Please enter the search related information in the fields below. Partial information works, e.g. "SP-21" in the "tdoc" field lists all TSG SA documents from 2021. Regular expressions mostly work in all fields (e.g. "2[34].501" in the "Spec" field lists all documents related to 23.501 and 24.501. Capitalization is disregarded, i.e. "3GPP" gives the same results as "3gpp".

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tdoc Title Type / Revs Source Spec / CR S/WID Release Meeting Status Links
C1-163187 Correcting the sending of the Floor Release message CR

revised to C1-163700

Ericsson / Janne 24.38 13.1.0 CR#62 catF MCPTT-CT Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
C1-163188 Priority sharing discussion Ericsson / Janne MCPTT-CT Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

noted [WTS] [JSN]
C1-163192 Providing an notification to MCPTT clients that they are grouped into a temporary group CR

revised to C1-163701

Ericsson / Janne 24.38 13.1.0 CR#63 catF MCPTT-CT Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
C1-163194 Correcting reference errors in CR Ericsson / Janne 24.38 13.1.0 CR#64 catF MCPTT-CT Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
C1-163195 Determine priority error corrections CR Ericsson / Janne 24.38 13.1.0 CR#65 catF MCPTT-CT Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

merged [WTS] [JSN]
C1-163204 Adding missing condition when timer T233 (Pending user action) expires CR Ericsson / Janne 24.38 13.1.0 CR#66 catF MCPTT-CT Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

merged [WTS] [JSN]
C1-163205 Adding reference about MBMS in participating MCPTT function CR

revised to C1-163702

Ericsson / Janne 24.38 13.1.0 CR#67 catF MCPTT-CT Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
C1-163206 Updating the reference to the configurable counter C17 CR Ericsson / Janne 24.38 13.1.0 CR#68 catF MCPTT-CT Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
C1-163207 Resolving an editor's note about broadcast group call CR

revised to C1-163737

Ericsson / Janne 24.379 13.1.0 CR#128 catF MCPTT-CT Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
C1-163215 Moving overriding speaker - media control part CR

revised to C1-163703

Ericsson / Janne 24.38 13.1.0 CR#69 catF MCPTT-CT Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
C1-163216 Switching between unicast bearer and the MBMS bearer based on MBMS listening status CR

revised to C1-163704

Ericsson, Huawei / Janne 24.38 13.1.0 CR#70 catF MCPTT-CT Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
C1-163233 MCPTT client ID CR Ericsson / Ivo 24.379 13.1.1 CR#136 catF MCPTT-CT Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
C1-163234 Removing private session from non-controlling MCPTT function CR

revised to C1-163705

Ericsson / Janne 24.38 13.1.1 CR#71 catF MCPTT-CT Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
C1-163237 Adding dual floor procedures in the non-controlling MCPTT function CR

revised to C1-163706

Ericsson / Janne 24.38 13.1.1 CR#72 catF MCPTT-CT Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
C1-163265 Corrections needed for alignment within TS CR

revised to C1-163707

U.S. Department of Commerce 24.38 13.1.1 CR#73 catF MCPTT-CT Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
C1-163287 Correction of timers in Queued state for on-network floor participant CR

revised to C1-163708

Airbus DS SLC 24.38 13.1.1 CR#74 catF MCPTT-CT Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
C1-163321 Small error corrections CR Ericsson / Janne 24.38 13.1.1 CR#75 catF MCPTT-CT Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
C1-163435 Corrections for non-controlling MCPTT function CR

revised to C1-163709

Motorola Solutions / Baruh 24.38 13.1.1 CR#76 catF MCPTT-CT Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
C1-163436 Split action in a non-controlling MCPTT function CR

revised to C1-163710

Motorola Solutions / Baruh 24.38 13.1.1 CR#77 catF MCPTT-CT Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
C1-163437 Handling Floor Ack in the non-controlling MCPTT Function CR

revised to C1-163711

Motorola Solutions / Baruh 24.38 13.1.1 CR#78 catF MCPTT-CT Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
C1-163438 Preemptive Floor Request for Emergency Call CR

revised to C1-163712

Motorola Solutions / Baruh 24.38 13.1.1 CR#79 catF MCPTT-CT Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
C1-163562 Floor Granted to queued UE CR

revised to C1-163793

Samsung/Nishant 24.38 13.1.1 CR#81 catF MCPTT-CT Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
C1-163563 Queue info field CR Samsung/Nishant 24.38 13.1.1 CR#82 catF MCPTT-CT Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

merged [WTS] [JSN]
C1-163565 Off-network - Inactivity timer CR

revised to C1-163741

Samsung/Nishant 24.38 13.1.1 CR#83 catF MCPTT-CT Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
C1-163566 Off-network - Transmition time limit CR

revised to C1-163742

Samsung/Nishant 24.38 13.1.1 CR#84 catF MCPTT-CT Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
C1-163612 Renumbering and reordering of misplaced subclauses. CR

revised to C1-163794

Ericsson /Jörgen 24.38 13.1.1 CR#85 catF MCPTT-Prof Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
C1-163660 Coding for group communication security CR

revision of C1-162899

revised to C1-163730

Samsung 24.381 13.1.0 CR#161 catB MCPTT-CT Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
C1-163700 Correcting the sending of the Floor Release message CR

revision of C1-163187

Ericsson / Janne 24.38 13.1.1 CR#621 catF MCPTT-CT Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
C1-163701 Providing an notification to MCPTT clients that they are grouped into a temporary group CR

revision of C1-163192

Ericsson / Janne 24.38 13.1.1 CR#631 catF MCPTT-CT Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
C1-163702 Adding reference about MBMS in participating MCPTT function CR

revision of C1-163205

Ericsson / Janne 24.38 13.1.1 CR#671 catF MCPTT-CT Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
C1-163703 Moving overriding speaker - media control part CR

revision of C1-163215

Ericsson / Janne 24.38 13.1.1 CR#691 catF MCPTT-CT Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
C1-163704 Switching between unicast bearer and the MBMS bearer based on MBMS listening status CR

revision of C1-163216

revised to C1-163944

Ericsson, Huawei / Janne 24.38 13.1.1 CR#701 catF MCPTT-CT Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
C1-163706 Adding dual floor procedures in the non-controlling MCPTT function CR

revision of C1-163237

Ericsson / Janne 24.38 13.1.1 CR#721 catF MCPTT-CT Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
C1-163707 Corrections needed for alignment within TS CR

revision of C1-163265

U.S. Department of Commerce 24.38 13.1.1 CR#731 catF MCPTT-CT Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
C1-163708 Correction of timers in Queued state for on-network floor participant CR

revision of C1-163287

revised to C1-163937

Airbus DS SLC 24.38 13.1.1 CR#741 catF MCPTT-CT Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
C1-163709 Corrections for non-controlling MCPTT function CR

revision of C1-163435

Motorola Solutions / Baruh 24.38 13.1.1 CR#761 catF MCPTT-CT Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
C1-163711 Handling Floor Ack in the non-controlling MCPTT Function CR

revision of C1-163437

revised to C1-163939

Motorola Solutions / Baruh 24.38 13.1.1 CR#781 catF MCPTT-CT Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
C1-163712 Preemptive Floor Request for Emergency Call CR

revision of C1-163438

revised to C1-163940

Motorola Solutions / Baruh 24.38 13.1.1 CR#791 catF MCPTT-CT Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

revised [WTS] [JSN]
C1-163730 Coding for group communication security CR

revision of C1-163660

Samsung 24.381 13.1.0 CR#162 catB MCPTT-CT Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
C1-163737 Resolving an editor's note about broadcast group call CR

revision of C1-163207

Ericsson / Janne 24.379 13.1.1 CR#1281 catF MCPTT-CT Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
C1-163741 Off-network - Inactivity timer CR

revision of C1-163565

Samsung/Nishant 24.38 13.1.1 CR#831 catF MCPTT-CT Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
C1-163742 Off-network - Transmition time limit CR

revision of C1-163566

Samsung/Nishant 24.38 13.1.1 CR#841 catF MCPTT-CT Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
C1-163793 Floor Granted to queued UE CR

revision of C1-163562

Samsung/Nishant 24.38 13.1.1 CR#811 catF MCPTT-CT Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
C1-163794 Renumbering and reordering of misplaced subclauses. CR

revision of C1-163612

Ericsson /Jörgen 24.38 13.1.1 CR#851 catF MCPTT-CT Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
C1-163937 Correction of timers in Queued state for on-network floor participant CR

revision of C1-163708

Airbus DS SLC 24.38 13.1.1 CR#742 catF MCPTT-CT Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
C1-163939 Handling Floor Ack in the non-controlling MCPTT Function CR

revision of C1-163711

Motorola Solutions, Airwave 24.38 13.1.1 CR#782 catF MCPTT-CT Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
C1-163940 Preemptive Floor Request for Emergency Call CR

revision of C1-163712

Motorola Solutions, Airwave 24.38 13.1.1 CR#792 catF MCPTT-CT Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
C1-163944 Switching between unicast bearer and the MBMS bearer based on MBMS listening status CR

revision of C1-163704

Ericsson, Huawei 24.38 13.1.1 CR#702 catF MCPTT-CT Rel-13 C1-99

AI: 13.3.2

agreed [WTS] [JSN]

48 documents (0.30898404121399 seconds)