Please enter the search related information in the fields below. Partial information works, e.g. "SP-21" in the "tdoc" field lists all TSG SA documents from 2021. Regular expressions mostly work in all fields (e.g. "2[34].501" in the "Spec" field lists all documents related to 23.501 and 24.501. Capitalization is disregarded, i.e. "3GPP" gives the same results as "3gpp".

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tdoc Title Type / Revs Source Spec / CR S/WID Release Meeting Status Links
C1-150043 Insertion of “operator-specific-GI” in PANI by the AS CR

revision of C1-144001

revised to C1-150576

Orange/Youssef 24.229 13.0.0 CR#50354 catB IMSProtoc7 Rel-13 C1-90

AI: 13.12

revised [WTS] [JSN]
C1-150044 Closure of TCP connections CR

revised to C1-150577

Orange/Youssef 24.229 13.0.0 CR#5163 catB IMSProtoc7 Rel-13 C1-90

AI: 13.12

revised [WTS] [JSN]
C1-150045 phone-context setting CR

revised to C1-150578

Orange/Youssef 24.229 13.0.0 CR#5164 catF IMSProtoc7 Rel-13 C1-90

AI: 13.12

revised [WTS] [JSN]
C1-150046 P-Early-Media & Preconditions interaction clarification CR

revised to C1-150579

Orange/Youssef 24.229 13.0.0 CR#5165 catF IMSProtoc7 Rel-13 C1-90

AI: 13.12

revised [WTS] [JSN]
C1-150048 Mapping between cell-id and Geolocation Identifier CR

revised to C1-150580

Orange/Youssef 24.229 13.0.0 CR#5167 catB IMSProtoc7 Rel-13 C1-90

AI: 13.12

revised [WTS] [JSN]
C1-150056 Precondition and swap of 200 for UPDATE and 180/200 for INVITE CR

revised to C1-150581

Ericsson / Ivo 24.229 13.0.0 CR#5169 catF IMSProtoc7 Rel-13 C1-90

AI: 13.12

revised [WTS] [JSN]
C1-150113 Correction of reference identifier for RFC 6026 CR Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell 24.229 13.0.0 CR#5187 catF IMSProtoc7 Rel-13 C1-90

AI: 13.12

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
C1-150240 Allowing THIG for the Path header field CR

revised to C1-150583

Ericsson / Janne 24.229 13.0.0 CR#5232 catF IMSProtoc7 Rel-13 C1-90

AI: 13.12

revised [WTS] [JSN]
C1-150316 Chargiong related definitions CR Alcatel-Lucent, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell / Keith Drage 24.229 13.0.0 CR#5255 catF IMSProtoc7 Rel-13 C1-90

AI: 13.12

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
C1-150367 Determination of host part of SIP URI used n Request-URI when representing telephone numers as SIP URIs CR

revision of C1-144773

revised to C1-150584

Qualcomm Incorporated/Subra 24.229 13.0.0 CR#446611 catF IMSProtoc7 Rel-13 C1-90

AI: 13.12

revised [WTS] [JSN]
C1-150576 Insertion of “operator-specific-GI” in PANI by the AS CR

revision of C1-150043

revised to C1-150785

Orange/Youssef 24.229 13.0.0 CR#50355 catB IMSProtoc7 Rel-13 C1-90

AI: 13.12

revised [WTS] [JSN]
C1-150577 Closure of TCP connections CR

revision of C1-150044

revised to C1-150786

Orange/Youssef 24.229 13.0.0 CR#51631 catB IMSProtoc7 Rel-13 C1-90

AI: 13.12

revised [WTS] [JSN]
C1-150578 phone-context setting CR

revision of C1-150045

revised to C1-150787

Orange/Youssef 24.229 13.0.0 CR#51641 catF IMSProtoc7 Rel-13 C1-90

AI: 13.12

revised [WTS] [JSN]
C1-150579 P-Early-Media & Preconditions interaction clarification CR

revision of C1-150046

revised to C1-150788

Orange/Youssef 24.229 13.0.0 CR#51651 catF IMSProtoc7 Rel-13 C1-90

AI: 13.12

revised [WTS] [JSN]
C1-150580 Mapping between cell-id and Geolocation Identifier CR

revision of C1-150048

revised to C1-150789

Orange/Youssef 24.229 13.0.0 CR#51671 catB IMSProtoc7 Rel-13 C1-90

AI: 13.12

revised [WTS] [JSN]
C1-150581 Precondition and swap of 200 for UPDATE and 180/200 for INVITE CR

revision of C1-150056

revised to C1-151028

Ericsson / Ivo 24.229 13.0.0 CR#51691 catF IMSProtoc7 Rel-13 C1-90

AI: 13.12

postponed [WTS] [JSN]
C1-150583 Allowing THIG for the Path header field CR

revision of C1-150240

Ericsson / Janne 24.229 13.0.0 CR#52321 catF IMSProtoc7 Rel-13 C1-90

AI: 13.12

postponed [WTS] [JSN]
C1-150584 Determination of host part of SIP URI used n Request-URI when representing telephone numers as SIP URIs CR

revision of C1-150367

Qualcomm Incorporated/Subra 24.229 13.0.0 CR#446612 catF IMSProtoc7 Rel-13 C1-90

AI: 13.12

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
C1-150785 Insertion of “operator-specific-GI” in PANI by the AS CR

revision of C1-150576

Orange/Youssef 24.229 13.0.0 CR#50356 catB IMSProtoc7 Rel-13 C1-90

AI: 13.12

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
C1-150786 Closure of TCP connections CR

revision of C1-150577

revised to C1-151267

Orange 24.229 13.0.0 CR#51632 catB IMSProtoc7 Rel-13 C1-90

AI: 13.12

postponed [WTS] [JSN]
C1-150787 phone-context setting CR

revision of C1-150578

revised to C1-150897

Orange 24.229 13.0.0 CR#51642 catF IMSProtoc7 Rel-13 C1-90

AI: 13.12

revised [WTS] [JSN]
C1-150788 P-Early-Media & Preconditions interaction clarification CR

revision of C1-150579

Orange/Youssef 24.229 13.0.0 CR#51652 catF IMSProtoc7 Rel-13 C1-90

AI: 13.12

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
C1-150789 Mapping between cell-id and Geolocation Identifier CR

revision of C1-150580

Orange 24.229 13.0.0 CR#51672 catB IMSProtoc7 Rel-13 C1-90

AI: 13.12

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
C1-150897 phone-context setting CR

revision of C1-150787

Orange 24.229 13.0.0 CR#51643 catF IMSProtoc7 Rel-13 C1-90

AI: 13.12

agreed [WTS] [JSN]

24 documents (0.33507394790649 seconds)