Telekom[JSN]
550204RAVEL-CT CT3 part of CT aspects of Roaming Architecture for Voice over IMS with Local BreakoutRel-11C3100%CP-120088Deutsche Telekom[JSN]
530003SIRIGService Identification for RRC Improvements in GERAN (Stage 2/3)Rel-11S2,C4,C3,G2100%CP-120033China Mobile[JSN]
560008SIRIG Stage 2 for Service Identification for RRC Improvements in GERANRel-11S2100%--[JSN]
540018SIRIG CN aspects of Service Identification for RRC Improvements in GERANRel-11C4,C3100%CP-120033China Mobile[JSN]
540118SIRIG CT4 part of CN aspects of Service Identification for RRC Improvements in GERANRel-11C4100%CP-120033China Mobile[JSN]
550009SIRIG Deleted - CT3 part of CN aspects of Service Identification for RRC Improvements in GERANRel-11C3100%CP-120033China Mobile[JSN]
530103SIRIG GERAN2 part of Service Identification for RRC Improvements in GERANRel-11G2100%GP-111876China Mobile, Huawei[JSN]
530020RT_VGCS_RedGCSMSC and GCR Redundancy for VGCS/VBS (Stage 2/3)Rel-11C1100%CP-120279Nokia Siemens Networks[JSN]
540017eMPS_GatewayEnhancements for Multimedia Priority Service (MPS) ā€“ Gateway Control PriorityRel-11C4,C3100%CP-110806Telcordia[JSN]
540117eMPS_Gateway CT4 part of Enhancements for Multimedia Priority Service (MPS) ā€“ Gateway Control PriorityRel-11C4100%CP-110806Telcordia[JSN]
540217eMPS_Gateway CT3 part of Enhancements for Multimedia Priority Service (MPS) ā€“ Gateway Control PriorityRel-11C3100%CP-110806Telcordia[JSN]
560005ATURIAT commands for Universal Resource Identifier (URI) supportRel-11C1100%CP-120275Intel[JSN]
570011MMTel_T.38_FAXEnhanced T.38 FAX support (Stage 3)Rel-11C3,C1,C4100%CP-120673NEC[JSN]
540116PROTOC_SMS_SGs Deleted - TR Study on enhancement of protocols for SMS service over SGsRel-11C4100%CP-120034Alcatel-Lucent[JSN]
540216PROTOC_SMS_SGs Deleted - CT4 part of Enhancement of the Protocols for SMS over SGsRel-11C4100%CP-120034Alcatel-Lucent[JSN]
480026MBMS_LTE_SCService continuity improvements for MBMS for LTERel-11R2,R3,R5100%RP-120258Huawei[JSN]
480126MBMS_LTE_SC-Core Core part: Service continuity improvements for MBMS for LTERel-11R2,R3100%RP-120258Huawei[JSN]
590002MBMS_LTE_SC-UEConTest Test part: Service continuity improvements for MBMS for LTERel-11R5100%RP-130296Ericsson[JSN]
530031SPIA_IDC_LTESignalling and Procedure for Interference Avoidance for in-device coexistenceRel-11R2,R4100%RP-111355China Mobile[JSN]
530131SPIA_IDC_LTE-Core Core part: Signalling and Procedure for Interference Avoidance for in-device coexistenceRel-11R2,R4100%RP-111355China Mobile[JSN]
530231SPIA_IDC_LTE-Perf Perf. part: Signalling and Procedure for Interference Avoidance for in-device coexistenceRel-11R4100%RP-111356China Mobile[JSN]
450047FS_IMS_P2PStudy on IMS based Peer-to-Peer Content Distribution ServicesRel-11S1,S2100%SP-090491China Mobile[JSN]
460024FS_NOVESStudy on Non Voice Emergency ServicesRel-11S1100%SP-090897Qualcomm[JSN]
480033FS_VINEStudy on Support for 3GPP Voice Interworking with Enterprise IP-PBXRel-11S1,S2100%SP-100411Tatara Systems[JSN]
460030FS_rSRVCCStudy on Single Radio Voice Call Continuity from UTRAN/GERAN to E-UTRAN/HSPARel-11S2100%SP-090806Orange[JSN]
510044FS_RAVELStudy on Roaming Architecture for Voice over IMS with Local BreakoutRel-11S2100%SP-110087Deutsche Telekom[JSN]
480028FS_SPIA_IDCStudy on Signalling and procedure for interference avoidance for in-device coexistenceRel-11R2,R4100%RP-100671China Mobile[JSN]
390073eMPSEnhancements for Multimedia Priority ServiceRel-10S1,S2,C4,C3,C1100%SP-080051Telcordia[JSN]
390074ePRIOR-St1 Stage 1 on enhancements for Multimedia Priority ServiceRel-10S1100%SP-080051Telcordia[JSN]
460029ePRIOR-St2 Stage 2 on enhancements for Multimedia Priority ServiceRel-10S2100%SP-100647Telcordia, NTT DoCoMo[JSN]
460429ePRIOR-St2 Stage 2 on eMPS for EPS Bearer ServiceRel-10S2100%SP-100647Telcordia, NTT DoCoMo[JSN]
460229- Deleted - TR 23.854 on Stage 2 on enhancements for Multimedia Priority ServiceRel-10S2100%SP-100647Telcordia, NTT DoCoMo[JSN]
490008eMPS-CN Stage 3 on enhancements for Multimedia Priority ServiceRel-10C4,C3,C1100%CP-100878Ericsson[JSN]
490108eMPS-CN CT4 part on Stage 3 on enhancements for Multimedia Priority ServiceRel-10C4100%CP-100878Ericsson[JSN]
490208eMPS-CN CT3 part on Stage 3 on enhancements for Multimedia Priority ServiceRel-10C3100%CP-100878Ericsson[JSN]
490308eMPS-CN CT1 part on Stage 3 on enhancements for Multimedia Priority ServiceRel-10C1100%CP-100878Ericsson[JSN]
440052IMS_SC_eIDTIMS Service Continuity ā€“ Inter Device Transfer enhancementsRel-10S1,S2,C1,IETF100%SP-090452Huawei[JSN]
440152IMS_SC_eIDT Stage 1 - IMS Service Continuity ā€“ Inter Device Transfer enhancementsRel-10S1100%SP-090452Huawei[JSN]
460017CPM-SMS Stage 3 for IP-Short-Message-Gateway enhancements for CPM-SMS Interworking Rel-10C3100%CP-090859Ericsson[JSN]
450035LIPA_SIPTOLocal IP Access and Selected Internet IP Traffic OffloadRel-10S2,S1,S3,S5,C4,C1100%SP-110131Huawei, China Mobile[JSN]
450036LIPA_SIPTO TR on Local IP Access and Selected Internet IP Traffic OffloadRel-10S2100%SP-110131Huawei, China Mobile[JSN]
450238LIPA Stage 2/3 for Local IP AccessRel-10S2,C4,C1100%SP-110131Huawei, China Mobile[JSN]
450338LIPA Stage 2 for Local IP AccessRel-10S2100%SP-110131Huawei, China Mobile[JSN]
450038SIPTO Stage 2/3 for SIPTO for macro networksRel-10S2,C4,C1100%SP-110131Huawei, China Mobile[JSN]
450138SIPTO Stage 2 for SIPTO for macro networksRel-10S2100%SP-110131Huawei, China Mobile[JSN]
460028OMROptimal Media RoutingRel-10S2,S5,C3,C1100%SP-090803Alcatel-Lucent[JSN]
500006PESTPolicy Enhancements for Sponsored Connectivity and Coherent Access to Policy related DatabasesRel-10S2,C3100%SP-110196Qualcomm[JSN]
470429LI10 LI for VCC (Voice Call Continuity)Rel-10S3100%SP-100108PIDS, BT[JSN]
470033OPT_IMS_PSS_MBMS_USOptimization of IMS based PSS and MBMS User ServiceRel-10S4100%SP-100031Ericsson[JSN]
470034HTTP_SDSHTTP-based Streaming and Download ServicesRel-10S4,IETF100%SP-100032Qualcomm[JSN]
470134HTTP_SDS HTTP-based Streaming and Download Services in 3GPPRel-10S4100%SP-100032Qualcomm[JSN]
521002HTTP_SDS (IETF) HTTP-based Streaming and Download Services in 3GPPRel-10S4-IETF100%SP-100032-[JSN]
510055VCEMVideo Coding Enhancements in MTSIRel-10S4100%SP-110050Ericsson[JSN]
470036OAM-SOA-IRP Deleted - Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) for IRP continuation from Rel-9Rel-10S5100%SP-100076Nokia Siemens Networks, Ericsson[JSN]
470046eAoCAdvice of Charge (AoC) service support enhancementsRel-10S5,C1100%SP-100080Deutsche Telekom[JSN]
490012CC_IMS_USIMCommunication Control for IMS by USIM (Stage 3)Rel-10C6100%CP-100647Gemalto[JSN]
500007SCWS_LIntroduction of Smart Card Web Server launch functionalityRel-10C6100%CP-100883Telecom Italia[JSN]
500010eSRVCCSingle Radio Voice Call Continuity (SRVCC) enhancements (Stage 3)Rel-10C1,C4,IETF100%CP-100881China Mobile[JSN]
500011aSRVCCSingle Radio Voice Call Continuity (SRVCC) in alerting phase (Stage 3)Rel-10C1,R5100%CP-110145ZTE[JSN]
500111aSRVCC CT aspects of Single Radio Voice Call Continuity (SRVCC) in alerting phase (Stage 3)Rel-10C1100%CP-110145ZTE[JSN]
510002FoWFFormalization of WLAN FilesRel-10C1100%CP-110288Deutsche Telekom[JSN]
510007CIIC_ESCS and IMS Interworking for CAT service - Early Session modelRel-10C3100%CP-110283ZTE[JSN]
470009S_Band_LTE_ATC_MSSAdding 2 GHz band LTE FDD (Band 23) for Ancillary Terrestrial Component (ATC) of Mobile Satellite Service (MSS) in North AmericaRel-10R2,R4,R5100%RP-110775DBSD[JSN]
470010L_Band_LTE_ATC_MSSAdding L-Band (Band 24) LTE for Ancillary Terrestrial Component (ATC) of Mobile Satellite Service (MSS) in North AmericaRel-10R4,R2,R5100%RP-101284LightSquared[JSN]
480027MBMS_LTE_enhFurther enhancements to MBMS for LTERel-10R2,R3,R5100%RP-101244Huawei[JSN]
370045FS_EV_EPSStudy on enhanced voice service requirements for the Evolved Packet System (EPS)Rel-10S1,S4100%SP-070698France Telecom[JSN]
370047FS_EV_EPS-S1 Use cases definition and service and system requirementsRel-10S1100%SP-070698France Telecom[JSN]
380083FS_IPXSStudy on advanced requirements for IP interconnect Rel-10S1100%SP-070878TelefĆ³nica O2[JSN]
410039FS_PBSStudy on Personal Broadcast ServiceRel-10S1100%SP-080504ETRI[JSN]
430030FS_HapticsStudy on Haptic ServicesRel-10S1100%SP-090664SK Telecom[JSN]
370050FS_IMS_LBO_ORMStudy on System enhancements for the use of IMS services in Local BreakOut and Optimal Routing of MediaRel-10S2100%SP-080556Telecom Italia, BT[JSN]
440049FS_eSRVCCStudy on Single Radio Voice Call Continuity enhancementsRel-10S2100%SP-090363China Mobile[JSN]
470048FS_vSRVCCStudy on Single Radio Video Call Continuity for 3G-CSRel-10S2100%SP-100168Samsung[JSN]
430040FS_SS_PSS_MBMSStudy on Surround Sound codec extension for PSS and MBMSRel-10S4100%SP-090019Fraunhofer Gesellschaft[JSN]
440069FS_IDMI_Itf-NStudy on Integration of Device Management Information with Itf-NRel-10S5100%SP-100088Motorola[JSN]
410042FS_eIMS_IBCFDeleted - Study on enhancements to IMS border functions for IMS Interconnection of servicesRel-10S2100%SP-090809Starent Networks[JSN]
370026VAS4SMSValue-Added Services for Short Message ServiceRel-9S1,C4,C1100%SP-070572China Mobile[JSN]
440041CRS Stage 3 for IMS Customized Ringing Signal (CRS) ServiceRel-9C1100%CP-090444China Mobile[JSN]
400032eMMTelMulti-Media Telephony Service enhancementsRel-9S1,S5,C1100%SP-080503France Telecom[JSN]
430031eMMTel-SS-CH Multimedia Telephony (MMTel) Service and Supplementary Services - Online Charging and completion for Offline Charging (all supplementary services)Rel-9S5100%SP-090196Alcatel-Lucent[JSN]
440032eMMTel-CC Stage 3 - Enhancements for Completion of Communications Supplementary serviceRel-9C1100%CP-090490France Telecom[JSN]
400034UDCUser Data Convergence (UDC)Rel-9S1,S5,C4100%SP-080448Nokia Siemens Networks[JSN]
410032IMS_SCCIMS Services Centralization and ContinuityRel-9S1,S2,C1100%SP-080633NEC[JSN]
410033IMS_SCC-IDT Stage 1 - Inter-Device Transfer ā€“ RequirementsRel-9S1100%SP-080507NEC[JSN]
410134IMS_SCC-SPI Stage 2/3 for IMS Service Continuity Enhancements: Service, Policy and InteractionsRel-9S2,C1100%SP-080561Huawei[JSN]
410034IMS_SCC-SPI Stage 2 for IMS Service Continuity Enhancements: Service, Policy and InteractionsRel-9S2100%SP-080561Huawei[JSN]
440034IMS_SCC-SPI Stage 3 for IMS Service Continuity Enhancements: Service, Policy, Interactions and Inter UE TransferRel-9C1100%CP-090440Qualcomm[JSN]
410135IMS_SCC-ICS Stage 2/3 for IMS Centralized ServicesRel-9S2,C1100%SP-080634Alcatel-Lucent[JSN]
410035IMS_SCC-ICS Stage 2 for IMS Centralized ServicesRel-9S2100%SP-080634Alcatel-Lucent[JSN]
440033IMS_SCC-ICS Stage 3 for Enhancements to IMS Centralized ServicesRel-9C1100%CP-090883Nokia Siemens Networks[JSN]
430004IMS_SCC-ICS_I1 Stage 3 - IMS Centralized Services support via I1 interfaceRel-9C1100%CP-090640Huawei[JSN]
420020SSACService Specific Access Control in EPSRel-9S1,C1,R5100%SP-080882NTT DoCoMo[JSN]
420021SSAC Stage 1 for Service Specific Access Control in EPSRel-9S1100%SP-080882NTT DoCoMo[JSN]
440040SSAC Stage 3 for Service Specific Access Control in EPSRel-9C1100%CP-090885NTT DoCoMo[JSN]
520014SSAC_UEConTest Conformance Test Aspects - Service Specific Access ControlRel-9R5100%RP-110765NTT DoCoMo[JSN]
410038IMS_EMER_GPRS_EPS-SRVCC Single Radio Voice Call Continuity (SRVCC) support for IMS Emergency CallsRel-9S2,C1,C4,C3,IETF100%SP-090099China Mobile[JSN]
420024eANDSFAccess Network Discovery and Selection Function enhancementsRel-9S2,C1100%SP-080887Motorola[JSN]
430034MUPSAPMultiple PDN Connection to the Same APN for PMIP-based InterfacesRel-9S2,C4,C1100%SP-090098Samsung[JSN]
440054GBA-IdMExtended Identity ManagementRel-9S3100%SP-090284Nokia[JSN]
430046IMS_PSS_MBMS_US_EXTIMS based PSS and MBMS User Service extensionsRel-9S4100%SP-090225Ericsson[JSN]
440064- Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) for IRPRel-9S5100%SP-090313Ericsson, Nokia Siemens Networks [JSN]
420016eCATEnhancements of IMS Customized Alerting Tone (CAT) ServiceRel-9C1100%CP-080796China Mobile[JSN]
420017eCAT-SS Stage 3 for Enhancements of IMS Customized Alerting Tone (CAT) ServiceRel-9C1100%CP-080796China Mobile[JSN]
460004IMS_ConfMO3GPP IMS Conferencing Management Object (MO)Rel-9C1100%--[JSN]
470004ICE_GraphicsIn Case of Emergency (ICE) GraphicsRel-9C6100%CP-100178Sagem-Orga[JSN]
420002VAMOSVoice services over Adaptive Multi-user channels on One SlotRel-9GP,G1,G2,G3new100%GP-081949Nokia Siemens Networks, China Mobile[JSN]
420003VAMOS Stage 2 for Voice services over Adaptive Multi-user channels on One SlotRel-9GP,G1,G2100%GP-081964Nokia Siemens Networks, China Mobile[JSN]
420004VAMOS Stage 3 for Voice services over Adaptive Multi-user channels on One SlotRel-9GP,G1,G2100%GP-081965Nokia Siemens Networks, China Mobile[JSN]
330017ServAlDeleted - Services Alignment and MigrationRel-9S1100%SP-070126TelefĆ³nica O2[JSN]
380086UICCHSDeleted - Definition of 3GPP UICC services over the new high-speed interfaceRel-9C6100%CP-070837Gemalto[JSN]
400036FS_SSACStudy on Service Specific Access Control in EPSRel-9S1100%SP-080319NTT DoCoMo[JSN]
350052FS_CSoPSStudy on CS Domain Services over EPS accessRel-9S2100%SP-080800T-Mobile[JSN]
320031FS_VCCEmStudy on Service Continuity for Emergency Voice CallsRel-9S2100%SP-080555Nortel[JSN]
400029FS_OAM_SOA_IRPStudy on Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) for IRPRel-9S5100%SP-080281Ericsson[JSN]
340051SAES Stage 3 (CT1) for SAE impact on services, network functions and capabilitiesRel-8C1100%CP-080493Nokia Siemens Networks[JSN]
350030SAES-SRVCC Single Radio Voice Call Continuity for 3GPP (SRVCC)Rel-8S2,C1,C4100%SP-070949Nokia Siemens Networks[JSN]
360020SAES-VCC_1X Voice Call Continuity for CDMA2000 1XRel-8S2100%SP-080132Nokia Siemens Networks[JSN]
390039SAES-IMS_LBO System enhancements for the use of IMS services in local breakoutRel-8S2100%SP-080090Telecom Italia[JSN]
490015SAES-ISIM_IMS_Test Test interworking of IP Multimedia Services Identity Module (ISIM) terminals with IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS)Rel-8C6100%CP-100602Comprion[JSN]
370025ICSRAIMS Centralized Service controlRel-8S1,S2,C1,C3,C4,IETF100%SP-070924AT&T[JSN]
370059IMSTSSIMS Multimedia Telephony and Supplementary ServicesRel-8S1,S5,C1,C3,C4,IETF100%--[JSN]
370060IMSSS-Gal General aspects of IMS Sup ServicesRel-8S1,C1,C3,C4100%SP-070691Ericsson[JSN]
370023TISCAPR8 Service and Capability for Core IMS - inclusion of TISPAN requirementsRel-8S1100%SP-070691Ericsson[JSN]
370062IMS-MMTel IMS Multimedia Telephony ServiceRel-8S1,S5100%--[JSN]
380041MMTel-CH Multimedia Telephony Service and Supplementary Services (MMTel) offline ChargingRel-8S5100%SP-080848Alcatel-Lucent[JSN]
380042CH8_IMS Advice of Charge (AoC) support in IMS ChargingRel-8S5100%SP-070739Nokia Siemens Networks[JSN]
390056IMS-ContIMS Service ContinuityRel-8S2,S1,C1100%SP-080092LG Electronics[JSN]
390072IMS-Cont Stage 1 IMS Service ContinuityRel-8S1100%SP-080092LG Electronics[JSN]
390057IMS-Cont Stage 2 IMS Service ContinuityRel-8S2100%SP-080092LG Electronics[JSN]
400011IMS-Cont Stage 3 IMS Service ContinuityRel-8C1100%CP-080491Huawei[JSN]
34046IMS_PSS_MBMS_USIMS initiated and controlled PSS and MBMS User ServiceRel-8S4,S3,IETF100%SP-080201FT, Ericsson[JSN]
34146IMS_PSS_MBMS_US SA4, SA3 part of IMS initiated and controlled PSS and MBMS User ServiceRel-8S4,S3100%SP-080201FT, Ericsson[JSN]
521022IMS_PSS_MBMS_US (IETF) IMS initiated and controlled PSS and MBMS User Service (RFC 6080)Rel-8S4-IETF100%SP-080201Ericsson[JSN]
521024IMSProtoc2 (IETF) IMS Stage 3 IETF Protocol Alignment (RFC 6544)Rel-8C1-IETF100%CP-080794Keith Drage[JSN]
410003IMS_ASIOIMS Application Server Service Data Descriptions for AS interoperabilityRel-8C4100%CP-080451Alcatel-Lucent[JSN]
7042EVAEnhancements for Voice Group Call Service (VGCS) Applications (EVA)Rel-8S1,C1,C4,G2100%SP-070904Nortel[JSN]
340010PNM Key establishment between a UICC hosting device and a remote deviceRel-8S3100%SP-060839Ericsson[JSN]
380060IPintercIP Interconnection of Services Rel-8S1,S2,S5,C3100%SP-080565TelefĆ³nica O2[JSN]
360011FBI2-IOPSI IMS inter-operator service interconnection interfaceRel-8C3100%CP-080578Telecom Italia[JSN]
380059ICEIn Case of Emergency numbers storage and easy access on UICC Rel-8S1,C6100%SP-070944Vodafone[JSN]
380159ICE Stage 1 for ICERel-8S1100%SP-070944Vodafone[JSN]
380259ICE CT6 aspects of ICERel-8C6100%SP-070944Vodafone[JSN]
340029CATCustomized Alerting Tone (CAT) serviceRel-8S1,C1,C3,C4100%SP-070122China Mobile[JSN]
370029TISCMI TISPAN requirements for customized multimedia information servicesRel-8S1100%SP-070880China Mobile[JSN]
390014CAT-SS IMS CAT Supplementary ServiceRel-8C1,C3100%CP-080496Nortel[JSN]
390071CAT-SS CAT solution for voice and video call in CS domainRel-8C3100%CP-080496Nortel[JSN]
410010CAT-3G_CS CAT Service in 3GPP CS domainRel-8C4,C1100%CP-080445China Mobile[JSN]
410110CAT-3G_CS CT4 part of CAT Service in 3GPP CS domainRel-8C4100%CP-080445China Mobile[JSN]
410015CAT-3G_CS CT1 part of CAT Service in 3GPP CS domainRel-8C1100%CP-080445China Mobile[JSN]
340031MESSIWService-Level Interworking for Messaging ServicesRel-8S1,S2,C3,C1100%SP-070816Huawei[JSN]
350048MESSIW Stage 2 for MESSIWRel-8S2100%SP-070816Huawei[JSN]
340044PRIOR_EMRMultimedia Priority ServiceRel-8S1,C1,C3,C4100%SP-060780Telcordia[JSN]
320023PRIOR_EMR Service Requirements for PRIORRel-8S1100%SP-060780Telcordia[JSN]
360010OSA8Open Service Access (OSA) Rel-8 Rel-8S1,C5100%SP-070692Orange[JSN]
360004OSA8 OSA Stage 1 - Service RequirementsRel-8S1100%-Orange, AePONA[JSN]
370034OSA8-IMSReq OSA Stage 1 - NGN Service RequirementRel-8S1100%SP-070692Orange[JSN]
370013OSA8-IMS Parlay-X Content Management web service (store/manage meta-data)Rel-8C5100%CP-080429Alcatel-Lucent[JSN]
370014OSA8-IMS Parlay-X Policy web service Rel-8C5100%CP-080429Alcatel-Lucent[JSN]
370015OSA8-IMS Parlay-X Terminal status web serviceRel-8C5100%CP-080429Alcatel-Lucent[JSN]
380055- Deleted - Service identification (22.127 CR 0095 S1-071837)Rel-8C5100%CP-080429Ericsson[JSN]
390067OSA8-IMS Framework Enterprise Operator (Service Subscription function)Rel-8C5100%CP-080429Alcatel-Lucent[JSN]
380063CHRGMPHCharging for multi-phases servicesRel-8S199%SP-080053Telecom Italia[JSN]
34043PSS_MBMS_OMTVExtending PSS and MBMS User Services for optimized Mobile TVRel-8S4100%SP-070757Ericsson[JSN]
11067OAM8-Trace CT1 part of Service Level Tracing in IMSRel-8C1100%CP-080315Vodafone[JSN]
521028OAM8-Trace (IETF) Service Level Tracing in IMS (draft-ietf-insipid-logme-marking) --> RFC 8497Rel-8C1-IETF100%CP-080315Peter Dawes[JSN]
531003OAM8-Trace Deleted - (IETF) Service Level Tracing in IMS (draft-dawes-sipping-debug-event)Rel-8C1-IETF100%CP-080315Peter Dawes[JSN]
400022OAM8-Trace CT4 part of Service Level Tracing in IMSRel-8C4100%CP-080315Vodafone[JSN]
400021OAM8-Trace Deleted - CT3 part of Service Level Tracing in IMSRel-8C3100%CP-080315Vodafone[JSN]
370032RInImp8-CsHspa CS Voice Service over HSPARel-8R2100%RP-070765Nokia Siemens Networks[JSN]
25050RInImp8-CsHspa_UEConTest Conformance Test Aspects ā€“ CS Voice Service over HSPARel-8R5100%RP-080160Huawei[JSN]
330007BS30Deleted -Enhancements to BS30 Bearer service for VideotelephonyRel-8S1100%SP-0604843[JSN]
53092SCSAGBCT-MStestDeleted - MS conformance testing of Support of Conversational Services in A/Gb mode via the PS domainRel-8G3new100%GP-080330Nokia[JSN]
7026FS_CATStudy on Customised Alerting Tone (CAT) RequirementsRel-8S1100%SP-060474China Mobile[JSN]
320024FS_IMSconfStudy on Requirements of IMS Multimedia ConferencingRel-8S1100%SP-060479China Mobile[JSN]
340034FS_VAS4SMSStudy on Value Added Services for Short Message ServiceRel-8S1100%SP-060786China Mobile[JSN]
340035FS_SMLSWLANStudy on Service continuity between mobile and WLAN networksRel-8S1100%SP-060936NEC[JSN]
370086FS_ServAlStudy on Services Alignment and MigrationRel-8S1100%SP-070126TelefĆ³nica O2[JSN]
320028FS_ISB_ST2Study on Stage 2 aspects of IMS Service BrokeringRel-8S2100%SP-060443Telcordia[JSN]
7049FS_MLTICAST-IMSStudy on IMS utilizing multicast bearer servicesRel-8S2100%SP-060148Nokia Siemens Networks[JSN]
380034FS_ICSStudy on centralized IMS service controlRel-8S2,S1100%SP-070494Ericsson[JSN]
370087FS_ICS-S1 Study on centralized IMS services requirementsRel-8S1100%SP-070494NEC[JSN]
330012FS_IMS_CSC Study on centralized IMS services control Rel-8S2100%SP-070494Alcatel-Lucent[JSN]
320006OAM7-CPSStudy on Common Profile Storage (CPS) Framework of User Data for network services and managementRel-8S5100%SP-060263T-Mobile[JSN]
360030FS_IMS_ASIOStudy on IMS Application Server Service Data Descriptions for AS interoperabilityRel-8C4100%CP-070685Alcatel-Lucent[JSN]
360031FS_CAT_VVC_CSStudy on Customized Alerting Tone (CAT) solution for voice and video call in CS domainRel-8C4100%CP-070518China Mobile[JSN]
50590MUROSStudy on Multi-User Reusing-One-Slot Rel-8GP100%GP-072033Nokia Siemens Networks[JSN]
370044FSSCMobToWDeleted - equals 340035 -FS on Service continuity between mobile and WLAN networksRel-8S1100%SP-070557BT[JSN]
732097ServIDIdentification of Communication Services in IMSRel-7S2,S1,C1,S5100%SP-060293Ericsson[JSN]
7038MTSIMultimedia Telephony Service for IMSRel-7S1,C1,S4100%SP-060224Ericsson[JSN]
690069MTSI_FIXED_ACCESS-UEConTest UE Conformance Test Aspects - Multimedia Telephony Services for IMS (MTSI) over fixed accessRel-7R5100%RP-151257Telecom Italia[JSN]
690071MTSI_WLAN-UEConTest UE Conformance Test Aspects ā€“ Multimedia Telephony Services for IMS (MTSI) over WLANRel-7R5100%RP-151770Ericsson[JSN]
7023MMTEL Deleted - duplicates UID7039 - IMS Multimedia Telephony Service Rel-7S1100%SP-050387Ericsson[JSN]
350147MTSI-UEConTestMultimedia Telephony Service for IMS (MTSI) - UE Conformance TestingRel-7R5100%RP-080605Ericsson, Motorola[JSN]
377001TMMTEL7TISPAN requirements for Multimedia Telephony with PSTN/ISDN simulation servicesRel-7S1100%SP-070568-[JSN]
1314EMC1 Service Requirements for IP-based emergency callsRel-7S1100%SP-050604Siemens[JSN]
32079LCS3Location Services enhancementsRel-7S1,S2,GP,C4,R2100%SP-040682-[JSN]
50558LCS3-LBS LCS Enhancements related to Location-Based ServicesRel-7GP100%GP-050265SiRF[JSN]
34038MBMSUSEMBMS User Service ExtensionsRel-7S4100%SP-050838Ericsson[JSN]
31048USSD-USIMUnstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) message delivery and transfer to USIMRel-7S1,C6100%SP-040104Axalto[JSN]
31063CSICSCombinational Services Rel-7S1,S2,C1,S4100%SP-050228TeliaSonera[JSN]
31088ISBIMS Service Brokering enhancementsRel-7S1100%SP-050830Telcordia[JSN]
31061EVGCS Stage 1 for Enhancements of VGCS for public authority officialsRel-7S1100%SP-040304Siemens[JSN]
11055IVGCSImprovements of VGCS for parallel use of servicesRel-7S1100%SP-070167-[JSN]
31070IVGCS Service Requirements for VGCS improvementsRel-7S1100%SP-070167T-Mobile[JSN]
31071OSA7Open Service Access (OSA) Rel-7 Rel-7S1,C5100%SP-050183AePONA[JSN]
31172OSA7-SB OSA Service BrokerRel-7S1,C5100%SP-050183AePONA[JSN]
31072OSA7 Service Requirements for OSA Service BrokerRel-7S1100%SP-050183AePONA[JSN]
43011OSA7 Stage 2 OSA API Service BrokeringRel-7C5100%CP-070200AePONA[JSN]
7017OSA7 Stage 3 OSA API Service BrokeringRel-7C5100%CP-070200AePONA[JSN]
7018OSA7 Parlay X Message Broadcast Web ServiceRel-7C5100%CP-070200ETRI[JSN]
7019OSA7 Parlay X Geocoding Web ServiceRel-7C5100%CP-070200ETRI[JSN]
7020OSA7 Parlay X Application driven QoS Web ServiceRel-7C5100%CP-070200BT[JSN]
340001OSA7 Parlay-X Device Capabilities and ConfigurationRel-7C5100%CP-070200Telenor[JSN]
340002OSA7 Parlay-X Multimedia Streaming Session Management Web ServiceRel-7C5100%CP-070200Telenor[JSN]
340003OSA7 Parlay-X Multimedia Multicast Control Web ServiceRel-7C5100%CP-070200ETRI[JSN]
32091VCCVoice Call Continuity between CS and IMS (incl. I-WLAN)Rel-7S2,S1,S5,C1,C4100%SP-060292Alcatel-Lucent[JSN]
32104- TR for Voice Call Continuity between CS and IMS (incl. I-WLAN)Rel-7S2100%SP-060292Alcatel-Lucent[JSN]
31085- Stage 1 for Voice Call Continuity between CS and IMS (incl. I-WLAN)Rel-7S1100%SP-060292Alcatel-Lucent[JSN]
32105- Stage 2 for Voice Call Continuity between CS and IMS (incl. I-WLAN)Rel-7S2100%SP-060292Alcatel-Lucent[JSN]
35079VCC-CH SA5 Charging for Voice Call Continuity between CS and IMS (incl. I-WLAN)Rel-7S5100%SP-060292Orange[JSN]
11058- Stage 3 for Voice Call Continuity between CS and IMS (incl. I-WLAN)Rel-7C1,C4100%CP-070186Alcatel-Lucent[JSN]
11066- CT1 aspects of Stage 3 for Voice Call Continuity between CS and IMS (incl. I-WLAN)Rel-7C1100%CP-070186Alcatel-Lucent[JSN]
14027VCC-St3-c4 CT4 aspects of Stage 3 for Voice Call Continuity between CS and IMS (incl. I-WLAN)Rel-7C4100%CP-070186Alcatel-Lucent[JSN]
13032- Deleted - CT3 aspects of Stage 3 for Voice Call Continuity between CS and IMS (incl. I-WLAN)Rel-7C3100%CP-070186Alcatel-Lucent[JSN]
7043VGCSFlexInteroperability between VGCS/VBS and A/Gb flexibilityRel-7C1,C4100%CP-060102Siemens[JSN]
34037OMTIMS-CAJMP Deleted - Characterisation of Adaptive Jitter Management Performance for VoIP ServicesRel-7S4100%SP-050432Lucent[JSN]
34036E2EMSPMEnd-to-End Multimedia Services Performance MetricsRel-7S4100%SP-050433China Mobile[JSN]
35040- End-to-end Service Level tracing for IMSRel-7S5100%SP-050627Vodafone[JSN]
20132RANimp-IMSRealTime Improved support of IMS Realtime Services using HSDPA/HSUPARel-7R2100%RP-050160Cingular[JSN]
50564SCSAGBSupport of Conversational Services in A/Gb mode via the PS domainRel-7GP100%GP-061501Ericsson[JSN]
51137SCSAGB-RRM Definition of radio resource management functionality for Support of Conversational Services in A/Gb mode via the PS domainRel-7G1100%GP-061502Ericsson[JSN]
52144SCSAGB-RLCNP Support of Conversational Services in A/Gb mode via the PS domain ā€“ RLC Non-Persistent modeRel-7G2100%GP-061503Ericsson[JSN]
32005IMSLocalDeleted - IMS Local servicesRel-7S299%--[JSN]
11035- Deleted - Stage 3 for IMS Local servicesRel-7C1100%-Lucent[JSN]
31075VidTelStudy on Videotelephony teleserviceRel-7S1100%SP-050506T-Mobile[JSN]
31041PRIOR-MMStudy on Multimedia Priority ServiceRel-7S1100%SP-060329Telcordia[JSN]
20051RANFS-MBMSImpStudy on Improvement of the Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service (MBMS) in UTRANRel-7R2100%RP-050746LG Electronics[JSN]
330013FSUEPowStudy on Dynamically reconfiguring a FDD UE receiver to reduce power consumption when desired Quality of Service is metRel-7R4100%RP-060641Nokia[JSN]
31054IRTSDDeleted - Study on IMS with real time services deploymentRel-7S1100%SP-040465-[JSN]
32076IRTSD-IMSCSDeleted - Study on Stage 2 (IMS services using CS bearers)Rel-7S2100%SP-040479Nortel[JSN]
20032RInImp-IMSRealTime Improved support of IMS Realtime Services using HSDPA/EDCHRel-6R2100%-Cingular[JSN]
32023LCS2Location Services enhancements 2Rel-6S2,S5,N4,R2,R4,R5,OMA100%SP-030127Nokia[JSN]
32012- Location Services support for IMS public identitiesRel-6S2,OMA100%SP-030127Nokia[JSN]
32049- Stage 2 for Location Services support for IMS public identitiesRel-6S2100%SP-030127Nokia[JSN]
32056- OMA Stage 3 for Location Services support for IMS public identities - impacts MLP, RLP and PCPRel-6OMA100%SP-040232OMA[JSN]
32026- New area event for location service triggering reportsRel-6S2,N4,OMA100%SP-030127Nokia[JSN]
32050- Stage 2 for New area event for location service triggering reportsRel-6S2100%SP-030127Nokia[JSN]
32057- Stage 3 for New area event for location service triggering reports - impacts MLP, RLP and PCPRel-6OMA100%SP-040232OMA[JSN]
20001LCS2-UEpos UE positioning for Location Services enhancements 2Rel-6R2,R4,R5100%--[JSN]
33007SEC1-NDS-IP Rel-6 IP network layer security (NDS/IP)Rel-6S3100%SP-000420-[JSN]
33019SECGKYV Key Management of group keys for Voice Group Call ServicesRel-6S3100%SP-030491Vodafone[JSN]
32063PoC3GPP Enablers for services like Push to Talk over Cellular (PoC)Rel-6S2,S4,S5100%SP-030384Ericsson[JSN]
32068- Feasibility Study on 3GPP Enablers for services like Push to Talk over Cellular (PoC)Rel-6S2100%SP-030384Ericsson[JSN]
1365PUSHSupport of Push ServicesRel-6S1100%SP-000669NTT Comware[JSN]
31004- Stage 1 for Support of Push ServicesRel-6S1100%--[JSN]
42010MMS6-SR Definition of service requirements for MMS6Rel-6S1100%--[JSN]
31031- Definition of service requirements chargingRel-6S1100%-Siemens[JSN]
2499PRESNCPresence CapabilityRel-6S1,S2,S3,S4,N1,N3,N4,OMA100%SP-010064Motorola[JSN]
50080- Requirements for the support of conversational servicesRel-6GP100%--[JSN]
50084- Identification of the different building blocks for the provision of conversational services on the existing A/Gb protocol stackRel-6GP100%--[JSN]
2544MBMSMultimedia Broadcast and Multicast ServiceRel-6S1,S2,S3,S4,S5,N1,N3,R2,R4,R5,T1,GP,G2,G3new100%--[JSN]
2545- Stage 1 for Multimedia Broadcast and Multicast ServiceRel-6S1100%--[JSN]
32002- Stage 2 for Multimedia Broadcast and Multicast ServiceRel-6S2100%SP-010516-[JSN]
31045- MBMS User ServicesRel-6S1,S4100%--[JSN]
31044- Stage 1 for MBMS User ServicesRel-6S1100%--[JSN]
34026MBMS-TSMBMS Definition of MBMS user services, media codecs, formats and transport/application protocols using MBMSRel-6S4100%SP-030674Nokia[JSN]
50098- Simultaneous support of MBMS servicesRel-6GP100%--[JSN]
50099- Simultaneous support of MBMS and non-MBMS servicesRel-6GP100%--[JSN]
31006SRSESSpeech Recognition and Speech Enabled ServicesRel-6S1,S2,S4,OMA100%SP-010572-[JSN]
31007DSR Speech Enabled Services Based on Distributed Speech Recognition (DSR)Rel-6S1100%SP-010581Qualcomm[JSN]
34700SRSES-Codec Codec Work to Support Speech Recognition Framework for Automated Voice ServicesRel-6S4100%SP-020687Motorola[JSN]
31015PRIOR1Priority ServiceRel-6S1100%SP-010523Telcordia[JSN]
31016PRIOR-FS Feasibility Study on Priority ServiceRel-6S1100%SP-010523Telcordia[JSN]
31017PRIOR-SR Stage 1 - Requirements for Priority ServiceRel-6S1100%SP-010523Telcordia[JSN]
31043- Priority service implementation guideRel-6S1100%SP-010523Telcordia[JSN]
15010OSA3Rel-6 Open Service Access (OSA) enhancementsRel-6N5100%NP-040351Alcatel[JSN]
31040- Scope of the Open Service Access Release 6Rel-6S1100%SP-030038-[JSN]
15032- OSA interfaces at different levels of abstractions (Parlay X, Web services)Rel-6N5100%--[JSN]
60008- OMA potential overlaps with 3GPP OSA Stage 3 (Web services)Rel-6OMA100%--[JSN]
50130SSStreaSeamless support of streaming services in A/Gb modeRel-6GP,S3100%GP-022561Vodafone[JSN]
51136- Handover for Seamless support of streaming services in A/Gb modeRel-6G1100%-Vodafone[JSN]
52131- Reduction of service interruption times and packet loss during mobility proceduresRel-6G2100%GP-022563Vodafone[JSN]
52136- Dependency to other features of Reduction of service interruption times and packet loss during mobility proceduresRel-6G2100%-Vodafone[JSN]
54131- Deleted - MS conformance testing for Seamless support of streaming services in A/Gb modeRel-6G3new100%GP-023424Vodafone[JSN]
54132- Deleted - MS conformance tests for Seamless support of streaming services in A/Gb modeRel-6G4,G5100%GP-023424Vodafone[JSN]
35019- Charging Management for the Service domainRel-6S5100%SP-040778Siemens[JSN]
34022PSSrel6Packet Switched Streaming Services Rel-6Rel-6S4,S1100%SP-020685Ericsson[JSN]
31039- Stage 1 for Packet Switched Streaming Services Rel-6Rel-6S1100%SP-020685Ericsson[JSN]
34024PSSrel6-Stage3 Stage 3 for Packet Switched Streaming Services Rel-6Rel-6S4100%SP-020685Ericsson[JSN]
12006EDCAMELEnhancement of dialled service for CAMELRel-6S1,N2,N4100%SP-020818Samsung[JSN]
12007- Stages 2 and 3 for Enhancement of dialled service for CAMELRel-6N2,N4100%NP-030153Samsung[JSN]
50103DARP-GMSK DARP for GMSK modulated voice servicesRel-6GP100%GP-041968Nokia[JSN]
50104DARP-GMSK-Perf Performance requirements in 45.005 for DARP for GMSK modulated voice servicesRel-6GP100%--[JSN]
50105DARP-GMSK-LC Radio subsystem link control in 45.008 for DARP for GMSK modulated voice servicesRel-6GP100%--[JSN]
50109PSintDTMReduction of PS service interruption in Dual Transfer ModeRel-6G2100%GP-032548Siemens[JSN]
50112PSintDTM-Reduct Reduction of service interruption times and packet loss during Dual Transfer Mode and mobility proceduresRel-6G2100%GP-032551Siemens[JSN]
50113PSintDTM-ConfMS Deleted - MS Conformance testing - Reduction of PS service interruption in DTMRel-6G3new100%--[JSN]
50114PSintDTM-ConfBTS Deleted - BTS Conformance testing - Reduction of PS service interruption in DTMRel-6G3new100%--[JSN]
31046CS_VSSCircuit Switched Video and Voice Service ImprovementsRel-6S2,N1100%SP-040331Vodafone[JSN]
11053- Switching between voice and video call - Redial solutionRel-6N1100%SP-040331Vodafone[JSN]
33018-Study on (U)SIM Security Reuse by Peripheral Devices on Local InterfacesRel-6S3100%SP-030341Toshiba[JSN]
50500-Deleted SCSAGB - Support of Conversational Services in A/Gb mode via the PS domainRel-6GP,N1100%GP-030443Ericsson[JSN]
1273IMSProvisioning of IP-based multimedia servicesRel-5S1,S2,S3,S5,NP,T3,T1,R5100%SP-000216Openwave[JSN]
1633- Stage 1 for Call control and roaming to support IMS in UMTSRel-5S1100%-Motorola[JSN]
2530IMS-Sex Service Examples (Work stopped)Rel-5S1100%-Motorola[JSN]
2036IMS-CODEC Multimedia codecs and protocols for conversational PS servicesRel-5S4100%SP-000398Toshiba, Nokia[JSN]
11019- ISC (IMS Service Control) InterfaceRel-5N1100%--[JSN]
12000IMS-CAMEL CAMEL control of IMS servicesRel-5N2100%NP-020305Lucent[JSN]
34001PSS-EExtended Transparent End-to-End PS Streaming ServiceRel-5S4100%SP-010392Ericsson[JSN]
34002- Stage 1 for Extended Transparent End-to-End PS Streaming ServiceRel-5S1100%SP-010392Vodafone[JSN]
31032- Interaction with other servicesRel-5S1100%-Vodafone[JSN]
501637OSA1Rel-5 Open Service Access (OSA) enhancementsRel-5S1,S3100%SP-000216Siemens[JSN]
15007- Call Control Service Mapping; Multiparty Call Control SIP - Stage 3Rel-5N5100%--[JSN]
1461- Service requirementsRel-5S1100%--[JSN]
1625AMRWBWideband Telephony Service - AMRRel-5S4100%SP-99354Siemens[JSN]
31005- Stage 1 for Wideband Telephony Service - AMRRel-5S1100%--[JSN]
32007- Stage 2 for Wideband Telephony Service - AMRRel-5S4100%--[JSN]
1459- Design Constraints for Wideband Telephony Service - AMRRel-5S4100%--[JSN]
1460- General Description for Wideband Telephony Service - AMRRel-5S4100%--[JSN]
1626- Feasibility Study for Wideband Telephony Service - AMRRel-5S4100%SP-000024-[JSN]
1656- N1 Aspects for Wideband Telephony Service - AMRRel-5N1100%--[JSN]
14005- N4 work for Wideband Telephony Service - AMRRel-5N4100%N4-010538-[JSN]
890- Other codec issues (verif., characterization)Rel-5S4100%--[JSN]
34011- Deleted - WB Conferencing and WB Voice Group callsRel-5S1100%--[JSN]
1536LCS1Rel-5 Location Services enhancementsRel-5S2,S1,S3,S5,N4,R2,R3,GP100%SP-010518Nokia[JSN]
1600LCS1-Uepos UE positioning for Rel-5 Location Services enhancementsRel-5R2100%--[JSN]
2436LCS-GERAN Location Services for GERAN in A/Gb ModeRel-5GP100%GP-011925Nokia[JSN]
2441- Stage 3 for Location Services for GERAN in A/Gb ModeRel-5GP100%GP-011925Nokia[JSN]
2442- Location Services for GERAN in Iu ModeRel-5S2,G1,G2,R2,R3100%GP-011926Nokia[JSN]
2449- Stage 3 for Location Services for GERAN in Iu ModeRel-5G1,G2,R2,R3100%GP-011926Nokia[JSN]
521LCS1-SEC New security aspects of LCSRel-5S3,S2100%SP-000421Nokia[JSN]
2392-GERAN enhancements for streaming services 1 (RLC enhancements)Rel-5GP100%GP-010429-[JSN]
2394- Concept for GERAN enhancements for streaming services 1 (RLC enhancements)Rel-5GP100%--[JSN]
2396-GERAN enhancements for streaming services 2 (usage of ECSD)Rel-5GP100%GP-010430Ericsson[JSN]
2399- Stage 2 for GERAN enhancements for streaming services 2 (usage of ECSD)Rel-5GP100%--[JSN]
2400- Stage 3 for GERAN enhancements for streaming services 2 (usage of ECSD)Rel-5GP100%--[JSN]
31000MESS5-SR Definition of service requirements for MESS5-MMSRel-5S1100%-Siemens[JSN]
2572MESS5-EMS Enhanced Messaging Service (EMS) enhancementsRel-5T2100%TP-010153Ericsson[JSN]
31001- Definition of service requirements for Enhanced Messaging Service (EMS) enhancementsRel-5S1100%-Ericsson[JSN]
42001- Technical realization of Enhanced Messaging Service (EMS) enhancementsRel-5T2100%-Ericsson[JSN]
13000SCUDIFService Change and UDI FallbackRel-5N3100%NP-020164Ericsson[JSN]
2370- Voice over GERAN PS and CS conceptRel-5GP,R3100%GP-011252-[JSN]
2373- Handover for Voice over GERAN PS and CSRel-5GP,R3100%--[JSN]
2422- Deleted - MuM control signalling for conversational multimedia servicesRel-5GP,S2,RP100%--[JSN]
2431- Deleted - Identification of requirements for MuM control signalling for conversational multimedia servicesRel-5GP,S2,RP100%--[JSN]
1907MISTST1-Ext Extensions to R99 Test casesRel-4T1100%TP-030052-[JSN]
1648- Service provisionRel-4N3100%--[JSN]
1345- Review whether service/stage 1 aspects need to be alignedRel-4S1100%SP-000169-[JSN]
136- Definition of service requirements for Multimedia MessagingRel-4S1100%--[JSN]
1819- Review of definition of service requirementsRel-4T2100%TP-000078Siemens[JSN]
2463ODBOperator Determined Barring for Packet Oriented ServicesRel-4NP100%NP-010089NEC[JSN]
1681QoSPS-MAPEND-RABQoS RAB Quality of Service (re)Negotiation over IuRel-4R3100%-Ericsson[JSN]
1991QoSPS-MAPEND-RABQoS-Negot RAB Quality of Service Negotiation over IuRel-4R3100%-Ericsson[JSN]
2456QoSPS-MAPEND-RABQoS-NegotReloc RAB Quality of Service Negotiation over Iu during relocationRel-4R3100%--[JSN]
1992QoSPS-MAPEND-RABQoS-ReNegot RAB Quality of Service Re-Negotiation over IuRel-4R3100%-Motorola[JSN]
1685QoSPS-PSdoRTS PS-domain handover for real-time servicesRel-4R3100%-Nokia[JSN]
1320- Distinction in CS domain of emergency call types to different emergency servicesRel-4S1100%--[JSN]
1999- Distinction in CS domain of emergency calls to different emergency typesRel-4N1100%NP-010136-[JSN]
1828- Specification of AT commands for new servicesRel-4T2100%--[JSN]
401536LCS4Rel-4 Location Services enhancementsRel-4S2,S1,T2,N1,N4,R3,R2100%SP-010518Nokia[JSN]
60149Mandatory_Speech_Codec,AMR-NB,AMR Mandatory speech codec for narrowband telephony serviceR99S4100%SP-99060-[JSN]
60055Low_bit_rate_codec_for_MM_Tel.,H.324M Codec for low bitrate multimedia telephony serviceR99S4100%SP-99060-[JSN]
60147MMS Multimedia Messaging ServiceR99T2100%TP-000022-[JSN]
60121LCS Location ServicesR99S1,S2,S3,SMG1,SMG2,SMG12,N1,N2,N4,R2,R3100%SP-99327-[JSN]
60118CAMEL3 Customised Application for Mobile network Enhanced Logic Phase 3R99S1,S2,N2,N4100%SP-99368-[JSN]
60318- Multiple Subscriber Profile (MSP) based on CAMEL phase 3R99S1100%--[JSN]
60038EMS Short Message Service enhancements / Enhanced Messaging Service (EMS)R99T2100%TP-000022-[JSN]
60057Multicall MultiCallR99S1,N1,N2,N4100%NP-000348-[JSN]
60105VHE Virtual Home EnvironmentR99S1,SMG1,S2100%--[JSN]
60067OSA Open Service AccessR99S1,S2,N5100%--[JSN]
60091Super_Charger Super Charger mechanism for signalling traffic associated with mobilityR99N2,N4100%--[JSN]
60039Follow_Me Follow_Me serviceR99S1,N2,N4100%--[JSN]
60166- AT commands for 3GPPR99T2100%TP-000022-[JSN]
60168MUXMS-TE MultiplexerR99T2100%TP-000022-[JSN]
60169- Bearer ServicesR99S1,T2,N1,N3100%--[JSN]
60012Circuit_switched_Bearer_Services Circuit Switched Bearer ServicesR99S1,N3100%NP-99285-[JSN]
60021CS_Bearerss_in_UMTS Stage 1 for Circuit Switched Bearer ServicesR99S1100%NP-99285-[JSN]
60024CSBS Deleted - CN3 poart of Circuit Switched Bearer ServicesR99N3100%--[JSN]
60040FTM Frame Tunnelling ModeR99T2,N1,N3100%NP-99285-[JSN]
60070PIAFS PHS Internet Access Forum SpecificationR99S1,N3100%NP-99285-[JSN]
60141USAT USIM Application ToolkitR99T3100%TP-99184-[JSN]
60175BIP Bearer Independent Protocol for SAT applications to exchange data over the GSM networkR99T3100%--[JSN]
60177- USIM and UICC requirementsR99T3100%TP-99084-[JSN]
60183FIGS Fraud Information Gathering Service (for connection-orientated services)R99S3100%--[JSN]
60085IST,SECIST Immediate Service Termination / SECurity Immediate Service TerminationR99S3,N2,N4100%--[JSN]
60184DTM Dual Transfer Mode within GSM and GPRSR99SMG,N1100%--[JSN]
60185GPRSenhancements General Packet Radio Service enahancementsR99S1,S2,SMG1,SMG2,SMG7,N1,N2,N3,N4,T2100%--[JSN]
60132GPRS General Packet Radio ServiceR99S1,S2,SMG1,SMG2,SMG7,N1,N2,N3,N4,T2100%--[JSN]
60133GPRS2 GPRS2R99SMG1,N2100%--[JSN]
60029ECSD Enhanced Circuit Switched Data - Phase 1R99S1,SMG100%--[JSN]
60031EDGE-Compact Support for EGPRS in ANSI-136 networks and EDGE COMPACTR99SMG100%--[JSN]
60187CBS Cell Broadcast ServiceR99T2100%TP-000022-[JSN]
60188MNP GSM mobile number portability euro MNP / North American MNPR99S1,N2,N4100%--[JSN]
60049GSM_to_UMTS_EvolGSM General Bearer Services (GBS) and interworking scenarios support in UMTSR99S1100%--[JSN]
60088SPANMEService Provider Name IndicationR99S1100%--[JSN]
60125USSDUnstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD)R99SMG1,N4100%--[JSN]
60126MMIMan-Machine Interface (MMI) of the User Equipment (UE)R99S1100%--[JSN]
60128ODB_Enh.Deleted - Operator Determined Barring for Packet Oriented ServicesR99S1100%--[JSN]
60157-Quality of Service R99S2,T2,N1,N2,N4100%--[JSN]
60076QoS End-to-end UMTS Quality of Service managementR99S2,T2,N1,N2,N4100%--[JSN]
60129SoLSASupport of Localised Service AreaR99SMG2,SMG3,SMG7,N2100%--[JSN]
60015Codec_for_Multimedia_Telephony Codecs for Multimedia Telephony ServiceR99S4100%--[JSN]
60415Multimedia_Codec Codecs for Multimedia Telephony ServiceR99S4100%--[JSN]
60515CSM Codecs for Multimedia Telephony ServiceR99S4100%--[JSN]
60615WI2MMC Codecs for Multimedia Telephony ServiceR99S4100%--[JSN]
60715Codec(s)_for_CS_MM_Tel._Serv Codecs for Multimedia Telephony ServiceR99S4100%--[JSN]
60815Codec(s)_for_MM_Tel_Service Codecs for Multimedia Telephony ServiceR99S4100%--[JSN]
60915- Codecs for Multimedia Telephony ServiceR99S4100%--[JSN]
60160-Multi-mode UE issuesR99T2100%TP-000022-[JSN]
60162-Provision of fax service in GSM and UMTSR99T2100%-Ericsson[JSN]

All information on this page is aggregated from the 3GPP WorkPlan.