Please enter the search related information in the fields below. Partial information works, e.g. "SP-21" in the "tdoc" field lists all TSG SA documents from 2021. Regular expressions mostly work in all fields (e.g. "2[34].501" in the "Spec" field lists all documents related to 23.501 and 24.501. Capitalization is disregarded, i.e. "3GPP" gives the same results as "3gpp".

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tdoc Title Type / Revs Source Spec / CR S/WID Release Meeting Status Links
S6-233439 SEAL Key Provisioning Correction CR Motorola Solutions Danmark A/S 23.434 18.6.0 CR#247 catF eSEAL Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.3

merged [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233508 Removal of KMS service provisioning procedure CR

revised to S6-233865

Samsung 23.434 18.6.0 CR#248 catF SEAL_Ph3 Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.3

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233566 Updating the API table of NRM service with the missing service operations CR

revised to S6-233866

SA6 23.434 18.6.0 CR#260 catF SEAL_Ph3 Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.3

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233567 Missing channel information VAL server notification message CR

revised to S6-233879

SA6 23.434 18.6.0 CR#261 catF SEAL_Ph3 Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.3

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233596 Clarification on Location reporting trigger CR

revised to S6-233868

Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell 23.434 18.6.0 CR#262 catF SEAL_Ph3 Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.3

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233597 Complete description of consumers in GM-related information flows CR

revised to S6-233869

Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell 23.434 18.6.0 CR#263 catF SEAL_Ph3 Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.3

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233598 Correction steps in VAL service area identifier procedure CR Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell 23.434 18.6.0 CR#264 catF SEAL_Ph3 Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.3

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233599 Missing request expiration time in BDT configuration request CR

revised to S6-233870

Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell 23.434 18.6.0 CR#265 catF SEAL_Ph3 Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.3

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233675 Correction duplicated numbering clause CR

revised to S6-233873

Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell 23.434 18.6.0 CR#270 catF SEAL_Ph3 Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.3

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233677 Adding the information flow and API for reliable transmission procedure CR

revised to S6-233874

Huawei, Hisilicon 23.434 18.6.0 CR#271 catF SEAL_Ph3 Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.3

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233715 Corrections for BDT configuration CR Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell 23.434 18.6.0 CR#272 catF SEAL_Ph3 Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.3

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233716 Corrections for BDT configuration information flows CR

revised to S6-233875

Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell 23.434 18.6.0 CR#273 catF SEAL_Ph3 Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.3

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233717 Correction to add missing get operation for BDT configuration CR

revised to S6-233876

Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell 23.434 18.6.0 CR#274 catF SEAL_Ph3 Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.3

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233718 Correction to add missing update operation for BDT configuration CR

revised to S6-233877

Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell 23.434 18.6.0 CR#275 catF SEAL_Ph3 Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.3

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233719 Correction to add missing delete operation for BDT configuration CR

revised to S6-233878

Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell 23.434 18.6.0 CR#276 catF SEAL_Ph3 Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.3

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233720 Correction to add missing API operations for BDT configuration CR

revised to S6-233867

Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell 23.434 18.6.0 CR#277 catF SEAL_Ph3 Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.3

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233865 Removal of KMS service provisioning procedure CR

revision of S6-233508

Samsung, Motorola Solutions 23.434 18.6.0 CR#2481 catF SEAL_Ph3 Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.3

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233866 Updating the API table of NRM service with the missing service operations CR

revision of S6-233566

Samsung 23.434 18.6.0 CR#2601 catF SEAL_Ph3 Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.3

postponed [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233867 Correction to add missing API operations for BDT configuration CR

revision of S6-233720

Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell 23.434 18.6.0 CR#2771 catF SEAL_Ph3 Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.3

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233868 Clarification on Location reporting trigger CR

revision of S6-233596

Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell, Kyoggi University 23.434 18.6.0 CR#2621 catF SEAL_Ph3 Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.3

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233869 Complete description of consumers in GM-related information flows CR

revision of S6-233597

Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell 23.434 18.6.0 CR#2631 catF SEAL_Ph3 Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.3

merged [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233870 Missing request expiration time in BDT configuration request CR

revision of S6-233599

revised to S6-233923

Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell 23.434 18.6.0 CR#2651 catF SEAL_Ph3 Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.3

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233873 Correction duplicated numbering clause CR

revision of S6-233675

Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell 23.434 18.6.0 CR#2701 catF SEAL_Ph3 Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.3

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233874 Adding the information flow and API for reliable transmission procedure CR

revision of S6-233677

Huawei, Hisilicon 23.434 18.6.0 CR#2711 catF SEAL_Ph3 Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.3

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233875 Corrections for BDT configuration information flows CR

revision of S6-233716

Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell 23.434 18.6.0 CR#2731 catF SEAL_Ph3 Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.3

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233876 Correction to add missing get operation for BDT configuration CR

revision of S6-233717

Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell 23.434 18.6.0 CR#2741 catF SEAL_Ph3 Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.3

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233877 Correction to add missing update operation for BDT configuration CR

revision of S6-233718

Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell 23.434 18.6.0 CR#2751 catF SEAL_Ph3 Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.3

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233878 Correction to add missing delete operation for BDT configuration CR

revision of S6-233719

revised to S6-233924

Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell 23.434 18.6.0 CR#2761 catF SEAL_Ph3 Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.3

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233879 Missing channel information VAL server notification message CR

revision of S6-233567

Samsung 23.434 18.6.0 CR#2611 catF SEAL_Ph3 Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.3

postponed [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233922 Updating the API table of NRM service with the missing service operations CR Samsung 23.434 18.6.0 CR#2602 catF SEAL_Ph3 Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.3

withdrawn [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233923 Missing request expiration time in BDT configuration request CR

revision of S6-233870

Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell 23.434 18.6.0 CR#2652 catF SEAL_Ph3 Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.3

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233924 Correction to add missing delete operation for BDT configuration CR

revision of S6-233878

Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell 23.434 18.6.0 CR#2762 catF SEAL_Ph3 Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.3

agreed [WTS] [JSN]

32 documents (0.37069392204285 seconds)