Please enter the search related information in the fields below. Partial information works, e.g. "SP-21" in the "tdoc" field lists all TSG SA documents from 2021. Regular expressions mostly work in all fields (e.g. "2[34].501" in the "Spec" field lists all documents related to 23.501 and 24.501. Capitalization is disregarded, i.e. "3GPP" gives the same results as "3gpp".

Download results in JSON format

tdoc Title Type / Revs Source Spec / CR S/WID Release Meeting Status Links
S2-171628 LS from RAN WG3: Reply LS on The progress and questions for the light connection LS in

source LS: R3-163259


revision of S2-170708

RAN WG3 Rel-14 S2-120

AI: 6.15

noted [WTS] [JSN]
S2-171631 LS from CT WG1: LS on progress of CT WG1 work on LTE light connection LS in

source LS: C1-170531


revision of S2-170731

CT WG1 Rel-14 S2-120

AI: 6.15

noted [WTS] [JSN]
S2-171633 LS from SA WG3LI: Reply LS on SA WG2 involvement for the light connection LS in

source LS: S3i170035


revision of S2-170763

SA WG3LI Rel-14 S2-120

AI: 6.15

noted [WTS] [JSN]
S2-171642 LS from RAN WG2: LS Response to LS on SA WG2 involvement for the light connection LS in

source LS: R2-1702152


revision of S2-171480

revised to S2-172883

RAN WG2 Rel-14 S2-120

AI: 6.15

postponed [WTS] [JSN]
S2-171643 LS from RAN WG2: LS response to CT WG1 work on LTE Light Connection LS in

source LS: R2-1702153


revision of S2-171481

RAN WG2 Rel-14 S2-120

AI: 6.15

noted [WTS] [JSN]
S2-171650 LS from CT WG1: Response to LS on SA WG2 involvement for the light connection LS in

source LS: C1-170887


CT WG1 Rel-14 S2-120

AI: 6.15

noted [WTS] [JSN]
S2-171662 LS from RAN WG2: LS on LTE Light Connection LS in

source LS: R2-1702382


RAN WG2 Rel-14 S2-120

AI: 6.15

noted [WTS] [JSN]
S2-171840 Detailed description of the issues listed in S2-170698 pCR

revised to S2-172632

Nokia, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell 23.723 0.0.0 FS_LTE_LIGHT_CON Rel-15 S2-120

AI: 6.15

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S2-171841 Description of new issues pCR Nokia, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell 23.723 0.0.0 FS_LTE_LIGHT_CON Rel-15 S2-120

AI: 6.15

merged [WTS] [JSN]
S2-171923 Text for issues 12, 14, 16, 19, 23 and 24 discussion

revised to S2-172631

Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-15 S2-120

AI: 6.15

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S2-171924 Proposes solutions to the identified issues in scope of SA WG2 discussion Qualcomm Incorporated, Intel, Huawei Rel-15 S2-120

AI: 6.15

not treated [WTS] [JSN]
S2-171947 Skeleton for the TR on LTE Light Connection (FS_LTE_LIGHT_CON) discussion

revised to S2-172629

Rapporteur (Intel) Rel-15 S2-120

AI: 6.15

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S2-171951 Scope of the TR on LTE Light Connection (FS_LTE_LIGHT_CON; TR 23.723). discussion

revised to S2-172630

Rapporteur (Intel) Rel-15 S2-120

AI: 6.15

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S2-172058 Discussion on Light Connection and CIoT UP optimization discussion Huawei, Hisilicon Rel-15 S2-120

AI: 6.15

not treated [WTS] [JSN]
S2-172059 Text for issues 3, 15 and 20 pCR

revised to S2-172434

Huawei, Hisilicon 23.723 0.0.0 FS_LTE_LIGHT_CON Rel-15 S2-120

AI: 6.15

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S2-172079 TR 23.723 Text for issues #21 #25 pCR

revised to S2-172435

Samsung 23.723 0.0.0 FS_LTE_LIGHT_CON Rel-15 S2-120

AI: 6.15

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S2-172120 Discussion on Light Connection feature discussion

revised to S2-172437

Sony, MediaTek S2-120

AI: 6.15

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S2-172213 Draft LS On Access Control Barring for RAN-level power saving state in the EPS LS out


revised to S2-172441

Nokia, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Rel-15 S2-120

AI: 6.15

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S2-172215 Draft LS On Charging requirements when the UE is using Multiple RATs in Light Connected state LS out


Nokia; Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Rel-15 S2-120

AI: 6.15

not treated [WTS] [JSN]
S2-172216 On Support of ACB pCR

revised to S2-172439

Nokia, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell 23.723 0.0.0 FS_LTE_LIGHT_CON Rel-15 S2-120

AI: 6.15

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S2-172217 issue on two paging origination locations pCR Nokia, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell 23.723 0.0.0 FS_LTE_LIGHT_CON Rel-15 S2-120

AI: 6.15

merged [WTS] [JSN]
S2-172219 Architectural and functional requirements pCR

revised to S2-172438

NOKIA, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell 23.723 0.0.0 FS_LTE_LIGHT_CON Rel-15 S2-120

AI: 6.15

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S2-172221 Multiconnectivity impact pCR NOKIA, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell 23.723 0.0.0 FS_LTE_LIGHT_CON Rel-15 S2-120

AI: 6.15

not treated [WTS] [JSN]
S2-172223 issue on mobility handling and optimal features to address mobility patterns pCR NOKIA, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell 23.723 0.0.0 FS_LTE_LIGHT_CON Rel-15 S2-120

AI: 6.15

not treated [WTS] [JSN]
S2-172224 Scope of the TR on Light Connection (FS_LTE_LIGHT_CON) pCR NOKIA, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell 23.723 0.0.0 FS_LTE_LIGHT_CON Rel-15 S2-120

AI: 6.15

merged [WTS] [JSN]
S2-172226 Solutions to identified issues 1, 3, 6, 15, 13 and 17 pCR Intel 23.723 0.0.0 FS_LTE_LIGHT_CON Rel-15 S2-120

AI: 6.15

not treated [WTS] [JSN]
S2-172249 Solutions to the open issues for light connection pCR Huawei, Hisilicon 23.723 0.0.0 FS_LTE_LIGHT_CON Rel-15 S2-120

AI: 6.15

not treated [WTS] [JSN]
S2-172277 Architecture requirements pCR

revised to S2-172440

Intel 23.723 0.0.0 FS_LTE_LIGHT_CON Rel-15 S2-120

AI: 6.15

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S2-172283 On issue #18: Using S-TMSI for RAN paging pCR

revised to S2-172436

Intel 23.723 0.0.0 FS_LTE_LIGHT_CON Rel-15 S2-120

AI: 6.15

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S2-172434 Text for issues 3, 15 and 20 pCR

revision of S2-172059

Huawei, Hisilicon 23.723 0.0.0 FS_LTE_LIGHT_CON Rel-15 S2-120

AI: 6.15

approved [WTS] [JSN]
S2-172435 TR 23.723 Text for issues #21 #25 pCR

revision of S2-172079

Samsung 23.723 0.0.0 FS_LTE_LIGHT_CON Rel-15 S2-120

AI: 6.15

approved [WTS] [JSN]
S2-172436 On issue #18: Using S-TMSI for RAN paging pCR

revision of S2-172283

revised to S2-172799

Intel 23.723 0.0.0 FS_LTE_LIGHT_CON Rel-15 S2-120

AI: 6.15

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S2-172437 Discussion on Light Connection feature discussion

revision of S2-172120

Sony, MediaTek, Nokia S2-120

AI: 6.15

approved [WTS] [JSN]
S2-172438 Architectural and functional requirements pCR

revision of S2-172219

revised to S2-172800

NOKIA, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell 23.723 0.0.0 FS_LTE_LIGHT_CON Rel-15 S2-120

AI: 6.15

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S2-172439 On Support of ACB pCR

revision of S2-172216

NOKIA, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell 23.723 0.0.0 FS_LTE_LIGHT_CON Rel-15 S2-120

AI: 6.15

approved [WTS] [JSN]
S2-172440 Architecture requirements pCR

revision of S2-172277

Intel 23.723 0.0.0 FS_LTE_LIGHT_CON Rel-15 S2-120

AI: 6.15

noted [WTS] [JSN]
S2-172441 Draft LS On Access Control Barring for RAN-level power saving state in the EPS LS out


revision of S2-172213

revised to S2-172801

Nokia, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Rel-15 S2-120

AI: 6.15

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S2-172442 Detailed description of the issues listed in S2-170698 pCR

revision of S2-172632

revised to S2-172798

Nokia, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell 23.723 0.0.0 FS_LTE_LIGHT_CON Rel-15 S2-120

AI: 6.15

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S2-172629 Skeleton for the TR on LTE Light Connection (FS_LTE_LIGHT_CON) discussion

revision of S2-171947

Rapporteur (Intel) Rel-15 S2-120

AI: 6.15

approved [WTS] [JSN]
S2-172630 Scope of the TR on LTE Light Connection (FS_LTE_LIGHT_CON; TR 23.723). discussion

revision of S2-171951

revised to S2-172796

Rapporteur (Intel) Rel-15 S2-120

AI: 6.15

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S2-172631 Text for issues 12, 14, 16, 19, 23 and 24 discussion

revision of S2-171923

revised to S2-172797

Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-15 S2-120

AI: 6.15

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S2-172632 Detailed description of the issues listed in S2-170698 pCR

revision of S2-171840

revised to S2-172442

Nokia, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell 23.723 0.0.0 FS_LTE_LIGHT_CON Rel-15 S2-120

AI: 6.15

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S2-172796 Scope of the TR on LTE Light Connection (FS_LTE_LIGHT_CON; TR 23.723). discussion

revision of S2-172630

Rapporteur (Intel) Rel-15 S2-120

AI: 6.15

approved [WTS] [JSN]
S2-172797 Text for issues 12, 14, 16, 19, 23 and 24 discussion

revision of S2-172631

Qualcomm Incorporated Rel-15 S2-120

AI: 6.15

approved [WTS] [JSN]
S2-172798 Detailed description of the issues listed in S2-170698 pCR

revision of S2-172442

Nokia, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell 23.723 0.0.0 FS_LTE_LIGHT_CON Rel-15 S2-120

AI: 6.15

approved [WTS] [JSN]
S2-172799 On issue #18: Using S-TMSI for RAN paging pCR

revision of S2-172436

Intel 23.723 0.0.0 FS_LTE_LIGHT_CON Rel-15 S2-120

AI: 6.15

approved [WTS] [JSN]
S2-172800 Architectural and functional requirements pCR

revision of S2-172438

NOKIA, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell 23.723 0.0.0 FS_LTE_LIGHT_CON Rel-15 S2-120

AI: 6.15

approved [WTS] [JSN]
S2-172801 Draft LS On Access Control Barring for RAN-level power saving state in the EPS LS out


revision of S2-172441

revised to S2-172802

Nokia, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell Rel-15 S2-120

AI: 6.15

revised [WTS] [JSN]
S2-172802 LS On Access Control Barring for RAN-level power saving state in the EPS LS out


LS reply in S1-172102, S1-172217, S1-172387, S1-172408, S1-172433

revision of S2-172801

SA WG2 Rel-15 S2-120

AI: 6.15

approved [WTS] [JSN]

49 documents (0.36171197891235 seconds)