Please enter the search related information in the fields below. Partial information works, e.g. "SP-21" in the "tdoc" field lists all TSG SA documents from 2021. Regular expressions mostly work in all fields (e.g. "2[34].501" in the "Spec" field lists all documents related to 23.501 and 24.501. Capitalization is disregarded, i.e. "3GPP" gives the same results as "3gpp".

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tdoc Title Type / Revs Source Spec / CR S/WID Release Meeting Status Links
R3-182562 Reply LS on QoS LS in

source LS: S2-184359

3GPP SA2 R3-100

AI: 10.1.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R3-182591 Signaling 5QI in QoS Profile pCR Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell 38.413 0.8.0 NR_newRAT Rel-15 R3-100

AI: 10.1.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R3-182592 Signaling 5QI in QoS Profile pCR Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell 38.423 0.8.0 NR_newRAT Rel-15 R3-100

AI: 10.1.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R3-182593 LS on signaling of dynamic 5QI values LS out

LS To: SA2

revised to R3-183409

Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell Rel-15 R3-100

AI: 10.1.1

revised [WTS] [JSN]
R3-182594 Handling of notification control in TS 38.423 pCR Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell 38.423 0.8.0 NR_newRAT Rel-15 R3-100

AI: 10.1.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R3-182595 (TP for SA BL CR for TS 38.473): Handling of notification control in TS 38.473 other Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell Rel-15 R3-100

AI: 10.1.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R3-182625 Further Discussion and 38.423 pCR on Xn Notification pCR ZTE 38.423 0.8.0 NR_newRAT Rel-15 R3-100

AI: 10.1.1

available [WTS] [JSN]
R3-182695 Correction on Additional QoS information pCR

revised to R3-183410

Ericsson 38.413 0.8.0 NR_newRAT-Core Rel-15 R3-100

AI: 10.1.1

revised [WTS] [JSN]
R3-182696 Introduction of “Additional QoS flow Information” in XnAP pCR

revised to R3-183411

Ericsson 38.423 0.8.0 NR_newRAT-Core Rel-15 R3-100

AI: 10.1.1

revised [WTS] [JSN]
R3-182697 (TP for NR BL CR for TS 37.340): Notification Control – Text proposal for 37.340 other Ericsson NR_newRAT-Core Rel-15 R3-100

AI: 10.1.1

available [WTS] [JSN]
R3-182698 (TP for NR BL CR for TS 38.300): Notification Control – Text proposal for 38.300 other Ericsson NR_newRAT-Core Rel-15 R3-100

AI: 10.1.1

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
R3-182699 Notification Control – Text proposal for 38.423 pCR Ericsson 38.423 0.8.0 NR_newRAT-Core Rel-15 R3-100

AI: 10.1.1

available [WTS] [JSN]
R3-182901 Xn Notification Control TP for 38.420 pCR CATT 38.42 0.8.0 NR_newRAT Rel-15 R3-100

AI: 10.1.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R3-182902 Xn Notification Control TP for 38.423 pCR CATT 38.423 0.8.0 NR_newRAT Rel-15 R3-100

AI: 10.1.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R3-182903 (TP for NR BL CR for TS 38.470):F1 Notification Control other CATT NR_newRAT Rel-15 R3-100

AI: 10.1.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R3-182904 (TP for NR BL CR for TS 38.473):F1 Notification Control other CATT NR_newRAT Rel-15 R3-100

AI: 10.1.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R3-183028 Discussion on the extension of QFI -TP to Xn pCR

revised to R3-183349

Samsung 38.423 0.8.0 NR_newRAT-Core Rel-15 R3-100

AI: 10.1.1

revised [WTS] [JSN]
R3-183029 Discussion on the extension of QFI -TP to NG pCR

revised to R3-183405

Samsung 38.413 0.8.0 NR_newRAT-Core Rel-15 R3-100

AI: 10.1.1

revised [WTS] [JSN]
R3-183058 Completion of QoS Parameters (NGAP) pCR

revised to R3-183406

Huawei 38.413 0.8.0 NR_newRAT Rel-15 R3-100

AI: 10.1.1

revised [WTS] [JSN]
R3-183059 Completion of QoS Parameters (XnAP) pCR

revised to R3-183407

Huawei 38.423 0.8.0 NR_newRAT Rel-15 R3-100

AI: 10.1.1

revised [WTS] [JSN]
R3-183060 (TP for NR BL CR for TS 38.473) Completion of QoS Parameters other

revised to R3-183408

Huawei Rel-15 R3-100

AI: 10.1.1

revised [WTS] [JSN]
R3-183196 (TP for SA BL CR for TS 38.473): Notification control over F1 other

revised to R3-183412

Ericsson NR_newRAT-Core Rel-15 R3-100

AI: 10.1.1

revised [WTS] [JSN]
R3-183268 Resolving the remaining FFS on 5QI in QoS profile of TS 38.413 pCR CMCC 38.413 0.8.0 NR_newRAT Rel-15 R3-100

AI: 10.1.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R3-183269 Resolving the remaining FFS on 5QI in QoS profile of TS 38.423 pCR CMCC 38.423 0.8.0 NR_newRAT Rel-15 R3-100

AI: 10.1.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R3-183303 Response to R3-183028 response Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell NR_newRAT-Core Rel-15 R3-100

AI: 10.1.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R3-183304 Response to R3-183029 response Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell NR_newRAT-Core Rel-15 R3-100

AI: 10.1.1

noted [WTS] [JSN]
R3-183349 Discussion on the extension of QFI -TP to Xn pCR

revision of R3-183028

revised to R3-183404

Samsung 38.423 0.8.0 NR_newRAT-Core Rel-15 R3-100

AI: 10.1.1

revised [WTS] [JSN]
R3-183404 Discussion on the extension of QFI -TP to Xn pCR

revision of R3-183349

Samsung 38.423 0.8.0 NR_newRAT-Core Rel-15 R3-100

AI: 10.1.1

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
R3-183405 Discussion on the extension of QFI -TP to NG pCR

revision of R3-183029

Samsung 38.413 0.8.0 NR_newRAT-Core Rel-15 R3-100

AI: 10.1.1

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
R3-183406 Completion of QoS Parameters (NGAP) pCR

revision of R3-183058

Huawei 38.413 0.8.0 NR_newRAT Rel-15 R3-100

AI: 10.1.1

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
R3-183407 Completion of QoS Parameters (XnAP) pCR

revision of R3-183059

Huawei 38.423 0.8.0 NR_newRAT Rel-15 R3-100

AI: 10.1.1

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
R3-183408 (TP for NR BL CR for TS 38.473) Completion of QoS Parameters other

revision of R3-183060

Huawei Rel-15 R3-100

AI: 10.1.1

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
R3-183409 LS on signalling of dynamic 5QI values LS out

LS To: SA2

LS reply in S2-186540

revision of R3-182593

Nokia, Nokia Shanghai Bell Rel-15 R3-100

AI: 10.1.1

approved [WTS] [JSN]
R3-183410 Correction on Additional QoS information pCR

revision of R3-182695

Ericsson 38.413 0.8.0 NR_newRAT-Core Rel-15 R3-100

AI: 10.1.1

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
R3-183411 Introduction of “Additional QoS flow Information” in XnAP pCR

revision of R3-182696

Ericsson 38.423 0.8.0 NR_newRAT-Core Rel-15 R3-100

AI: 10.1.1

agreed [WTS] [JSN]
R3-183412 (TP for SA BL CR for TS 38.473): Notification control over F1 other

revision of R3-183196

Ericsson NR_newRAT-Core Rel-15 R3-100

AI: 10.1.1

agreed [WTS] [JSN]

36 documents (0.37807416915894 seconds)