Please enter the search related information in the fields below. Partial information works, e.g. "SP-21" in the "tdoc" field lists all TSG SA documents from 2021. Regular expressions mostly work in all fields (e.g. "2[34].501" in the "Spec" field lists all documents related to 23.501 and 24.501. Capitalization is disregarded, i.e. "3GPP" gives the same results as "3gpp".

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tdoc Title Type / Revs Source Spec / CR S/WID Release Meeting Status Links
R4-167257 NR coexistence study methodology and assumption other Intel Corporation R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R4-167258 Simulation results for calibration - Indoor other Intel Corporation R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R4-167259 Simulation results for calibration - Dense Urban other Intel Corporation R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R4-167260 Simulation results for calibration - Urban Macro other Intel Corporation R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R4-167261 Simulation results of urban macro performance other Intel Corporation R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R4-167262 On remaining simulation assumptions other Intel Corporation R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R4-167371 Calibration results for NR coexistence study discussion Samsung FS_NR_newRAT Rel-14 R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R4-167372 ACIR results for NR coexistence study in urban macro scenario discussion Samsung FS_NR_newRAT Rel-14 R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R4-167373 ACIR results for NR coexistence study in dense urban scenario discussion Samsung FS_NR_newRAT Rel-14 R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R4-167548 Discussion on antenna modelling for indoor scenario discussion CATT FS_NR_newRAT Rel-14 R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R4-167549 Discussion on co-existence results for Urban Macro discussion CATT FS_NR_newRAT Rel-14 R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R4-167550 Calibration results for urban macro discussion CATT FS_NR_newRAT Rel-14 R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R4-167551 Calibration results for dense urban discussion CATT FS_NR_newRAT Rel-14 R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R4-167552 Discussion on TPC model for 5G NR co-existence study discussion CATT FS_NR_newRAT Rel-14 R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

withdrawn [WTS] [JSN]
R4-167720 TP for 38.803 ACLR/ACS modeling pCR Huawei, Hisilicon 38.803 0.0.1 FS_NR_newRAT R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

approved [WTS] [JSN]
R4-167721 SINR vs throughput mapping other Huawei, Hisilicon FS_NR_newRAT Rel-14 R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R4-167722 TP for TR 38.803 SINR vs throughput mapping pCR Huawei, Hisilicon 38.803 0.0.1 FS_NR_newRAT R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R4-167723 On power control related parameters discussion Huawei, Hisilicon FS_NR_newRAT Rel-14 R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

withdrawn [WTS] [JSN]
R4-167724 NR coexistence calibration results for indoor scenario discussion Huawei, Hisilicon FS_NR_newRAT Rel-14 R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R4-167725 NR coexistence calibration results for urban macro scenario discussion Huawei, Hisilicon FS_NR_newRAT Rel-14 R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R4-167726 NR coexistence calibration results for dense urban scenario discussion Huawei, Hisilicon FS_NR_newRAT Rel-14 R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R4-167750 Clarifications about UE antenna modeling for NR coexistence study other Qualcomm Incorporated FS_NR_newRAT R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R4-167751 On the Uplink power control for NR coexistence study other

revised to R4-168765

Qualcomm Incorporated FS_NR_newRAT R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

revised [WTS] [JSN]
R4-167752 Simulation results for NR coexistence study in Urban Macro scenario: downlink case other Qualcomm Incorporated FS_NR_newRAT R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R4-167753 Simulation results for NR coexistence study in Urban Macro scenario: uplink case other Qualcomm Incorporated FS_NR_newRAT R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R4-167990 On the ACS for multiple receiver chains discussion Ericsson FS_NR_newRAT Rel-14 R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R4-168084 Proposal on multi-operators layout assumptions for coexistence study for WP5D on new radio access technology other

revised to R4-168939

Nokia, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell FS_NR_newRAT R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

revised [WTS] [JSN]
R4-168085 Proposal on DL throughput approximation equations for coexistence study for WP5D on new radio access technology other Nokia, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell FS_NR_newRAT R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R4-168086 Proposal on BS ACLR offsets for coexistence study for WP5D on new radio access technology other Nokia, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell FS_NR_newRAT R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

approved [WTS] [JSN]
R4-168087 Proposal on UL power control parameters for coexistence study for WP5D on new radio access technology other Nokia, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell FS_NR_newRAT R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R4-168088 Simulation results for coexistence study for WP5D on new radio access technology other Nokia, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell FS_NR_newRAT R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R4-168144 Discussion on UE min Tx power for NR power control discussion ZTE Corporation R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

approved [WTS] [JSN]
R4-168145 Further discussion on the uplink power control of NR discussion ZTE Corporation R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R4-168146 Calibration results for NR coexistence study in Urban Macro scenario discussion ZTE Corporation R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R4-168151 Calibration results for NR coexistence study in dense urban scenario discussion ZTE Corporation R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R4-168152 Calibration results for NR coexistence study in indoor hotspot scenario discussion ZTE Corporation R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R4-168384 On the impact of the ACS pattern to co-existence other Ericsson FS_NR_newRAT Rel-14 R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

approved [WTS] [JSN]
R4-168395 Further Way forward on BS Beamforming Model for the ITU WP5D coexistence simulations other

revised to R4-168764

HuaWei Technologies Co., Ltd Rel-14 R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

revised [WTS] [JSN]
R4-168466 Summary of simulation results for calibration on NR coexistence study for WP5D other NTT DOCOMO INC. FS_NR_newRAT R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R4-168502 Simulation results of NR co-existence for calibration discussion China Telecom R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R4-168511 TP on Co-existence simulation scenario, assumption, and methodology for TR 38.803 pCR NTT DOCOMO INC. 38.803 0.0.1 FS_NR_newRAT R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R4-168524 TP for NR Rel-14 TR 38.803: Simulation assumptions and scenarios pCR Ericsson 38.803 0.0.1 FS_NR_newRAT R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

withdrawn [WTS] [JSN]
R4-168530 Further elaboration on Noise Figure for mm-waves other Ericsson FS_NR_newRAT Rel-14 R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R4-168531 Way forward on UE and BS NF for mm-waves and ITU-R related work other

revised to R4-168770

Ericsson FS_NR_newRAT Rel-14 R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

revised [WTS] [JSN]
R4-168532 Consideration on co-ex KPI:s for mm-wave other Ericsson FS_NR_newRAT Rel-14 R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R4-168533 Indoor BS antenna patterns for coexistence studies related to mmwave NR systems other Ericsson FS_NR_newRAT Rel-14 R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R4-168534 Simulations results for coexistence studies in 30GHz other Ericsson FS_NR_newRAT Rel-14 R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R4-168535 Simulations results for coexistence studies in 45GHz other Ericsson FS_NR_newRAT Rel-14 R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R4-168536 Simulations results for coexistence studies in 70GHz other Ericsson FS_NR_newRAT Rel-14 R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R4-168582 Downlink initial simulation results for NR coexistence study discussion NEC FS_NR_newRAT Rel-15 R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R4-168585 Calibration results for NR co-existence study discussion NEC FS_NR_newRAT Rel-15 R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R4-168764 Further Way forward on urban micro layout and BS Beamforming Model other

revision of R4-168395

revised to R4-168794

HuaWei Technologies Co., Ltd Rel-14 R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
R4-168765 On the Uplink power control for NR coexistence study other

revision of R4-167751

Qualcomm Incorporated FS_NR_newRAT R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R4-168766 WF on the Uplink power control for NR coexistence study other Qualcomm Incorporated R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

withdrawn [WTS] [JSN]
R4-168767 WF on SINR vs throughput mapping discussion Huawei, Hisilicon R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

approved [WTS] [JSN]
R4-168770 Way forward on UE and BS NF for mm-waves and ITU-R related work other

revision of R4-168531

Ericsson FS_NR_newRAT Rel-14 R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R4-168794 Further Way forward on urban micro layout and BS Beamforming Model other

revision of R4-168764

HuaWei Technologies Co., Ltd Rel-14 R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

approved [WTS] [JSN]
R4-168795 WF on simulation parameters for Urban macro and TPC model discussion NTT DOCOMO, INC. R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

approved [WTS] [JSN]
R4-168939 Proposal on multi-operators layout assumptions for coexistence study for WP5D on new radio access technology other

revision of R4-168084

Nokia, Alcatel-Lucent Shanghai Bell FS_NR_newRAT R4-80

AI: 10.3.1

approved [WTS] [JSN]
R4-168941 Simulation assumptions for WP5D co-existence simulation discussion

revised to R4-168953


AI: 10.3.1

revised [WTS] [JSN]
R4-168953 Simulation assumptions for WP5D co-existence simulation discussion

revision of R4-168941


AI: 10.3.1

approved [WTS] [JSN]

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