Please enter the search related information in the fields below. Partial information works, e.g. "SP-21" in the "tdoc" field lists all TSG SA documents from 2021. Regular expressions mostly work in all fields (e.g. "2[34].501" in the "Spec" field lists all documents related to 23.501 and 24.501. Capitalization is disregarded, i.e. "3GPP" gives the same results as "3gpp".

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tdoc Title Type / Revs Source Spec / CR S/WID Release Meeting Status Links
S6-190894 Notification of affiliated MCPTT group members not included in the call CR

revised to S6-191049

The Police of the Netherlands 23.379 16.2.0 CR#206 catF enh2MCPTT Rel-16 S6-31

AI: 9.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S6-190896 Affiliation clarifications CR

revised to S6-191051

Motorola Solutions 23.28 16.2.0 CR#191 catF enh2MCPTT Rel-16 S6-31

AI: 9.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S6-190897 Preconfigured regroup information in dynamic data CR

revised to S6-191052

Motorola Solutions 23.28 16.2.0 CR#192 catC enh2MCPTT Rel-16 S6-31

AI: 9.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S6-190898 Preconfigured regroup usage CR Motorola Solutions 23.28 16.2.0 CR#193 catF enh2MCPTT Rel-16 S6-31

AI: 9.2

withdrawn [WTS] [JSN]
S6-190905 Preconfigured regroup usage CR

revised to S6-191053

Motorola Solutions 23.379 16.2.0 CR#207 catF enh2MCPTT Rel-16 S6-31

AI: 9.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S6-190924 Change to Location Subscription for notification immediate CR

revised to S6-191050

HOME OFFICE 23.28 16.2.0 CR#196 catC enh2MCPTT Rel-16 S6-31

AI: 9.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S6-190927 Addition of name of Groups to Group Configuration data for organising UE CR HOME OFFICE 23.28 16.2.0 CR#197 catC enh2MCPTT Rel-16 S6-31

AI: 9.2

postponed [WTS] [JSN]
S6-190947 User regroup using group creation and using preconfigured group CR

revised to S6-191058

FirstNet, The Police of the Netherlands, AT&T, UIC, UK HO, Kapsch CarrierCom, Motorola Solutions, Harris 23.379 16.2.0 CR#220 catB enh2MCPTT Rel-16 S6-31

AI: 9.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S6-190969 Discussion on group regroup using preconfigured regroup group at GMS discussion Huawei, Hisilicon S6-31

AI: 9.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
S6-190970 Group regroup at GMS using preconfigured regroup group CR

revised to S6-191059

Huawei, Hisilicon 23.28 16.2.0 CR#200 catB enh2MCPTT Rel-16 S6-31

AI: 9.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S6-190994 Abbreviations CR

revised to S6-191048

TD Tech, Chengdu TD Tech, Huawei 23.28 16.2.0 CR#205 catF enh2MCPTT Rel-16 S6-31

AI: 9.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S6-190995 Clarification on group regroup rules CR

revised to S6-191056

TD Tech, Chengdu TD Tech, Huawei 23.28 16.2.0 CR#206 catF enh2MCPTT Rel-16 S6-31

AI: 9.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S6-190996 Enhancements on preconfigured group regroup CR

revised to S6-191057

TD Tech, Chengdu TD Tech, Huawei 23.379 16.2.0 CR#222 catC enh2MCPTT Rel-16 S6-31

AI: 9.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S6-191048 Abbreviations CR

revision of S6-190994

revised to S6-191108

TD Tech, Chengdu TD Tech, Huawei 23.28 16.2.0 CR#2051 catF enh2MCPTT Rel-16 S6-31

AI: 9.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S6-191049 Notification of affiliated MCPTT group members not included in the call CR

revision of S6-190894

revised to S6-191109

The Police of the Netherlands 23.379 16.2.0 CR#2061 catF enh2MCPTT Rel-16 S6-31

AI: 9.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S6-191050 Change to Location Subscription for notification immediate CR

revision of S6-190924

revised to S6-191110

HOME OFFICE 23.28 16.2.0 CR#1961 catB enh2MCPTT Rel-16 S6-31

AI: 9.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S6-191051 Affiliation clarifications CR

revision of S6-190896

revised to S6-191111

Motorola Solutions 23.28 16.2.0 CR#1911 catF enh2MCPTT Rel-16 S6-31

AI: 9.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S6-191052 Preconfigured regroup information in dynamic data CR

revision of S6-190897

Motorola Solutions 23.28 16.2.0 CR#1921 catC enh2MCPTT Rel-16 S6-31

AI: 9.2

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S6-191053 Preconfigured regroup usage CR

revision of S6-190905

revised to S6-191112

Motorola Solutions 23.379 16.2.0 CR#2071 catF enh2MCPTT Rel-16 S6-31

AI: 9.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S6-191056 Clarification on group regroup rules CR

revision of S6-190995

revised to S6-191113

TD Tech, Chengdu TD Tech, Huawei 23.28 16.2.0 CR#2061 catF enh2MCPTT Rel-16 S6-31

AI: 9.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S6-191057 Enhancements on preconfigured group regroup CR

revision of S6-190996

revised to S6-191114

TD Tech, Chengdu TD Tech, Huawei 23.379 16.2.0 CR#2221 catC enh2MCPTT Rel-16 S6-31

AI: 9.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S6-191058 User regroup using group creation and using preconfigured group CR

revision of S6-190947

revised to S6-191169

FirstNet, The Police of the Netherlands, AT&T, UIC, UK HO, Kapsch CarrierCom, Motorola Solutions, Harris, Sepura, BDBOS 23.379 16.2.0 CR#2201 catB enh2MCPTT Rel-16 S6-31

AI: 9.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S6-191059 Group regroup at GMS using preconfigured regroup group CR

revision of S6-190970

revised to S6-191171

Huawei, Hisilicon 23.28 16.2.0 CR#2001 catB enh2MCPTT Rel-16 S6-31

AI: 9.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S6-191108 Abbreviations CR

revision of S6-191048

TD Tech, Chengdu TD Tech, Huawei 23.28 16.2.0 CR#2052 catF enh2MCPTT Rel-16 S6-31

AI: 9.2

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S6-191109 Notification of affiliated MCPTT group members not included in the call CR

revision of S6-191049

The Police of the Netherlands 23.379 16.2.0 CR#2062 catF enh2MCPTT Rel-16 S6-31

AI: 9.2

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S6-191110 Change to Location Subscription for notification immediate CR

revision of S6-191050

revised to S6-191211

HOME OFFICE 23.28 16.2.0 CR#1962 catB enh2MCPTT Rel-16 S6-31

AI: 9.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S6-191111 Affiliation clarifications CR

revision of S6-191051

revised to S6-191228

Motorola Solutions 23.28 16.2.0 CR#1912 catF enh2MCPTT Rel-16 S6-31

AI: 9.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S6-191112 Preconfigured regroup usage CR

revision of S6-191053

Motorola Solutions 23.379 16.2.0 CR#2072 catF enh2MCPTT Rel-16 S6-31

AI: 9.2

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S6-191113 Clarification on group regroup rules CR

revision of S6-191056

TD Tech, Chengdu TD Tech, Huawei 23.28 16.2.0 CR#2062 catF enh2MCPTT Rel-16 S6-31

AI: 9.2

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S6-191114 Enhancements on preconfigured group regroup CR

revision of S6-191057

revised to S6-191238

TD Tech, Chengdu TD Tech, Huawei 23.379 16.2.0 CR#2222 catC enh2MCPTT Rel-16 S6-31

AI: 9.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S6-191169 User regroup using group creation and using preconfigured group CR

revision of S6-191058

FirstNet, The Police of the Netherlands, AT&T, UIC, UK HO, Kapsch CarrierCom, Motorola Solutions, Harris, Sepura, BDBOS 23.379 16.2.0 CR#2202 catB enh2MCPTT Rel-16 S6-31

AI: 9.2

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S6-191171 Group regroup at GMS using preconfigured regroup group CR

revision of S6-191059

Huawei, Hisilicon 23.28 16.2.0 CR#2002 catB enh2MCPTT Rel-16 S6-31

AI: 9.2

postponed [WTS] [JSN]
S6-191175 Remove the duplicated Key Management Server URI definiton CR

revision of S6-191064

AT&T GNS Belgium SPRL 23.28 16.2.0 CR#1942 catF enh2MCPTT Rel-16 S6-31

AI: 9.2

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S6-191176 Remove the duplicated MCPTT server URI in UE configuration table CR

revision of S6-191065

AT&T GNS Belgium SPRL 23.379 16.2.0 CR#2082 catF enh2MCPTT Rel-16 S6-31

AI: 9.2

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S6-191177 Remove the duplicated MCVideo server URI in UE configuration table CR

revision of S6-191066

AT&T GNS Belgium SPRL 23.281 16.1.0 CR#1292 catF enh2MCPTT Rel-16 S6-31

AI: 9.2

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S6-191211 Change to Location Subscription for notification immediate CR

revision of S6-191110

HOME OFFICE 23.28 16.2.0 CR#1963 catB enh2MCPTT Rel-16 S6-31

AI: 9.2

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S6-191228 Affiliation clarifications CR

revision of S6-191111

Motorola Solutions 23.28 16.2.0 CR#1913 catF enh2MCPTT Rel-16 S6-31

AI: 9.2

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S6-191238 Enhancements on preconfigured group regroup CR

revision of S6-191114

revised to S6-191253

TD Tech, Chengdu TD Tech, Huawei 23.379 16.2.0 CR#2223 catC enh2MCPTT Rel-16 S6-31

AI: 9.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S6-191253 Enhancements on preconfigured group regroup CR

revision of S6-191238

TD Tech, Chengdu TD Tech, Huawei 23.379 16.2.0 CR#2224 catC enh2MCPTT Rel-16 S6-31

AI: 9.2

agreed [WTS] [JSN]

39 documents (0.3275249004364 seconds)