Please enter the search related information in the fields below. Partial information works, e.g. "SP-21" in the "tdoc" field lists all TSG SA documents from 2021. Regular expressions mostly work in all fields (e.g. "2[34].501" in the "Spec" field lists all documents related to 23.501 and 24.501. Capitalization is disregarded, i.e. "3GPP" gives the same results as "3gpp".

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tdoc Title Type / Revs Source Spec / CR S/WID Release Meeting Status Links
S6-233457 Clarification on PIN creation procedure CR China Telecommunications 23.542 18.1.0 CR#33 catD PINAPP Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.14

not pursued [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233458 Correction on typing errors in TS 23.542 CR China Telecommunications 23.542 18.1.0 CR#34 catD PINAPP Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.14

not pursued [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233459 Clarification of PIN profile and dynamic PIN profile CR

revision of S6-232806

revised to S6-233966

vivo 23.542 18.1.0 CR#211 catF PINAPP Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.14

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233460 PIN ID format CR vivo 23.542 18.1.0 CR#35 catF PINAPP Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.14

merged [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233461 Clarification of PEMC represents multiple PINEs or PEGCs to register CR

revised to S6-233968

vivo 23.542 18.1.0 CR#36 catF PINAPP Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.14

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233462 PIN-Removal-Behaviour CR

revision of S6-233068

revised to S6-233969

[ KPN N.V.], vivo 23.542 18.1.0 CR#321 catF PINAPP Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.14

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233463 PIN-Notify-Correction CR

revision of S6-233245

revised to S6-233970

[ KPN N.V.], vivo 23.542 18.1.0 CR#312 catF PINAPP Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.14

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233568 Clarification on PIN management operations by secondary PEMC CR

revised to S6-233971

SA6 23.542 18.1.0 CR#37 catF PINAPP Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.14

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233708 Corrections to scope and introduction CR Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell 23.542 18.1.0 CR#38 catF PINAPP Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.14

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233709 Corrections to general architecture CR

revised to S6-233972

Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell 23.542 18.1.0 CR#39 catF PINAPP Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.14

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233710 Corrections to terminology CR Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell 23.542 18.1.0 CR#40 catF PINAPP Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.14

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233711 Corrections to PIN-9 CR Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell 23.542 18.1.0 CR#41 catF PINAPP Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.14

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233712 Corrections to PIN-8 CR

revised to S6-233973

Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell 23.542 18.1.0 CR#42 catF PINAPP Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.14

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233713 Corrections to cardinality from UE perspective CR Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell 23.542 18.1.0 CR#43 catF PINAPP Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.14

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233714 Corrections to Identities CR

revised to S6-233901

Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell 23.542 18.1.0 CR#44 catF PINAPP Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.14

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233744 Corrections on use of “Application Layer” term CR InterDigital 23.542 18.1.0 CR#45 catF PINAPP Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.14

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233748 PINE Communication via 5GS+PEGC CR

revised to S6-233902

KPN N.V. 23.542 18.1.0 CR#46 catF PINAPP Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.14

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233901 Corrections to Identities CR

revision of S6-233714

Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell, Vivo 23.542 18.1.0 CR#441 catF PINAPP Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.14

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233902 PINE Communication via 5GS+PEGC CR

revision of S6-233748

KPN N.V. 23.542 18.1.0 CR#461 catF PINAPP Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.14

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233966 Clarification of PIN profile and dynamic PIN profile CR

revision of S6-233459

vivo 23.542 18.1.0 CR#212 catF PINAPP Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.14

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233967 PIN ID format CR vivo 23.542 18.1.0 CR#351 catF PINAPP Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.14

withdrawn [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233968 Clarification of PEMC represents multiple PINEs or PEGCs to register CR

revision of S6-233461

vivo 23.542 18.1.0 CR#361 catF PINAPP Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.14

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233969 PIN-Removal-Behaviour CR

revision of S6-233462

KPN N.V., vivo 23.542 18.1.0 CR#322 catF PINAPP Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.14

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233970 PIN-Notify-Correction CR

revision of S6-233463

KPN N.V., vivo 23.542 18.1.0 CR#313 catF PINAPP Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.14

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233971 Clarification on PIN management operations by secondary PEMC CR

revision of S6-233568

Samsung, Vivo 23.542 18.1.0 CR#371 catF PINAPP Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.14

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233972 Corrections to general architecture CR

revision of S6-233709

Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell 23.542 18.1.0 CR#391 catF PINAPP Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.14

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
S6-233973 Corrections to PIN-8 CR

revision of S6-233712

Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell 23.542 18.1.0 CR#421 catF PINAPP Rel-18 S6-58

AI: 7.14

agreed [WTS] [JSN]

27 documents (0.35258507728577 seconds)