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tdoc Title Type / Revs Source Spec / CR S/WID Release Meeting Status Links
S1-191017 FS_MUSIM – Scope and Overview pCR

revised to S1-191290

Intel 22.834 0.0.0 FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191018 Use Case: Support for Terminal with One or Multiple USIMs pCR

revised to S1-191292

Intel 22.834 0.0.0 FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191019 Use Case: Support Mobile Terminated Services for Multi-USIM Devices pCR Intel 22.834 0.0.0 FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191020 Use Case: Support of Emergency services for Multi-USIM Devices pCR

revised to S1-191324

Intel 22.834 0.0.0 FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191021 Proposal for Consolidated Requirements pCR

revised to S1-191325

Intel 22.834 0.0.0 FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191022 Conclusions and Recommendations for FS_MUSIM Study pCR

revised to S1-191503, S1-191578

Intel 22.834 0.0.0 FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191028 FS_MUSIM 22834 P-CR: Paging Inefficiency pCR

revised to S1-191296

Samsung R&D Institute UK 22.834 0.0.0 FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191029 FS_MUSIM 22834 P-CR: Definitions pCR

revised to S1-191291

Samsung R&D Institute UK 22.834 0.0.0 FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191073 Support for paging for multile USIM discussion LG Electronics S1-86

AI: 8.9

merged [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191074 Initiating Emergency Call by UEs with multiple SIMs discussion LG Electronics S1-86

AI: 8.9

merged [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191089 FS_MUSIM: Security related use cases pCR

revised to S1-191293

Vodafone España SA 22.834 0.0.0 FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191094 Multi-USIM Use case for simultaneous voice servce for one USIM and data service for the other USIM pCR

revised to S1-191297

China Mobile 22.834 0.1.0 FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191096 Multi-USIM Use case for incoming call for one USIM while having a call for another USIM pCR

revised to S1-191295

China Mobile 22.834 0.1.0 FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191138 Multi-SIM Service Prioritization for Data Services including Video pCR

revised to S1-191294

Tencent 22.834 0.1.0 FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191147 Handling of service prioritization pCR

revised to S1-191502

China Telecom, Intel 22.834 0.1.0 FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191255 TR22.834v0.1.0 to include agreements at this meeting draft TR Rapporteur (Intel) FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191256 Cover page for presentation of TS22.834v1.0.0 TS or TR cover

revised to S1-191632

Rapporteur (Intel) FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191257 FS_MUSIM drafting agenda agenda Session Chair S1-86

AI: 8.9

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191258 FS_MUSIM drafting report report Session Chair S1-86

AI: 8.9

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191290 FS_MUSIM – Scope and Overview pCR

revision of S1-191017

revised to S1-191327

Intel 22.834 0.0.0 FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191291 FS_MUSIM 22834 P-CR: Definitions pCR

revision of S1-191029

revised to S1-191570

Samsung R&D Institute UK 22.834 0.0.0 FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191292 Use Case: Support for Terminal with One or Multiple USIMs pCR

revision of S1-191018

revised to S1-191571

Intel 22.834 0.0.0 FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191293 FS_MUSIM: Security related use cases pCR

revision of S1-191089

revised to S1-191574

Vodafone España SA 22.834 0.0.0 FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191294 Multi-SIM Service Prioritization for Data Services including Video pCR

revision of S1-191138

Intel, Qualcomm, Tencent 22.834 0.0.0 FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

merged [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191295 Multi-USIM Use case for incoming call for one USIM while having a call for another USIM pCR

revision of S1-191096

revised to S1-191572

China Mobile 22.834 0.1.0 FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191296 FS_MUSIM 22834 P-CR: Paging Inefficiency pCR

revision of S1-191028

revised to S1-191552

Samsung R&D Institute UK 22.834 0.0.0 FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191297 Multi-USIM Use case for simultaneous voice servce for one USIM and data service for the other USIM pCR

revision of S1-191094

revised to S1-191573

China Mobile, Huawei, Huawei Device 22.834 0.1.0 FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191323 Support Mobile Terminated Services for Multi-USIM Devices pCR

revision of S1-191502

revised to S1-191575

Intel, Qualcomm, Tencent, ChinaTelecom 22.834 0.1.0 FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191324 Use Case: Support of Emergency services for Multi-USIM Devices pCR

revision of S1-191020

revised to S1-191577

Intel, Qualcomm, LGE 22.834 0.0.0 FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191325 Proposal for Consolidated Requirements pCR

revision of S1-191021

revised to S1-191630

Intel 22.834 0.0.0 FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191327 FS_MUSIM – Scope and Overview pCR

revision of S1-191290

revised to S1-191569

Intel 22.834 0.0.0 FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191502 Handling of service prioritization pCR

revision of S1-191147

revised to S1-191323

China Telecom, Intel 22.834 0.1.0 FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191503 Conclusions and Recommendations for FS_MUSIM Study pCR

revision of S1-191022

revised to S1-191314

Intel 22.834 0.0.0 FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191552 FS_MUSIM 22834 P-CR: Paging Inefficiency pCR

revision of S1-191296

revised to S1-191576

Samsung R&D Institute UK 22.834 0.0.0 FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191569 FS_MUSIM – Scope and Overview pCR

revision of S1-191327

Intel 22.834 0.0.0 FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191570 FS_MUSIM 22834 P-CR: Definitions pCR

revision of S1-191291

Samsung R&D Institute UK 22.834 0.0.0 FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191571 Use Case: Support for Terminal with One or Multiple USIMs pCR

revision of S1-191292

Intel 22.834 0.0.0 FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191572 Multi-USIM Use case for incoming call for one USIM while having a call for another USIM pCR

revision of S1-191295

revised to S1-191608

China Mobile 22.834 0.1.0 FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191573 Multi-USIM Use case for simultaneous voice servce for one USIM and data service for the other USIM pCR

revision of S1-191297

revised to S1-191609

China Mobile, Huawei, Huawei Device 22.834 0.1.0 FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191574 FS_MUSIM: Security related use cases pCR

revision of S1-191293

Vodafone España SA 22.834 0.0.0 FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191575 Support Mobile Terminated Services for Multi-USIM Devices pCR

revision of S1-191323

Intel, Qualcomm, Tencent, ChinaTelecom 22.834 0.1.0 FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191576 FS_MUSIM 22834 P-CR: Paging Inefficiency pCR

revision of S1-191552

Samsung R&D Institute UK 22.834 0.0.0 FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191577 Use Case: Support of Emergency services for Multi-USIM Devices pCR

revision of S1-191324

revised to S1-191629

Intel, Qualcomm, LGE 22.834 0.0.0 FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191578 Conclusions and Recommendations for FS_MUSIM Study pCR

revision of S1-191022

revised to S1-191631

Intel 22.834 0.0.0 FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191608 Multi-USIM Use case for incoming call for one USIM while having a call for another USIM pCR

revision of S1-191572

revised to S1-191627

China Mobile, Huawei, Huawei Device 22.834 0.1.0 FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191609 Multi-USIM Use case for simultaneous voice servce for one USIM and data service for the other USIM pCR

revision of S1-191573

revised to S1-191628

China Mobile, Huawei, Huawei Device 22.834 0.1.0 FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191627 Multi-USIM Use case for incoming call for one USIM while having a call for another USIM pCR

revision of S1-191608

China Mobile, Huawei, Huawei Device 22.834 0.1.0 FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191628 Multi-USIM Use case for simultaneous voice servce for one USIM and data service for the other USIM pCR

revision of S1-191609

China Mobile, Huawei, Huawei Device 22.834 0.1.0 FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191629 Use Case: Support of Emergency services for Multi-USIM Devices pCR

revision of S1-191577

Intel, Qualcomm, LGE 22.834 0.0.0 FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191630 Proposal for Consolidated Requirements pCR

revision of S1-191325

Intel 22.834 0.0.0 FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191631 Conclusions and Recommendations for FS_MUSIM Study pCR

revision of S1-191578

Intel 22.834 0.0.0 FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S1-191632 Cover page for presentation of TS22.834v1.0.0 TS or TR cover

revision of S1-191256

Rapporteur (Intel) FS_MUSIM Rel-16 S1-86

AI: 8.9

agreed [WTS] [JSN]

52 documents (0.34659481048584 seconds)