Please enter the search related information in the fields below. Partial information works, e.g. "SP-21" in the "tdoc" field lists all TSG SA documents from 2021. Regular expressions mostly work in all fields (e.g. "2[34].501" in the "Spec" field lists all documents related to 23.501 and 24.501. Capitalization is disregarded, i.e. "3GPP" gives the same results as "3gpp".

Download results in JSON format

tdoc Title Type / Revs Source Spec / CR S/WID Release Meeting Status Links
RP-160001 Agenda for RAN #71 held in Göteborg, Sweden, 07.03.-10.03.2016 agenda RAN chairman (Qualcomm) RP-71

AI: 3

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160002 Draft report of RAN #70 held in Sitges, Spain, 07.12.-10.12.2015 report

revised to RP-160524


AI: 4

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160003 Status Report ITU-R Ad hoc report

revised to RP-160517

ITU-R Ad hoc Contact (Telecom Italia) RP-71

AI: 7.1

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160004 Status Report RAN WG1 report RAN1 chairman (NTT DOCOMO) RP-71

AI: 8.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160005 List of CRs from RAN WG1 discussion ETSI MCC RP-71

AI: 8.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160006 Status Report RAN WG2 report RAN2 chairman (Intel) RP-71

AI: 8.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160007 List of CRs from RAN WG2 discussion ETSI MCC RP-71

AI: 8.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160008 Status Report RAN WG3 report RAN3 chairman (Huawei) RP-71

AI: 8.3

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160009 List of CRs from RAN WG3 discussion ETSI MCC RP-71

AI: 8.3

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160010 Status Report RAN WG4 report RAN4 chairman (Samsung) RP-71

AI: 8.4

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160011 List of CRs from RAN WG4 discussion ETSI MCC RP-71

AI: 8.4

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160012 Status Report of RAN4 CA WIs WI status report RAN4 chairman (Samsung) RP-71

AI: 10.8

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160013 Status Report RAN WG5 report RAN5 Chairman (Motorola Mobility) RP-71

AI: 8.5

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160014 List of CRs from RAN WG5 discussion ETSI MCC RP-71

AI: 8.5

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160015 Status Report MCC TF160 (for approval) report ETSI MCC TF160 Leader RP-71

AI: 8.5

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160016 3GPP Work Plan review at Plenary #71 Work Plan ETSI MCC RP-71

AI: 17

available [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160017 3GPP Support Team Report report ETSI MCC RP-71

AI: 17

withdrawn [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160018 LS on supportable Msg3 size for NB-IoT (R1-160205; to: RAN2; cc: RAN; contact: Huawei) LS in

source LS: R1-160205

RAN1 NB_IOT-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.18

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160019 Reply LS to RP-152295 on introduction of new establishment cause for mobile-originating calls (C1-160792; to: RAN2, RAN; cc: RAN3, SA2; contact: Nokia Networks) LS in

source LS: C1-160792

CT1 TEI12 Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 6

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160020 LS on NGMN Description of Network Slicing Concept (NGMN_LS_160113; to: SA2; cc: SA, SA1, RAN; contact: Orange) LS in

source LS: NGMN_LS_160113

NGMN FS_NG_SReq Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160021 Reply LS to IETF TSVWG_1424_150720 = RP-151143 on 3GPP Work on Explicit Congestion Notification for Lower Layer Protocols (SP-150829; to: IETF tsvwg; cc: CT, RAN, SA2, SA4, RAN2, RAN3, CT1, CT3, CT4; contact: SA chairman (Samsung)) LS in

source LS: SP-150829


AI: 6

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160022 LS on LTE support for V2X services (SP-150839; to: ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, ETSI, TSDSI, TTA, TTC, GSMA Connected Living, NGMN Alliance, 4G Americas, COAI, ETSI ITS, Korean Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport, IEEE, US SAE, SAE-China, C-ITS, WWRF, C2C LS in

source LS: SP-150839


AI: 10.2.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160023 LS to WGs on Application Architecture related SI/WI proposals not related to Critical Communications (SP-150848; to: SA6; cc: SA1, SA2, SA3, SA4, SA5, CT, RAN; contact: U.S. Department of Commerce) LS in

source LS: SP-150848

SA Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 6

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160024 Reply LS to SP-150839 = RP-160022 on LTE support for V2X services (ITS(16)000010r2; to: SA; cc: SA1, SA2, RAN, RAN1; contact: ITS Chairman (Anemone Technology)) LS in

source LS: ITS(16)000010r2


AI: 10.2.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160025 LS on Status of GNSS-based location systems standardization (SES(15)000115r1; to: RAN; cc: ETSI TC SES SCN; contact: SES chair (HUGHES Network Systems Ltd)) LS in

source LS: SES(15)000115r1


AI: 6

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160026 LS on Wi-Fi Alliance results of LTE-LAA coexistence testing (WFA_LS_160129; to: RAN1, RAN; cc: -; contact: Wi-Fi Alliance president) LS in

source LS: WFA_LS_160129

Wifi Alliance LTE_eLAA-Core Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.2.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160027 Reply LS to WFA_LS_160129 = RP-160026 on Coexistence Testing (IEEE802_LMSC_LS_160119; to: Wifi Alliance; cc: RAN, RAN4, CableLabs, NIST, CTIA, GCF; contact: IEEE 802 LMSC chair) LS in

source LS: IEEE802_LMSC_LS_160119

IEEE 802 LMSC LTE_eLAA-Core Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.2.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160028 LS on standards work that is related to the Internet of Things (ISO_IEC_JTC1_WG10_SRG1_151215; to: RAN1, RAN2, RAN3, RAN4; cc: RAN; contact: SRG1 chair (High Tech Aid)) LS in

source LS: ISO_IEC_JTC1_WG10_SRG1_151215

LS reply in RP-160652

ISO/IEC JTC1 WG10 SRG1 NB_IOT-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.18

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160029 Response LS to WFA_LS_160129 = RP-160026 on Wi-Fi Alliance results of LTE-LAA coexistence (R1-161423; to: WiFi Alliance; cc: RAN; contact: Qualcomm) LS in

source LS: R1-161423

RAN1 LTE_eLAA-Core Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.2.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160030 LS on Rel-13 sub-features and UE capabilities (R2-161813; to: RAN; cc: -; contact: Qualcomm) LS in

source LS: R2-161813

RAN2 Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.9

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160031 Reply LS to S2-160886 on RAN3 agreements on DC enhancements for LTE (R3-160501; to: RAN, SA2; cc: SA; contact: Samsung) LS in

source LS: R3-160501

LS reply in RP-160669

RAN3 LTE_dualC_ext-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 14.3.6

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160032 Response LS to S3-160274 on LWIP Solution and DRB distinction (R3-160533; to: SA3; cc: RAN, RAN2; contact: Nokia Networks) LS in

source LS: R3-160533

RAN3 LTE_WLAN_radio_legacy-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.19

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160033 Reply LS to RPa160083 on Scenarios and Requirements for Next Generation Access Technologies (S1-160559; to: RAN; cc: SA, SA2; contact: Vodafone) LS in

source LS: S1-160559


AI: 9.2.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160034 LS on name change to EC-GSM-IoT (GP-160221; to: SA, CT, RAN, SA3, SA2, CT1, RAN5; cc: -; contact: Orange) LS in

source LS: GP-160221


AI: 10.7.18

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160035 LS on Satellite in 5G (ETSI_TC_SES(16)000121; to: RAN, SA1, SA2; cc: ETSI TC SES SCN; contact: SES chair, Satconcept) LS in

source LS: ETSI_TC_SES(16)000121

LS reply in RP-160627

ETSI TC SES Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 6

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160036 Reply LS to RP-152280 on Licensed Assisted Access Change Requests (IEEE802_LMSC_160216; to: RAN1, RAN; cc: RAN2, RAN4, IEEE 802.19 Coexistence WG; contact: IEEE802 LMSC chair) LS in

source LS: IEEE802_LMSC_160216

IEEE 802 LMSC LTE_LAA Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 14.1.6

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160037 LS on “Report on standard gap analysis”, from ITU-T Focus Group on IMT-2020 and on extension of lifetime of Focus Group IMT-2020 (ITUSG13/COM13-LS139-E ; to: RAN, SA, IEEE 802.1/802.3, IEEE SA, 3GPP, ETSI ISG NFV, ...; cc: -; contact: OFCOM Switzerland) LS in

source LS: ITUSG13/COM13-LS139-E

ITU-T SG13 FS_NG_SReq Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160038 LS on Request for comments on ISO/IEC WD 30141, Information technology — Internet of Things Reference Architecture (IoT RA) (ISO_IEC_JTC1_WG10_LS_N352; to: RAN, SA, ...; cc: -; contact: KATS) LS in

source LS: ISO_IEC_JTC1_WG10_N352

ISO/IEC JTC1 WG10 Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.7.18

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160039 LS on IoT Use cases (ISO_IEC_JTC1_WG10_N348; to: RAN; cc: -; contact: KATS) LS in

source LS: ISO_IEC_JTC1_WG10_N348

ISO/IEC JTC1 WG10 Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.7.18

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160040 SA report to RAN report SA chairman (Samsung) RP-71

AI: 5.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160041 On RAN-SA Work Coordination of the “Next Generation Architecture” discussion SA chairman (Samsung), RAN chairman (Qualcomm), TSG SA WG2 Chairman (Huawei), TSG RAN WG2 Chairman (Intel), TSG RAN WG3 Chairman (Huawei) Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160042 Consideration on UL Data Compression discussion CMCC Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160043 Summary of “[5G-AH-06] Fronthauling” report TELECOM ITALIA FS_NG_SReq Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160044 Summary of “[5G-AH-13] Additional architectural requirements” report TELECOM ITALIA FS_NG_SReq Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160045 Status report for WI Conformance Test Aspects - Multimedia Telephony Services for IMS (MTSI) over fixed access; rapporteur: Telecom Italia WI status report RAN5 MTSI_FIXED_ACCESS-UEConTest Rel-7 RP-71

AI: 13.2.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160046 Status report of WI Further LTE Physical Layer Enhancements for MTC; rapporteur: Ericsson WI status report RAN1 LTE_MTCe2_L1 Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.5

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160047 New WI Proposal: UE Conformance Test Aspects – NB-IOT WID new CMCC Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 13.1

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160048 Presentation of Specification/Report to TSG: TS36.360, Version 1.0.0 discussion LG Electronics LTE_WLAN_radio Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.13

withdrawn [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160049 New WI proposal: Cell-specific Operation in CA WID new

revised to RP-160586

LG Electronics Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160050 Motivation for New WI: Cell-specific Operation in CA discussion LG Electronics Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160051 Motivation for new SID on inter-eNB Carrier Aggregation with Non-ideal Backhaul discussion China Telecommunications Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160052 New Study Item proposal on Study on inter-eNB carrier aggregation with non-ideal backhaul SID new

revised to RP-160533

China Telecommunications Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160053 Motivation for new SI on flexible eNB-ID and Cell-ID in E-UTRAN discussion China Telecommunications RP-71

AI: 10.1.3

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160054 New Study Item proposal on Flexible eNB-ID and Cell-ID in E-UTRAN SID new

revised to RP-160534

China Telecommunications RP-71

AI: 10.1.3

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160055 Proposed TSG RAN Terms of Reference ToR

revision of RP-151781

TSG GERAN Chairman (Ericsson) RP-71

AI: 16

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160056 Proposed RAN5 Terms of Reference ToR

revision of RP-151783

TSG GERAN (Ericsson), GERAN3new (Sierra Wireless) & RAN5 Chairmen (Motorola Mobility) RP-71

AI: 16

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160057 RAN / ITU-R  interaction during IMT2020 requirements phase discussion 3GPP RAN ITU-R Ad-Hoc Contact Person (TELECOM ITALIA S.p.A.), RAN Chairman (Qualcomm) Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.3

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160058 Proposed RAN6 Terms of Reference ToR

revision of RP-151784

TSG GERAN Chairman (Ericsson) RP-71

AI: 16

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160059 TSG GERAN#69 status report report TSG GERAN Chairman RP-71

AI: 12

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160060 TSG RAN WG3 terms of reference (ToR), proposal for modification ToR RAN3 chairman (Huawei) Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 16

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160061 Status_Report_New AWS_3_4 band for LTE WI status report Dish Network LTE_AWS_3_4 Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.3.11

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160062 Status report of WI: Multi-Band Base Station testing with three or more bands; rapporteur: Alcatel-Lucent WI status report Alcatel-Lucent MB_BS_test_3B Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.2.4

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160063 Revised WID: Multi-Band Base Station testing with three or more bands WID revised

revised to RP-162442

Alcatel-Lucent MB_BS_test_3B Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.2.4

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160064 New WI Proposal: UE Conformance Test Aspects - Band 65 WID new Dish Network Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 13.1

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160065 New Work Item Proposal: UE Conformance Test Aspects – Further LTE Physical Layer Enhancements for MTC WID new Ericsson Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 13.1

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160066 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects -Multimedia Telephony Services for IMS (MTSI) over WLAN; rapporteur: Ericsson WI status report RAN5 MTSI_WLAN-UEConTest Rel-7 RP-71

AI: 13.2.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160067 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Codec for Enhanced Voice Services (EVS); rapporteur: Ericsson WI status report RAN5 EVS_codec-UEConTest Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 13.4.4

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160068 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Low cost & enhanced coverage MTC UE for LTE; rapporteur: Ericsson WI status report RAN5 LC_MTC_LTE-UEConTest Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 13.4.7

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160069 Revision of WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Low cost & enhanced coverage MTC UE for LTE WID revised Ericsson LC_MTC_LTE-UEConTest Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 13.4.7

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160070 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Further Rel-12 configurations for LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation with 2UL; rapporteur: Ericsson WI status report RAN5 LTE_CA_Rel12_2UL-UEConTest Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 13.4.8

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160071 Revision of WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Further Rel-12 configurations for LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation with 2UL WID revised Ericsson LTE_CA_Rel12_2UL-UEConTest Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 13.4.8

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160072 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Dual connectivity for LTE; rapporteur: Ericsson WI status report RAN5 LTE_SC_enh_dualC-UEConTest Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 13.4.

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160073 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects – UE Power Consumptions Optimizations (UEPCOP); rapporteur: Ericsson WI status report RAN5 MTCe-UEPCOP-UEConTest Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 13.4.11

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160074 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Increasing the minimum number of carriers for UE monitoring in UTRA and E-UTRA; rapporteur: Ericsson WI status report RAN5 LTE_UTRA_IncMon-UEConTest Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 13.4.14

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160075 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Rel-13 CA configurations; rapporteur: Ericsson WI status report RAN5 LTE_CA_Rel13-UEConTest Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 13.5.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160076 Revision of WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Rel-13 CA configurations WID revised Ericsson LTE_CA_Rel13-UEConTest Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 13.5.2

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160077 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - LTE DL 4 Rx antenna ports; rapporteur: Ericsson WI status report RAN5 LTE_4Rx_AP_DL-UEConTest Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 13.5.3

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160078 Revision of WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - LTE DL 4 Rx antenna ports WID revised Ericsson LTE_4Rx_AP_DL-UEConTest Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 13.5.3

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160079 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - AWS-Extension Band for LTE (Band 66); rapporteur: Ericsson WI status report RAN5 LTE_AWS_EXT-UEConTest Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 13.5.5

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160080 Revision of WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - AWS-Extension Band for LTE (Band 66) WID revised Ericsson LTE_AWS_EXT-UEConTest Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 13.5.5

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160081 Proposed Recommended Region Specific Requirements for 3GPP "5G" SI discussion AT&T, Qualcomm, T-Mobile USA, Nokia, Sprint, Motorola Solutions, Rogers Communications, Broadcom, InterDigital Communications, C Spire, SouthernLINC Wireless Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160082 Revised WI: LTE Advanced inter-band CA Rel-14 for 5DL/1UL WID revised

revised to RP-160615

Nokia Networks LTE_CA_R14_5DL1UL Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.3.5

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160083 Status Report: LTE Advanced inter-band CA Rel-14 for 5DL/1UL WI status report Nokia Networks LTE_CA_R14_5DL1UL Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.3.5

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160084 Status report of WI Perf. part: Indoor Positioning enhancements for UTRA and LTE; rapporteur: NextNav WI status report RAN4 UTRA_LTE_iPos_enh-Perf Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.4

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160085 Necessity to revise WIDs of B41+B42 related CAs in REL-13 discussion SoftBank Corp. Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 14.4

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160086 Revised WID: LTE Advanced 4 Band Carrier Aggregation (4DL/1UL) of Band 41, Band 41, Band 42 and Band 42 WID revised

revision of RP-151562

ZTE LTE_CA_B41_B41_B42_B42 Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 14.4

withdrawn [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160087 New SI: Feasibility Study on LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation for 2DL of Band 3 and Band 39 SID new

revised to RP-160632


AI: 10.1.5

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160088 Status report for Perf. part: CRS Interference Mitigation for LTE Homogenous Deployments WI status report Ericsson LTE_CRSIM-Perf Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.9

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160089 Motivation for enhancements to UMTS and LTE increased UE carrier monitoring discussion Ericsson Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.4

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160090 WID for UMTS and LTE Incmon Enhancement WID new

revised to RP-160551

Ericsson Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.4

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160091 Status report on REL-14 Study on High Power LTE UE for Band 41; rapporteur: Sprint WI status report SPRINT Corporation FS_LTE_B41_HPUE Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.5.4

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160092 Revision of REL-14 Study on High Power LTE UE for Band 41 SID revised SPRINT Corporation FS_LTE_B41_HPUE Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.5.4

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160093 Revised WID: Basket WI for LTE Advanced Inter-band CA Rel-14 for 4DL/1UL WID revised

revised to RP-160614

Ericsson LTE_CA_R14_4DL1UL Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.3.4

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160094 Revised WID: Basket WI for LTE Advanced Intra-band CA including contiguous and non-contiguous spectrum WID revised

revised to RP-160613

Ericsson LTE_CA_R14_intra Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.3.1

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160095 TR 36.852-13 v2.0.0 on LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation (2DL/1UL); Release 13; for approval draft TR Ericsson LTE_CA_B3_B38-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.8

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160096 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects – Multimedia Telephony Services for IMS (MTSI) over fixed access(MTSI_FIXED_ACCESS-UEConTest) CR pack RAN5 CR pack including 10 CRs:

34.229-1 12.8.1 CR#809 catF (R5-160509)

34.229-1 12.8.1 CR#808 catF (R5-160505)

34.229-1 12.8.1 CR#8001 catF (R5-160974)

34.229-1 12.8.1 CR#799 catF (R5-160293)

34.229-1 12.8.1 CR#798 catF (R5-160292)

34.229-1 12.8.1 CR#7971 catF (R5-160915)

34.229-1 12.8.1 CR#796 catF (R5-160290)

34.229-1 12.8.1 CR#7951 catF (R5-160914)

34.229-1 12.8.1 CR#794 catF (R5-160288)

34.229-1 12.8.1 CR#7931 catF (R5-160913)


AI: 13.2.1

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160097 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects – Multimedia Telephony Services for IMS (MTSI) over WLAN (MTSI_WLAN-UEConTest) CR pack RAN5 CR pack including 5 CRs:

36.523-2 12.8.0 CR#838 catF (R5-160662)

36.523-2 12.8.0 CR#835 catF (R5-160606)

36.523-2 12.8.0 CR#8221 catF (R5-160941)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#33021 catF (R5-160940)

34.229-1 12.8.1 CR#801 catF (R5-160295)

MTSI_WLAN-UEConTest Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 13.2.2

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160098 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI UE Conformance Test Aspects – Further Rel-12 Configurations for LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation with 3DL (LTE_CA_Rel12_3DL-UEConTest) CR pack RAN5 CR pack including 57 CRs:

37.571-3 12.5.0 CR#48 catF (R5-160044)

37.571-1 12.5.0 CR#164 catF (R5-160900)

37.571-1 12.5.0 CR#1611 catF (R5-161016)

37.571-1 12.5.0 CR#1601 catF (R5-161054)

37.571-1 12.5.0 CR#1581 catF (R5-161053)

37.571-1 12.5.0 CR#1571 catF (R5-160909)

37.571-1 12.5.0 CR#156 catF (R5-160041)

36.905 12.0.0 CR#81 catF (R5-160830)

36.905 12.0.0 CR#51 catF (R5-161011)

36.905 12.0.0 CR#41 catF (R5-161013)

36.905 12.0.0 CR#31 catF (R5-160832)

36.904 12.0.0 CR#312 catF (R5-161124)

36.903 12.8.0 CR#234 catF (R5-160551)

36.903 12.8.0 CR#231 catF (R5-160224)

36.903 12.8.0 CR#230 catF (R5-160223)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#3283 catF (R5-160210)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#14133 catF (R5-161122)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#14123 catF (R5-161123)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#1407 catF (R5-160558)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#14061 catF (R5-160833)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#1405 catF (R5-160556)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#14021 catF (R5-160872)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#14012 catF (R5-161097)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#14001 catF (R5-161096)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#13962 catF (R5-161095)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#13951 catF (R5-160834)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#13941 catF (R5-161002)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#13932 catF (R5-161094)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#13802 catF (R5-161100)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#1357 catF (R5-160222)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#1356 catF (R5-160221)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#13552 catF (R5-161099)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#13542 catF (R5-161098)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#1349 catF (R5-160191)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#13472 catF (R5-161106)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#1346 catF (R5-160121)

36.521-2 13.0.0 CR#3841 catF (R5-161083)

36.521-2 13.0.0 CR#382 catF (R5-160593)

36.521-2 13.0.0 CR#3581 catF (R5-161084)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#25201 catF (R5-160831)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#25031 catF (R5-161014)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#25021 catF (R5-161012)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2494 catF (R5-160592)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24931 catF (R5-160829)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2492 catF (R5-160590)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24911 catF (R5-161010)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2489 catF (R5-160587)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2485 catF (R5-160583)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2451 catF (R5-160482)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2426 catF (R5-160338)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24221 catF (R5-160828)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24211 catF (R5-161009)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#23981 catF (R5-161008)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2376 catF (R5-160141)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2375 catF (R5-160139)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#23701 catF (R5-160870)

36.508 12.8.0 CR#691 catF (R5-160789)

LTE_CA_Rel12_3DL-UEConTest Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 13.4.1

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160099 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - WLAN/3GPP Radio Interworking (UTRA_LTE_WLAN_interw-UEConTest) CR pack RAN5 CR pack including 23 CRs:

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3076 catF (R5-160083)

36.523-2 12.8.0 CR#831 catF (R5-160513)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#33661 catF (R5-161121)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#33651 catF (R5-161120)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#33491 catF (R5-160936)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#33311 catF (R5-160935)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#33301 catF (R5-160934)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#33181 catF (R5-160933)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#32881 catF (R5-160932)

36.508 12.8.0 CR#679 catF (R5-160471)

34.123-2 12.2.0 CR#7631 catF (R5-161089)

34.123-2 12.2.0 CR#761 catF (R5-160309)

34.123-1 12.2.0 CR#3844 catF (R5-160930)

34.123-1 12.2.0 CR#38431 catF (R5-160931)

34.123-1 12.2.0 CR#38421 catF (R5-160979)

34.123-1 12.2.0 CR#3838 catF (R5-160474)

34.123-1 12.2.0 CR#3836 catF (R5-160472)

34.123-1 12.2.0 CR#38301 catF (R5-160978)

34.123-1 12.2.0 CR#38291 catF (R5-160928)

34.123-1 12.2.0 CR#38281 catF (R5-160927)

34.123-1 12.2.0 CR#3827 catF (R5-160305)

34.123-1 12.2.0 CR#3826 catF (R5-160304)

34.123-1 12.2.0 CR#3825 catF (R5-160211)

UTRA_LTE_WLAN_interw-UEConTest Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 13.4.2

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160100 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - DCH Enhancements for UMTS (UTRA_DCHenh-UEConTest) CR pack RAN5 CR pack including 4 CRs:

34.121-2 12.1.0 CR#1651 catF (R5-160897)

34.121-1 12.2.0 CR#1625 catF (R5-161125)

34.121-1 12.2.0 CR#1623 catF (R5-160598)

34.121-1 12.2.0 CR#1622 catF (R5-160597)

UTRA_DCHenh-UEConTest Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 13.4.3

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160101 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Codec for Enhanced Voice Services (EVS) (EVS_codec-UEConTest) CR pack RAN5 CR pack including 4 CRs:

34.229-1 12.8.1 CR#8241 catF (R5-160919)

34.229-1 12.8.1 CR#8231 catF (R5-160918)

34.229-1 12.8.1 CR#8201 catF (R5-160917)

34.229-1 12.8.1 CR#7821 catF (R5-160916)

EVS_codec-UEConTest Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 13.4.4

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160102 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Further DL MIMO Enhancement for LTE-Advanced (LTE_eDL_MIMO_enh-UEConTest) CR pack RAN5 CR pack including 9 CRs:

36.904 12.0.0 CR#33 catF (R5-160160)

36.904 12.0.0 CR#32 catF (R5-160157)

36.521-2 13.0.0 CR#3481 catF (R5-161074)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2385 catF (R5-160162)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#23841 catF (R5-160877)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2383 catF (R5-160159)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2382 catF (R5-160155)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#23671 catF (R5-161073)

36.521-1 12.8.0 CR#2368 catF (R5-160106)

LTE_eDL_MIMO_enh-UEConTest Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 13.4.5

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160103 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects – UE Conformance Test Aspects – LTE Device-to-Device Proximity Services (LTE_D2D_PROX-UEConTest) CR pack RAN5 CR pack including 23 CRs:

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3098 catF (R5-160637)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#30771 catF (R5-160779)

36.523-2 12.8.0 CR#8361 catF (R5-160972)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#33422 catF (R5-161091)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#33411 catF (R5-160778)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#33401 catF (R5-160777)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#33391 catF (R5-160776)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#33381 catF (R5-160775)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#33371 catF (R5-160774)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#33361 catF (R5-160773)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#33351 catF (R5-160772)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#33341 catF (R5-160771)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#3333 catF (R5-160626)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#33131 catF (R5-160770)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#33121 catF (R5-160769)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#14031 catF (R5-161007)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24501 catF (R5-161006)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24491 catF (R5-161005)

36.509 12.2.0 CR#1511 catF (R5-160768)

36.508 12.8.0 CR#689 catF (R5-160699)

36.508 12.8.0 CR#6851 catF (R5-160767)

36.508 12.8.0 CR#682 catF (R5-160503)

36.508 12.8.0 CR#6701 catF (R5-160765)

LTE_D2D_Prox-UEConTest Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 13.4.6

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160104 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Low cost & enhanced coverage MTC UE for LTE (LC_MTC_LTE-UEConTest) CR pack RAN5 CR pack including 41 CRs:

36.523-2 12.8.0 CR#8261 catF (R5-160780)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#3356 catF (R5-160715)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#3344 catF (R5-160642)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#1416 catF (R5-160610)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#14151 catF (R5-160894)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#14141 catF (R5-160884)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#1389 catF (R5-160450)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#13452 catF (R5-160893)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#13442 catF (R5-160892)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#13432 catF (R5-160891)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#13422 catF (R5-160890)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#13412 catF (R5-160889)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#13402 catF (R5-160888)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#13392 catF (R5-160886)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#13382 catF (R5-160887)

36.521-2 13.0.0 CR#387 catF (R5-160962)

36.521-2 13.0.0 CR#3611 catF (R5-160857)

36.521-2 13.0.0 CR#3601 catF (R5-160885)

36.521-2 13.0.0 CR#3521 catF (R5-161055)

36.521-2 13.0.0 CR#3511 catF (R5-160714)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#25151 catF (R5-160867)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#25131 catF (R5-160866)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#25111 catF (R5-160865)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#25101 catF (R5-160864)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#25081 catF (R5-160863)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#25071 catF (R5-160868)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#25061 catF (R5-160862)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#25051 catF (R5-160869)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#25041 catF (R5-160861)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#25011 catF (R5-160860)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#25001 catF (R5-160859)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24981 catF (R5-160858)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2440 catF (R5-160442)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2439 catF (R5-160441)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24201 catF (R5-160856)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24081 catF (R5-160855)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#23951 catF (R5-160854)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#23941 catF (R5-160853)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#23931 catF (R5-160852)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#23921 catF (R5-160878)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2387 catF (R5-160165)

LC_MTC_LTE-UEConTest Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 13.4.7

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160105 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI UE Conformance Test Aspects – Further Rel-12 configurations for LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation with 2UL (LTE_CA_Rel12_2UL-UEConTest) CR pack RAN5 CR pack including 40 CRs:

36.905 12.0.0 CR#71 catF (R5-160843)

36.905 12.0.0 CR#61 catF (R5-160842)

36.905 12.0.0 CR#11 catF (R5-160844)

36.903 12.8.0 CR#2331 catF (R5-160882)

36.903 12.8.0 CR#2321 catF (R5-160875)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#13901 catF (R5-160883)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#13881 catF (R5-160876)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#13521 catF (R5-160847)

36.521-2 13.0.0 CR#385 catF (R5-160694)

36.521-2 13.0.0 CR#3631 catF (R5-161027)

36.521-2 13.0.0 CR#344 catF (R5-160054)

36.521-2 12.8.0 CR#347 catF (R5-160071)

36.521-2 12.8.0 CR#3462 catF (R5-160073)

36.521-2 12.8.0 CR#345 catF (R5-160069)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#25181 catF (R5-160846)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#25171 catF (R5-161028)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2516 catF (R5-160681)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2486 catF (R5-160584)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2425 catF (R5-160337)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24241 catF (R5-160845)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2423 catF (R5-160334)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24171 catF (R5-161017)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24161 catF (R5-160841)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24121 catF (R5-160840)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24111 catF (R5-160839)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24101 catF (R5-161056)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24091 catF (R5-160838)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#23811 catF (R5-160837)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#23801 catF (R5-160836)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#23791 catF (R5-160835)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#23781 catF (R5-161026)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#23771 catF (R5-161025)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#23611 catF (R5-161024)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#23601 catF (R5-161023)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#23591 catF (R5-161022)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#23582 catF (R5-161105)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#23572 catF (R5-161104)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#23561 catF (R5-161019)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#23552 catF (R5-161103)

36.508 12.8.0 CR#686 catF (R5-160646)

LTE_CA_Rel12_2UL-UEConTest Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 13.4.8

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160106 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - E-UTRA Small cell enhancements - Physical layer aspects (LTE_SC_enh_L1-UEConTest) CR pack RAN5 CR pack including 44 CRs:

36.523-2 12.8.0 CR#8121 catF (R5-160970)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#3274 catF (R5-160078)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#32731 catF (R5-160788)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#3272 catF (R5-160076)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#3271 catF (R5-160075)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#32701 catF (R5-160969)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#32691 catF (R5-160968)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#32681 catF (R5-160967)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#32671 catF (R5-160787)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#32661 catF (R5-160786)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#1378 catF (R5-160272)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#1377 catF (R5-160271)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#1376 catF (R5-160270)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#1375 catF (R5-160269)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#1374 catF (R5-160268)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#1373 catF (R5-160267)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#1372 catF (R5-160266)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#1371 catF (R5-160265)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#1370 catF (R5-160264)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#1369 catF (R5-160263)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#1368 catF (R5-160262)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#1367 catF (R5-160261)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#13661 catF (R5-160824)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#13651 catF (R5-160823)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#1364 catF (R5-160258)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#1363 catF (R5-160257)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#13621 catF (R5-160822)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#13611 catF (R5-160821)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#13601 catF (R5-161038)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#13591 catF (R5-161037)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#1358 catF (R5-160237)

36.521-2 13.0.0 CR#362 catF (R5-160273)

36.521-2 13.0.0 CR#3591 catF (R5-161036)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2488 catF (R5-160586)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24071 catF (R5-161029)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24061 catF (R5-161033)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24051 catF (R5-161032)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24041 catF (R5-161031)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24031 catF (R5-161030)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24021 catF (R5-161035)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24011 catF (R5-160820)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24001 catF (R5-160819)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#23991 catF (R5-161034)

36.508 12.8.0 CR#6691 catF (R5-161057)

LTE_SC_enh_L1-UEConTest Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 13.4.9

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160107 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Dual connectivity for LTE (LTE_SC_enh_dualC-UEConTest) CR pack RAN5 CR pack including 23 CRs:

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#30881 catF (R5-160961)

36.523-2 12.8.0 CR#8271 catF (R5-160960)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#3363 catF (R5-160953)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#33431 catF (R5-160959)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#33291 catF (R5-160958)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#33281 catF (R5-160957)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#33171 catF (R5-160956)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#33111 catF (R5-160955)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#33101 catF (R5-160954)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#33071 catF (R5-160951)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#1420 catF (R5-160705)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#1419 catF (R5-160704)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#1418 catF (R5-160703)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#1417 catF (R5-160702)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#1387 catF (R5-160448)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#1386 catF (R5-160447)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#1385 catF (R5-160446)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#1384 catF (R5-160445)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#1383 catF (R5-160444)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#1382 catF (R5-160443)

36.508 12.8.0 CR#676 catF (R5-160407)

36.508 12.8.0 CR#675 catF (R5-160406)

36.508 12.8.0 CR#6741 catF (R5-160950)

LTE_SC_enh_dualC-UEConTest Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 13.4.

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160108 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - UE Power Consumptions Optimizations (UEPCOP) (MTCe-UEPCOP-UEConTest) CR pack RAN5 CR pack including 6 CRs:

36.523-2 12.8.0 CR#829 catF (R5-160434)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#33151 catF (R5-160785)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#33141 catF (R5-160783)

34.123-2 12.2.0 CR#762 catF (R5-160431)

34.123-1 12.2.0 CR#38351 catF (R5-160782)

34.123-1 12.2.0 CR#38341 catF (R5-160781)

MTCe-UEPCOP-UEConTest Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 13.4.11

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160109 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects: Network-Assisted Interference Cancellation and Suppression for LTE (LTE_NAICS-UEConTest) CR pack RAN5 CR pack including 19 CRs:

36.904 12.0.0 CR#29 catF (R5-160040)

36.904 12.0.0 CR#28 catF (R5-160036)

36.904 12.0.0 CR#27 catF (R5-160035)

36.904 12.0.0 CR#26 catF (R5-160034)

36.904 12.0.0 CR#25 catF (R5-160033)

36.904 12.0.0 CR#24 catF (R5-160032)

36.521-2 13.0.0 CR#3791 catF (R5-160851)

36.521-2 13.0.0 CR#343 catF (R5-160037)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24711 catF (R5-160850)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24701 catF (R5-160849)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#23541 catF (R5-161040)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#23531 catF (R5-161039)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2352 catF (R5-160030)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2351 catF (R5-160029)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2350 catF (R5-160028)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2349 catF (R5-160027)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2348 catF (R5-160026)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2347 catF (R5-160025)

36.508 12.8.0 CR#6641 catF (R5-160848)

LTE_NAICS-UEConTest Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 13.4.12

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160110 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects: Further Enhancements to LTE TDD for DL-UL Interference Management and Traffic Adaptation (LTE_TDD_eIMTA-UEConTest) CR pack RAN5 CR pack including 1 CR:

36.508 12.8.0 CR#680 catF (R5-160476)

LTE_TDD_eIMTA-UEConTest Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 13.4.13

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160111 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Rel-13 LTE CA configurations (LTE_CA_Rel13-UEConTest) CR pack RAN5 CR pack including 25 CRs:

36.905 12.0.0 CR#21 catF (R5-161060)

36.523-2 12.8.0 CR#833 catF (R5-160532)

36.523-2 12.8.0 CR#828 catF (R5-160415)

36.521-2 13.0.0 CR#378 catF (R5-160530)

36.521-2 13.0.0 CR#375 catF (R5-160511)

36.521-2 13.0.0 CR#3731 catF (R5-160817)

36.521-2 13.0.0 CR#3661 catF (R5-160816)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#25241 catF (R5-161086)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2497 catF (R5-160622)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24961 catF (R5-160815)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24691 catF (R5-160814)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2468 catF (R5-160527)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24651 catF (R5-161059)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2463 catF (R5-160506)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2462 catF (R5-160504)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24321 catF (R5-160813)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24311 catF (R5-160812)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24301 catF (R5-160811)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2429 catF (R5-160345)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2428 catF (R5-160344)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24271 catF (R5-161004)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2419 catF (R5-160281)

36.508 12.8.0 CR#678 catF (R5-160413)

36.508 12.8.0 CR#6771 catF (R5-160810)

36.508 12.8.0 CR#6721 catF (R5-160809)

LTE_CA_Rel13-UEConTest Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 13.5.2

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160112 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - LTE DL 4 Rx antenna ports (LTE_4Rx_AP_DL-UEConTest) CR pack RAN5 CR pack including 4 CRs:

36.521-2 13.0.0 CR#3641 catF (R5-161108)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2390 catF (R5-160169)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#23892 catF (R5-161107)

36.508 12.8.0 CR#6671 catF (R5-160895)

LTE_4Rx_AP_DL-UEConTest Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 13.5.3

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160113 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - AWS-Extension Band for LTE (Band 66) (LTE_AWS_EXT-UEConTest) CR pack RAN5 CR pack including 7 CRs:

36.903 12.8.0 CR#229 catF (R5-160199)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#1410 catF (R5-160574)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#1409 catF (R5-160572)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#1350 catF (R5-160200)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#25121 catF (R5-161110)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#25092 catF (R5-161109)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24951 catF (R5-161001)

LTE_AWS_EXT-UEConTest Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 13.5.5

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160114 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel 99 Conformance Testing(TEI_Test) CR pack RAN5 CR pack including 1 CR:

34.123-3 12.2.0 CR#34721 catF (R5-160942)

TEI_Test R1999 RP-71

AI: 14.5.1

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160115 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel-5 Conformance Testing(TEI5_Test) CR pack RAN5 CR pack including 1 CR:

34.123-2 12.2.0 CR#7601 catF (R5-160729)

TEI5_Test Rel-5 RP-71

AI: 14.5.1

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160116 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel-7 Conformance Testing(TEI7_Test) CR pack RAN5 CR pack including 4 CRs:

34.229-2 12.7.0 CR#1611 catF (R5-160910)

34.123-1 12.2.0 CR#3841 catF (R5-160544)

34.123-1 12.2.0 CR#3839 catF (R5-160524)

34.123-1 12.2.0 CR#3832 catF (R5-160357)

TEI7_Test Rel-7 RP-71

AI: 14.5.1

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160117 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel-8 Conformance Testing(TEI8_Test) (Batch 1) CR pack RAN5 CR pack including 33 CRs:

36.508 12.8.0 CR#690 catF (R5-160784)

36.508 12.8.0 CR#6841 catF (R5-160731)

36.508 12.8.0 CR#683 catF (R5-160562)

36.508 12.8.0 CR#6731 catF (R5-160730)

36.508 12.8.0 CR#6711 catF (R5-160980)

34.229-3 11.2.0 CR#3821 catF (R5-160912)

34.229-2 12.7.0 CR#1651 catF (R5-160977)

34.229-2 12.7.0 CR#164 catF (R5-160554)

34.229-2 12.7.0 CR#1631 catF (R5-160944)

34.229-2 12.7.0 CR#1621 catF (R5-160911)

34.229-1 12.8.1 CR#8221 catF (R5-160906)

34.229-1 12.8.1 CR#821 catF (R5-160612)

34.229-1 12.8.1 CR#8191 catF (R5-160976)

34.229-1 12.8.1 CR#8181 catF (R5-160975)

34.229-1 12.8.1 CR#8151 catF (R5-160904)

34.229-1 12.8.1 CR#8141 catF (R5-160903)

34.229-1 12.8.1 CR#812 catF (R5-160553)

34.229-1 12.8.1 CR#8111 catF (R5-160943)

34.229-1 12.8.1 CR#8101 catF (R5-160901)

34.229-1 12.8.1 CR#807 catF (R5-160435)

34.229-1 12.8.1 CR#7911 catF (R5-160797)

34.229-1 12.8.1 CR#7901 catF (R5-160796)

34.229-1 12.8.1 CR#7881 catF (R5-160795)

34.229-1 12.8.1 CR#7871 catF (R5-160794)

34.229-1 12.8.1 CR#7861 catF (R5-160793)

34.229-1 12.8.1 CR#7851 catF (R5-160792)

34.229-1 12.8.1 CR#7831 catF (R5-160790)

34.123-2 12.2.0 CR#759 catF (R5-160205)

34.123-2 12.2.0 CR#758 catF (R5-160123)

34.123-1 12.2.0 CR#3840 catF (R5-160525)

34.121-1 12.2.0 CR#1620 catF (R5-160209)

34.121-1 12.2.0 CR#1619 catF (R5-160208)

34.121-1 12.2.0 CR#1617 catF (R5-160186)

TEI8_Test Rel-8 RP-71

AI: 14.5.1

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160118 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel-8 Conformance Testing(TEI8_Test) (Batch 2) CR pack RAN5 CR pack including 41 CRs:

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#30751 catF (R5-160981)

36.523-2 12.8.0 CR#837 catF (R5-160648)

36.523-2 12.8.0 CR#817 catF (R5-160314)

36.523-2 12.8.0 CR#8151 catF (R5-160908)

36.523-2 12.8.0 CR#8141 catF (R5-160760)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#33641 catF (R5-161092)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#33621 catF (R5-160991)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#3361 catF (R5-160947)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#3348 catF (R5-160664)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#33461 catF (R5-160984)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#33451 catF (R5-160748)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#33321 catF (R5-160747)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#3327 catF (R5-160526)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#33261 catF (R5-160966)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#33031 catF (R5-160745)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#33011 catF (R5-160926)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#32982 catF (R5-161090)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#32941 catF (R5-160743)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#32931 catF (R5-160742)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#32921 catF (R5-160741)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#32911 catF (R5-160740)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#32901 catF (R5-160739)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#32892 catF (R5-160922)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#32851 catF (R5-160737)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#32821 catF (R5-160733)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#32811 catF (R5-160732)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#32801 catF (R5-160735)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#32791 catF (R5-160924)

36.521-2 13.0.0 CR#368 catF (R5-160372)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#25221 catF (R5-161064)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2519 catF (R5-160686)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#25141 catF (R5-161085)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24831 catF (R5-160802)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24762 catF (R5-161115)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24661 catF (R5-160804)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24441 catF (R5-161047)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24351 catF (R5-161043)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24341 catF (R5-161042)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24331 catF (R5-161041)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2372 catF (R5-160125)

36.521-1 12.8.0 CR#2362 catF (R5-160067)

TEI8_Test Rel-8 RP-71

AI: 14.5.1

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160119 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel-9 Conformance Testing(TEI9_Test) CR pack RAN5 CR pack including 18 CRs:

37.571-5 12.4.0 CR#1401 catF (R5-160973)

37.571-5 12.4.0 CR#1391 catF (R5-161000)

37.571-5 12.4.0 CR#1381 catF (R5-160899)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#30971 catF (R5-160764)

36.523-2 12.8.0 CR#825 catF (R5-160402)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#3359 catF (R5-160756)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#33161 catF (R5-160746)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#32971 catF (R5-160758)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#14111 catF (R5-161051)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#1408 catF (R5-160559)

36.521-2 13.0.0 CR#381 catF (R5-160575)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2482 catF (R5-160580)

34.229-2 12.7.0 CR#166 catF (R5-160938)

34.229-1 12.8.1 CR#826 catF (R5-160937)

34.229-1 12.8.1 CR#8251 catF (R5-160907)

34.229-1 12.8.1 CR#804 catF (R5-160324)

34.229-1 12.8.1 CR#8021 catF (R5-160798)

34.123-1 12.2.0 CR#3831 catF (R5-160356)

TEI9_Test Rel-9 RP-71

AI: 14.5.1

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160120 CR to 34.123-3: Add new verified and e-mail agreed TTCN test cases in the TC lists in 34.123-3 (prose), Annex A CR RAN5 34.123-3 12.2.0 TEI8_Test Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 14.5.3

withdrawn [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160121 CR to 34.123-3: Add new verified and e-mail agreed TTCN test cases in the TC lists in 34.123-3 (TTCN), Annex A CR pack RAN5 CR pack including 21 CRs:

34.123-3 12.2.0 CR#3496 catF (R5s160232)

34.123-3 12.2.0 CR#3495 catF (R5s160231)

34.123-3 12.2.0 CR#3494 catF (R5s160230)

34.123-3 12.2.0 CR#3493 catF (R5s160229)

34.123-3 12.2.0 CR#3492 catF (R5s160228)

34.123-3 12.2.0 CR#3491 catF (R5s160227)

34.123-3 12.2.0 CR#3490 catF (R5s160226)

34.123-3 12.2.0 CR#3489 catF (R5s160225)

34.123-3 12.2.0 CR#3488 catF (R5s160212)

34.123-3 12.2.0 CR#3487 catB (R5s160211)

34.123-3 12.2.0 CR#3486 catF (R5s160190)

34.123-3 12.2.0 CR#3485 catF (R5s160189)

34.123-3 12.2.0 CR#3483 catF (R5s160153)

34.123-3 12.2.0 CR#3480 catF (R5s160149)

34.123-3 12.2.0 CR#3479 catF (R5s160148)

34.123-3 12.2.0 CR#3478 catF (R5s160143)

34.123-3 12.2.0 CR#3477 catF (R5s160139)

34.123-3 12.2.0 CR#3476 catF (R5s160130)

34.123-3 12.2.0 CR#3473 catF (R5s160122)

34.123-3 12.2.0 CR#3471 catB (R5s160060)

34.123-3 12.2.0 CR#3468 catB (R5s160018)

TEI_Test, TEI7_Test, TEI8_Test, TEI9_Test, TEI10_Test Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 14.5.3

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160122 CR to 34.229-3: Add new verified and e-mail agreed TTCN test cases in the TC lists in 34.229-3 (prose), Annex A CR RAN5 34.229-3 11.2.0 TEI8_Test Rel-11 RP-71

AI: 14.5.2

withdrawn [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160123 CR to 34.229-3: Add new verified and e-mail agreed TTCN test cases in the TC lists in 34.229-3 (TTCN), Annex A CR pack RAN5 CR pack including 19 CRs:

34.229-3 11.2.0 CR#391 catF (R5s160213)

34.229-3 11.2.0 CR#390 catF (R5s160185)

34.229-3 11.2.0 CR#389 catF (R5s160184)

34.229-3 11.2.0 CR#388 catB (R5s160182)

34.229-3 11.2.0 CR#387 catF (R5s160180)

34.229-3 11.2.0 CR#384 catB (R5s160131)

34.229-3 11.2.0 CR#381 catF (R5s160090)

34.229-3 11.2.0 CR#378 catB (R5s160076)

34.229-3 11.2.0 CR#377 catF (R5s160075)

34.229-3 11.2.0 CR#375 catB (R5s160072)

34.229-3 11.2.0 CR#373 catB (R5s160070)

34.229-3 11.2.0 CR#371 catF (R5s160055)

34.229-3 11.2.0 CR#369 catF (R5s160046)

34.229-3 11.2.0 CR#368 catF (R5s160045)

34.229-3 11.2.0 CR#367 catF (R5s160043)

34.229-3 11.2.0 CR#366 catF (R5s160032)

34.229-3 11.2.0 CR#365 catF (R5s160031)

34.229-3 11.2.0 CR#3631 catB (R5s160096)

34.229-3 11.2.0 CR#362 catF (R5s160011)

TEI8_Test, TEI9_Test Rel-11 RP-71

AI: 14.5.2

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160124 CR to 36.523-3: Add new verified and e-mail agreed TTCN test cases in the TC lists in 36.523-3 (prose), Annex A CR RAN5 36.523-3 12.4.0 TEI8_Test Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 14.5.3

withdrawn [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160125 CR to 36.523-3: Add new verified and e-mail agreed TTCN test cases in the TC lists in 36.523-3 (TTCN), Annex A CR pack RAN5 CR pack including 124 CRs:

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3174 catF (R5s160253)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3169 catF (R5s160245)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3168 catF (R5s160244)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3167 catF (R5s160243)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3166 catF (R5s160242)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3165 catF (R5s160241)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3164 catF (R5s160240)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3163 catF (R5s160239)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3162 catF (R5s160238)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3161 catF (R5s160237)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3160 catF (R5s160236)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3159 catF (R5s160235)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3158 catF (R5s160234)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3157 catF (R5s160233)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3156 catB (R5s160224)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3155 catB (R5s160223)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3154 catB (R5s160222)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3153 catF (R5s160221)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3152 catF (R5s160220)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3151 catF (R5s160219)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3150 catF (R5s160218)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3149 catF (R5s160217)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3148 catF (R5s160215)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3147 catF (R5s160214)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3146 catF (R5s160210)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3145 catF (R5s160209)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3144 catF (R5s160208)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3143 catF (R5s160207)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3142 catF (R5s160206)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3141 catF (R5s160205)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3140 catF (R5s160204)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3139 catF (R5s160203)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3138 catF (R5s160202)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3137 catF (R5s160201)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3136 catF (R5s160200)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3135 catF (R5s160199)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3134 catF (R5s160198)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3133 catF (R5s160197)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3132 catF (R5s160196)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3131 catF (R5s160195)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3130 catF (R5s160194)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3129 catF (R5s160193)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3128 catF (R5s160192)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3127 catF (R5s160191)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3126 catB (R5s160188)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3125 catF (R5s160187)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3124 catB (R5s160186)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3123 catF (R5s160183)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3122 catF (R5s160181)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3117 catF (R5s160172)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3113 catB (R5s160163)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3110 catF (R5s160160)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3109 catB (R5s160159)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3107 catB (R5s160155)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3106 catF (R5s160154)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3105 catF (R5s160147)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3104 catF (R5s160146)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3103 catF (R5s160145)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3102 catF (R5s160144)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3101 catF (R5s160142)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3100 catF (R5s160141)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3099 catF (R5s160140)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3096 catF (R5s160138)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3095 catF (R5s160137)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3094 catB (R5s160134)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3093 catF (R5s160133)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3091 catF (R5s160126)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3090 catF (R5s160124)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3089 catF (R5s160123)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3087 catB (R5s160120)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3086 catB (R5s160118)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3083 catB (R5s160112)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3082 catB (R5s160110)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3080 catB (R5s160104)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3079 catB (R5s160103)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3074 catF (R5s160098)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3073 catF (R5s160097)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3072 catF (R5s160095)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3071 catF (R5s160094)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3070 catB (R5s160093)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3068 catF (R5s160091)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3067 catB (R5s160084)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3066 catB (R5s160083)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3064 catF (R5s160081)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3063 catF (R5s160080)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3062 catF (R5s160079)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3059 catF (R5s160068)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3058 catF (R5s160067)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3057 catF (R5s160066)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3056 catF (R5s160065)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3055 catF (R5s160064)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3054 catF (R5s160063)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3052 catF (R5s160059)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3051 catF (R5s160057)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3050 catF (R5s160056)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3048 catF (R5s160053)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3046 catF (R5s160051)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3045 catF (R5s160050)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3044 catF (R5s160049)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3043 catF (R5s160048)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3042 catF (R5s160047)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3041 catF (R5s160044)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3040 catF (R5s160042)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3038 catB (R5s160039)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3037 catB (R5s160037)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3036 catF (R5s160035)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3035 catF (R5s160034)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3034 catF (R5s160033)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3033 catB (R5s160027)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3032 catB (R5s160025)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3031 catB (R5s160023)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3030 catB (R5s160021)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3029 catF (R5s160020)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3028 catF (R5s160017)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3027 catF (R5s160016)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3026 catF (R5s160012)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3025 catF (R5s160010)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3024 catF (R5s160009)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3023 catF (R5s160008)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3022 catF (R5s160007)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3021 catF (R5s160005)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3020 catB (R5s160003)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3019 catF (R5s160002)

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3018 catF (R5s160001)

TEI_Test, TEI7_Test, TEI8_Test, TEI9_Test, TEI10_Test, TEI11_Test, TEI12_Test, LTE_CA_Rel12_2UL-UEConTest Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 14.5.3

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160126 CR to 37.751-4: Add new verified and e-mail agreed TTCN test cases in the TC lists in 37.571-4 (prose), Annex A CR RAN5 37.571-4 12.3.0 Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 14.5.3

withdrawn [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160127 CR to 37.571-4: Add new verified and e-mail agreed TTCN test cases in the TC lists in 37.571-4 (TTCN), Annex A CR pack RAN5 CR pack including 1 CR:

37.571-4 12.3.0 CR#73 catF (R5s160216)

TEI9_Test Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 14.5.3

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160128 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel-10 Conformance Testing (TEI10_Test) CR pack RAN5 CR pack including 37 CRs:

36.523-2 12.8.0 CR#832 catF (R5-160518)

36.523-2 12.8.0 CR#8231 catF (R5-160763)

36.523-2 12.8.0 CR#8161 catF (R5-160761)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#3367 catF (R5-160999)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#33581 catF (R5-161119)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#3321 catF (R5-160479)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#3320 catF (R5-160478)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#3304 catF (R5-160386)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#3284 catF (R5-160254)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#1397 catF (R5-160497)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#1391 catF (R5-160452)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#13792 catF (R5-161117)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#1353 catF (R5-160207)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#1351 catF (R5-160204)

36.521-2 13.0.0 CR#3771 catF (R5-161058)

36.521-2 13.0.0 CR#3761 catF (R5-160818)

36.521-2 13.0.0 CR#3701 catF (R5-161067)

36.521-2 13.0.0 CR#369 catF (R5-160373)

36.521-2 13.0.0 CR#353 catF (R5-160126)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24871 catF (R5-160803)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2484 catF (R5-160582)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24791 catF (R5-160801)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2477 catF (R5-160569)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24721 catF (R5-161062)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24671 catF (R5-160805)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2452 catF (R5-160483)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24471 catF (R5-161061)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2437 catF (R5-160377)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24361 catF (R5-160825)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24151 catF (R5-161065)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2391 catF (R5-160203)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2386 catF (R5-160164)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2371 catF (R5-160124)

36.521-1 12.8.0 CR#2363 catF (R5-160068)

36.508 12.8.0 CR#687 catF (R5-160647)

36.508 12.8.0 CR#6811 catF (R5-161003)

34.123-1 12.2.0 CR#38331 catF (R5-160925)

TEI10_Test Rel-10 RP-71

AI: 14.5.1

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160129 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel-11 Conformance Testing (TEI11_Test) CR pack RAN5 CR pack including 27 CRs:

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#3357 catF (R5-160753)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#33501 catF (R5-160736)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#33251 catF (R5-160965)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#3322 catF (R5-160480)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#32651 catF (R5-160759)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#13992 catF (R5-161118)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#1398 catF (R5-160498)

36.521-3 12.8.0 CR#13921 catF (R5-161068)

36.521-2 13.0.0 CR#3741 catF (R5-161069)

36.521-2 13.0.0 CR#3571 catF (R5-160808)

36.521-2 13.0.0 CR#3561 catF (R5-160807)

36.521-2 13.0.0 CR#3551 catF (R5-160806)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2490 catF (R5-160588)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2480 catF (R5-160578)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24752 catF (R5-161114)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2460 catF (R5-160491)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2459 catF (R5-160490)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24582 catF (R5-161112)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2457 catF (R5-160488)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2456 catF (R5-160487)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2455 catF (R5-160486)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2454 catF (R5-160485)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2453 catF (R5-160484)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#23731 catF (R5-161111)

34.902 11.1.0 CR#24 catF (R5-160201)

34.121-1 12.2.0 CR#1621 catF (R5-160500)

34.121-1 12.2.0 CR#1618 catF (R5-160202)

TEI11_Test Rel-11 RP-71

AI: 14.5.2

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160130 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel-12 Conformance Testing (TEI12_Test) CR pack RAN5 CR pack including 15 CRs:

37.571-5 12.4.0 CR#137 catF (R5-160174)

37.571-5 12.4.0 CR#136 catF (R5-160173)

37.571-3 12.5.0 CR#49 catF (R5-160045)

37.571-2 12.4.0 CR#67 catF (R5-160354)

36.523-2 12.8.0 CR#8191 catF (R5-160762)

36.523-2 12.8.0 CR#818 catF (R5-160323)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#3360 catF (R5-160757)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#33051 catF (R5-160734)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#32961 catF (R5-160921)

36.523-1 12.8.0 CR#32951 catF (R5-160920)

36.521-2 12.8.0 CR#349 catF (R5-160108)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24612 catF (R5-161113)

36.521-1 12.8.0 CR#2369 catF (R5-160107)

34.229-1 12.8.1 CR#805 catF (R5-160325)

34.121-1 12.2.0 CR#16241 catF (R5-160898)

TEI12_Test Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 14.5.3

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160131 RAN5 agreed non TTCN CR(s) under WI Small Technical Enhancements and Improvements for Rel-13 Conformance Testing (TEI13_Test) CR pack RAN5 CR pack including 8 CRs:

36.521-2 13.0.0 CR#3802 catF (R5-161116)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2448 catF (R5-160464)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2446 catF (R5-160462)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2445 catF (R5-160461)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#2443 catF (R5-160459)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24421 catF (R5-161046)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24411 catF (R5-161045)

36.521-1 13.0.1 CR#24381 catF (R5-161044)

TEI13_Test Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 14.5.4

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160132 New Work Item: 4 Rx antenna ports with CA for LTE DL in Rel-14 WID new

revised to RP-160550

Ericsson RP-71

AI: 10.1.4

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160133 Motivation for New WI proposal for 4 Rx antenna ports with CA for LTE DL in Rel-14 discussion Ericsson RP-71

AI: 10.1.4

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160134 Status report for WI Perf. part: LTE DL 4 Rx antenna ports, Rapporteur: Ericsson WI status report RAN4 LTE_4Rx_AP_DL Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.14

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160135 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects for UE Over the Air (Antenna) conformance testing methodology – Laptop Equipment Free Space Test; rapporteur: ZTE WI status report RAN5 UEAnt_FSTest-UEConTest RP-71

AI: 13.3.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160136 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - LTE UE TRP and TRS and UTRA Hand Phantom; rapporteur: ZTE WI status report RAN5 LTE_UTRA_TRP_TRS-UEConTest RP-71

AI: 13.5.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160137 Status report for WI UE Conformance Test Aspects – Further DL MIMO Enhancement for LTE-Advanced; rapporteur: ZTE WI status report RAN5 LTE_eDL_MIMO_enh-Perf RP-71

AI: 13.4.5

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160138 Status report: Perf. part: Multicarrier Load Distribution of UEs in LTE; rapporteur: ZTE WI status report RAN4 LTE_MC_load-Perf RP-71

AI: 10.7.11

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160139 Considerations of Satellite system requirement for 5G discussion Dish Network RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160140 Status report of WI UE Conformance Test Aspects – WLAN/3GPP Radio Interworking WI status report Intel Corporation UTRA_LTE_WLAN_interw-UEConTest Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 13.4.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160141 Revised WID: LTE Advanced 5 Band Carrier Aggregation (5DL/1UL) of Band 1, Band 3, Band 7, Band 7 and Band 28 WID revised

revision of RP-151512

Telstra Corporation Limited LTE_CA_B1_B3_B7_B7_B28 Rel-13 RP-71


approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160142 Status report for WI Perf. Part: Performance requirements of MMSE-IRC receiver for LTE BS, rapporteur: China Telecom WI status report RAN4 LTE_MMSE_IRC_BS-Perf Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.8

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160143 Motivation for new SI on Interference cancellation and maximum likelihood receivers for LTE BS discussion China Telecommunications Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.4

available [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160144 New SI on Interference cancellation and maximum likelihood receivers for LTE BS SID new China Telecommunications Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.4

available [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160145 Motivation for Study on Context Aware Service Delivery in RAN discussion CMCC Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.3

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160146 New SI proposal: Study on Context Aware Service Delivery in RAN SID new

revised to RP-160564

CMCC Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.3

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160147 Presentation of Specification to TSG RAN#71 TS36462_v200 other CMCC LTE_WLAN_radio Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.13

withdrawn [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160148 Revised WID: LTE Advanced inter-band CA Rel-14 for xDL/2UL with x=3,4,5 WID revised LG Electronics LTE_CA_R14_xDL2UL Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.3.7

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160149 Status report for xDL/2UL CA basket WI in Rel-14 WI status report LG Electronics LTE_CA_R14_xDL2UL-Core, LTE_CA_R14_xDL2UL-Perf Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.3.7

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160150 New WI proposal: LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 1 and Band 46 WID new NTT DOCOMO Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.3

merged [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160151 New WI proposal: LTE Advanced inter-band Carrier Aggregation of Band 3 and Band 46 WID new NTT DOCOMO Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.3

merged [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160152 pCR on Section “Key performance indicators” of TR38.913 pCR TELECOM ITALIA S.p.A., Orange 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

rejected [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160153 pCR on Section “Security and Privacy related requirement relevant for Radio Access” of TR38.913 – Requirements on radio signaling messages pCR

revised to RP-160506

TELECOM ITALIA 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160154 pCR on Section “Security and Privacy” of TR38.913 - Requirements on user identity pCR TELECOM ITALIA 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

rejected [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160155 3GPP Support Team report report ETSI MCC RP-71

AI: 17

available [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160156 pCR on Section “Security and Privacy related requirement relevant for Radio Access” of TR38.913 – Requirements on Jamming pCR TELECOM ITALIA 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

rejected [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160157 pCR on Section “Security and Privacy” of TR38.913 - Requirements on security visibility pCR TELECOM ITALIA 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

rejected [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160158 pCR on Section “Testing and Conformance Requirements” of TR38.913 pCR TELECOM ITALIA 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

available [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160159 pCR on Section “Lawful Interception” of TR38.913 pCR TELECOM ITALIA 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

merged [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160160 Status Report: LTE Advanced inter-band CA Rel-14 for 4DL/1UL; rapporteur: Ericsson WI status report RAN4 LTE_CA_R14_4DL1UL Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.3.4

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160161 Status Report: LTE Advanced Intra-band CA including contiguous and non-contiguous spectrum Rel-14; rapporteur: Ericsson WI status report RAN4 LTE_CA_R14_intra Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.3.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160162 Report on email discussion of "[5G-AH-04] High speed (CMCC)" report CMCC FS_NG_SReq Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160163 Motivation for Study on enhancement of VoLTE discussion CMCC Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160164 New SI proposal- Study on enhancement of VoLTE SID new CMCC, Huawei, China Telecom Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

withdrawn [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160165 New SI proposal- Study on enhancement of VoLTE SID new

revised to RP-160563

CMCC, Huawei, China Telecom Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160166 Text proposal to TR 38.913 to add flexible configuration requirement on architecture pCR CMCC 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

available [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160167 Status report of WI Perf. part: LTE Carrier Aggregation Enhancement Beyond 5 Carriers - Nokia Networks WI status report RAN4 LTE_CA_enh_b5C-Perf Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.6

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160168 Changes to 5G SI related to new architecture discussion IAESI, Thales RP-71

AI: 9.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160169 Way forward on NB-IoT specification discussion

revised to RP-160536

TELECOM ITALIA S.p.A., Deutsche Telekom NB_IOT Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.18

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160170 Status Report for WI Perf Part.: Dual Connectivity enhancements for LTE, rapporteur: NTT DOCOMO, INC. WI status report RAN4 LTE_dualC_enh-Perf Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160171 Status report for WI: Performance enhancements for high speed scenario in LTE; rapporteur: NTT DOCOMO, INC., Huawei, HiSilicon. WI status report RAN4 LTE_high_speed RP-71

AI: 10.2.3

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160172 Revised WID: Performance enhancements for high speed scenario in LTE WID revised NTT DOCOMO LTE_high_speed Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.2.3

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160173 General description of NG Architecture pCR

revised to RP-160527

IAESI, Thales, Fairspectrum 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160174 Coverage requirement in TR 38.913 pCR IAESI, Thales, Fairspectrum 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

postponed [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160175 Deep-indoor deployment scenario for mMTC and eHealth pCR IAESI, Thales 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

postponed [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160176 Updates to list of specs discussion ETSI MCC RP-71

AI: 17

available [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160177 Status CA_B3_B20_B32 WI status report Ericsson LTE_CA_B3_B20_B32 Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.3.9

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160178 TR 36.853-13 v1.0.0 on Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); LTE-Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (CA) (3DL/1UL); Release 13; for 1-step approval draft TS ZTE LTE_CA_B8_B41_B41-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.8

withdrawn [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160179 Motivation for a New WI:_x00B_SON for eCoMP discussion Nokia Networks, Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.3

postponed [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160180 New SI on SON for eCoMP SID new Nokia Networks, Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.3

postponed [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160181 Status report for SI: Study on Multi-Carrier Enhancements for UMTS, rapporteur: Huawei WI status report RAN1 FS_UTRA_MCe Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 11.4.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160182 Status report for WI Perf.Part: Downlink TPC enhancements for UMTS, rapporteur: Huawei WI status report RAN1 UTRA_EDL_TPC Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 11.5.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160183 Status report for WI: NarrowBand IoT (NB-IoT) WI status report RAN1 NB_IOT-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.18

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160184 Status report for WI: Core part: DTX/DRX enhancements in CELL_FACH, rapporteur: Huawei WI status report RAN2 FACH_DTXDRX-Core Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 11.2.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160185 Revision of WI: DTX/DRX enhancements in CELL_FACH, rapporteur: Huawei WID revised

revised to RP-160601

Huawei, HiSilicon FACH_DTXDRX-Core Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 11.2.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160186 Status report for SI: Network Assistance for Network Synchronization in LTE, rapporteur: Huawei WI status report RAN3 FS_LTE_NW_SYNC Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.5.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160187 Status report for WI: Base Station (BS) RF requirements for Active Antenna System (AAS), rapporteur: Huawei WI status report RAN4 AAS_BS_LTE_UTRA Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160188 Revision of WI: Base Station (BS) RF requirements for Active Antenna System (AAS), rapporteur: Huawei WID revised Huawei AAS_BS_LTE_UTRA Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.2

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160189 Status report for WI: LTE Advanced inter-band CA Rel-14 for 3DL/1UL; rapporteur: Huawei WI status report RAN4 LTE_CA_R14_3DL1UL Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.3.3

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160190 Revised WID: LTE Advanced inter-band CA Rel-14 for 3DL/1UL WID revised

revised to RP-160582

Huawei, HiSilicon LTE_CA_R14_3DL1UL Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.3.3

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160191 Status report for WI: LTE Advanced inter-band CA Rel-14 for 2DL/2UL; rapporteur: Huawei WI status report RAN4 LTE_CA_R14_2DL2UL Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.3.6

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160192 Revised WID: LTE Advanced inter-band CA Rel-14 for 2DL/2UL WID revised Huawei, HiSilicon LTE_CA_R14_2DL2UL Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.3.6

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160193 Revised WID: LTE Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) for Band 41, Band 42 and Band 42 WID revised Huawei, HiSilicon LTE_CA_B41_B42_B42 Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 14.4

withdrawn [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160194 Status report for WI: UE Conformance Test Aspects - Further Rel-12 Configurations for LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation with 3DL, rapporteur: Huawei WI status report RAN5 LTE_CA_Rel12_3DL-UEConTest Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 13.4.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160195 Status report for WI: UE Conformance Test Aspects - E-UTRA small cell enhancements - Physical layer aspects, rapporteur: Huawei WI status report RAN5 LTE_SC_enh_L1-UEConTest Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 13.4.9

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160196 Motivation for Work Item on UL 256QAM for LTE discussion Ericsson Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160197 Work Item on Uplink 256QAM for LTE WID new

revised to RP-160579

Ericsson Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160198 Motivation of WI proposal for eMTC and NB-IOT Positioning in LTE discussion Ericsson Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

postponed [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160199 New WI proposal for eMTC and NB-IOT Positioning in LTE WID new Ericsson Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

postponed [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160200 Motivation of WI proposal for L1/L2 eMTC and NB-IOT enhancements in LTE discussion Ericsson Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

postponed [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160201 New WI proposal for L1/L2 eMTC and NB-IOT enhancements in LTE WID new Ericsson Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

postponed [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160202 Motivation for Standalone LTE operation and dual connectivity operation in unlicensed spectrum discussion Ericsson Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

postponed [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160203 Work Item on Standalone LTE operation and dual connectivity operation in unlicensed spectrum WID new Ericsson Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

postponed [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160204 Motivation for Work Item on shortened TTI and processing time discussion Ericsson Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

postponed [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160205 Work Item on shortened TTI and processing time WID new Ericsson Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

postponed [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160206 Status report of SI Study on Latency reduction techniques for LTE WI status report Ericsson FS_LTE_LATRED Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.5.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160207 Proposed Requirement on Dynamic Co-Existence of LTE and Next Generation RAT discussion

revised to RP-160583

AT&T GNS Belgium SPRL Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160208 New Work Item Proposal-Uplink transmission enhancement for LTE WID new CMCC Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

merged [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160209 Status report for SI Study on channel model for frequency spectrum above 6 GHz WI status report Samsung FS_6GHz_CH_model Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160210 Revised SID: Study on channel model for frequency spectrum above 6 GHz SID revised Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd, Nokia Networks FS_6GHz_CH_model Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.1

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160211 TR 36.853-13 v1.0.0 on Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); LTE-Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (CA) (3DL/1UL); Release 13; for 1-step approval draft TR

revised to RP-160535

ZTE LTE_CA_B8_B41_B41-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.8

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160212 New WID Proposal: Enhancements on Full-Dimension (FD) MIMO for LTE WID new

revised to RP-160623

Samsung Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160213 New WID Proposal: Seamless Handover for LTE WID new Samsung Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

merged [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160214 Motivation for introducing requirement on architecture for supporting Context Aware Service Delivery in RAN discussion CMCC Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160215 Motivation for new WI Proposal: Seamless Handover for LTE discussion Samsung Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160216 Motivation for SI on "flexible duplex operation for E-UTRAN", flexible duplex– towards 5G efficient duplex mechanisms discussion LG Electronics Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160217 New SID: study on flexible duplex operation for E-UTRAN SID new LG Electronics, China Telecom Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

postponed [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160218 Status report of SI: Feasibility Study on LTE-based V2X Services; rapporteur: LG Electronics WI status report RAN1 FS_LTE_V2X Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.5.3

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160219 Status report of WI: Support for V2V services based on LTE sidelink rapporteur: LG Electronics WI status report RAN1 LTE_SL_V2V Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.2.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160220 Revision of WI: Support for V2V services based on LTE sidelink WID revised

revised to RP-160649

LG Electronics LTE_SL_V2V Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.2.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160221 TR 36.884 v1.0.0 on Performance requirements of MMSE-IRC receiver for LTE BS; for information draft TR China Telecommunications LTE_MMSE_IRC_BS-Perf Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.8

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160222 Support of 256QAM for UE categories 6,7,9 and 10 CR

revised to RP-160956

Intel Corporation, Vodafone 36.306 12.7.0 CR#354 catC LTE_SC_enh_L1-Core Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 10.9

postponed [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160223 Support of 256QAM for UE categories 6,7,9 and 10 CR

revised to RP-160957

Intel Corporation, Vodafone 36.306 13.0.0 CR#355 catA LTE_SC_enh_L1-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.9

postponed [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160224 TS 36.461 v2.0.0 on Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN) and Wireless LAN (WLAN); Xw layer 1; for approval draft TS China Telecommunications LTE_WLAN_radio-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.13

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160225 LTE advanced intra-band carrier aggregation in Band 42 for 5DL discussion CATT Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.3

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160226 Motivation for UL transmission Enhancement for LTE discussion CMCC Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160227 Proposal for relaying capability discussion KDDI Corporation FS_NG_SReq Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160228 TR 36.854-13 v2.0.0 on LTE Advanced 4 Band Carrier Aggregation (4DL/1UL); Release 13; for approval draft TR Nokia Networks LTE_CA_B2_B2_B5_B30-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.8

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160229 TS 37.144 v1.0.0 User Equipment (UE) and Mobile Station (MS) GSM, UTRA and E-UTRA over the air performance requirements; for information draft TS Nokia Networks LTE_UTRA_TRP_TRS-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160230 Revised WID: LTE UE TRP and TRS and UTRA Hand Phantom related UE TRP and TRS Requirements WID revised Nokia Networks LTE_UTRA_TRP_TRS-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.1

withdrawn [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160231 Status report of WI LTE UE TRP and TRS and UTRA Hand Phantom related UE TRP and TRS Requirements; rapporteur: Nokia Networks WI status report Nokia Networks LTE_UTRA_TRP_TRS-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160232 Status report of WI LTE Advanced Inter-band CA Rel-14 for 3DL/3UL; rapporteur: Nokia Networks WI status report Nokia Networks LTE_CA_R14_3DL3UL Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.3.8

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160233 Status Report for WI: UE Conformance Test Aspects - Further Enhancements to LTE TDD for DL-UL Interference Management and Traffic Adaptation WI status report RAN5 LTE_TDD_eIMTA-UEConTest Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 13.4.13

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160234 Text proposal on requirements for migration towards next generation RAT pCR NTT DOCOMO 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

available [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160235 Discussion of Architecture discussion NEC FS_NG_SReq Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

available [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160236 Support below 6GHz for Indoor hot spot scenario discussion CATT FS_NG_SReq Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160237 Security-related requirement discussion

revision of RPa160020

NEC FS_NG_SReq Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160238 TS 00.001 v1.0.0 Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); LTE/WLAN Radio Level Integration Using IPsec Tunnel (LWIP) encapsulation; Protocol specification; for 1-step approval draft TS

revised to RP-160607

Alcatel-Lucent LTE_WLAN_radio_legacy-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.19

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160239 New SI Proposal: Enhancements of Relayed Connection via WLAN and Sidelink SID new LG Electronics Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

merged [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160240 New SI proposal: Study on UL data compression in LTE SID new

revised to RP-160625

CATT, CMCC Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160241 Motivation for SI on Enhancements of Relayed Connection via WLAN and Sidelink discussion LG Electronics Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160242 New Work Item on Enhanced ACDC for Connected Mode in LTE WID new CATT Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

postponed [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160243 Motivation of Enhanced ACDC for Connected Mode in LTE discussion CATT Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160244 New Work Item proposal: Positioning enhancements for NB IoT WID new CATT Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

postponed [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160245 Discussion on User Plane Latency requirements discussion

revised to RP-160554

Deutsche Telekom AG FS_NG_SReq Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160246 Discussion on some remaining issues discussion Deutsche Telekom AG FS_NG_SReq Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160247 Discussion on UE relay for eMBB and IoT discussion China Telecommunications Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160248 Discussion on further mobility enhancements with RRC diversity discussion China Telecommunications Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160249 New WI on LTE-WLAN aggregation enhancements WID new China Telecommunications Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

withdrawn [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160250 Motivation for new WI on LTE-WLAN aggregation enhancements discussion China Telecommunications Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

withdrawn [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160251 Summary of “[5G-AH-05] RAN-Core connectivity, Virtualization & Network Slicing“ pCR

revised to RP-160562

Nokia Networks 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160252 Way forward of CSG and LIPA support for DC discussion Samsung LTE_dualC_ext-Core RP-71

AI: 14.3.6

withdrawn [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160253 Way forward of CSG and LIPA support for DC discussion

revised to RP-160553

Samsung LTE_dualC_ext-Core RP-71

AI: 14.3.6

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160254 Realistic Environmental Model for Next Generation Radio Access Technology evaluation discussion

revised to RP-160557


AI: 9.2.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160255 Next Generation Radio Access Technology Transport Network discussion TELEFONICA S.A. FS_NG_SReq Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160256 [DRAFT] Reply LS to R3-160501 = RP-160031 on RAN decision for CSG and LIPA support in DC (Dual Connectivity) enhancements for LTE (to: SA, SA2; cc: -; contact: Samsung) LS out

LS To: SA, SA2

revised to RP-160612

Samsung LTE_dualC_ext-Core RP-71

AI: 14.3.6

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160257 Summary of “[5G-AH-02] Number of antenna elements” report Nokia Networks FS_NG_SReq Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160258 Status Report of 2DL/1UL CA Basket Work Item; rapporteur: Qualcomm Incorporated WI status report Qualcomm Incorporated LTE_CA_R14_2DL1UL Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.3.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160259 Revision of WI LTE Advanced inter-band CA Rel-14 for 2DL/1UL WID revised

revised to RP-160616

Qualcomm Incorporated LTE_CA_R14_2DL1UL Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.3.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160260 NB-IoT UE Capability discussion MediaTek NB_IOT-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.18

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160261 New Work Item Proposal: Downlink Multiuser Superposition Transmission for LTE WID new

revised to RP-160595

MediaTek RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160262 Motivation on New WI Proposal for MUST discussion MediaTek RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160263 Work Plan for Rel-14 MUST WI discussion MediaTek RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160264 Status Report of WI UE Conformance Test Aspects - Network-Assisted Interference Cancellation and Suppression for LTE WI status report MediaTek LTE_NAICS-UEConTest Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 13.4.12

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160265 Revised Work Item Description: UE Conformance Test Aspects -– Network-Assisted Interference Cancellation and Suppression for LTE WID revised MediaTek LTE_NAICS-UEConTest Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 13.4.12

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160266 Work item exception for UE Conformance Test Aspects - Network-Assisted Interference Cancellation and Suppression for LTE WI exception request MediaTek LTE_NAICS-UEConTest RP-71

AI: 13.4.12

withdrawn [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160267 New SI proposal on Further Enhancements LTE Device to Device, UE to Network Relays for IoT and Wearables SID new

revised to RP-160655

Qualcomm, Intel and Huawei Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160268 Motivation for SI proposal on Further Enhancements to LTE Device to Device discussion Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160269 New WI proposal on Multi-profile UE capability for LTE WID new Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

postponed [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160270 Motivation for WI proposal on Multi-profile UE capability for LTE discussion Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

postponed [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160271 Status report of WI on RAN enhancements for extended DRX in LTE; rapporteur: Qualcomm Incorporated WI status report Qualcomm Incorporated LTE_extDRX RP-71

AI: 10.7.12

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160272 Status report for WI on Enhanced LTE Device to Device Proximity Services; rapporteur: Qualcomm Incorporated WI status report Qualcomm Incorporated LTE_eD2D_Prox-Core RP-71

AI: 10.7.7

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160273 New WI proposal for eMBMS enhancements in LTE WID new

revised to RP-160662

Ericsson Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160274 Motivation of WI proposal for eMBMS enhancements in LTE discussion Ericsson Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160275 New WI proposal for Lean Carrier in LTE WID new Ericsson Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

postponed [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160276 Motivation of WI proposal for Lean Carrier in LTE discussion Ericsson Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160277 Scenarios and Requirements for the IMT-2020 Evaluations discussion Ericsson FS_NG_SReq Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160278 New SID: Uplink non-orthogonal transmission for massive MTC in LTE SID new ZTE Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

postponed [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160279 Motivation for new Study Item on uplink non-orthogonal transmission for massive MTC in LTE discussion ZTE Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

postponed [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160280 New WID: Mobility enhancement in LTE WID new

revised to RP-160593

ZTE Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160281 Motivation for new Work Item on mobility enhancement in LTE discussion

revised to RP-160525

ZTE Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160282 New WID: D2D communication for commercial use cases WID new

revised to RP-160526

ZTE Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160283 Motivation for new Work Item on D2D communication for commercial use cases discussion ZTE Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160284 Way Forward on NB-IoT message3 discussion ZTE NB_IOT Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.18

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160285 Text proposal for TR 38.913 section 6.1.4 on Urban macro deployment scenario pCR ZTE 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

rejected [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160286 Status report of WI Core part: RRC optimization for UMTS; rapporteur: Ericsson WI status report RAN2 UTRA_RRCopt-Core Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 11.2.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160287 Revision of WI RRC optimization for UMTS WID revised Ericsson UTRA_RRCopt-Core Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 11.2.1

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160288 Status report of WI Perf. part: Power saving enhancements for UMTS; rapporteur: Ericsson WI status report RAN2 UTRA_SDATA_POWSAV-Perf Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 11.5.3

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160289 Workplan for NB-IoT discussion Huawei NB_IOT-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.18

available [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160290 Motivation for new WI on multiuser superposition transmission for LTE discussion Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160291 Motivation for Rel-14 work on CSI and CQI enhancements for MIMO discussion Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160292 New study item proposal: Study on New LTE Frame Structure for TDD SID new

revised to RP-160532

Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160293 Motivation for new SI on New LTE Frame Structure for TDD discussion Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160294 New WI proposal: Advanced Carrier Aggregation Techniques for LTE WID new

revised to RP-160639

Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160295 Motivation for new WI proposal: Advanced Carrier Aggregation Techniques for LTE discussion Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160296 New WI proposal: Enhancement of NB-IoT WID new Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

postponed [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160297 Motivation for new WI proposal: Enhancement of NB-IoT discussion Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

withdrawn [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160298 New work item proposal: SC-PTM enhancements for LTE WID new

revised to RP-160541

Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160299 Motivation for new WI on SC-PTM enhancements for LTE discussion Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160300 New WI proposal: Light Connection in LTE WID new

revised to RP-160499

Huawei, China Telecom Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160301 Motivation for new WI on Light Connection in LTE discussion Huawei, China Telecom Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160302 New WI proposal: Further Enhancement of Base Station (BS) RF and EMC requirements for Active Antenna System (AAS) WID new

revised to RP-160548

Huawei Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.4

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160303 Motivation for new WI on Further Enhancement of Base Station (BS) RF and EMC requirements for Active Antenna System (AAS) discussion Huawei Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.4

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160304 Discussion on NB-IoT UE capabilities discussion Huawei, HiSilicon NB_IOT-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.18

available [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160305 Proposal on NB-IoT UE capabilities discussion

revised to RP-160567

Huawei, HiSilicon NB_IOT-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.18

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160306 On support of larger max TBS for TDD UL for eMTC discussion Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.5

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160307 New WI proposal for “UE Conformance Test Aspects –Introduction of 1447-1467MHz Band for TD-LTE in China)” WID new Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 13.1

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160308 New WI proposal for “UE Conformance Test Aspects – Support of single-cell point-to-multipoint transmission in LTE”. WID new Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 13.1

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160309 New Study Item proposal: LTE bandwidth flexibility enhancements SID new

revised to RP-160621

Huawei, China Unicom, China Telecom, HiSilicon Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.4

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160310 Motivation for new study item on LTE bandwidth flexibility enhancements discussion Huawei, China Unicom, China Telecom, HiSilicon Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.4

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160311 New SI proposal-Study on HSPA and LTE Joint Operation SID new

revised to RP-160571

China Unicom Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.3

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160312 Exception sheet for WI LTE UE TRP and TRS and UTRA Hand Phantom related UE TRP and TRS Requirements WI exception request

revised to RP-160683

Nokia Networks LTE_UTRA_TRP_TRS-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.1

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160313 Status Report UE Conformance TestAspects - Rel-13 Licensed-Assisted Access using LTE; Rapporteur Motorola Mobility WI status report RAN5 LTE_LAA-UEConTest Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 13.5.4

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160314 Motivation for SI Proposal Study on HSPA and LTE Joint Operation discussion China Unicom Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.3

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160315 Summary of email discussion [5G-AH-09] on V2X report Huawei, LG Electronics FS_NG_SReq Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160316 Text proposal to TR 38.913 from email discussion [5G-AH-09] on V2X pCR

revised to RP-160572

LG Electronics, Huawei 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160317 Summary of email discussion [5G-AH-11] mMTC report Huawei FS_NG_SReq Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160318 Text proposal to TR 38.913 from email discussion [5G-AH-11] mMTC pCR

revised to RP-160574

Huawei, HiSilicon 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160319 Text proposal to TR 38.913 on "Study on Scenarios and Requirements for Next Generation Access Technologies" pCR Huawei, HiSilicon 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

withdrawn [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160320 Text proposal to TR 38.913 to add public safety service requirements pCR Huawei, HiSilicon 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

merged [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160321 Text proposal to TR 38.913 for section 10.1 on spectrum pCR

revised to RP-160611

Huawei, HiSilicon 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160322 Text proposal to TR 38.913 for section 6.1.2 on dense urban deployment scenario pCR

revised to RP-160629

Huawei, HiSilicon 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160323 Text proposal to TR 38.913 to add a KPI for signalling overhead pCR Huawei, HiSilicon 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

available [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160324 Text proposal to TR 38.913 for mapping of KPIs to scenarios pCR Huawei, HiSilicon 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

rejected [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160325 Discussion of connection density discussion Huawei, HiSilicon FS_NG_SReq Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160326 Status report on 700MHz FDD band for Arab Region WI status report Motorola Solutions UK Ltd. LTE_FDD_700_ARAB Rel-13 RP-71


noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160327 UTRA BHH TRP/TRS performance requirements discussion Motorola Mobility UK Ltd. LTE_UTRA_TRP_TRS-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160328 New WI proposal: L2 latency reduction techniques for LTE WID new

revised to RP-160667

Ericsson Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160329 Motivation for L2 latency reduction techniques for LTE discussion Ericsson Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160330 On RRC Resume ID discussion

revised to RP-160528

Ericsson NB_IOT-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.18

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160331 Text proposal to add operational requirements on high availability to the TR 38.913 pCR TeliaSonera AB 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

rejected [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160332 Revised WID: Indoor Positioning enhancements for UTRA and LTE WID revised NextNav UTRA_LTE_iPos_enh-Perf Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.4

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160333 Motivation for new WI: Further Indoor Positioning Enhancements for UTRA and LTE WID new NextNav RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

withdrawn [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160334 New Work Item: Further Indoor Positioning enhancements for UTRA and LTE WID new

revised to RP-160538

NextNav RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160335 On support of larger max TBS for TDD UL for eMTC discussion Ericsson Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.5

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160336 Handling of AAS work in Rel'14 discussion Nokia Networks, Alcatel-Lucent RP-71

AI: 10.1.4

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160337 Motivation on Enhanced Downlink Multiuser MIMO Transmission for LTE discussion Nokia Networks Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160338 TR 36.893 v1.0.0: 700MHz E-UTRA FDD band for Arab Region TS or TR cover Motorola Solutions UK Ltd. LTE_FDD_700_ARAB-Core Rel-13 RP-71


withdrawn [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160339 Status report of WI Perf. part: Interference Mitigation for Downlink Control Channels of LTE; rapporteur: Intel Corporation WI status report

revised to RP-160594


AI: 10.7.17

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160340 Revision of WI: Interference Mitigation for Downlink Control Channels of LTE WID revised Intel Corporation, ZTE LTE_IM_DLCCH-Perf Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.17

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160341 New WI Proposal: Enhanced CRS Interference Mitigation for LTE WID new Intel Corporation Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.4

available [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160342 Motivation for new WI proposal on Enhanced CRS Interference Mitigation for LTE discussion Intel Corporation Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.4

available [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160343 Status report of WI Core Part: Radiated requirements for the verification of multi-antenna reception performance of UEs; rapporteur: Intel Corporation WI status report RAN4 UTRA_LTE_MIMO_OTA-Core RP-71

AI: 10.7.3

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160344 Revised WID: Radiated requirements for the verification of multi-antenna reception performance of UEs; rapporteur: Intel Corporation WID revised RAN4 UTRA_LTE_MIMO_OTA-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.3

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160345 Motivation for new WI: Radiated performance requirements for the verification of multi-antenna reception of UEs discussion Intel Corporation RP-71

AI: 10.1.4

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160346 New WID: Radiated performance requirements for the verification of multi-antenna reception of UEs WID new

revised to RP-160539

Intel Corporation RP-71

AI: 10.1.4

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160347 On the testability of RF requirements for potential 5G devices discussion Intel Corporation FS_NG_SReq Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

available [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160348 5G consideration from RAN4 perspective discussion Intel Corporation FS_NG_SReq Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

available [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160349 New WI Proposal: Measurement Gap Enhancement for LTE WID new

revised to RP-160604

Intel Corporation RP-71

AI: 10.1.4

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160350 Motivation for new WI proposals on Measurement Gap Enhancement for LTE discussion Intel Corporation RP-71

AI: 10.1.4

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160351 New SID Proposal: Study on Next Generation New Radio Access Technology SID new

revised to RP-160560


AI: 9.1

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160352 Skeleton TR of Study on Next Generation New Radio Access Technology discussion NTT DOCOMO Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.1

withdrawn [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160353 Preliminary Time Plan for Next Generation New RAT RAN WG Standardization Work Plan NTT DOCOMO Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.1

available [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160354 Summary of [5G-AH-03] Resolve square brackets for the deployment scenarios and KPI values in the TR report

revised to RP-160552


AI: 9.2.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160355 Summary of 3GPP RAN reflector email discussion [5G-AH-07] Long Distance Communications report ORANGE FS_NG_SReq Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160356 Correction of TR 25.766 CR pack RAN1 CR pack including 1 CR:

25.766 13.0.0 CR#11 catF (R1-161261)


AI: 14.1.6

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160357 Maintenance of Release 13 LTE carrier aggregation enhancement beyond 5 carriers CR pack RAN1 CR pack including 13 CRs:

36.213 13.0.1 CR#598 catF (R1-161517)

36.213 13.0.1 CR#5961 catF (R1-161552)

36.213 13.0.1 CR#594 catF (R1-161507)

36.213 13.0.1 CR#589 catF (R1-161479)

36.213 13.0.1 CR#565 catF (R1-161213)

36.213 13.0.1 CR#564 catF (R1-161211)

36.213 13.0.1 CR#563 catF (R1-161170)

36.213 13.0.1 CR#5601 catF (R1-161506)

36.213 13.0.1 CR#559 catF (R1-161136)

36.213 13.0.1 CR#5542 catF (R1-161466)

36.213 13.0.1 CR#5501 catF (R1-161140)

36.211 13.0.0 CR#214 catF (R1-161057)

36.211 13.0.0 CR#213 catF (R1-161056)

LTE_CA_enh_b5C-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 14.1.6

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160358 Maintenance of Release 13 elevation beamforming/full-dimension MIMO for LTE CR pack RAN1 CR pack including 22 CRs:

36.213 13.0.1 CR#603 catF (R1-161538)

36.213 13.0.1 CR#595 catF (R1-161514)

36.213 13.0.1 CR#592 catF (R1-161490)

36.213 13.0.1 CR#591 catF (R1-161489)

36.213 13.0.1 CR#590 catF (R1-161488)

36.213 13.0.1 CR#588 catF (R1-161335)

36.213 13.0.1 CR#587 catF (R1-161338)

36.213 13.0.1 CR#586 catF (R1-161465)

36.213 13.0.1 CR#582 catF (R1-161309)

36.213 13.0.1 CR#581 catF (R1-161305)

36.213 13.0.1 CR#580 catF (R1-161304)

36.213 13.0.1 CR#579 catF (R1-161302)

36.213 13.0.1 CR#578 catF (R1-161301)

36.213 13.0.1 CR#568 catF (R1-161250)

36.213 13.0.1 CR#5661 catF (R1-161297)

36.212 13.0.0 CR#191 catF (R1-161553)

36.212 13.0.0 CR#186 catF (R1-161477)

36.212 13.0.0 CR#185 catF (R1-161334)

36.211 13.0.0 CR#223 catF (R1-161487)

36.211 13.0.0 CR#222 catF (R1-161339)

36.211 13.0.0 CR#221 catF (R1-161333)

36.211 13.0.0 CR#220 catF (R1-161337)

LTE_EBF_FDMIMO-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 14.1.6

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160359 CRs to 36.211 & 36.213 to take into account RAN2 agreements on sidelink discovery gaps CR pack RAN1 CR pack including 2 CRs:

36.213 13.0.1 CR#546 catF (R1-160874)

36.211 13.0.0 CR#210 catF (R1-160873)

LTE_eD2D_Prox-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.7

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160360 Maintenance of Release 13 licensed-assisted access to unlicensed spectrum CR pack RAN1 CR pack including 20 CRs:

36.214 13.0.0 CR#32 catF (R1-161294)

36.213 13.0.1 CR#6041 catF (R1-161542)

36.213 13.0.1 CR#602 catF (R1-161536)

36.213 13.0.1 CR#601 catF (R1-161534)

36.213 13.0.1 CR#600 catF (R1-161533)

36.213 13.0.1 CR#599 catF (R1-161530)

36.213 13.0.1 CR#585 catF (R1-161324)

36.213 13.0.1 CR#584 catF (R1-161332)

36.213 13.0.1 CR#577 catF (R1-161299)

36.213 13.0.1 CR#576 catF (R1-161295)

36.213 13.0.1 CR#573 catF (R1-161291)

36.213 13.0.1 CR#572 catF (R1-161290)

36.213 13.0.1 CR#571 catF (R1-161285)

36.213 13.0.1 CR#570 catF (R1-161283)

36.213 13.0.1 CR#569 catF (R1-161282)

36.213 13.0.1 CR#562 catF (R1-161166)

36.213 13.0.1 CR#5551 catF (R1-161327)

36.211 13.0.0 CR#219 catF (R1-161300)

36.211 13.0.0 CR#218 catF (R1-161296)

36.211 13.0.0 CR#217 catF (R1-161284)

LTE_LAA-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 14.1.6

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160361 Introduction of Rel-13 eMTC feature to LTE RAN1specs CR pack RAN1 CR pack including 4 CRs:

36.213 13.0.1 CR#5406 catB (R1-161550)

36.212 13.0.0 CR#1813 catB (R1-161560)

36.211 13.0.0 CR#2079 catB (R1-161563)

36.201 13.0.0 CR#111 catB (R1-161556)

LTE_MTCe2_L1-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.5

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160362 Introduction of Rel-13 NB-IoT feature to LTE RAN1specs CR pack RAN1 CR pack including 4 CRs:

36.213 13.0.1 CR#607 catB (R1-161564)

36.212 13.0.0 CR#192 catB (R1-161561)

36.211 13.0.0 CR#2241 catB (R1-161562)

36.201 13.0.0 CR#14 catB (R1-161317)

NB_IOT-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.18

postponed [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160363 CRs to clarify T_threshold in dual connectivity (36.213 Rel-12 & 13) CR pack RAN1 CR pack including 2 CRs:

36.213 13.0.1 CR#605 catA (R1-161541)

36.213 12.8.0 CR#583 catF (R1-161376)

LTE_SC_enh_dualC-Core Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 14.1.5

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160364 Introduction of WLAN RSSI measurements to support WLAN/LTE Radio Interworking CR pack RAN1 CR pack including 1 CR:

36.214 13.0.0 CR#311 catB (R1-161352)

LTE_WLAN_radio-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.13

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160365 CRs to 36.212 to correct RI reporting for UE category with MIMO capability of 1 layer (Rel-11,12 & 13 only) CR pack RAN1 CR pack including 3 CRs:

36.212 13.0.0 CR#189 catA (R1-161510)

36.212 12.7.0 CR#188 catA (R1-161509)

36.212 11.6.0 CR#187 catF (R1-161508)

LTE-Phys Rel-11 RP-71

AI: 14.1.1

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160366 Correction of Rel-13 Downlink TPC Enhancements CR pack RAN1 CR pack including 1 CR:

25.214 13.1.0 CR#7451 catF (R1-161188)

UTRA_EDL_TPC-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 14.1.6

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160367 CRs to 36.211 & 36.213 to clarify PDSCH collision with PSS/SSS/PBCH CR pack RAN1 CR pack including 2 CRs:

36.213 13.0.1 CR#5481 catF (R1-161126)

36.211 13.0.0 CR#212 catF (R1-160988)

TEI13 Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 14.1.6

partially approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160368 CR to 25.214 to clarify the availability of the F-DPCH for Algorithm1 and 2, within the first phase of the downlink synchronization status evaluation CR pack RAN1 CR pack including 1 CR:

25.214 13.1.0 CR#7461 catF (R1-161262)

TEI13 Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 14.1.6

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160369 Text proposal to TR38.913 to add Scenarios and Requirements on Long Distance Communications pCR

revised to RP-160545

ORANGE 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160370 Summary of 3GPP RAN reflector email discussion [5G-AH-10] eHealth report ORANGE FS_NG_SReq Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160371 Text proposal to TR 38.913 from email discussion [5G-AH-10] eHealth pCR

revised to RP-160544

ORANGE 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160372 WI Status Report for LWIP WI status report Alcatel-Lucent LTE_WLAN_radio_legacy-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.19

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160373 Motivation for defining Network Energy Efficiency KPI and related evaluation in TR38.913 discussion ORANGE FS_NG_SReq Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160374 Revised WID for LWIP WID revised

revised to RP-160608

Alcatel-Lucent LTE_WLAN_radio_legacy-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.19

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160375 Text proposal to TR38.913 on Network Energy Efficiency pCR

revised to RP-160543

ORANGE 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160376 Motivation for new WI: Further Indoor Positioning Enhancements for UTRA and LTE discussion NextNav RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160377 Status Report of WI LTE 2.6 GHz FDD SDL Band (2570-2620 MHz) and LTE Carrier Aggregation (2DL/1UL) with band 3 for region 1 WI status report ORANGE LTE_FDD_2600_CA_B3 Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.3.

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160378 Revised WI: LTE 2.6 GHz FDD SDL Band (2570-2620 MHz) and LTE Carrier Aggregation (2DL/1UL) with band 3 for region 1 WID revised

revision of RP-152253

ORANGE LTE_FDD_2600_CA_B3 Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.3.

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160379 Scenarios and requirements for Smart Factory verticals discussion ORANGE FS_NG_SReq Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

withdrawn [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160380 Status report for WI: Perf. part: Licensed-Assisted Access to Unlicensed Spectrum, rapporteur: Ericsson WI status report Ericsson LTE_LAA-Perf Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.15

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160381 Status report of WI: Enhanced LAA for LTE, rapporteur: Ericsson WI status report

revised to RP-160585

Ericsson LTE_eLAA, LTE_eLAA-Core Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.2.1

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160382 Revision of WI: UE Conformance Test Aspects – LTE Device to Device Proximity Services WID revised Qualcomm Incorporated LTE_D2D_Prox-UEConTest Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 13.4.6

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160383 Status Report of WI: UE Conformance Test aspects  -  LTE Device–to-Device Proximity Services WI status report RAN5 LTE_D2D_Prox-UEConTest Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 13.4.6

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160384 Revision of WI: UE Conformance Test aspects  -  DCH Enhancements for UMTS WID revised Qualcomm Incorporated UTRA_DCHenh-UEConTest Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 13.4.3

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160385 Status Report of WI: UE Conformance Test aspects  -  DCH Enhancements for UMTS WI status report RAN5 UTRA_DCHenh-UEConTest Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 13.4.3

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160386 New WI: UE Conformance Test Aspects – Enhancements for extended DRX (eDRX) in LTE WID new

revised to RP-160602

Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 13.1

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160387 Support of operator-controlled sidelink in 5G RAN discussion

revised to RP-160547

Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160388 Motivations for support of operator-controlled sidelink in 5G RAN discussion Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160389 Relay_email discusison [5G-AH-12] - Summary and Proposals report Qualcomm Incorporated FS_NG_SReq Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160390 NB-IoT UE Capabilities discussion Nokia Networks NB_IOT-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.18

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160391 LTE-WLAN aggregation enhancements discussion Nokia Networks Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

withdrawn [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160392 Adding Band 2 and Band 66 to NB-IoT high priority bands in Rel-13 discussion T-Mobile USA Inc. Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.18

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160393 New WID: LTE Advanced intra and inter-band CA Rel-14 for xDL/1UL of Band 2, Band 4, Band 46, and Band 66, with x=2,3,4,5 WID new T-Mobile USA Inc. Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.3

merged [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160394 SMARTER RAN Requirement Snapshot discussion Interdigital Asia LLC Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

available [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160395 Concluding on OTA TRP/TRS requirements in 3GPP discussion Vodafone Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160396 WI proposal: Enhancements for NB-IoT WID new Vodafone Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

postponed [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160397 Some issues with the current TR38.913 discussion Vodafone Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

withdrawn [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160398 Further aspects to resolve for 5G requirements discussion Vodafone FS_NG_SReq Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160399 Introduction of NB-IoT functionality to PDCP protocol draftCR

revision of R2-161489

Qualcomm Incorporated NB_IOT-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.18

withdrawn [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160400 TS 37.105 v1.0.0 on Active Antenna System (AAS) Base Station (BS) transmission and reception; for approval draft TS Huawei AAS_BS_LTE_UTRA-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.2

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160401 TS 37.114 v1.0.0 on Active Antenna System (AAS) Base Station (BS) Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC); for approval draft TS Huawei AAS_BS_LTE_UTRA-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.2

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160402 TR 37.842 v2.0.0 on E-UTRA and UTRA; Radio Frequency (RF) requirement background for Active Antenna System (AAS) Base Station (BS); for approval draft TR Huawei AAS_BS_LTE_UTRA-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.2

withdrawn [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160403 TS 36.463 v2.0.0 on Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN) and Wireless LAN (WLAN); Xw application protocol (XwAP); for approval draft TS Qualcomm Incorporated LTE_WLAN_radio-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.13

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160404 New Work Item Proposal: UE Conformance Test Aspects – Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) – 3GPP Radio Interworking (Rel-13) WID new Intel Corporation Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 13.1

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160405 On 5G/IMT 2020 discussion RAN chairman (Qualcomm), ITU-R AH convener (Telecom Italia) Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.3

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160406 Introducing new CA band combination in basket Rel 14 CA WIs discussion KT Corporation Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.3

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160407 Revision of Work Item on enhanced LAA for LTE WID revised

revision of RP-152272

Ericsson LTE_eLAA Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.2.1

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160408 Uplink enhancements in Rel-14 discussion Nokia Networks, Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160409 Discussion on additional CA band combinations with LAA Band 46 discussion LG Uplus, SK Telecom, LG Electronics, Huawei, Nokia Networks, Qualcomm RP-71

AI: 10.3

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160410 Updated CA WI approaches from Rel14 onwards discussion

revised to RP-160610

RAN4 chairman (Samsung) Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 8.4

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160411 Status report for WI Perf. part: Elevation Beamforming/Full-Dimension (FD) MIMO for LTE WI status report Samsung LTE_EBF_FDMIMO-Perf Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.16

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160412 Additional requirements for V2V operation discussion Qualcomm Incorporated LTE_SL_V2V Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.2.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160413 Discussion of 256QAM for UE categories 6-10 discussion Qualcomm Incorporated LTE-Phys, TEI10 Rel-10 RP-71

AI: 10.9

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160414 Revision of WI: UE Conformance Test Aspects - E-UTRA small cell enhancements - Physical layer aspects, rapporteur: Huawei WID revised Huawei, HiSilicon LTE_SC_enh_L1-UEConTest Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 13.4.9

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160415 Motivation for new SI proposal: Further Enhancements to UE-to-Network Relaying and LTE Device to Device for Wearable Devices discussion Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160416 Overview of Rel-14 LTE Advanced Pro features discussion Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-14 RP-71 noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160417 CR to TS36.212 for eMTC TDD TBS CR

revised to RP-160568

Huawei, HiSilicon, CATR, CMCC, Xinwei, Potevio, CATT 36.212 13.0.0 CR#190 catB LTE_MTCe2_L1-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.5

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160418 CR to TS36.213 for eMTC TDD TBS CR

revised to RP-160569

Huawei, HiSilicon, CATR, CMCC, Xinwei, Potevio, CATT 36.213 13.0.1 CR#606 catB LTE_MTCe2_L1-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.5

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160419 CR to TS36.306 for eMTC TDD TBS CR

revised to RP-160570

Huawei, HiSilicon, CATR, CMCC, Xinwei, Potevio, CATT 36.306 13.0.0 CR#353 catB LTE_MTCe2_L1-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.5

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160420 5G Process in RAN discussion Huawei RP-71

AI: 9.3

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160421 Clarification on PDSCH collision with PSS/SSS/PBCH CR

revision of R1-161126

revised to RP-160549

Huawei, HiSilicon 36.213 13.0.1 CR#5482 catF TEI13 Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 14.1.6

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160422 Support of 256QAM for UE categories 6/7/9/10 discussion

revised to RP-160668

Intel Corporation, Apple, AT&T, Bell Mobility, Bouygues Telecom, China Telecom, China Unicom, Ericsson, LG Electronics, Orange, Reliance–Jio, Rogers Communications, Sprint, Swisscom, Telstra, T-Mobile USA, US Cellular, Verizon Wireless, Vodafone LTE_SC_enh_L1-Core Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 10.9

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160423 Summary and proposal from email discussion of “[Post-RAN#70-05] Support of 256QAM for UE categories 6/7/9/10” report Intel Corporation LTE_SC_enh_L1-Core Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 10.9

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160424 New WI proposal: Further enhancements on signalling reduction to enable a lightweight connection for LTE WID new Intel Corporation Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

withdrawn [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160425 Motivation for further enhancements on signalling reduction to enable a lightweight connection for LTE discussion Intel Corporation Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160426 New SI proposal: Further LTE D2D Enhancement for Wearables and MTC SID new Intel Corporation Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

withdrawn [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160427 Motivation for SI: Further LTE D2D Enhancements for Wearables and MTC discussion Intel Corporation Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160428 Discussion on the LTE Rel.14 scope for D2D enhancements discussion Intel Corporation Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160429 New SI proposal: Further enhancements to Coordinated Multi-Point operation SID new

revised to RP-160529

Intel Corporation, ZTE Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160430 Motivation for SI: Further enhancements to Coordinated Multi-Point operation discussion Intel Corporation, ZTE Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160431 New SI proposal: UL non-orthogonal spread transmission for small data SID new Intel Corporation Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

postponed [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160432 Motivation for SI: UL non-orthogonal spread transmission for small data discussion Intel Corporation Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

postponed [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160433 New WI proposal: High-Performance eMTC (HeMTC) WID new

revised to RP-160530

Intel Corporation Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160434 Motivation for WI: High-Performance eMTC (HeMTC) discussion

revised to RP-160531

Intel Corporation Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160435 Status report of WI LTE-WLAN Radio Level Integration and Interworking Enhancement; rapporteur: Intel Corporation WI status report RAN2 LTE_WLAN_radio Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.13

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160436 TS 36.464 v2.0.0 on Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN) and Wireless LAN (WLAN); Xw data transport; for approval draft TS Intel Corporation LTE_WLAN_radio-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.13

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160437 TS 36.465 v2.0.0 on Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN) and Wireless LAN (WLAN); Xw interface user plane protocol; for approval draft TS Intel Corporation LTE_WLAN_radio-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.13

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160438 Summary of “[5G-AH-08] Interworking with non-3GPP technologies (Intel)” email discussion report Intel Corporation FS_NG_SReq Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160439 TR 36.885 v1.0.0 on Study on LTE-based V2X Services; for information draft TR LG Electronics FS_LTE_V2X Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.5.3

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160440 New Work Item on enhanced LTE-WLAN Aggregation (LWA) WID new

revised to RP-160522

Intel Corporation Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160441 Motivation for the new WI: Enhanced LTE-WLAN Aggregation (LWA) discussion Intel Corporation Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160442 Physical Layer Enhancements for MTC CRs CR pack RAN3 CR pack including 2 CRs:

36.413 13.1.0 CR#14112 catB (R3-160571)

36.413 13.1.0 CR#13772 catB (R3-160437)

LTE_MTCe2_L1-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.5

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160443 RAN enhancements for extended DRX in LTE CRs CR pack RAN3 CR pack including 2 CRs:

36.413 13.1.0 CR#13882 catB (R3-160558)

36.401 13.0.0 CR#79 catB (R3-160275)

LTE_extDRX-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.12

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160444 Narrowband Internet of Things CRs for approval CR pack RAN3 CR pack including 1 CR:

36.401 13.0.0 CR#783 catB (R3-160161)

NB_IOT-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.18

postponed [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160445 Narrowband Internet of Things CRs for information CR pack RAN3 CR pack including 4 CRs:

36.423 13.2.0 CR#9652 catB (R3-160550)

36.413 13.1.0 CR#14102 catB (R3-160548)

36.413 13.1.0 CR#13932 catB (R3-160526)

36.413 13.1.0 CR#13836 catB (R3-160549)

NB_IOT-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.18

postponed [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160446 Introduction of Band 68 CR pack RAN3 CR pack including 2 CRs:

25.466 13.0.0 CR#61 catB (R3-160216)

25.461 13.0.0 CR#95 catB (R3-160217)

LTE_FDD_700_ARAB-Core Rel-13 RP-71


approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160447 TEI12 CRs CR pack RAN3 CR pack including 4 CRs:

36.413 13.1.0 CR#13871 catA (R3-160467)

36.413 12.6.0 CR#13861 catF (R3-160466)

25.446 13.0.0 CR#231 catA (R3-160537)

25.446 12.1.0 CR#22 catF (R3-160521)

TEI12 Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 14.3.5

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160448 CRs to closed Rel-13 WIs CR pack RAN3 CR pack including 8 CRs:

36.423 13.2.0 CR#9633 catF (R3-160557)

36.423 13.2.0 CR#954 catF (R3-160261)

36.423 13.2.0 CR#9531 catF (R3-160535)

36.423 13.2.0 CR#9501 catF (R3-160523)

36.413 13.1.0 CR#14031 catF (R3-160449)

25.433 13.1.0 CR#20801 catF (R3-160445)

25.423 13.1.0 CR#18831 catF (R3-160446)

25.413 13.0.0 CR#13101 catF (R3-160447)

DC_HSUPA_CS-Core, DECOR-UTRA_LTE-Core, LTE_dualC_ext-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 14.3.6

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160449 TEI13 CRs CR pack RAN3 CR pack including 21 CRs:

36.459 13.0.0 CR#10 catD (R3-160418)

36.455 13.0.0 CR#54 catD (R3-160415)

36.444 13.1.0 CR#75 catD (R3-160417)

36.443 13.2.0 CR#118 catD (R3-160310)

36.424 13.0.0 CR#221 catD (R3-160570)

36.423 13.2.0 CR#9621 catD (R3-160420)

36.423 13.2.0 CR#9492 catC (R3-160562)

36.423 13.2.0 CR#9373 catC (R3-160480)

36.413 13.1.0 CR#14012 catB (R3-160560)

36.413 13.1.0 CR#1398 catF (R3-160309)

36.300 13.2.0 CR#859 catC (R2-162034)

36.300 13.2.0 CR#858 catB (R2-162033)

25.471 13.0.1 CR#10 catD (R3-160414)

25.470 13.0.0 CR#4 catD (R3-160413)

25.469 13.0.1 CR#1081 catD (R3-160442)

25.468 13.0.0 CR#49 catD (R3-160416)

25.453 13.0.0 CR#1592 catF (R3-160512)

25.433 13.1.0 CR#20811 catD (R3-160441)

25.423 13.1.0 CR#18852 catD (R3-160444)

25.423 13.1.0 CR#18841 catF (R3-160532)

25.413 13.0.0 CR#1308 catF (R3-160307)

TEI13 Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 14.3.6

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160450 Introduction of Band 46 CR pack RAN3 CR pack including 2 CRs:

25.466 13.0.0 CR#621 catB (R3-160513)

25.461 13.0.0 CR#961 catB (R3-160490)

LTE_LAA-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 14.3.6

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160451 RAN3 technically endorsed CR package for CSG and LIPA Support in Dual Connectivity, option 1 CR pack RAN3 CR pack including 3 CRs:

36.423 13.2.0 CR#959 catF (R3-160320)

36.413 13.1.0 CR#14081 catF (R3-160484)

36.300 13.2.0 CR#863 catF (R2-162078)

LTE_dualC_ext-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 14.3.6

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160452 RAN3 technically endorsed CR package for CSG and LIPA Support in Dual Connectivity, option 2 CR pack RAN3 CR pack including 3 CRs:

36.423 13.2.0 CR#9641 catF (R3-160487)

36.413 13.1.0 CR#14091 catF (R3-160486)

36.300 13.2.0 CR#862 catF (R2-162077)

LTE_dualC_ext-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 14.3.6

rejected [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160453 RAN2 agreed CRs on Further LTE Physical Layer Enhancements for MTC CR pack RAN2 CR pack including 6 CRs:

36.331 13.0.0 CR#20692 catB (R2-162040)

36.321 13.0.0 CR#8452 catB (R2-161975)

36.306 13.0.0 CR#3421 catB (R2-162047)

36.304 13.0.0 CR#2993 catB (R2-162041)

36.302 13.0.0 CR#662 catB (R2-161949)

36.300 13.2.0 CR#855 catB (R2-162030)

LTE_MTCe2_L1-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.5

partially approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160454 RAN2 agreed CRs on Enhanced LTE Device to Device Proximity Services CR pack RAN2 CR pack including 7 CRs:

36.331 13.0.0 CR#20702 catC (R2-162045)

36.331 13.0.0 CR#20012 catF (R2-161798)

36.323 13.0.0 CR#155 catF (R2-161401)

36.321 13.0.0 CR#8371 catF (R2-161804)

36.306 13.0.0 CR#3432 catC (R2-162046)

36.304 13.0.0 CR#2911 catF (R2-161808)

36.300 13.2.0 CR#8412 catF (R2-161805)

LTE_eD2D_Prox-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.7

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160455 RAN2 agreed CRs on TM10 CRS-IM UE capability report signalling introduction CR pack RAN2 CR pack including 2 CRs:

36.331 13.0.0 CR#2096 catB (R2-161764)

36.306 13.0.0 CR#348 catB (R2-161765)

LTE_CRSIM-Perf Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.9

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160456 RAN2 agreed CRs on Core part: RAN enhancements for extended DRX in LTE CR pack RAN2 CR pack including 4 CRs:

36.331 13.0.0 CR#20972 catF (R2-162015)

36.304 13.0.0 CR#2931 catF (R2-161897)

36.304 13.0.0 CR#2891 catF (R2-161896)

36.300 13.2.0 CR#830 catF (R2-161294)

LTE_extDRX-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.12

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160457 RAN2 agreed CRs on LTE-WLAN Radio Level Integration and Interworking Enhancement CR pack RAN2 CR pack including 10 CRs:

36.331 13.0.0 CR#20512 catB (R2-161950)

36.331 13.0.0 CR#20083 catB (R2-162042)

36.323 13.0.0 CR#1584 catB (R2-162043)

36.306 13.0.0 CR#3372 catB (R2-162012)

36.304 13.0.0 CR#300 catC (R2-161972)

36.300 13.2.0 CR#857 catB (R2-162032)

36.300 13.2.0 CR#856 catC (R2-162031)

36.300 13.2.0 CR#853 catC (R2-162028)

36.300 13.2.0 CR#8492 catB (R2-162044)

36.300 13.2.0 CR#8402 catF (R2-162011)

LTE_WLAN_radio-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.13

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160458 RAN2 agreed CRs on Stage-2: Core part: LTE-WLAN RAN Level Integration supporting legacy WLAN CR pack RAN2 CR pack including 1 CR:

36.300 13.2.0 CR#8394 catB (R2-162013)

LTE_WLAN_radio_legacy-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.19

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160459 RAN2 agreed CRs on Stage-3: Core part: LTE-WLAN RAN Level Integration supporting legacy WLAN CR pack RAN2 CR pack including 3 CRs:

36.331 13.0.0 CR#20554 catB (R2-162026)

36.331 13.0.0 CR#20544 catB (R2-161992)

36.306 13.0.0 CR#3353 catB (R2-162027)

LTE_WLAN_radio_legacy-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.19

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160460 RAN2 agreed CRs on LTE UE capabilities for closed REL-13 Work Items CR pack RAN2 CR pack including 7 CRs:

36.331 13.0.0 CR#21121 catF (R2-162067)

36.331 13.0.0 CR#20611 catF (R2-161824)

36.331 13.0.0 CR#20481 catF (R2-161953)

36.306 13.0.0 CR#3521 catF (R2-162066)

36.306 13.0.0 CR#3381 catF (R2-161823)

36.306 13.0.0 CR#3341 catF (R2-161952)

36.306 13.0.0 CR#3331 catF (R2-161958)

LTE_LAA-Core, LTE_CA_enh_b5C-Core, LTE_MC_load-Core, eMDT_UMTSLTE-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.9

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160461 RAN2 agreed CRs on UMTS UE capabilities for closed REL-13 Work Items CR pack RAN2 CR pack including 4 CRs:

25.331 13.1.0 CR#5834 catB (R2-161286)

25.331 13.1.0 CR#58273 catF (R2-161966)

25.306 13.0.0 CR#5031 catB (R2-161850)

25.306 13.0.0 CR#4982 catF (R2-161965)

UTRA_EDL_L23-Core, LTE_MC_load-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 11.6

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160462 RAN2 agreed CRs on Rel-8 Work Items CR pack RAN2 CR pack including 6 CRs:

36.331 13.0.0 CR#20392 catA (R2-162063)

36.331 12.8.0 CR#20381 catF (R2-161904)

36.321 13.0.0 CR#844 catF (R2-161680)

36.306 13.0.0 CR#3411 catF (R2-161906)

25.331 13.1.0 CR#58462 catF (R2-161817)

25.331 13.1.0 CR#58261 catF (R2-161768)

LTE-L23, RANimp-ANSS, TEI8, TEI12, TEI13 Rel-8 RP-71

AI: 14.1.1

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160463 RAN2 agreed CR on Correction to GLONASS IOD value range CR pack RAN2 CR pack including 1 CR:

36.355 13.0.0 CR#1381 catF (R2-161767)

LCS_LTE, TEI13 Rel-9 RP-71

AI: 14.1.2

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160464 RAN2 agreed CRs on Modification of network requested CA band combination retrieval for intra-band non-contiguous CA CR pack RAN2 CR pack including 2 CRs:

36.331 13.0.0 CR#20752 catC (R2-161811)

36.306 13.0.0 CR#3442 catC (R2-161812)

LTE_CA-Core, TEI13 Rel-10 RP-71

AI: 14.1.3

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160465 RAN2 agreed CRs on Rel-11 Work Items CR pack RAN2 CR pack including 5 CRs:

36.331 13.0.0 CR#2100 catA (R2-161908)

36.331 12.8.0 CR#2099 catA (R2-161907)

36.331 11.14.0 CR#20831 catF (R2-161871)

25.331 12.8.0 CR#58511 catA (R2-162056)

25.331 11.15.0 CR#58501 catF (R2-162055)

SPIA_IDC_LTE-Core, TEI11 Rel-11 RP-71

AI: 14.1.4

partially approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160466 RAN2 agreed CRs on Correction on signalling transmission control due to access group blocking of DTCH CR pack RAN2 CR pack including 6 CRs:

25.331 13.1.0 CR#58282 catA (R2-162053)

25.331 12.8.0 CR#58322 catC (R2-162052)

25.306 13.0.0 CR#4992 catA (R2-162051)

25.306 12.6.0 CR#5022 catC (R2-162050)

25.300 13.0.0 CR#352 catA (R2-162049)

25.300 12.4.0 CR#362 catC (R2-162048)

EDCH_enh-Core Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 14.1.5

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160467 RAN2 agreed CRs on Various Rel-12 Work Items CR pack RAN2 CR pack including 24 CRs:

36.331 13.0.0 CR#21091 catA (R2-162060)

36.331 13.0.0 CR#2094 catA (R2-161739)

36.331 13.0.0 CR#2090 catA (R2-161728)

36.331 13.0.0 CR#20741 catA (R2-161910)

36.331 13.0.0 CR#20681 catA (R2-162000)

36.331 13.0.0 CR#20661 catA (R2-161893)

36.331 13.0.0 CR#20221 catA (R2-161912)

36.331 12.8.0 CR#2093 catF (R2-161738)

36.331 12.8.0 CR#2089 catF (R2-161726)

36.331 12.8.0 CR#20802 catF (R2-162059)

36.331 12.8.0 CR#20731 catF (R2-161909)

36.331 12.8.0 CR#20671 catF (R2-161999)

36.331 12.8.0 CR#20641 catF (R2-161892)

36.331 12.8.0 CR#2052 catF (R2-161473)

36.331 12.8.0 CR#20211 catF (R2-161911)

36.321 13.0.0 CR#852 catA (R2-161895)

36.321 12.8.0 CR#8471 catF (R2-161894)

36.306 13.0.0 CR#3461 catA (R2-161900)

36.306 12.7.0 CR#3451 catF (R2-161899)

36.300 13.2.0 CR#848 catA (R2-161917)

36.300 13.2.0 CR#827 catA (R2-161208)

36.300 12.8.0 CR#8281 catF (R2-161891)

36.300 12.8.0 CR#826 catF (R2-161207)

25.306 12.6.0 CR#5001 catF (R2-161837)

LTE_SC_enh_dualC-Core, LTE_D2D_Prox-Core, LTE_TDD_eIMTA-Core, LTE_eDL_MIMO_enh-Core, LC_MTC_LTE-Core, LTE_NAICS-Core, TEI12 Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 14.1.5

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160468 RAN2 agreed CR on Miscellaneous changes resulting from review for ASN.1 freeze CR pack RAN2 CR pack including 1 CR:

36.331 13.0.0 CR#20022 catF (R2-161789)

TEI13 Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 14.1.6

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160469 RAN2 agreed CR on UMTS ASN.1 correction for Rel-13 CR pack RAN2 CR pack including 1 CR:

25.331 13.1.0 CR#58482 catF (R2-162054)

TEI13 Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 14.1.6

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160470 RAN2 agreed CRs on Various Rel-13 Work Items CR pack RAN2 CR pack including 56 CRs:

37.320 13.0.0 CR#69 catF (R2-161517)

36.355 13.0.0 CR#1421 catF (R2-161960)

36.355 13.0.0 CR#141 catF (R2-161674)

36.355 13.0.0 CR#1401 catF (R2-161961)

36.331 13.0.0 CR#2111 catF (R2-162038)

36.331 13.0.0 CR#2110 catF (R2-162036)

36.331 13.0.0 CR#2106 catB (R2-161967)

36.331 13.0.0 CR#21051 catF (R2-161988)

36.331 13.0.0 CR#21031 catF (R2-161976)

36.331 13.0.0 CR#2102 catF (R2-161791)

36.331 13.0.0 CR#2101 catF (R2-161915)

36.331 13.0.0 CR#2098 catF (R2-161903)

36.331 13.0.0 CR#20871 catC (R2-161914)

36.331 13.0.0 CR#20721 catF (R2-161977)

36.331 13.0.0 CR#20621 catF (R2-161938)

36.331 13.0.0 CR#20431 catF (R2-161936)

36.331 13.0.0 CR#20423 catF (R2-162065)

36.331 13.0.0 CR#20401 catF (R2-161918)

36.331 13.0.0 CR#20171 catF (R2-161874)

36.331 13.0.0 CR#2016 catF (R2-161200)

36.331 13.0.0 CR#20102 catF (R2-162005)

36.331 13.0.0 CR#20062 catF (R2-162003)

36.331 13.0.0 CR#20051 catF (R2-161859)

36.322 13.0.0 CR#1161 catF (R2-161862)

36.321 13.0.0 CR#8531 catF (R2-162004)

36.321 13.0.0 CR#8251 catF (R2-161933)

36.314 13.0.0 CR#36 catF (R2-161518)

36.306 13.0.0 CR#351 catF (R2-162037)

36.306 13.0.0 CR#3501 catF (R2-162006)

36.306 13.0.0 CR#349 catF (R2-161792)

36.306 13.0.0 CR#3471 catC (R2-161913)

36.306 13.0.0 CR#3391 catF (R2-161939)

36.306 13.0.0 CR#330 catF (R2-161237)

36.306 13.0.0 CR#3231 catF (R2-161860)

36.304 13.0.0 CR#2951 catF (R2-161951)

36.304 13.0.0 CR#2901 catF (R2-161954)

36.302 13.0.0 CR#651 catF (R2-161937)

36.300 13.2.0 CR#860 catF (R2-162039)

36.300 13.2.0 CR#854 catF (R2-162029)

36.300 13.2.0 CR#852 catF (R2-161997)

36.300 13.2.0 CR#847 catF (R2-161775)

36.300 13.2.0 CR#8432 catF (R2-161922)

36.300 13.2.0 CR#8421 catF (R2-161921)

36.300 13.2.0 CR#8293 catF (R2-162064)

36.300 13.2.0 CR#8251 catF (R2-161864)

36.300 13.2.0 CR#8241 catF (R2-161863)

25.331 13.1.0 CR#58521 catF (R2-162057)

25.331 13.1.0 CR#58491 catF (R2-161819)

25.331 13.1.0 CR#58471 catF (R2-161843)

25.331 13.1.0 CR#58401 catF (R2-161841)

25.331 13.1.0 CR#5839 catF (R2-161532)

25.331 13.1.0 CR#58362 catF (R2-161815)

25.321 13.1.0 CR#816 catD (R2-161131)

25.306 13.0.0 CR#5041 catD (R2-161820)

25.306 13.0.0 CR#5012 catF (R2-161816)

25.302 13.1.0 CR#243 catD (R2-161130)

LTE_CA_enh_b5C-Core, UTRA_SDATA_POWSAV-Core, UTRA_LTE_iPos_enh-Core, ACDC-RAN-Core, UTRA_EDL_L23-Core, UTRA_EDL_TPC-Core, LTE_dualC_enh-Core, LTE_SC_PTM-Core, LTE_EBF_FDMIMO-Core, LTE_LAA-Core, LTE_eMDT2-Core, LTE_MC_load-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 14.1.6

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160471 RAN4 CRs to Radiated requirements for the verification of multi-antenna reception performance of Ues - Core part CR pack RAN4 CR pack including 7 CRs:

37.977 13.2.0 CR#341 catF (R4-161484)

37.977 13.2.0 CR#33 catF (R4-161056)

37.977 13.2.0 CR#32 catF (R4-161054)

37.977 13.2.0 CR#31 catF (R4-160785)

37.977 13.2.0 CR#30 catF (R4-160732)

37.977 13.2.0 CR#28 catF (R4-160639)

37.977 13.2.0 CR#271 catB (R4-161493)


AI: 10.7.3

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160472 RAN4 CRs to Further LTE Physical Layer Enhancements for MTC CR pack RAN4 CR pack including 11 CRs:

36.133 13.2.0 CR#33691 catB (R4-161207)

36.133 13.2.0 CR#33561 catB (R4-161302)

36.133 13.2.0 CR#3355 catB (R4-160976)

36.133 13.2.0 CR#33541 catB (R4-161299)

36.133 13.2.0 CR#33531 catB (R4-161300)

36.133 13.2.0 CR#33521 catB (R4-161301)

36.133 13.2.0 CR#33461 catB (R4-161206)

36.133 13.2.0 CR#33311 catF (R4-161210)

36.133 13.2.0 CR#3317 catB (R4-160514)

36.101 13.2.1 CR#34671 catB (R4-161378)

36.101 13.2.1 CR#34431 catB (R4-161496)

LTE_MTCe2_L1-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.5

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160473 RAN4 CRs to Enhanced LTE Device to Device Proximity Services CR pack RAN4 CR pack including 4 CRs:

36.133 13.2.0 CR#33102 catF (R4-161428)

36.133 13.2.0 CR#32861 catB (R4-161161)

36.133 13.2.0 CR#32851 catB (R4-161160)

36.133 13.2.0 CR#32841 catB (R4-161240)

LTE_eD2D_Prox-Core, LTE_eD2D_Prox-Perf RP-71

AI: 10.7.7

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160474 RAN4 CRs to CRS Interference Mitigation for LTE Homogenous Deployments - Perf. Part CR pack RAN4 CR pack including 5 CRs:

36.101 13.2.1 CR#34231 catB (R4-161419)

36.101 13.2.1 CR#34221 catB (R4-161193)

36.101 13.2.1 CR#34211 catB (R4-161195)

36.101 13.2.1 CR#34201 catB (R4-161194)

36.101 13.2.1 CR#3419 catB (R4-160371)


AI: 10.7.9

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160475 RAN4 CRs to Dual Connectivity enhancements for LTE - Perf. Part CR pack RAN4 CR pack including 2 CRs:

36.133 13.2.0 CR#33471 catB (R4-161189)

36.101 13.2.1 CR#34601 catB (R4-161192)

LTE_dualC_enh-Perf RP-71

AI: 10.7.

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160476 RAN4 CRs to RAN enhancements for extended DRX in LTE - Core part CR pack RAN4 CR pack including 2 CRs:

36.133 13.2.0 CR#33672 catB (R4-161443)

36.133 13.2.0 CR#33661 catB (R4-161225)

LTE_extDRX-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.12

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160477 RAN4 CRs to LTE-WLAN Radio Level Integration and Interworking Enhancement CR pack RAN4 CR pack including 2 CRs:

36.133 13.2.0 CR#33511 catB (R4-161184)

36.133 13.2.0 CR#33411 catF (R4-161183)

LTE_WLAN_radio-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.13

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160478 RAN4 CRs to Licensed-Assisted Access using LTE - Perf. Part CR pack RAN4 CR pack including 1 CR:

36.133 13.2.0 CR#33621 catF (R4-161244)

LTE_LAA-Perf RP-71

AI: 10.7.15

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160479 RAN4 CRs to LTE DL 4 Rx antenna ports CR pack RAN4 CR pack including 6 CRs:

36.101 13.2.1 CR#3466 catB (R4-160811)

36.101 13.2.1 CR#34641 catB (R4-161203)

36.101 13.2.1 CR#34631 catB (R4-161202)

36.101 13.2.1 CR#3462 catB (R4-160807)

36.101 13.2.1 CR#3459 catF (R4-160769)

36.101 13.2.1 CR#34122 catF (R4-161463)

LTE_4Rx_AP_DL-Perf RP-71

AI: 10.7.14

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160480 RAN4 CRs to 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (3DL/1UL) CR pack RAN4 CR pack including 7 CRs:

36.307 13.2.0 CR#655 catB (R4-160491)

36.307 12.10.0 CR#654 catB (R4-160490)

36.307 11.14.0 CR#653 catB (R4-160489)

36.307 10.17.0 CR#652 catB (R4-160488)

36.141 13.2.0 CR#829 catB (R4-161102)

36.104 13.2.0 CR#753 catB (R4-161101)

36.101 13.2.1 CR#3431 catB (R4-160487)

LTE_CA_B2_B4_B7-Core, LTE_CA_B2_B4_B7-Perf, LTE_CA_B2_B7_B12-Core, LTE_CA_B2_B7_B12-Perf, LTE_CA_B8_B42_B42-Core, LTE_CA_B8_B42_B42-Perf RP-71

AI: 10.8.1

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160481 RAN4 CRs to 4 Band Carrier Aggregation (4DL/1UL) CR pack RAN4 CR pack including 6 CRs:

36.307 13.2.0 CR#642 catB (R4-160197)

36.307 12.10.0 CR#641 catB (R4-160196)

36.307 11.14.0 CR#640 catB (R4-160195)

36.141 13.2.0 CR#830 catB (R4-161104)

36.104 13.2.0 CR#754 catB (R4-161103)

36.101 13.2.1 CR#3396 catB (R4-160194)

LTE_CA_B2_B4_B7_B12-Core, LTE_CA_B2_B4_B7_B12-Perf, LTE_CA_B4_B4_B5_B30-Core, LTE_CA_B4_B4_B5_B30-Perf, LTE_CA_B4_B4_B12_B30-Core, LTE_CA_B4_B4_B12_B30-Perf, LTE_CA_B4_B4_B29_B30-Core, LTE_CA_B4_B4_B29_B30-Perf RP-71

AI: 10.8.2

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160482 RAN4 CRs to 5 Band Carrier Aggregation (5DL/1UL) CR pack RAN4 CR pack including 7 CRs:

36.307 13.2.0 CR#651 catB (R4-160390)

36.307 12.10.0 CR#650 catB (R4-160389)

36.307 11.14.0 CR#649 catB (R4-160388)

36.307 10.17.0 CR#648 catB (R4-160387)

36.141 13.2.0 CR#828 catB (R4-161100)

36.104 13.2.0 CR#752 catB (R4-161099)

36.101 13.2.1 CR#3424 catB (R4-160386)

LTE_CA_B1_B3_B7_B7_B28-Core, LTE_CA_B1_B3_B7_B7_B28-Perf, LTE_CA_B3_B3_B7_B7_B28-Core, LTE_CA_B3_B3_B7_B7_B28-Perf RP-71

AI: 10.8.3

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160483 RAN4 CRs to 700MHz E-UTRA FDD Band for Arab Region CR pack RAN4 CR pack including 15 CRs:

37.141 13.1.0 CR#4482 catB (R4-161478)

37.113 13.0.0 CR#43 catB (R4-160275)

37.104 13.0.0 CR#2812 catB (R4-161476)

36.307 9.15.0 CR#643 catB (R4-160278)

36.307 13.2.0 CR#647 catB (R4-160283)

36.307 12.10.0 CR#646 catB (R4-160282)

36.307 11.14.0 CR#645 catB (R4-160280)

36.307 10.17.0 CR#644 catB (R4-160279)

36.141 13.2.0 CR#8192 catB (R4-161477)

36.124 13.0.0 CR#32 catB (R4-160289)

36.113 13.0.0 CR#55 catB (R4-160274)

36.104 13.2.0 CR#7372 catB (R4-161475)

36.101 13.2.1 CR#34152 catB (R4-161482)

25.141 13.1.0 CR#761 catB (R4-160290)

25.104 13.1.0 CR#7361 catB (R4-161332)

LTE_FDD_700_ARAB-Core, LTE_FDD_700_ARAB-Perf RP-71


approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160484 RAN4 CRs to Downlink TPC Enhancements for UMTS - Perf. Part CR pack RAN4 CR pack including 1 CR:

25.101 13.1.0 CR#10931 catB (R4-161249)


AI: 11.5.2

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160485 RAN4 CRs to Power saving enhancements for UMTS - Perf. Part CR pack RAN4 CR pack including 1 CR:

25.133 13.0.0 CR#14201 catB (R4-161230)


AI: 11.5.3

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160486 RAN4 CRs to closed Rel-8 WIs CR pack RAN4 CR pack including 4 CRs:

36.101 9.23.0 CR#3469 catA (R4-160886)

36.101 8.26.0 CR#3468 catD (R4-160885)

25.101 9.13.0 CR#10951 catA (R4-161318)

25.101 8.16.0 CR#10941 catF (R4-161317)

TEI8 RP-71

AI: 14.4.1

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160487 RAN4 CRs to closed Rel-10 WIs CR pack RAN4 CR pack including 9 CRs:

36.101 13.2.1 CR#3429 catA (R4-160398)

36.101 12.10.1 CR#3428 catF (R4-160397)

36.101 11.15.0 CR#3401 catA (R4-160214)

36.101 10.21.0 CR#3470 catD (R4-160887)

36.101 10.21.0 CR#34001 catF (R4-161326)

25.101 13.1.0 CR#10991 catA (R4-161322)

25.101 12.9.0 CR#10981 catA (R4-161321)

25.101 11.12.0 CR#10971 catA (R4-161320)

25.101 10.13.0 CR#10961 catF (R4-161319)

LTE_CA-Core, TEI10 RP-71

AI: 14.4.3

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160488 RAN4 CRs to closed Rel-11 WIs CR pack RAN4 CR pack including 31 CRs:

37.141 13.1.0 CR#453 catA (R4-160729)

37.141 12.9.0 CR#452 catA (R4-160728)

37.141 11.13.0 CR#451 catF (R4-160727)

37.104 13.0.0 CR#285 catA (R4-160723)

37.104 12.9.0 CR#284 catA (R4-160722)

37.104 11.13.0 CR#283 catF (R4-160721)

36.141 13.2.0 CR#825 catA (R4-160726)

36.141 12.10.0 CR#824 catA (R4-160725)

36.141 11.14.0 CR#823 catF (R4-160724)

36.133 13.2.0 CR#3321 catA (R4-160636)

36.133 12.10.0 CR#3320 catA (R4-160635)

36.133 11.15.0 CR#3319 catF (R4-160634)

36.104 13.2.0 CR#747 catA (R4-160720)

36.104 12.10.0 CR#746 catA (R4-160719)

36.104 11.14.0 CR#745 catF (R4-160718)

36.101 13.2.1 CR#3481 catA (R4-161232)

36.101 13.2.1 CR#3461 catA (R4-160786)

36.101 13.2.1 CR#3453 catF (R4-160735)

36.101 13.2.1 CR#3405 catA (R4-160220)

36.101 13.2.1 CR#3381 catA (R4-160022)

36.101 12.10.1 CR#3472 catA (R4-160889)

36.101 12.10.1 CR#3452 catF (R4-160734)

36.101 12.10.1 CR#3451 catA (R4-160733)

36.101 12.10.1 CR#3404 catA (R4-160219)

36.101 12.10.1 CR#33921 catA (R4-161233)

36.101 12.10.1 CR#3380 catA (R4-160021)

36.101 11.15.0 CR#3471 catD (R4-160888)

36.101 11.15.0 CR#3450 catF (R4-160730)

36.101 11.15.0 CR#3403 catF (R4-160218)

36.101 11.15.0 CR#33931 catF (R4-161234)

36.101 11.15.0 CR#3379 catF (R4-160020)

COMP_LTE_DL-Perf, eICIC_enh_LTE-Perf, LTE_APAC700-Core, LTE_APAC700-Perf, LTE_CA_enh-Perf, LTE_Interf_Rej-Perf, TEI11 RP-71

AI: 14.4.4

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160489 RAN4 CRs to closed Rel-12 WIs CR pack RAN4 CR pack including 55 CRs:

36.141 13.2.0 CR#821 catA (R4-160383)

36.141 12.10.0 CR#8201 catF (R4-161329)

36.133 13.2.0 CR#3373 catA (R4-161226)

36.133 13.2.0 CR#3372 catA (R4-161072)

36.133 13.2.0 CR#3349 catA (R4-160957)

36.133 13.2.0 CR#3344 catA (R4-160866)

36.133 13.2.0 CR#3326 catA (R4-160731)

36.133 13.2.0 CR#3323 catA (R4-160706)

36.133 13.2.0 CR#32951 catF (R4-161429)

36.133 13.2.0 CR#3293 catF (R4-160211)

36.133 13.2.0 CR#3288 catA (R4-160078)

36.133 13.2.0 CR#3283 catA (R4-160051)

36.133 12.10.0 CR#3371 catF (R4-161068)

36.133 12.10.0 CR#33681 catF (R4-161241)

36.133 12.10.0 CR#3348 catF (R4-160956)

36.133 12.10.0 CR#3343 catF (R4-160865)

36.133 12.10.0 CR#3342 catF (R4-160864)

36.133 12.10.0 CR#3338 catF (R4-160852)

36.133 12.10.0 CR#33241 catF (R4-161412)

36.133 12.10.0 CR#33221 catF (R4-161411)

36.133 12.10.0 CR#33061 catF (R4-161220)

36.133 12.10.0 CR#32941 catF (R4-161410)

36.133 12.10.0 CR#3292 catF (R4-160210)

36.133 12.10.0 CR#3287 catF (R4-160077)

36.133 12.10.0 CR#3282 catF (R4-160050)

36.104 13.2.0 CR#739 catA (R4-160381)

36.104 12.10.0 CR#7381 catF (R4-161328)

36.101 13.2.1 CR#3482 catA (R4-161413)

36.101 13.2.1 CR#3458 catA (R4-160740)

36.101 13.2.1 CR#3456 catA (R4-160738)

36.101 13.2.1 CR#3440 catA (R4-160567)

36.101 13.2.1 CR#3438 catA (R4-160565)

36.101 13.2.1 CR#3436 catA (R4-160563)

36.101 13.2.1 CR#3411 catA (R4-160236)

36.101 13.2.1 CR#3402 catA (R4-160215)

36.101 13.2.1 CR#3390 catA (R4-160135)

36.101 13.2.1 CR#3386 catA (R4-160053)

36.101 13.2.1 CR#3384 catA (R4-160039)

36.101 12.10.1 CR#34571 catF (R4-161213)

36.101 12.10.1 CR#3455 catF (R4-160737)

36.101 12.10.1 CR#3454 catF (R4-160736)

36.101 12.10.1 CR#3448 catF (R4-160671)

36.101 12.10.1 CR#3439 catF (R4-160566)

36.101 12.10.1 CR#3437 catF (R4-160564)

36.101 12.10.1 CR#3435 catF (R4-160562)

36.101 12.10.1 CR#3426 catF (R4-160392)

36.101 12.10.1 CR#34181 catF (R4-161327)

36.101 12.10.1 CR#34101 catF (R4-161324)

36.101 12.10.1 CR#33982 catF (R4-161494)

36.101 12.10.1 CR#3389 catF (R4-160134)

36.101 12.10.1 CR#3385 catF (R4-160052)

36.101 12.10.1 CR#3383 catF (R4-160038)

36.101 11.15.0 CR#3434 catF (R4-160561)

25.133 13.0.0 CR#1422 catA (R4-161259)

25.133 12.8.0 CR#1423 catF (R4-161070)

MBMS_LTE_OS, LC_MTC_LTE-Core, LTE_CA_B1_B3_B5-Perf, LTE_CA_TDD_FDD-Perf, LTE_D2D_Prox-Perf, LTE_SC_enh_dualC, LTE_SC_enh_L1-Core, LTE_SC_enh_L1-Perf, LTE_TDD_eIMTA-Perf, LTE_UTRA_IncMon-Core, TEI12 RP-71

AI: 14.4.5

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160490 RAN4 CRs to closed Rel-13 WIs CR pack RAN4 CR pack including 34 CRs:

37.141 13.1.0 CR#450 catF (R4-160717)

37.113 13.0.0 CR#44 catF (R4-160655)

36.133 13.2.0 CR#33632 catF (R4-161436)

36.133 13.2.0 CR#33611 catF (R4-161245)

36.133 13.2.0 CR#3357 catF (R4-160997)

36.133 13.2.0 CR#3339 catF (R4-160853)

36.133 13.2.0 CR#33302 catF (R4-161433)

36.133 13.2.0 CR#33272 catF (R4-161441)

36.133 13.2.0 CR#3316 catF (R4-160509)

36.133 13.2.0 CR#33121 catF (R4-161247)

36.133 13.2.0 CR#3305 catF (R4-160419)

36.133 13.2.0 CR#33031 catF (R4-161188)

36.133 13.2.0 CR#3297 catF (R4-160311)

36.133 13.2.0 CR#3290 catF (R4-160100)

36.124 13.0.0 CR#33 catF (R4-160657)

36.113 13.0.0 CR#56 catF (R4-160654)

36.104 13.2.0 CR#748 catF (R4-160879)

36.101 13.2.1 CR#3478 catF (R4-161087)

36.101 13.2.1 CR#3477 catF (R4-161086)

36.101 13.2.1 CR#3473 catD (R4-160890)

36.101 13.2.1 CR#3447 catF (R4-160670)

36.101 13.2.1 CR#3442 catF (R4-160603)

36.101 13.2.1 CR#34411 catF (R4-161352)

36.101 13.2.1 CR#34303 catF (R4-161500)

36.101 13.2.1 CR#3427 catF (R4-160393)

36.101 13.2.1 CR#3425 catF (R4-160391)

36.101 13.2.1 CR#3416 catF (R4-160246)

36.101 13.2.1 CR#34063 catF (R4-161439)

36.101 13.2.1 CR#3397 catF (R4-160198)

36.101 13.2.1 CR#3382 catF (R4-160023)

25.133 13.0.0 CR#14211 catF (R4-161414)

25.133 13.0.0 CR#1419 catF (R4-160534)

25.105 13.0.1 CR#3141 catF (R4-161354)

25.104 13.1.0 CR#7371 catF (R4-161353)

LTE_AWS_EXT-Core, LTE_CA_3DL_2UL-Core, LTE_CA_B3_B40_B40-Core, LTE_CA_B3_B41_B42-Core, LTE_CA_enh_b5C-Core, LTE_dualC_enh-Core, LTE_LAA-Core, LTE_MC_load-Core, LTE_TDD_1447MHz_China-Core, LTE_CA_B28_B40_B40-Core, LTE_CA_B3_B3_B5-Core, LTE_CA_B5_B40_B40-Core, LTE_UL64QAM-Core, UTRA_SDATA_POWSAV-Core RP-71

AI: 14.4.6

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160491 CR to 34.123-3: Add new verified and e-mail agreed TTCN test cases in the TC lists in 34.123-3 (prose), Annex A CR pack RAN5 CR pack including 1 CR:

34.123-3 12.2.0 CR#3484 catF (R5s160176)

TEI8_Test Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 14.5.3

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160492 CR to 34.229-3: Add new verified and e-mail agreed TTCN test cases in the TC lists in 34.229-3 (prose), Annex A CR pack RAN5 CR pack including 1 CR:

34.229-3 11.2.0 CR#385 catF (R5s160177)

TEI8_Test Rel-11 RP-71

AI: 14.5.2

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160493 CR to 36.523-3: Add new verified and e-mail agreed TTCN test cases in the TC lists in 36.523-3 (prose), Annex A CR pack RAN5 CR pack including 1 CR:

36.523-3 12.4.0 CR#3121 catF (R5s160178)

TEI8_Test Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 14.5.3

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160494 CR to 37.751-4: Add new verified and e-mail agreed TTCN test cases in the TC lists in 37.571-4 (prose), Annex A CR pack RAN5 CR pack including 0 CRs: Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 14.5.3

withdrawn [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160495 Status Report of WI: Perf. part: HSPA Dual-Band UL carrier aggregation; rapporteur: Qualcomm WI status report RAN4 HSUPA_DB_MC-Perf Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 11.5.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160496 TS 36.360 v1.0.0 on Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN) and Wireless LAN (WLAN); LTE-WLAN Aggregation Adaptation Protocol; for approval draft TS LG Electronics LTE_WLAN_radio-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.13

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160497 TR 36.893 v1.0.0 on 700MHz E-UTRA FDD band for Arab Region; for approval draft TR Etisalat, Motorola Solutions LTE_FDD_700_ARAB-Core Rel-13 RP-71


approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160498 Narrowband IoT (NB-IoT) adding Band 2, 18 and 66 discussion KDDI, T-Mobile USA Inc. NB_IOT Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.18

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160499 New WI proposal: Signalling reduction to enable light connection for LTE WID new

revision of RP-160300

revised to RP-160540

Huawei, Intel, China Telecom Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160500 Status of NB_IOT-Core CRs in RAN2 discussion Qualcomm Incorporated NB_IOT-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.18

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160501 Modifications proposed to Support for V2V services based on LTE sidelink discussion Ericsson LTE_SL_V2V Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.2.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160502 Draft LS on LTE-based solution for ITS (to : ECC WG SE; cc: ECC WG SE SE24; contact: Ericsson) LS out


revised to RP-160587

Ericsson LTE_SL_V2V Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.2.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160503 Addition of low complexity UEs and coverage enhancement features CR

revision of R2-162040

Ericsson 36.331 13.0.0 CR#20693 catB LTE_MTCe2_L1-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.5

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160504 CR to 25.331 on the clarification to the IE of Extended E-UTRA Frequency Band in RRC connection release for CCCH CR

revision of R2-162055

Huawei, HiSilicon 25.331 11.15.0 CR#58502 catF TEI11 Rel-11 RP-71

AI: 14.1.4

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160505 CR to 25.331 on the clarification to the IE of Extended E-UTRA Frequency Band in RRC connection release for CCCH CR

revision of R2-162056

Huawei, HiSilicon 25.331 12.8.0 CR#58512 catA TEI11 Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 14.1.4

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160506 pCR on Section “Security and Privacy related requirement relevant for Radio Access” of TR38.913 – Requirements on radio signaling messages pCR

revision of RP-160153

TELECOM ITALIA 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

rejected [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160507 LS and Request for Collaboration with 3GPP (ETSI TC RT NG2R(16)004002; to: SA; cc: UIC FRMCS, RAN; contact: ETSI TC RT NG2R chair (Deutsche Bahn)) LS in

source LS: ETSI TC RT NG2R(16)004002


AI: 6

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160508 LS on Characteristics of terrestrial IMT systems for frequency sharing/interf. analysis in 24.25 - 86 GHz (ITU-R WP5D/temp/39r2; to: RAN, 3GPP2, ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, ETSI, IEEE, ITRI, TIA, TTA, TTC, TSDSI, WiMAX Forum; cc: -; contact: Counselor ITU-R SG5) LS in

source LS: ITU-R WP5D/temp/39r2

LS reply in RP-161056


AI: 7.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]

source LS: ITU-R WP5D/temp/35r1

LS reply in RP-160691, RP-160691

ITU-R WP5D Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 7.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160510 LS on schedule for updating Rec. ITU-R M.2012 TO REV 3 (ITU-R WP5D/temp/15r2; to: RAN, 3GPP2, ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, ETSI, IEEE, ITRI, TIA, TTA, TTC, WiMAX Forum; cc: -; contact: Counselor ITU-R SG 5) LS in

source LS: ITU-R WP5D/temp/15r2

LS reply in RP-160628, RP-161778, RP-162491, RP-162525

ITU-R WP5D Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 7.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160511 LS on REVISION OF REPORT ITU-R M.2291 (ITU-R WP5D/temp/5; to: RAN; cc: -; contact: Counselor ITU-R SG 5) LS in

source LS: ITU-R WP5D/temp/5

LS reply in RP-160693, RP-160693


AI: 7.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160512 LS on the DRAFT REVISION OF REPORT ITU-R M.2291 (ITU-R WP5D/temp/11r1; to: Regional Organizations (APT, ASMG, ATU, CEPT, CITEL, RCC); cc: RAN; contact: Counselor ITU-R SG 5) LS in

source LS: ITU-R WP5D/temp/11r1


AI: 7.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160513 Draft reply LTI to ITU-R WP1A/TEMP/100 = RP-151138 on Report ITU-R SM.[SMART_GRID] on the Smart Grid project (to: SA; cc: -; contact: Telecom Italia) LS in

source LS: RT-160001

3GPP ITU-R ad hoc NB_IOT, LTE_MTCe2_L1, CIoT_EC_GSM, LTE_extDRX Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 7.4

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160514 Draft reply LTI to ITU-R WP5A/TEMP/310(Rev.1) = RP-151655 on the standardization status of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) radio interface technologies (to: SA; cc: -; contact: Telecom Italia) LS in

source LS: RT-160002

3GPP ITU-R ad hoc LTE_SL_V2V, FS_LTE_V2X Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 7.3

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160515 LS on Further elaboration on NGMN KPIs and requirements for 5G (NGMN_LS_160304; to: RAN; cc: -; contact: CMCC) LS in

source LS: NGMN_LS_160304

NGMN FS_NG_SReq Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160516 Report of 3GPP TSG RAN ad hoc on Next Generation Access held in Barcelona, Spain, January 28 – 29, 2016 report ETSI MCC FS_NG_SReq Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 5.3

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160517 Status Report ITU-R Ad hoc report

revision of RP-160003

ITU-R Ad hoc Contact (Telecom Italia) RP-71

AI: 7.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160518 TS 36.462 v2.0.0 on Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (E-UTRAN) and Wireless LAN (WLAN); Xw signalling transport; for approval draft TS CMCC LTE_WLAN_radio-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.13

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160519 EBF/FD-MIMO changes related to remaining issues CR Samsung 36.331 13.0.0 CR#20202 catF LTE_EBF_FDMIMO-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 14.2.6

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160520 EBF/FD-MIMO changes related to UE capabilities CR

revised to R2-162302, R2-162796

Samsung 36.331 13.0.0 CR#2113 catF LTE_EBF_FDMIMO-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 14.2.6

postponed [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160521 Revised WID: LTE-WLAN Radio Level Integration and Interworking Enhancement WID revised Intel Corporation LTE_WLAN_radio Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.13

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160522 New Work Item on enhanced LTE-WLAN Aggregation (LWA) WID new

revision of RP-160440

revised to RP-160600

Intel, Qualcomm, China Telecom Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160523 Status report of SI Study on Scenarios and Requirements for Next Generation Access Technologies WI status report

revised to RP-160687

CMCC FS_NG_SReq Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160524 Report of RAN #70 held in Sitges, Spain, 07.12.-10.12.2015 report

revision of RP-160002


AI: 4

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160525 Motivation for new Work Item on mobility enhancement in LTE discussion

revision of RP-160281

ZTE Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160526 New WID: D2D communication for commercial use cases WID new

revision of RP-160282

ZTE Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

merged [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160527 General description of NG Architecture pCR

revision of RP-160173

IAESI, Thales, Fairspectrum 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

available [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160528 On RRC Resume ID discussion

revision of RP-160330

revised to RP-160682

Ericsson NB_IOT-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.18

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160529 New SI proposal: Further enhancements to Coordinated Multi-Point operation SID new

revision of RP-160429

revised to RP-160590

Intel Corporation, ZTE Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160530 New WI proposal: High-Performance eMTC (HeMTC) WID new

revision of RP-160433

revised to RP-160951

Intel Corporation Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

postponed [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160531 Motivation for WI: High-Performance eMTC (HeMTC) discussion

revision of RP-160434

revised to RP-160952

Intel Corporation Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

postponed [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160532 New study item proposal: Study on New LTE Frame Structure for TDD SID new

revision of RP-160292

Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

postponed [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160533 New Study Item proposal on Study on inter-eNB carrier aggregation with non-ideal backhaul SID new

revision of RP-160052

revised to RP-160561

China Telecommunications Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160534 New Study Item proposal on Flexible eNB-ID and Cell-ID in E-UTRAN SID new

revision of RP-160054

China Telecommunications RP-71

AI: 10.1.3

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160535 TR 36.853-13 v1.0.1 on Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); LTE-Advanced 3 Band Carrier Aggregation (CA) (3DL/1UL); Release 13; for 1-step approval draft TR

revision of RP-160211

ZTE LTE_CA_B8_B41_B41-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.8

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160536 Way forward on NB-IoT specification discussion

revision of RP-160169

revised to RP-160648

TELECOM ITALIA S.p.A., Deutsche Telekom NB_IOT Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.18

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160537 Draft Reply LS to RP-160035 from ETSI Satellite Earth Station (SES) Technical Committee (TC): Satellite in 5G LS out

LS is reply to RP-160035


revised to RP-160627

Dish Networks RP-71

AI: 6

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160538 New Work Item: Further Indoor Positioning enhancements for UTRA and LTE WID new

revision of RP-160334

NextNav RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160539 New WID: Radiated performance requirements for the verification of multi-antenna reception of UEs WID new

revision of RP-160346

revised to RP-160603

Intel Corporation RP-71

AI: 10.1.4

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160540 New WI proposal: Signalling reduction to enable light connection for LTE WID new

revision of RP-160499

Huawei, Intel, China Telecom Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160541 New work item proposal: SC-PTM enhancements for LTE WID new

revision of RP-160298

Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

withdrawn [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160542 Way forward on RAN3 architecture text proposal for the New Technology (5G) discussion

revised to RP-160559

RAN3 chairman (Huawei) FS_NG_SReq Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160543 Text proposal to TR38.913 on Network Energy Efficiency pCR

revision of RP-160375

ORANGE 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

rejected [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160544 Text proposal to TR 38.913 from email discussion [5G-AH-10] eHealth pCR

revision of RP-160371

revised to RP-160573

ORANGE 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160545 Text proposal to TR38.913 to add Scenarios and Requirements on Long Distance Communications pCR

revision of RP-160369

revised to RP-160565

ORANGE 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160546 Clarification to the Standalone Aspect in Next Generation new RAT SID discussion Intel Corporation, Deutsche Telekom, HiSilicon, Huawei, Samsung, Verizon RP-71

AI: 9.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160547 Support of operator-controlled sidelink in 5G RAN discussion

revision of RP-160387

Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160548 New WI proposal: Further Enhancement of Base Station (BS) RF and EMC requirements for Active Antenna System (AAS) WID new

revision of RP-160302

Huawei Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.4

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160549 Clarification on PDSCH collision with PSS/SSS/PBCH CR

revision of RP-160421

Huawei, HiSilicon 36.213 13.0.1 CR#5483 catF TEI13 Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 14.1.6

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160550 New Work Item: 4 Rx antenna ports with CA for LTE DL in Rel-14 WID new

revision of RP-160132

Ericsson RP-71

AI: 10.1.4

postponed [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160551 WID for UMTS and LTE Incmon Enhancement WID new

revision of RP-160090

Ericsson Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.4

postponed [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160552 pCR to 38.913 to Resolve square brackets for the deployment scenarios and KPI values in the TR pCR

revision of RP-160354

revised to RP-160631

NTT DOCOMO 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160553 Way forward of CSG and LIPA support for DC discussion

revision of RP-160253

Samsung R&D Institute UK, ATT, Intel LTE_dualC_ext-Core RP-71

AI: 14.3.6

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160554 Discussion on User Plane Latency requirements pCR

revision of RP-160245

Deutsche Telekom AG 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160555 pCR on non-full buffer evalution pCR Deutsche Telekom AG 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160556 Further aspects to resolve for 5G requirements pCR Vodafone 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

withdrawn [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160557 Realistic Environmental Model for Next Generation Radio Access Technology evaluation discussion

revision of RP-160254


AI: 9.2.2

available [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160558 pCR on scenario description pCR

revised to RP-160589

CMCC, Huawei 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160559 Way forward on RAN3 architecture text proposal for the New Technology (5G) discussion

revision of RP-160542

revised to RP-160635

RAN3 chairman (Huawei) FS_NG_SReq Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160560 New SID Proposal: Study on Next Generation New Radio Access Technology SID new

revision of RP-160351

revised to RP-160576


AI: 9.1

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160561 New Study Item proposal on Study on inter-eNB carrier aggregation with non-ideal backhaul SID new

revision of RP-160533

China Telecommunications Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

available [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160562 pCR on RAN-Core connectivity, Virtualization & Network Slicing pCR

revision of RP-160251

Nokia Networks 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160563 New SI proposal- Study on enhancement of VoLTE SID new

revision of RP-160165

revised to RP-160666

CMCC, Huawei, China Telecom Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160564 New SIK proposal: Study on Context Aware Service Delivery in RAN SID new

revision of RP-160146

revised to RP-160633

CMCC Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.3

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160565 Text proposal to TR38.913 to add Scenarios and Requirements on Long Distance Communications pCR

revision of RP-160545

revised to RP-160640

ORANGE 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160566 pCR on Interworking with non-3GPP technologies pCR Intel Corporation 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160567 Proposal on NB-IoT UE capabilities discussion

revision of RP-160305

revised to RP-160619

Huawei, HiSilicon, CATR, CEWiT, China Telecom, China Unicom, Deutsche Telekom, IITH, Neul, Qualcomm, Reliance-Jio, Samsung, Telecom Italia S.p.A, u-blox, Vodafone NB_IOT-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.18

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160568 CR to TS36.212 for eMTC TDD TBS CR

revision of RP-160417

Huawei, HiSilicon, CATR, CMCC, Xinwei, Potevio, CATT 36.212 13.0.0 CR#1901 catB LTE_MTCe2_L1-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.5

withdrawn [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160569 CR to TS36.213 for eMTC TDD TBS CR

revision of RP-160418

Huawei, HiSilicon, CATR, CMCC, Xinwei, Potevio, CATT 36.213 13.0.1 CR#6061 catB LTE_MTCe2_L1-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.5

withdrawn [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160570 CR to TS36.306 for eMTC TDD TBS CR

revision of RP-160419

Huawei, HiSilicon, CATR, CMCC, Xinwei, Potevio, CATT 36.306 13.0.0 CR#3531 catB LTE_MTCe2_L1-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.5

withdrawn [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160571 New SI proposal-Study on HSPA and LTE Joint Operation SID new

revision of RP-160311

China Unicom Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.3

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160572 Text proposal to TR 38.913 from email discussion [5G-AH-09] on V2X pCR

revision of RP-160316

revised to RP-160637

LG Electronics, Huawei 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160573 Text proposal to TR 38.913 from email discussion [5G-AH-10] eHealth pCR

revision of RP-160544

revised to RP-160642

ORANGE 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160574 Text proposal to TR 38.913 from email discussion [5G-AH-11] mMTC pCR

revision of RP-160318

revised to RP-160643

Huawei, HiSilicon 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160575 pCR regarding relay pCR Qualcomm Incorporated 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160576 New SID Proposal: Study on Next Generation New Radio Access Technology SID new

revision of RP-160560

revised to RP-160671


AI: 9.1

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160577 Way forward on Rel-14 RAN1/2/4-led Work Items for LTE discussion NTT DOCOMO, Qualcomm Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160578 Way forward on Rel-14 RAN1/2/4-led new items for LTE discussion

revised to RP-160624, RP-160654

Huawei Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160579 Work Item on Uplink 256QAM for LTE WID new

revision of RP-160197

revised to RP-160664

Ericsson Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160580 Draft reply LTI to ITU-R WP5A/TEMP/310(Rev.1) = RP-151655 on the standardization status of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) radio interface technologies (to: SA; cc: -; contact: Telecom Italia) LS out

LS is reply to RP-151655

source LS: RT-160002



AI: 7.3

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160581 Draft reply LTI to ITU-R WP1A/TEMP/100 = RP-151138 on Report ITU-R SM.[SMART_GRID] on the Smart Grid project (to: SA; cc: -; contact: Telecom Italia) LS out

source LS: RT-160001


AI: 7.4

withdrawn [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160582 Revised WID: LTE Advanced inter-band CA Rel-14 for 3DL/1UL WID revised

revision of RP-160190

Huawei, HiSilicon LTE_CA_R14_3DL1UL Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.3.3

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160583 Proposed Objective and Requirements on Dynamic Co-Existence of LTE and Next Generation RAT discussion

revision of RP-160207

AT&T GNS Belgium SPRL Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160584 Draft Reply LTI to ITU-R WP5D/temp/15r2 = RP-160510 on schedule for updating Rec. ITU-R M.2012 TO REV 3 (to: SA; cc: -; contact: Telecom Italia) LS out

source LS: ITU-R WP5D/temp/15r2

revised to RP-160628


AI: 7.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160585 Status report of WI: Enhanced LAA for LTE, rapporteur: Ericsson WI status report

revision of RP-160381

Ericsson LTE_eLAA, LTE_eLAA-Core Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.2.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160586 New WI proposal: Cell-specific Operation in CA WID new

revision of RP-160049

LG Electronics Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

available [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160587 LS on LTE-based solution for ITS (to : ECC WG SE; cc: ECC WG SE SE24, ECC WG FM55; contact: Ericsson) LS out


revision of RP-160502

RAN LTE_SL_V2V Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.2.2

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160588 Clarification of the scope of the study on latency reduction techniques for LTE discussion Huawei, HiSilicon, ZTE, Nokia, Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell FS_LTE_LATRED Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.5.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160589 pCR on scenario description pCR

revision of RP-160558

CMCC, Huawei 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160590 New SI proposal: Further enhancements to Coordinated Multi-Point operation SID new

revision of RP-160529

revised to RP-160665

Intel Corporation, ZTE Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160591 Way forward on 256QAM support for UE categories 6/7/9/10 discussion

revised to RP-160599

Intel Corporation RP-71

AI: 10.9

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160592 Way Forward on Rel-14 RAN1/2/3-led Study/Work Items discussion ZTE RP-71

AI: 10.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160593 New WID: Mobility enhancement in LTE WID new

revision of RP-160280

revised to RP-160636

ZTE Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160594 Status report of WI Perf. part: Interference Mitigation for Downlink Control Channels of LTE; rapporteur: Intel Corporation WI status report

revision of RP-160339


AI: 10.7.17

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160595 New Work Item Proposal: Downlink Multiuser Superposition Transmission for LTE WID new

revision of RP-160261

revised to RP-160680

MediaTek RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160596 New WI proposal: Advanced Carrier Aggregation Techniques for LTE WID new Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

withdrawn [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160597 How to facilitate RAN4 work for NB-IoT discussion NTT DOCOMO, INC., Qualcomm, Ericsson, Huawei, Intel RP-71

AI: 10.7.18

available [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160598 Proposed Work plan for ITU-R related aspects of 5G study in RAN4 discussion NTT DOCOMO RP-71

AI: 9.1.5

available [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160599 Way forward on 256QAM support for UE categories 6/7/9/10 discussion

revision of RP-160591

Intel Corporation RP-71

AI: 10.9

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160600 New Work Item on enhanced LTE-WLAN Aggregation (LWA) WID new

revision of RP-160522

revised to RP-160923

Intel, Qualcomm, China Telecom Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160601 Revision of WI: DTX/DRX enhancements in CELL_FACH, rapporteur: Huawei WID revised

revision of RP-160185

Huawei, HiSilicon FACH_DTXDRX-Core Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 11.2.2

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160602 New WI: UE Conformance Test Aspects – Enhancements for extended DRX (eDRX) in LTE WID new

revision of RP-160386

Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 13.1

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160603 New WID: Radiated performance requirements for the verification of multi-antenna reception of UEs WID new

revision of RP-160539

Intel Corporation RP-71

AI: 10.1.4

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160604 New WI Proposal: Measurement Gap Enhancement for LTE WID new

revision of RP-160349

revised to RP-160678

Intel Corporation RP-71

AI: 10.1.4

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160605 Way forward on RAN4 led WIs/SIs discussion Intel Corporation RP-71

AI: 10.1.4

available [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160606 Additional requirements on public safety, sidelink, lawful interception pCR

revised to RP-160646

Nokia Networks 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160607 TS 36.361 v1.0.1 Evolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA); LTE/WLAN Radio Level Integration Using IPsec Tunnel (LWIP) encapsulation; Protocol specification; for 1-step approval draft TS

revision of RP-160238

Alcatel-Lucent LTE_WLAN_radio_legacy-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.19

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160608 Revised WID: Core part: LTE-WLAN RAN Level Integration supporting legacy WLAN WID revised

revision of RP-160374

Alcatel-Lucent LTE_WLAN_radio_legacy-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.19

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160609 Draft LS on security related requirements for 5G (to: SA3; cc: -; contact: NEC) LS out

revised to RP-160647

NEC Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160610 Updated CA WI approaches from Rel14 onwards discussion

revision of RP-160410

RAN4 chairman (Samsung) Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 8.4

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160611 Text proposal to TR 38.913 for section 10.1 on spectrum pCR

revision of RP-160321

Huawei, HiSilicon 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160612 [DRAFT] Reply LS to R3-160501 = RP-160031 on RAN decision for CSG and LIPA support in DC (Dual Connectivity) enhancements for LTE (to: SA, SA2; cc: RAN3; contact: Samsung) LS out

LS To: SA, SA2

revision of RP-160256

revised to RP-160669

Samsung LTE_dualC_ext-Core RP-71

AI: 14.3.6

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160613 Revised WID: Basket WI for LTE Advanced Intra-band CA including contiguous and non-contiguous spectrum WID revised

revision of RP-160094

Ericsson LTE_CA_R14_intra Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.3.1

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160614 Revised WID: Basket WI for LTE Advanced Inter-band CA Rel-14 for 4DL/1UL WID revised

revision of RP-160093

Ericsson LTE_CA_R14_4DL1UL Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.3.4

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160615 Revised WI: LTE Advanced inter-band CA Rel-14 for 5DL/1UL WID revised

revision of RP-160082

Nokia Networks LTE_CA_R14_5DL1UL Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.3.5

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160616 Revision of WI LTE Advanced inter-band CA Rel-14 for 2DL/1UL WID revised

revision of RP-160259

revised to R4-163857

Qualcomm Incorporated LTE_CA_R14_2DL1UL Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.3.2

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160617 Status of time budgets for RAN1/2/3/4 REL-13 & beyond WIs/SIs after RAN #71 discussion RAN1/RAN2/RAN3/RAN4 chairmen RP-71 endorsed [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160618 Draft Reply LS to RP-160028 on standards work that is related to the Internet of Things (to: ISO/IEC JTC1 WG10 SRG1; cc: -; contact: Ericsson) LS out

LS is reply to RP-160028


revised to RP-160652

Ericsson NB_IOT-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.18

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160619 Proposal on NB-IoT UE capabilities discussion

revision of RP-160567

revised to RP-160670

Huawei, HiSilicon, CATR, CEWiT, China Telecom, China Unicom, Deutsche Telekom, IITH, Neul, Qualcomm, Reliance-Jio, Samsung, Telecom Italia S.p.A, u-blox, Vodafone NB_IOT-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.18

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160620 Revised WID: Narrowband Internet of Things (IOT) WID revised

revised to RP-160656

Vodafone, Huawei NB_IOT Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.18

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160621 New Study Item proposal: LTE bandwidth flexibility enhancements SID new

revision of RP-160309

revised to RP-160681

Huawei, China Unicom, China Telecom, HiSilicon Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.4

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160622 Way Forward Rel-14 RAN1/RAN2/RAN4-led discussion

revised to RP-160645

Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160623 New WID Proposal: Enhancements on Full-Dimension (FD) MIMO for LTE WID new

revision of RP-160212

Samsung Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160624 Way forward on Rel-14 RAN1/2/4-led new items for LTE discussion

revision of RP-160578

Huawei, Intel, Orange, CMCC, CATT, CATR, HiSilicon, IAESI, NextNav, Xinwei, ITRI, Wilus, ITL Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160625 New SI proposal: Study on UL data compression in LTE SID new

revision of RP-160240

CATT, CMCC Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

available [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160626 Meeting arrangement for 5G SI in RAN4 discussion RAN4 chairman (Samsung) RP-71

AI: 8.4

available [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160627 Reply LS to ETSI_TC_SES(16)000121 = RP-160035 ETSI/SES on Satellite in 5G (to: ETSI TC SES; cc: SA; contact: Dish Networks) LS out

LS is reply to RP-160035


revision of RP-160537


AI: 6

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160628 Draft Reply LTI to ITU-R WP5D/temp/15r2 = RP-160510 on Proposed Initial submission of updated material on LTE-Advanced toward Rev. 3 of Rec. ITU-R M.2012 (to: SA; cc: -; contact: Telecom Italia) LS out

LS is reply to RP-160510

source LS: ITU-R WP5D/temp/15r2


revision of RP-160584

RAN Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 7.2

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160629 Text proposal to TR 38.913 for section 6.1.2 on dense urban deployment scenario pCR

revision of RP-160322

Huawei, HiSilicon 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160630 pCR to 38.913 on connection density pCR Huawei, HiSilicon 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160631 pCR to 38.913 to Resolve square brackets for the deployment scenarios and KPI values in the TR pCR

revision of RP-160552

revised to RP-160672

NTT DOCOMO 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160632 New SI: Feasibility Study on LTE Advanced Carrier Aggregation for 2DL of Band 3 and Band 39 SID new

revision of RP-160087


AI: 10.1.5

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160633 New SIK proposal: Study on Context Aware Service Delivery in RAN SID new

revision of RP-160564

CMCC Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.3

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160634 Draft LS on MIMO OTA (to: GCF; cc: -; contact: Intel) LS out

revised to RP-160679

Intel Corporation RP-71

AI: 10.1.4

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160635 Way forward on RAN3 architecture text proposal for the New Technology (5G) discussion

revision of RP-160559

RAN3 chairman (Huawei) FS_NG_SReq Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160636 New WID: Mobility enhancement in LTE WID new

revision of RP-160593

ZTE Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160637 Text proposal to TR 38.913 from email discussion [5G-AH-09] on V2X pCR

revision of RP-160572

LG Electronics, Huawei 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160638 Proposal on 5G verticals discussion Huawei Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160639 New WI proposal: SRS Carrier based Switching for LTE WID new

revision of RP-160294

revised to RP-160676

Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160640 Text proposal to TR38.913 to add Scenarios and Requirements on Long Distance Communications pCR

revision of RP-160565

ORANGE 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160641 Draft LS on V2V Requirements (to: RAN1; cc: RAN4; contact: Qualcomm) LS out


revised to RP-160684

Qualcomm Incorporated LTE_SL_V2V Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.2.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160642 Text proposal to TR 38.913 from email discussion [5G-AH-10] eHealth pCR

revision of RP-160573

ORANGE 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160643 Text proposal to TR 38.913 from email discussion [5G-AH-11] mMTC pCR

revision of RP-160574

Huawei, HiSilicon 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160644 Way forward on requirements TR 38.913 discussion Nokia Networks Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160645 Way Forward Rel-14 RAN1/RAN2/RAN4-led discussion

revision of RP-160622

Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160646 Additional requirements on public safety, sidelink, lawful interception pCR

revision of RP-160606

Nokia Networks 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160647 LS on "Next Generation" Security Requirements for RAN (to: SA3; cc: SA, SA1, SA2; contact: NEC) LS out

LS To: SA3

revision of RP-160609

RAN Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160648 Way forward on NB-IOT specification discussion

revision of RP-160536


AI: 10.7.18

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160649 Revision of WI: Support for V2V services based on LTE sidelink WID revised

revision of RP-160220

LG Electronics LTE_SL_V2V Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.2.2

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160650 Way forward on latency reduction discussion Huawei RP-71

AI: 10.5.2

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160651 Way forward on LTE UE TRP and TRS and UTRA hand Phantom related UE TRP and TRS requirements discussion Vodafone RP-71

AI: 10.7.1

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160652 Reply LS to RP-160028 on standards work that is related to the Internet of Things (to: ISO/IEC JTC1 WG10 SRG1; cc: -; contact: Ericsson) LS out

LS is reply to RP-160028


revision of RP-160618

RAN NB_IOT-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.18

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160653 Way forward on _x00B_Rel-13 NB-IoT UE Uplink Capability discussion MediaTek Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.18

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160654 Way forward on Rel-14 RAN1/2/4-led new items for LTE discussion

revision of RP-160578

Huawei Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160655 New SI proposal on Further Enhancements LTE Device to Device, UE to Network Relays for IoT and Wearables SID new

revision of RP-160267

revised to RP-160677

Qualcomm, Intel and Huawei Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160656 Revised WID: Narrowband Internet of Things (IOT) WID revised

revision of RP-160620

Vodafone, Huawei NB_IOT Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.18

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160657 Revised SID: Feasibility Study on LTE-based V2X Services SID revised LG Electronics FS_LTE_V2X Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.5.3

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160658 Way forward on LTE V2V/V2X discussion LG Electronics RP-71

AI: 10.2.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160659 Introduction of further LTE Physical Layer Enhancements for MTC CR Huawei 36.213 13.0.1 CR#5407 catB LTE_MTCe2_L1-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.5

postponed [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160660 Introduction of Rel-13 features of eMTC in 36.212 CR Huawei 36.212 13.0.0 CR#1814 catB LTE_MTCe2_L1-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.5

postponed [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160661 UE capabilities for LC and CE CR Huawei 36.306 13.0.0 CR#3422 catB LTE_MTCe2_L1-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.5

postponed [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160662 New WI proposal for eMBMS enhancements in LTE WID new

revision of RP-160273

revised to RP-160675

Ericsson Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160663 Way forward on new WIs/SIs discussion Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160664 Work Item on Uplink Capacity Enhancements for LTE WID new

revision of RP-160579

Ericsson Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160665 New SI proposal: Further enhancements to Coordinated Multi-Point operation SID new

revision of RP-160590

revised to RP-160954

Intel Corporation, ZTE Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160666 New SI proposal- Study on enhancement of VoLTE SID new

revision of RP-160563

CMCC, Huawei, China Telecom Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

withdrawn [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160667 New WI proposal: L2 latency reduction techniques for LTE WID new

revision of RP-160328

Ericsson Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160668 Support of 256QAM for UE categories 6/7/9/10 discussion

revision of RP-160422

Intel Corporation, Apple, AT&T, Bell Mobility, Bouygues Telecom, China Telecom, China Unicom, Ericsson, LG Electronics, Orange, Reliance–Jio, Rogers Communications, Sprint, Swisscom, Telstra, T-Mobile USA, US Cellular, Verizon Wireless, Vodafone LTE_SC_enh_L1-Core Rel-12 RP-71

AI: 10.9

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160669 Reply LS to R3-160501 = RP-160031 on RAN decision for CSG and LIPA support in DC (Dual Connectivity) enhancements for LTE (to: SA, SA2; cc: RAN3; contact: Samsung) LS out

LS is reply to RP-160031

LS To: SA, SA2

revision of RP-160612

RAN LTE_dualC_ext-Core RP-71

AI: 14.3.6

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160670 Proposal on NB-IoT UE capabilities discussion

revision of RP-160619

revised to RP-160686

Huawei, HiSilicon, CATR, CEWiT, China Telecom, China Unicom, Deutsche Telekom, IITH, Neul, Qualcomm, Reliance-Jio, Samsung, Telecom Italia S.p.A, u-blox, Vodafone NB_IOT-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.18

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160671 New SID Proposal: Study on Next Generation New Radio Access Technology SID new

revision of RP-160576


AI: 9.1

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160672 pCR to 38.913 to Resolve square brackets for the deployment scenarios and KPI values in the TR pCR

revision of RP-160631

NTT DOCOMO 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160673 pCR to TR 38.913 for section 11.1 on testability pCR Intel Corporation 38.913 0.2.0 FS_NG_SReq RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

postponed [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160674 RAN WG2 time planning to accommodate 5G SI discussion RAN2 chairman (Intel) RP-71

AI: 8.2

available [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160675 New WI proposal for eMBMS enhancements in LTE WID new

revision of RP-160662

Ericsson Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160676 New WI proposal:SRS (sounding reference signal) switching between LTE component carriers WID new

revision of RP-160639

Huawei, HiSilicon Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160677 New SI proposal on Further Enhancements LTE Device to Device, UE to Network Relays for IoT and Wearables SID new

revision of RP-160655

Qualcomm, Intel and Huawei Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.2

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160678 New WI Proposal: Measurement Gap Enhancement for LTE WID new

revision of RP-160604

Intel Corporation RP-71

AI: 10.1.4

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160679 LS on MIMO OTA Requirement Work Plan (to: GCF Technical Operations Manager-GCF OTA Task Force; cc: GCF Steering Group, RAN4, RAN5; contact: Intel) LS out

LS To: GCF Technical Operations Manager-GCF OTA Task Force

revision of RP-160634


AI: 10.1.4

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160680 New Work Item Proposal: Downlink Multiuser Superposition Transmission for LTE WID new

revision of RP-160595

MediaTek RP-71

AI: 10.1.1

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160681 New Study Item proposal: Study on LTE bandwidth flexibility enhancements SID new

revision of RP-160621

Huawei, China Unicom, China Telecom, HiSilicon Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.1.4

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160682 On RRC Resume ID discussion

revision of RP-160528

revised to RP-160685

Ericsson NB_IOT-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.18

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160683 Exception sheet for WI LTE UE TRP and TRS and UTRA Hand Phantom related UE TRP and TRS Requirements WI exception request

revision of RP-160312

Nokia Networks LTE_UTRA_TRP_TRS-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.1

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160684 LS on V2V Requirements (to: RAN1, RAN4; cc: -; contact: Qualcomm) LS out


revision of RP-160641

RAN LTE_SL_V2V Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 10.2.2

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160685 On RRC Resume ID discussion

revision of RP-160682

Ericsson NB_IOT-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.18

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160686 Proposal on NB-IoT UE capabilities discussion

revision of RP-160670

Huawei, HiSilicon, CATR, CEWiT, China Telecom, China Unicom, Deutsche Telekom, IITH, Neul, Qualcomm, Reliance-Jio, Samsung, Telecom Italia S.p.A, u-blox, Vodafone NB_IOT-Core Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 10.7.18

approved [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160687 Status report of SI Study on Scenarios and Requirements for Next Generation Access Technologies WI status report

revision of RP-160523

CMCC FS_NG_SReq Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160688 TR 38.913 v0.2.1 on Study on Scenarios and Requirements for Next Generation Access Technologies draft TR

revised to RP-160689

CMCC FS_NG_SReq Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160689 TR 38.913 v0.3.0 on Study on Scenarios and Requirements for Next Generation Access Technologies draft TR

revision of RP-160688

CMCC FS_NG_SReq Rel-14 RP-71

AI: 9.2.2

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160690 DRAFT Letter to ITU in reply ITU-R WP5D/TEMP/35R1 = RP-160509 to LTI on Work towards revision 1 of Recommendations ITU-R M.2070 and M.2071 - Questions for clarification within 3GPP specifications (R4-162997; to: RAN; cc: -; contact: Ericsson) LS in

LS is reply to RP-160509

source LS: R4-162997

RAN4 Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 7.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160691 DRAFT Letter to ITU in reply ITU-R WP5D/TEMP/35R1 = RP-160509 to LTI on Work towards revision 1 of Recommendations ITU-R M.2070 and M.2071 - Questions for clarification within 3GPP specifications (to: SA; cc: -; contact: Ericsson) LS out

LS is reply to RP-160509


RAN Rel-13 RP-71

AI: 7.2

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160692 DRAFT Letter to ITU in reply to ITU-R WP5D TEMP/5 = RP-160511 on Revision of Report ITU-R M.2291 (RT-160007; to: RAN; cc: -; contact: Telecom Italia) LS in

LS is reply to RP-160511

source LS: RT-160007

3GPP ITU-R ad hoc RP-71

AI: 7.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
RP-160693 DRAFT Letter to ITU in reply to ITU-R WP5D TEMP/5 = RP-160511 on Revision of Report ITU-R M.2291 (to: SA; cc: -; contact: Telecom Italia) LS out

LS is reply to RP-160511



AI: 7.2

agreed [WTS] [JSN]

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